Note: The Pathfinder RPG Prerelease Discussion forums will be locked on Friday, October 16, 2009. You will not be able to create new posts after this date, but existing discussion will still be available for reading.

When starting a thread, please list rules in question and a page reference in the subject line of the thread. For example, New Combat Feats - Page 34. Please take a good look through all of the threads first to see if there is already one in progress about the rules in question. As future Alpha releases become available, new forums will be created to support those releases.

Alpha Release 1

General Discussion
Races & Classes
Skills & Feats
Combat & Magic

Community / Forums / Archive / Pathfinder / Playtests & Prerelease Discussions / Pathfinder Roleplaying Game / Alpha Playtest Feedback / Alpha Release 1 All Messageboards