The "Give 4E a Better Name" Thread

4th Edition

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Jon Brazer Enterprises

You knew it was coming and only amount of time before SOMEONE started this thread. Now is your time to chime in and Give 4E a Better Name. Remember: all names are merely an extension of someone's opinion so do not treat these as gospel truth. Also, this is meant to be a fun thread, so have fun with it.

My nominations:
Exalted d20,
Dungeons & Dragonball 4Z,
Crap: The RPG,
WotC Hackmaster,
Disgustingly Overpowered Munchkins, and

i love bob. if it were up to me, everything would be named bob.

"have you seen my bob?"

"im going to drive the bob to the bob to pick up some bob."

"i would like a bob, with a side order of bob."

"hey! you bob over there."

see how much easier life would be?

Dark Archive

Bob4E sounds good. ;-D

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Warlocks and Warlords

Sovereign Court

The name for this product is up to the ringlords. In any case, I agree, 4E is not Dungeons & Dragons, it is a departure from 30+ years of intellectual and social history and they no longer deserve to be stewards of our game. One suggested name might be ILLEGITIMATE edition (IE).

Some ideas:

Fourth Times A Charm

Spruschenschteizscht: The Gathering

Almost 5th Edition

Sword Game


DitheringFool wrote:
Warlocks and Warlords

Dude, let's play some W&W this weekend...

Dark Archive

A play off of AD&D...

Improved Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons: The Quickening

Dungeons and Dragons: A New Hope

Dungeons and Dragons Turbo


Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

How about Dumbed And Downscaled Adventure, DD ;-)


Seriously, I'm not sure how 4th edition sounds.

D&D: Revised?
D&D Saga? (No too many card memories)

Dungeons and Dragonball made me laugh.

Warlocks and Wuxia?

Tieflings and Tails?

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:

Warlocks and Wuxia?

I like that one.

The Neverending Edition part 1

4th Edition: Quest for more money

The Edition we lied about

3D: Death to D&D

Dungeons and Dragons -o-rama

Dudes and Demons

Vaults and Virgins

Oubliettes and Orangutans - hey, I'd play it!

Dark Archive

DangerDwarf wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Warlocks and Wuxia?
I like that one.

Or even better, how about:

Whupass & Wuxia

I'd so play that.

Dungeons & Dragons: The ADHD Edition

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Dungeons and Dragons: The Collectible Card and Minis Game (Edition -1).

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'm still sticking with DDINO- D&D In Name Only

CEBrown wrote:
Dungeons & Dragons: The ADHD Edition

LOL -- that one's great!

Big Bill RPG.

Big Bill was a player in the first D&D circles in the Parisian universities (back in the 70's, when Francois Marcela-Froideval introduced the game) who became legendary for being such a rule advocate and a powergamer with unbelievable amounts of power nobody knew how he did it.

That's pretty much Dumb & Dumber 4.

Dark Archive

IconoclasticScream wrote:
I'm still sticking with DDINO- D&D In Name Only

No fair, name-jacking! 3e has that title. =D

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
hellacious huni wrote:
DitheringFool wrote:
Warlocks and Warlords
Dude, let's play some W&W this weekend...

That's WnW not WoW...

My wife likes to call it Dorks N Dweebs.

"Screw you and your half-orc barbarian!"
"Screw you and your gnome bard!"
"D&D 4E: The Search for More Money" EDIT: Dangit Salintar, you beat me to it...
"4E: Splatcore Books Every Month"

"2008 is gonna be a busy year. Basement hits are however always a

donnald johnson wrote:

i love bob. if it were up to me, everything would be named bob.

"have you seen my bob?"

"im going to drive the bob to the bob to pick up some bob."

"i would like a bob, with a side order of bob."

"hey! you bob over there."

see how much easier life would be?

By Bob, I assume you mean Smurf.

Dark Archive

New D&D (we all know how New Coke went over)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

And in the spirit of "fun", I say such an "abomination" can only be called Mazes and Monsters


The Exchange

Thank God Cause 3.5 is Dying and I Need Some New Rule Now

or just Dungeons & Dragons

Scarab Sages

crosswiredmind wrote:

Thank God Cause 3.5 is Dying and I Need Some New Rule Now

or just Dungeons & Dragons

Geez, you missed the point of this thread, but you did manage to work your point of view into yet another thread :)

And if you need new rules it's not like there aren't dozens of other good systems out there. Why try to kill what is the most successful RPG probably in history so it can be replaced with its immature, rushed little brother?

D&D4: Babies and Bathwater
D&D4: Cuz Customers Are Overrated
D&D4: Baaaaaaa!

You could name it...

Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm

I think it's a fine name for an overmarketed, lack of information, poorly designed piece of failed ecological horsecrap.

hmarcbower wrote:
crosswiredmind wrote:

Thank God Cause 3.5 is Dying and I Need Some New Rule Now

or just Dungeons & Dragons

Geez, you missed the point of this thread, but you did manage to work your point of view into yet another thread :)

Because heaven forbid anyone should be a dissenter.

Dung and Drag 4eva

The Exchange

hmarcbower wrote:
Why try to kill what is the most successful RPG probably in history so it can be replaced with its immature, rushed little brother?

Well, it may be successful but that does not mean its a great game. 3.X D&D has some major flaws and is in need of a re-write. As for your contention that 4E has been rushed - simply not the case. WotC has been working on this one for quite some time.

So pardon me if I interrupt the bashing and hating with a much needed reality check - not everyone loves 3.X and some of us are looking for a change.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
crosswiredmind wrote:
hmarcbower wrote:
Why try to kill what is the most successful RPG probably in history so it can be replaced with its immature, rushed little brother?

Well, it may be successful but that does not mean its a great game. 3.X D&D has some major flaws and is in need of a re-write. As for your contention that 4E has been rushed - simply not the case. WotC has been working on this one for quite some time.

So pardon me if I interrupt the bashing and hating with a much needed reality check - not everyone loves 3.X and some of us are looking for a change.

Well, for the record, I DO love 3.X! And yes, for a game that they have been working on for such a long time; 4E sure looks like crap to me. Maybe they should have been developing better PR along with this so-called superior system. Oh well, there's always 5th Ed, which is most likely already in development.

And Happy Holidays btw!

The Exchange

crosswiredmind wrote:
hmarcbower wrote:
Why try to kill what is the most successful RPG probably in history so it can be replaced with its immature, rushed little brother?

Well, it may be successful but that does not mean its a great game. 3.X D&D has some major flaws and is in need of a re-write. As for your contention that 4E has been rushed - simply not the case. WotC has been working on this one for quite some time.

So pardon me if I interrupt the bashing and hating with a much needed reality check - not everyone loves 3.X and some of us are looking for a change.

So glad you've decided to champion the cause and impose your view on all of the people who dislike the concept. You want a change, we get it. You will be first in line to buy the new and improved D&D. Great. Wonderful.

You are doing exactly the same thing that the "bashing and hating" crowd is doing except with a differing POV. Try not to act like your horse is higher and more important than everyone elses.
You jump on threads that are specifically anti-4E and then haughtily look down your nose at people with a different opinion and try to belittle their feelings and opinions.
So how are you any better?
Oh! Right, because your opinion is THE ONE that matters and all others are crap. 4E should be right in line with what you are looking for.

Wow, this is truly pathetic. I come to these boards hoping to find intelligent discussion about the upcoming edition of the game that we supposedly all know and love but all I find a bunch of whining grognards playing "rename the game." I think I'll jump over to the Dragonsfoot boards and see what they're pissing and moaning about today. At least they have an excuse since they're all old and half senile.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Bavix wrote:
Wow, this is truly pathetic. I come to these boards hoping to find intelligent discussion about the upcoming edition of the game that we supposedly all know and love but all I find a bunch of whining grognards playing "rename the game." I think I'll jump over to the Dragonsfoot boards and see what they're pissing and moaning about today. At least they have an excuse since they're all old and half senile.

LOL We're pathetic grognards. God bless us, every one!

Bavix wrote:
Wow, this is truly pathetic. I come to these boards hoping to find intelligent discussion about the upcoming edition of the game that we supposedly all know and love but all I find...

Right messageboard, wrong thread :)

Scarab Sages

IconoclasticScream wrote:
LOL We're pathetic grognards. God bless us, every one!

Eh? What? ::holds the horn up to his ear::

I don't know what pasta gonads have to do with anything... damn kids these days...

Dark Archive

The rules for pasta gonads are so broken.

Grand Lodge

Bavix wrote:
Wow, this is truly pathetic. I come to these boards hoping to find intelligent discussion about the upcoming edition of the game that we supposedly all know and love but all I find a bunch of whining grognards playing "rename the game." I think I'll jump over to the Dragonsfoot boards and see what they're pissing and moaning about today. At least they have an excuse since they're all old and half senile.

One does not go to the mosque for a Christian sermon.

Bavix wrote:
Wow, this is truly pathetic. I come to these boards hoping to find intelligent discussion about the upcoming edition of the game...
TriOmegaZero wrote:
One does not go to the mosque for a Christian sermon.

Must... resist... urge... Aaiiigh!

OK, here goes: is Bavix looking for a Christian sermon, or a treatise on Satan's redeeming qualities? Opinions vary.

Apologies to anyone offended by my metaphor. I'm just joking (mostly).

DangerDwarf wrote:

The rules for pasta gonads are so broken.

They got them right in 1E, except they were called linguini balls there.

Dark Archive

FabesMinis wrote:
DangerDwarf wrote:

The rules for pasta gonads are so broken.

They got them right in 1E, except they were called linguini balls there.

Yeah, but they became extremely exploitable in the Player's Options series of 2e.

4e is supposedly going back to the 1e roots in this regards but will use the term linguine orbs instead.

Grand Lodge

*wonders if his analogy didn't quite fit* That's what I get for being non-religious for the last ten years. ^_^

The Exchange

Bavix wrote:
Wow, this is truly pathetic. I come to these boards hoping to find intelligent discussion about the upcoming edition of the game that we supposedly all know and love but all I find a bunch of whining grognards playing "rename the game." I think I'll jump over to the Dragonsfoot boards and see what they're pissing and moaning about today. At least they have an excuse since they're all old and half senile.

Hi, troll! Nice to meet you. If you want to post on a Pro-4E thread then by all means do so. You, however, have posted on a 4E-bash thread which is truly pathetic as it means that your cognitive skills are lacking in choosing this thread as a medium for your 4E fanboism.

There are other threads on these very boards that will cater to your needs so you may want to post there to garner a better reaction.

As to the game we all know and love....
I love football. A couple rules changes are cool and wonderful at times.
Start talking about changing the grass color, changing the ball, making the players wear flags, etc. would all be unacceptable to me. The game I love would be compromised.
That is what I feel WotC is doing and in my outrage I complain...because of my love for the game.
I don't want a Paper version of WOW mixed with Magic:The Gathering with a bit of anime sprinkled. I want D&D. The game I love.

Bavix wrote:
Wow, this is truly pathetic. I come to these boards hoping to find intelligent discussion...
Fake Healer wrote:
Hi, troll! Nice to meet you. If you want to post on a Pro-4E thread then by all means do so. You, however, have posted on a 4E-bash thread which is truly pathetic as it means that your cognitive skills are lacking in choosing this thread as a medium for your 4E fanboism...


I do so love this community -- even when we're mean. Or maybe especially when we're mean!

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Fake Healer wrote:

As to the game we all know and love....

I love football. A couple rules changes are cool and wonderful at times.
Start talking about changing the grass color, changing the ball, making the players wear flags, etc. would all be unacceptable to me. The game I love would be compromised.
That is what I feel WotC is doing and in my outrage I complain...because of my love for the game.
I don't want a Paper version of WOW mixed with Magic:The Gathering with a bit of anime sprinkled. I want D&D. The game I love.

Exactly. I don't think Football needs reimagined (Well the Dolphins could use a reimagined team, but that's a different story). Let me keep watching the game I know and love. Add in a 2 point conversion, great. Sac QBs by "hugging" them, ok sure, they last longer, fine. I don't want football mixed with the World Poker Tour simply because its selling well right now.

I love D&D. Give me D&D, not this crap they're pushing on us as D&D. At the very least, they could admit that not everyone is going to be thrilled about it and say that they're ok if stick with what we have.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Fake Healer wrote:

As to the game we all know and love....

I love football. A couple rules changes are cool and wonderful at times.
Start talking about changing the grass color, changing the ball, making the players wear flags, etc. would all be unacceptable to me. The game I love would be compromised.
That is what I feel WotC is doing and in my outrage I complain...[i]

4E- the XFL of D&D

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