Woo me!

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

So. As it stands, I will have a vote going to Ghost Hound Kinships, The Enlightened Kingdom of Vramaire, and Beria. Mr. Kogen has almost certainly cemented my fourth vote with his promise to “knock one out of the park” with his villain.

Therein lies the premise of this thread.

I have a final vote (and I’m sure many others have an extra vote lying about as well), and I’ve read all the submissions and replies. I’m leaning heavily towards Kestria, but as of yet, I’m undecided.

Sooooo…entice us, people!

Beg, plead, whine, lure, beguile, charm, or even refuse to kowtow to demands. Slap us around a little, and pick up the loose votes from the crowd that likes that sort of thing.

Lay it on me!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 8 aka unfettered

mwbeeler wrote:
I’m leaning heavily towards Kestria, but as of yet, I’m undecided.

Thanks for the consideration!

My villain is awesome, something no one has seen before. I promise a whole new level of design-fu from here on out.

Vote for me!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6 aka Core

Well, we are not really allowed to say much on our current entry other than 'vote fer me!'. However I will throw my hat in the ring with the lure of future content. A vote for Yithnai shall include a villain in the realm of something like this:

â—? A deranged and desiccated leprechaun that lives in the walls of an inn.

â—? A pair of sentient magic items that compete with each other on which one can get their owner killed quicker.

â—? A Halfling priest of the God of Hunger who seeks to spread this faith (a hell only a Halfling can truly understand).

Those are the ones off the top of my head, no idea what I will actually come up with for the submission (if I get that far). I haven't put a ton of thought into it in case I get disappointed in not being able to move up to next round. You get the idea though.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 aka Aotrscommander

mwbeeler wrote:

So. As it stands, I will have a vote going to Ghost Hound Kinships, The Enlightened Kingdom of Vramaire, and Beria. Mr. Kogen has almost certainly cemented my fourth vote with his promise to “knock one out of the park” with his villain.

Therein lies the premise of this thread.

I have a final vote (and I’m sure many others have an extra vote lying about as well), and I’ve read all the submissions and replies. I’m leaning heavily towards Kestria, but as of yet, I’m undecided.

Sooooo…entice us, people!

Beg, plead, whine, lure, beguile, charm, or even refuse to kowtow to demands. Slap us around a little, and pick up the loose votes from the crowd that likes that sort of thing.

Lay it on me!

I'm not sure exactly what I can say to you, given the contest restrictions, more meaningful than "vote for me, 'cos I'm great!"

Liches are not psychologically set up for begging or prostrating ourselves, and I don't know any mind-influencing spells (unless you count "do this or I'll Maximised Disintegrate your bowels!" as 'enchantment'...)

I suppose I could threaten to hunt you down and inflict upon you a bloody and terrible fate worse than death if you don't vote for me...Would that help?

I could bribe you with Elven prisoners from the brig, I suppose, most of whom have been...'trained' to play D&D with us.

Posthumous commission in the Army Of The Red Spear?

Threaten to kill kittens/puppies/other 'cute' animals?

I suppose I could play for sympathy and point out it's my first attempt of this kind so my learning curve is still in evidence and that you shouldn't hold a minor thing like totally frakking up my entry by trying to be too clever and not fulfilling promises implictily delivered in the opening paragraph against me, but that seems out of character somehow...

The puppy eyes routine doesn't ever seem to work for Liches, can't imagine why...

I can't really say anything about round 3, as I have only few germs of an idea, except that as a Lawful Evil Lich myself I have a distinct racial insight and keen instinct for creating cunning and intelligent villains...

Sovereign Court aka Robert G. McCreary

Let me be the first to refuse to kowtow to demands. I'm not going to beg or whine for anyone's vote. Vote for who you like best. If you have one vote left and you just can't decide, take a look back at some of the older posts and see who has been a presence on the boards, who has contributed to the discussion, who has made you laugh, etc.

Unless you're a fan of scantily-clad sorceresses (a la Seoni), in which case Iskandria is clearly the best choice. :P

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 aka Aotrscommander

SargonX wrote:

Let me be the first to refuse to kowtow to demands. I'm not going to beg or whine for anyone's vote. Vote for who you like best. If you have one vote left and you just can't decide, take a look back at some of the older posts and see who has been a presence on the boards, who has contributed to the discussion, who has made you laugh, etc.

Unless you're a fan of scantily-clad sorceresses (a la Seoni), in which case Iskandria is clearly the best choice. :P

See, now I feel bad for my last post.


Maybe I'm doing this the wrong way. I should be doing the opposite of kowtowing, it's demeaning for a Lich of my standing.

Hmm, maybe "Vote for me or die!" is what I should be doing, it's what I do best after all.

So, ahem...vote for me or die, faceless people on teh internets who I don't know and will likely never meet and who would require a such disproportionate amount of effort to track down and dispatch using Aotrs resources that I'd get demoted back to cleaning out the brig toilets for the rest of eternity!

Hmm. I don't think that's quite going to have the desired effect, is it?


In a moment of uncharacteristic seriousness, I'm not saying anything of moment because I'd rather people judge Kerpiquan on it's merits - such as they are! If what I've done - and the potential contained therein once I've learned from my mistakes for next time - is not enough to grab you, then nothing I say will - or should - affect your descision.

You have no idea how many Will saves it took me to write something that not-arrogant...I didn't even make a crack about world domination in that last paragraph. Dang, must be slipping...

Aotrscommander wrote:
"do this or I'll Maximised Disintegrate your bowels!"

Not only was I amused, but also you italicized it. Nice touch!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 aka Spar

Vote for me because I have connections to the Evil Wargaming Corporate Empire? How's that sound :)

That said, vote for who you think is best and listen not to how we think you should vote. Listen to the gamer in all of you.

(God that sounds like bad Star Wars stuff).

Anyway, ramble done :)


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

If you're still undecided, tune in to my campaign manager's new show, recently retitled "Everybody Loves Bereket" now sponsored by Hypno-Toad Incorporated, LLC.

And you want to see a villain? Just ask my players how evil my enemies can be, how diabolical, how cunning, how utterly nefarious. While I am not at liberty to discuss the matter at present, be assured (or is it warned?) that this malefactor is so face-meltingly, soul-crushingly, mind-shatteringly vicious and vile that your fluffy bunny slippers will run for cover!

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

Spar wrote:

Vote for me because I have connections to the Evil Wargaming Corporate Empire? How's that sound :)

That said, vote for who you think is best and listen not to how we think you should vote. Listen to the gamer in all of you.

(God that sounds like bad Star Wars stuff).

Anyway, ramble done :)


ooohhh Ewok reference. You'll get my vote.

or not depending on the other 27 I still need to read.

Just in case anyone received this impression, I’m not trying to be pretentious.

This is my way of giving the authors who may not have received glowing reviews a chance to win us over with the force of their personalities. Everyone has an off day; could be villains are where they shine!

Dark Archive Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4

I don't see how you can NOT vote for me, smart guy like yourself.

Let's look at the facts:

According to Mr. Peterson, I am - and quote, because this is the internet and it's easy - "an anime-fueled, Mountain Dew-juiced gonzo king of combat, magic and adrenaline". Indeed, I have a "hard core, full-throttle design style". Says Clark: "It's like a freaking Quentin Tarantino movie."

High praise, indeed - and a cautionary example. So, sure, maybe I'll burn out, explode, or fade away.

But there's only one way to find out.

The questions you have to ask yourself are simple: Would you like to have, for your game, a villian based on my thought processes? Or a trio of monsters? How about a complete encounter? Or, god help us, an adventure?

They're on the way. Just vote me in.

I promise you only one thing: my best.
And I demand your vote.

mwbeeler wrote:

This is my way of giving the authors who may not have received glowing reviews a chance to win us over with the force of their personalities.

Either way....just because you have a good personality, does not mean that you can successfully write an awesome adventure that will entice a large majority of DM's to run it for their players. Asking submitters to come here and state that they should beg, plead, etc. to me is perhaps a little inappropriate. All the best that choose to post here, but the comments will not sway my votes as I will make my decisions based on what was submitted and the potential of what may be submitted later.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Vote for me. I've gotten the impression that the first eight that will make the cut are fairly clear and the next eight are in play. Vote for me if you're interested in a villain who'd you never expect to be a real SOB.

Kari Houle wrote:
Asking submitters to come here and state that they should beg, plead, etc. to me is perhaps a little inappropriate. All the best that choose to post here, but the comments will not sway my votes as I will make my decisions based on what was submitted and the potential of what may be submitted later.

Ah, the element of danger. To post, knowing to do so may alter the perceptions of those who believed you have certainty of purpose?

It is the *game*…I am only *joke*..How *squishy* to *smell* you again…

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

mwbeeler wrote:

So. As it stands, I will have a vote going to Ghost Hound Kinships, The Enlightened Kingdom of Vramaire, and Beria. Mr. Kogen has almost certainly cemented my fourth vote with his promise to “knock one out of the park” with his villain.

Therein lies the premise of this thread.

I have a final vote (and I’m sure many others have an extra vote lying about as well), and I’ve read all the submissions and replies. I’m leaning heavily towards Kestria, but as of yet, I’m undecided.

Sooooo…entice us, people!

Beg, plead, whine, lure, beguile, charm, or even refuse to kowtow to demands. Slap us around a little, and pick up the loose votes from the crowd that likes that sort of thing.

Lay it on me!

I think it would be appropriate for contestants, as others have done in this thread, to

  • state your credentials, and
  • show what ideas you have for later rounds.

These seem to be reasonable grounds to vote for you.

Having said that, I won't be reading this thread, as I'll be spending my time reading the entries. Popular people annoy me, as do discussions of 'strategy'.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Vote for me!

No, I'm not a candidate.

No, I didn't even enter the contest.

No, there's not a way to enter a write-in candidate.

Oh. Umm. Nevermind.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7

I'll take the bait here, since I'm in the middle of a very large project and won't have time to come and comment on all of these threads until monday evening, when the voting is nearly over.

Here's what I'm asking: I want your fifth vote. Look at my entry. Do you really think there's no potential there? Look at your current top five. I'll bet at least one of those doesn't need your help to move on. Please, give me that vote.

Some people have been asking for credentials: I'm afraid I don't have many. I'm 22. I've only been playing D&D since highschool, which makes it something like 6 years. I'm a computer scientist, not a writer. But I do have a great love for the game and I feel like I know what makes it 'tick'. I feel like I have a lot more to show in this competition.

Ross Byers wrote:
Here's what I'm asking: I want your fifth vote. Please, give me that vote.


Also, I did indeed add both Kestria and Calidune, though I'm not going to say which nation I dropped or why. Thanks much for the input and feedback to all involved.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Steven T. Helt

thatboomerkid wrote:

I don't see how you can NOT vote for me, smart guy like yourself.

Let's look at the facts:

According to Mr. Peterson, I am - and quote, because this is the internet and it's easy - "an anime-fueled, Mountain Dew-juiced gonzo king of combat, magic and adrenaline". Indeed, I have a "hard core, full-throttle design style". Says Clark: "It's like a freaking Quentin Tarantino movie."

High praise, indeed - and a cautionary example. So, sure, maybe I'll burn out, explode, or fade away.

But there's only one way to find out.

The questions you have to ask yourself are simple: Would you like to have, for your game, a villian based on my thought processes? Or a trio of monsters? How about a complete encounter? Or, god help us, an adventure?

They're on the way. Just vote me in.

I promise you only one thing: my best.
And I demand your vote.

Sweet Jesus! As if I weren't also Mountain Dew worshipping action hero at heart. This kind of pitch really puts it into perspective for me.

Oh, wait. You already had a vote from me.

Meh, be quiet, then. : }

There were maybe two, three totally standout entries for me at the most, so I dropped my other votes on personality.

Something to consider for those voting solely on the quality of the entries: When Vic first mentioned the contest wouldn’t be anonymous so the entrants would be judged on character as well, I thought he needed to lay off the cough syrup. Thinking on it more though, part of what Paizo so special is the heavy message board presence of the staff and contributors.

The winner is going to need to be here for feedback. They’ll want to defend their design choices, pump up their modules, and just basically hang out and gab so we don’t forget about them. Keep that in mind before you cast a vote on someone who has a stronger entry but a little less heart!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 aka Sir_Wulf

To quote Groo, "Did I err?"

Soon after sending off my villain, I discovered several errors in the piece. While I can't discuss what I should have done, I promise that if I am given your support, you will not be disappointed.

I am learning some things as I go: I will not make the same mistakes twice.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Sir_Wulf wrote:

To quote Groo, "Did I err?"

Soon after sending off my villain, I discovered several errors in the piece. While I can't discuss what I should have done, I promise that if I am given your support, you will not be disappointed.

I am learning some things as I go: I will not make the same mistakes twice.

Ah, Groo. With yet another new limited series coming out now. First 2 episodes are exactly what you expect. Groo promises and always delivers.

I have been thinking today of some things I could've or should've written differently, at least one of which is similar to something I did in my country entry... just something perhaps not explained well enough. 500 words... yeah, but still.

Oh well, in an hour or so we shall see what we see.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 aka Sir_Wulf

"He makes his break... He's set up for the shot... Oooooh! That's got to hurt!"

Obviously, I was on the wrong sheet of music with this round's entry. Despite this, I believe that I can go the distance if I'm allowed another chance. I think that my previous entries better represent my true abilities, so if you see promise there, I'd really appreciate your support.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy

mwbeeler wrote:
Keep that in mind before you cast a vote on someone who has a stronger entry but a little less heart!

True, but at the end of the line I want to pay for the content, not for someone's "web presence".

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