Losing items

RPG Superstar™ 2008 General Discussion

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Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Chris Seal wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
Feel free to post your non-advancing items in this thread. We don't mind.

Thanks Erik,

I like Fax Celestis forgot to save a copy of my submission but I can remember the gist of it.

Firehaire's Beastiary

Has been done. There were at least two very similar items in Bards and Sages' Encyclopedia of Skill Lore.

Starglim wrote:

Hm. Regardless of the Planar Handbook, this is not new: take slippers of spider climbing, add freedom of movement (a huge benefit, mentioned as a throwaway line, and is already a magic item in itself) and feather fall.
I don't like the fantasy physics fluff and without it, you don't need reverse gravity as a prerequisite. If you also cut freedom of movement, you honestly don't need a prerequisite above 1st level and it should have a caster level and cost accordingly.

I understand your point, but the reason I created the item in question (and I don't, nor have I ever read the Planar Handbook, my mistake apparently) is to allow the wearer to completely alter the field of battle. A Spider Climb item would not allow someone in the center of a large room to drop directly onto the ceiling, or to move at full or charging speed on a different surface (spider climb also requires having your hands free to climb as well). Climb Speed is restricted to 20 ft.

Trust me, if I had thought that Spider Climb could have fit the bill of what I had in mind, Slippers of Spider Climbing already existed.

My idea with these was to allow a villain (the idea came from this) being able to move, charge and fight without restriction from any surface of a room. If they got cornered, simple enough to escape, simply alter your own plane of gravity and move in a fashion that your opponents cannot. Of course, Fly and other spells can counter the usefulness of the item, as intended. Freedom of Movement is included because the item is intended to give the wearer absolute mastery over their own movement, hold spells and other such should be able to be ignored by the wearer while they are activated.

I still at this point find myself interested in seeing what the item in the Planar Handbook is that is similar. I'd be curious if WotC did me one better or not.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9 aka Dementrius

Tom Ryan 7 wrote:


I love this thing! Perhaps it would have made it if you'd dummed it down a bit. The movement and the enhanced versions sort of confused me. A bit more damage to the door each round would have been cool too. A barbarian wielding an adamantine greataxe would be more efficient - but the dispel magic is cool. Good job.

I didn't want it to do too much damage to the door, as you still have to give the GM a chance to put up some road blocks on the party's path. The lesser version can get through a strong wooden door (on average) using one charge. The greater version is punching through iron and stone doors - eventually. A barbarian wielding a greataxe also just triggered every trap on the door / chest and woke up the neighbours.

The movement was there so it could be used as a "fire and forget" device to disarm symbols while you stay safely out of range.

GrinningBuddha wrote:

Circlet of Takasi

As others have mentioned, the +10 bonus seems large. The side effect and general cursedness of the item may have hurt it as well.

Blessed Bracers

Bracers don't really qualify as a Wondrous Item. It's also exceeding difficult to find Paladins that have Craft Wondrous Item as well; only they can cast the required spell.

Vudran Cups

Perhaps a little gimmicky for the judges? An exceeding handy item for a con artist, yes, but other than that I can't see much use for it when compared items like a Bag of Holding.

Lok's Own Coin

An interesting item, but very corner-case (the +10 bonus) and unusually broad (dodge bonus) at the same time. I suspect it may have lost points given the hodge-podge feel.

Gauntlets of Elvenkind

I don't know if Gauntlets qualify as Wondrous Items or armor; I suspect the latter. You don't give creation requirements for the lesser version and greater version separately, which would likely be an auto-reject. They have potential, however.

Lantern of Light Long Lost

It's creative, but strikes me more as a story device rather than a normal Wondrous Item. A party that has one of these lanterns puts a lot of pressure on a DM to either have histories prepared for almost everything in the game, or be able to improvise very well. It's well done, nice work.

Comments on Quill of secrets?

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6 , Dedicated Voter Season 6

My "also ran" item:

Gloves of Force Shaping

Woven from phase spider silk, these gloves are visible only as a faint distortion in the air. When worn, they grant the ability to see and identify the nature of force effects, even ones that are normally invisible. Three times per day, the gloves allow their wearer to manipulate force. As a standard action, the wearer can create a 5-foot square force wall (as a wall of force spell), or a 10-foot square if a full-round-action is used. Optionally, the wearer can instead create a hole in an existing force effect (even a wall of force or forcecage). The hole created can be as large as a 5-foot cube as a standard action, or a 10-foot cube as a full-round action. If this is larger than the force effect in question, the effect is suppressed entirely. In any case, the force wall, hole or suppression lasts for 3 rounds. The wearer must have at least one hand free to use the gloves, no command word is required.
Moderate Evocation; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, disintegrate, see invisibility, wall of force; Price 12,500 gp.

I left the range off the item, didn't notice until post-submission. Wonder if that would have been enough to push it over the top :)

But I'm very flattered to have come even close to making the cut. All the winning items I've read have been very interesting, moreso than my toy.

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Forged Goo wrote:

Here was my attempt. Criticism?

Wheels of the Vagabond

My pricing was based mostly on other items in the SRD and maybe it is a bit overpriced but otherwise my group liked it for its potential in-game. They like items they can use in ways that were not originally intended.

This is a fun image - very Vancian. I agree that it's hard to justify the cost for essentially a floating disk.

Sovereign Court

Here's the item as I submitted it:

Coin of Fortune
This small gold coin, fashioned from pure gold and a tiny piece of luckstone, appears normal in every respect until it is flipped. Upon being flipped and caught (a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity), roll 1d2. On a roll of 1, a four-leaf clover appears on both sides of the coin grants a +2 luck bonus on the next skill check, ability check or saving throw taken by its possessor. On a roll of 2, the coin becomes perfectly blank and there is no effect. If the coin of fortune comes up blank three times in a row, a skull appears on both sides of the coin and its possessor receives a -2 luck penalty on skill checks, ability checks and saving throws for one minute and the coin cannot be reactivated for 24 hours.
Moderate divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, divine favor. Price: 2,000gp.

However, after a short while I looked back and noticed that the aura should have been faint evocation, the moderate divination aura was a holdover from a previous incarnation of the item.

I wanted to introduce a coin flip mechanic into D&D, and since 1d2 is basically a coin, I used that. In retrospect, I probably should have had the advantage of the magic item be a little bit stronger.

What does everyone else think?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9 aka Dementrius

Starglim wrote:
Dementrius wrote:


Greater versions of the Doorbreaker exist, with an increased caster level

And? Are the only effects of the heightened caster level to make it glow brighter and pump up the dispel magic? That's not inconsiderable, but it should not in itself double or quadruple the cost and the text should make clear that the 20th level version uses a greater dispel.

I don't think the mention of Varisia would have impressed the judges one way or the other.

You are correct in that once you get past CL 10 a greater dispel is required. The CL also affects the duration of the animation (1 r / lvl). In hindsight I probably should have nixed the greater / lesser versions and used more words on clarification.

The Varsian reference was a nod towards the use of "starknives" in the description - and an attempt to suck up :). I had submitted before there was too much clarification on whether these items were supposed to be Paizo-specific.

Here's mine.

Spoon of the Witch Queen
This finely carved wooden spoon appears to be nothing more than a fancy utensil that might be set out for a feast day or other special occasion. The spoon has a number of special qualities, however. A single drop of a potion tasted off the spoon grants the user a +5 competence bonus to her Spellcraft check to identify the potion. In addition, the spoon grants to +5 competence bonus to Craft (alchemy) checks. Once per day, the spoon may be dipped into a small quantity of water to transform it into the wielder’s choice of 3 doses of one of the following liquids: wine, poison (liquefied id moss, ingested, DC 14, initial 1d4 Int, secondary 2d6 Int, 125 gp), holy water, antitoxin, or alchemist’s fire. This change lasts 12 hours, after which the liquid becomes clean safe water, even if the substance was previously tainted or poisoned.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7; Craft Wondrous Item, minor creation, poison, creator must have 5 ranks in Spellcraft and Craft (alchemy); Price 7,950 gp.

I originally cut a fair amount of flavor text, and I still wonder if I would have fared better to put some of it back in, since I had word count to spare.

- Ashavan

Eric Carltock's Quill of Secrets


This dull ordinary looking quill holds within it powerful magic. When used to write, the user can instruct the quill on command to create illusory script, as per the spell, with the quill holding 50 charges. While it has charges, the quill never runs out of ink and can be used if flipped over as an erase spell with 50 charges with another command word. Additionally the user can use the quill to read magic, or place an arcane mark with a command word at will with the quill. Finally the quill has one last feature, which is upon a special command word the quill creates a secret page, which the quill then inserts an explosive runes spell on. This is one-time use ability. The item continues to retain its ability to create illusory script afterwards until it runs out of charges. It functions as a ordinary quill once it’s charges have been used. Etched into the quills shaft are the command words used to activate it’s features.

Moderate Illusion; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, Read Magic, Arcane Mark, Erase, Explosive Runes, Illusory Script, Secret Page; 27,250 gp; Weight .1 lb

Since you asked...
The opening sentence doesn't grab me. The fifty charges makes it sound more like a wand, I would have put a per-day limitation upon it instead. The item seems to be "front-loaded" with a bunch of cool stuff, which makes it sounds like you were trying to do five items at once. This would have been more interesting if you made it a writing set, or separate quills. The writing style does not flow together, and you made some basic grammatical errors ("it's" instead of "its").

I hope to review some of these an dthe winners tonight after class.

Having said that, if anyone wants to tear into my Mirror, I'd be interested to see if my guesses are correct regarding weaknesses.

Edit: the lack of reviews does tell me a little, though ;)

Dark Archive

I posted my item on my LJ: Syringe of Retribution.

I would appreciate feedback...

Misleading Cloak

On command, this unremarkable appearing cloak simultaneously teleports the wearer a short distance, turns him invisible and leaves behind an illusory double. When activated, the wearer selects a destination within 50 feet and transports to the exact spot desired. If the destination is not available for him to occupy or is out of range, none of the cloak’s effects activate and a use is considered expended. The wearer can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed his maximum load. At the same instant that the wearer transports, he becomes invisible as if a greater invisibility spell had been placed on him. In addition, an illusory double appears in the space he is departing, perfectly superimposed over his body. The double behaves and is controlled as though the wearer had cast a mislead spell. The illusion and the invisibility last for 11 rounds. The cloak can be used three times per day.

Moderate conjuration and illusion; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, mislead, dimension door; Price 80,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Thurburner Stone

I like it. The flavor in the 2nd paragraph is a bit disjointed, but it's creative.

Kerchief of Restoration

Another useful item, though I think you may want to consider a maximum number of uses per day to prevent abuse.

Pastwatch Orb

Seems fairly limited in use for the cost. It doesn't... grab me. Another interesting story device, however.

Pocket Orrery

I like the foresight theme, but it may have suffered from the "swiss army knife" syndrome mentioned by Clark in other posts. The Time Stop power seems a bit out of place as well. It has potential for a world that has pocketwatches.

Boots of Stinking Retreat

It appears as if you felt you needed more 'padding' in your entry at the last minute. You could drop the last three sentences and you wouldn't lose anything, IMO. It's a good item!

Wyrt's Remarkable Implement

I see potential here, but I'm drawing a blank as to what a mage would do with it and why it's priced in artifact territory. A little abstract for my tastes, but as I said, there's potential here.

Dark Archive Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

GrinningBuddha wrote:

Boots of Stinking Retreat

It appears as if you felt you needed more 'padding' in your entry at the last minute. You could drop the last three sentences and you wouldn't lose anything, IMO. It's a good item!

I thought that giving a thieves' guild name and the image of command word abuse among thieves would help give it some flavor and help make it stick in the judge's minds.

thanks for the feedback.

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Lilith wrote:

Eric Carltock's Quill of Secrets

** spoiler omitted **
The item seems to be "front-loaded" with a bunch of cool stuff, which makes it sounds like you were trying to do five items at once. This would have been more interesting if you made it a writing set

Now, I like that.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy

My item, I went for solid instead of crazy powerful.

Goblin Gruel

This milky, greenish concoction tastes surprisingly sweet. It bestows upon the eater a +4 morale bonus to strength and grants the eater the use of the Diehard feat, both effects last for one hour. Eating the gruel also incurs 4 points of damage to the eater’s wisdom score.

Before any major raid or battle, goblin warchanters and shamans work together in creating a batch of goblin gruel for the warriors. According to goblins, the gruel makes a goblin stronger, twice as tough and absolutely fearless. Other sources often refer to the fine line between fearless and senseless, but admit the truth of the first and second claim.

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, rage; Price 2000 gp for a batch of 50 servings.

propeliea's Mirror of Retrieved Events


This item appears to be a simple hand-held mirror with an iron setting. A character holding the mirror can use it for scrying, as the spell (Will DC 17 negates), with these alterations:

• The character sets a condition for who the mirror will attempt to record based on a single event tied to a specific person, place, or item (ex. whoever next speaks to the king; the first person to leave the Dark Catacombs; or whoever opens the Abyssal Gate). The person fulfilling the condition becomes the spell’s target.
• Once the condition is fulfilled, the mirror tries to scry on the target exactly as if scrying had been cast at the moment of the triggering event. If successful, a viewable recording of the scry attempt remains until a new condition is set.
• The message spell does not function through the mirror.
Moderate divination; CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Items, contingency, scrying (plus any additional spells put on the item); Price: 54,000 gp; Weight 1/2lb.

Mirror Type Market Price

Base Mirror
54,000 gp

Mirror with see invisibility
62,000 gp

Mirror with detect thoughts (Will DC 14 negates)
63,000 gp

Mirror with true seeing
92,000 gp

This item almost makes me feel like you looked at the crystal ball items and substituted a few things. They really don't stand out from the crystal balls all that much. The additional types of mirrors don't have a good explanation of their usage, I would have dropped them completely.

Here's mine:

Headband of Momentary Defiance

This strip of white silk is marked with crimson runes. It activates automatically whenever its wearer fails a saving throw against a hostile mind-affecting effect. The wearer gains an additional, immediate saving throw with the same bonus and against the same DC as the original, failed saving throw. If he succeeds on this second saving throw, the mind-affecting effect is suppressed (but not removed) for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 1 round). The time during which the suppression effect is active counts against the duration of the mind-affecting effect. The suppression effect ends if the wearer fails a saving throw against another hostile mind-affecting effect.

The headband is expended after it has been used once, its runes fading to dull red. However, it may be restored by soaking it in a vial of holy water. After 8 hours, the headband absorbs the holy water and its runes turn crimson again.

These items were first developed by a race of extraplanar humanoids to assist them in their battles against the psionic overlords who had previously enslaved them.

Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, protection from evil; Price 500 gp.

I wonder if it got nixed because the price was too low, or perhaps for the allusion to the illithid/gith conflict.

Here is my losing entry..

Helm of Legendary Inspiration


This golden helm is infused with the myths and lore of a legendary hero. The helm continuously fills the wearer’s subconscious mind with whispers of the epic sagas and visions of heroic deeds, granting a +5 competence bonus to Knowledge (History) checks.

Inspired by the helm’s magic to emulate the legendary hero’s martial prowess, twice per day the wearer can act as if he had the Whirlwind Attack feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for it.

Additionally, the wearer can invoke the legendary hero’s name to gain the benefits of a heroism spell once per day.

Variant helms based on different legendary heroes sometimes substitute a different feat, such as Great Cleave or Knock-Down, for Whirlwind Attack.

Any evil or chaotic creature that possesses the helm gains one negative level due to the never-ending mental conflict between their conscious mind and the thoughts of honor, justice and responsibility dominating their subconscious mind. Although this level never results in actual level loss, it remains as long as the helm is possessed and cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells).

Faint Divination; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, Legend Lore, Heroism; Price 10,600 gp.

I'm guessing it fell into the swiss army knife category of the top of my head.

And if anyone is wondering about the pricing, I used the Gloves of Arrow-Snaring as the base.

First of all, i want you to know that I wil be printing this thread and stealing these items for my campagins. They rock! I feel even worse for the judges now, having to ort through all of this stuff.

Below is my own item, I would love to hear any feed back you may have:

Portable Portal: This item appears to be an ordinary brass doorknob, with a four inch spike protruding from the back. When pressed against an appropriately-sized inanimate surface, the spike will sink in up to the knob and anchor itself. The material forms into a door (6’tall, 3’ wide, 3” thick, with hp and hardness appropriate to the material) which opens onto a passage to the other side of the surface, or ten feet deep into the surface, whichever occurs first. The door or passage is now permanent. Although the Portable Portal includes no locking mechanism, the door can be locked, braced, or trapped by normal magical or mundane means.

Transmutation; CL9th; Craft Wondrous Item; passwall; Price 2,250 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Warpaint of Au’rik
Price: 300 gp per application
Body Slot: -
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint Enchantment
Activation: See Text
Weight: ½ lb

This ashen colored warpaint is usually found in small clay jars – marked with the unwinking eye of Gruumsh.

These magical paints have just recently been introduced in an attempt to counter the boots & cloaks of Elvenkind that have given the Elven people a tactical edge throughout history. First crafted by the orc shaman Au’rik for her barbarian bodyguards, the success of the warpaint has caused it to spread swiftly throughout the entire Orc nation.

Warpaint application requires ten minutes and a Craft: painting skill check of DC:10. When successfully applied, the recipient has eight hours to invoke the magic. Upon command, usually a tribal battle cry (free action), the magic will activate - twisting and distorting the facial features of the recipient creature in dark, demonic ways. For the next 5 minutes the recipient gains a +4 competence bonus on intimidation checks and may attempt to demoralize one opponent per round as a move action, rather than a standard action. The target must be within 30’ and able to see the wearer. A target that succeeds on their level check can no longer be affected again by the same opponent.

Prerequisites: Craft wondrous item, creator must be an orc, powdered elf bone
Cost to Create: 150 gp, 12 XP, 1/3 day

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Here is mine.

Bracelet of Spellbinding

These bracelets are made from small animal bones inscribed with arcane runes. They were first made by the members of an order of sorcerer druids that wanted to increase the mobility of their animal companions and familiars during combat.

The bracelet improves the bond of the wearer with any animal or magical beast that serves as an animal companion, familiar, paladin's mount or any other similar class feature. The wearer must have enough class levels for her companion to gain the share spells special ability.

The Bracelet of Spellbinding enlarges the effective range of the share spells ability to 60 feet instead of the usual 5 feet. This affects both the initial range at which a cast spell can be shared with the bonded creature and the maximum distance the creature can move away from the wearer before the shared spell stops affecting it.

Faint necromancy; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, Spectral Hand, creator must have a familiar, animal companion, paladin's mount or similar class feature; Price 12,000 gp

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy

Boards ate my previous post..

Goblin Gruel

This milky, greenish concoction tastes surprisingly sweet. It bestows upon the eater a +4 morale bonus to strength and grants the eater the use of the Diehard feat, both effects last for one hour. Eating the gruel also incurs 4 points of damage to the eater’s wisdom score.

Before any major raid or battle, goblin warchanters and shamans work together in creating a batch of goblin gruel for the warriors. According to goblins, the gruel makes a goblin stronger, twice as tough and absolutely fearless. Other sources often refer to the fine line between fearless and senseless, but admit the truth of the first and second claim.

Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse, rage; Price 2000 gp for a batch of 50 servings.

This ashen colored warpaint is usually found in small clay jars – marked with the unwinking eye of Gruumsh.

I'm not a judge, but I'm pretty sure this is what killed your entry.

My item was probably too dull, didn't seem magic enough with the required provisions, and though I hit the necessary mechanics I left the assumption of how quickly the quill writes based upon the spell reference.

Very useful for translating languages the characters haven't taken. Great for dungeons of ancient races. Please give me your honest constructive opinions and help me spice this wondrous item up for my next campaign. Thanks in advance!

Andrew Hinkle wrote:

Quill of Translation

This common feather automatically translates the spoken language of the last creature touched or the writings of the last document touched. Simply touch the creature or writing with the quill, then dip the tip of the quill into the ink and touch the quill to the paper. The speaker must be within earshot of the quill or the document must be near the quill. The language the quill translates on paper is decided during its creation. The quill can be utilized to dictate while the user paces or multi-tasks.

Ink, paper, and a solid flat surface, or their equivalent, must be provided. The quill dips its tip in ink and turns pages without assistance. When either supply of ink or paper is exhausted, the quill stops translating and rests itself next to the ink jar. Once the provisions are resupplied the feather continues translating the spoken language from that point on, but does not remember what elapsed. Document translations continue from where it stopped. Verbal spell components and magical writings cannot be translated.

Faint Divination; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, comprehend languages; Price 1,800 gp.

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

Tallghost wrote:

First of all, i want you to know that I wil be printing this thread and stealing these items for my campagins. They rock! I feel even worse for the judges now, having to ort through all of this stuff.

Below is my own item, I would love to hear any feed back you may have:

Portable Portal

The door or passage is now permanent.

Delete this sentence, and I'm sold. I would much rather the item created a temporary door that vanished when the user pulled loose the handle again.

Dark Archive Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Tallghost wrote:

Below is my own item, I would love to hear any feed back you may have:

Portable Portal

Good idea.

So, is it reusable, if so how many times?
Cost seems low

Scarab Sages

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

Pocket Orrery

This item looks superficially like a pocket watch to a casual glance, comprising a flat round case of golden metal which, when opened, reveals a complex mechanism of tiny springs, cogs and gears turning on jewelled bearings. However, a closer inspection reveals that this is not an ordinary timepiece but instead a tiny orrery, with the hands and dials instead predicting complex planar and temporal conjunctions.

The possessor benefits from the predictive power of the pocket orrery in a number of ways....The orrery can be used to cast Augury once per day (without the need for a divine focus or material components)...

Can it summon a talking polar bear?

Sorry; couldn't resist...

Diviner's Chalk

I like the flavor, but it seems expensive and I don't quite get the Modify Memory component. I like the item overall.

Quill of Secrets

I see where you were going, but the item description doesn't flow very well. What you might want to consider doing if you redesign it would be to focus on one or two powers, rather than giving it a laundry list of powers.

Firehaire's Bestiary

A bane to DMs with custom creatures. :) Seems a reasonable, if not overly flashy item.

Gauntlet of Life Transferance

I question why an item created by a mage is fashioned out of iron plates? I just can't see an item seemingly designed for arcane classes being made out of materials that don't mesh with their class. It also gives healing to non-healing classes, which may be a mark against it. With a change in flavor, this item could work.

Bag of Hostile Challenges

Your entry is a bit confusing. The name of the item conflicts with the potentially helpful entities that are summoned. Also, "Figurines used to summon a creature to assist the activator are depleted upon activation." Does that mean hostile figurines aren't depleted? A bit of a head scratcher in some areas.

Tom Ryan 7 wrote:

Hey CastleMike,

Put our items together and we can have a real party!

Sounds like a real party.

Just as a side note, I hope I don't come across as bashing the items posted; I am hoping that the comments I provide will help the designers, not discourage them! I haven't seen any real stinkers here yet!

GrinningBuddha wrote:
Just as a side note, I hope I don't come across as bashing the items posted; I am hoping that the comments I provide will help the designers, not discourage them! I haven't seen any real stinkers here yet!

I don't think anyone is taking it as bashing. Everyone, especially you and Lilith, are providing very insightful feedback in a professional manner.

Scarab Sages

Koldoon wrote:
Spoon of the Witch Queen

This (and a similar item) seem maddeningly familiar, but I can't quite place what book, or what edition of the game.

I recall some sort of 'Alchemy jug' that could create acids, poisons or potions on command.

Here's mine. Not flashy, but useful IMO.

Torque of the Ermine

This silver torque is engraved with stylized, intertwined ermines. When placed around a character's neck the wearer gains the flexibility of a contortionist. The wearer automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement; Price 8,000 gp.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 aka flash_cxxi

Cool, here goes.

This is the item that I posted:
Fangs of the Crescent Moon
A set of joined Mithral teeth. To use the fangs a person must remove all of their teeth. Anyone wearing these fangs gains +4 Strength, but also has -1 Constitution due to them being in constant (dulled) pain. Undead wearing them instead loose a number of hit points equal to their hit dice. The wearer gains a bite attack as a +3 weapon, with damage based upon their size (MM p296 Table 5-10). If the wearer had a bite attack, the damage increases to the next die above their current damage.
If the fangs are removed, lost teeth cannot be regrown or regenerated in any way. The only way to regrow lost teeth is via a Heal (Harm for undead) or Limited Wish/Wish spell.
A Vampire wearing the fangs gains additional properties. If they successfully inflict any damage with a bite, they gain +5 on their next attempt to grapple the victim of this attack, as long as it is within 1 round. Also, if they are caught in sunlight they don’t get the initial round of disorientation before destruction, they are immediately destroyed.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength, greater magic fang; Cost: 73,000gp; Weight 1lb.

And this is how it started out:
Fangs of the Crescent Moon
The original set of Fangs of the Crescent Moon were commissioned by a devout Monk of the Crescent Moon after he became infected by a Vampire. He was both abhorred by and ecstatic about the idea that he was both a foul abomination, yet blessed by the moon. He chose to create the Fangs so that he could both punish and reward himself for his continued existence, for he could not bring himself to end his life.
The Fangs are made of Mithral and constitute a full set (both upper and lower) of sharpened teeth and enlarged incisors, joined together to form what amounts to a set of trophy fangs. To use the Fangs of the Crescent Moon, one must first pull out all of their teeth and then place the fangs into one’s mouth and bite down. The Fangs resize themselves to fit into whatever mouth they are inserted into. The excruciating pain that ensues dies down to a dull ache after a while, but leaves the recipient in constant suffering.
A person who wears the Fangs of the Crescent Moon gains +4 Strength, but also has -1 Constitution due to them being in constant (if dulled) pain. They also gain a bite attack as a +2 Weapon, based upon their size:
Size Damage
Fine 1
Diminutive 1d2
Tiny 1d3
Small 1d4
Medium 1d6
Large 1d8
Huge 1d10
Gargantuan 1d12
Colossal 1d20

If the wearer had a bite attack before then their damage increases to the next level above their current bite attack damage.
If the fangs are somehow removed from the wearer, then all teeth removed cannot be regrown or regenerated in any way, even magically. The only way to regrow lost teeth is via a Heal (or Harm for undead) or Limited Wish/Wish spell.
An undead creature who wears the fangs looses a number of hit points equal to their hit dice instead of the -1 Constitution. In addition if a Vampire wears the fangs he gains an additional benefit and an additional weakness. If a Vampire wearing the fangs successfully inflicts any damage with a bite, they may drain 1 point of Constitution from their victim as if they had initiated a Blood Drain. The Vampire also gains +5 on it’s next attempt to grapple the victim of this attack as long as it is within 1 round. The Vampire’s weakness to sunlight also takes on a more pronounced curse. A Vampire wearing the fangs who is caught in sunlight does not get the initial round of disorientation before destruction. Instead they are immediately destroyed if they are bathed in sunlight.
Moderate Transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength, greater magic fang; Cost: 73,000gp; Weight 1lb.

Obviously the word count was waaay over on this version, but I still like this version better than the one I submitted. It has the back story to explain it's abilities more clearly and I think this is really what makes it a more superior item. I also really wanted to keep the CON drain for the bite attack, but... oh well =)

I was afraid at first that the Fangs would be seen too much like a weapon and therefore be auto-rejected, but I see that there is a mask which grants a bite attack (Maw of Urgathoa) and at least 1 item which can be used like a weapon (Malleus Maleficarum), so maybe not.

Liberty's Edge

Medallion of Final Words

This item appears as a circular bronze medallion the size of a large coin, hanging from a fine chain or ribbon.

If worn around the neck for a period of 24 hours, the medallion becomes attuned to the wearer. Thereafter, the medallion ‘remembers’ everything spoken by the attuned wearer until it is removed. If worn by another creature for 24 hours, the medallion becomes attuned to the new wearer instead.

Upon the speaking of a command word, the medallion recites the last twenty-five words spoken by the attuned wearer. The medallion speaks with the attuned wearer’s voice. The command word can be used by anyone who knows it, not just the attuned wearer. The command word is often, but not always, engraved onto the medallion.

Such medallions were first used in a vast empire, where military officers posted far from home wore them, in the hope of getting reliable dying messages back. They found further utility amongst nobles of the empire, in naming successors (or assassins) from their deathbed, and amongst spies, who would attempt to steal attuned medallions from political enemies.

Faint illusion and necromancy; CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, magic mouth; Price: 3,500gp


I see three main issues with this item. Firstly (and perhaps most importantly) its much more of an item that would be used as a plot hook or story device by a DM rather than something that most players would want or use.
Secondly, I had back-story, which seemed to be a bit of a point against in this part of the competition.
Thirdly, despite three proof reads of the finished version, I still managed to miss the fact that I had not deleted the “necromancy” aura (which was a holdover from an additional function in the first draft of the item), until sometime after I had submitted. This probably just goes to show the advantage of having someone else proof-read your work.

I'd appreciate any further feedback!

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

tenaciousN wrote:

Here's mine. Not flashy, but useful IMO.

Torque of the Ermine

Compared to other necklaces and amulets, this is reasonable and useful for its cost, I think.

No this is not bashing, this is needed! I can see now how I can improve in the future.

Whats up with the judges and their whiney bickering about the format of submissions? Based on some of the items they picked I think formating is the last thing they should focus on?

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6 , Dedicated Voter Season 6

Snorter wrote:
Koldoon wrote:
Spoon of the Witch Queen

This (and a similar item) seem maddeningly familiar, but I can't quite place what book, or what edition of the game.

I recall some sort of 'Alchemy jug' that could create acids, poisons or potions on command.

1st edition DMG, the good old alchemy jug was indeed the name. Pourable 7 times a day, but only one liquid per day. Pour out 2 gills of aqua rigia, 8 drams of chlorine, or 4 drams of cyanide.

Remember the beaker of plentiful potions?

Liberty's Edge

Koldoon wrote:

Here's mine.

Spoon of the Witch Queen

Ash, it's possible that the judges may have thought this item had too many functions; the transforming ability is possibly a little bit unwieldy, with too many choices that don't seem thematically related.

I like the item's name - is the titular Witch Queen anyone we know? ;-)

Grand Lodge Dedicated Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8

jreyhons wrote:
Whats up with the judges and their whiney bickering about the format of submissions? Based on some of the items they picked I think formating is the last thing they should focus on?

I thought I posted this earlier, but can't see it: I don't agree with the judges that the rules were in any way unclear. Non-SRD format items should have been booted.

GrinningBuddha wrote:

I present my item here, please let me know what you think! I'll go through and give some comments on entries others have posted in the thread.

Brooch of Social Grace

Originally designed with the socially inept wizard in mind, these items of jewelry have also been commissioned by wealthy families or adventurers for special occasions. This eye-pleasing accoutrement can be used to clasp a cloak, sash, or similar piece of formal wear. The brooch persistently grants its wearer a +2 competence bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff, and Gather Information skill checks.

Upon activating the brooch, the wearer will subconsciously speak, gesture, and conduct himself in a manner that any person who converses with him for 5 rounds or more will find most pleasing. This may manifest itself by, for example, having the wearer take on a regional accent that the listener shares, or by having the wearer gesticulate with his hands in a manner that puts the listener at ease. Once 5 rounds of conversation have passed, the listener's attitude will improve one category (see Diplomacy skill). The listener’s attitude is subject to change as normal, and any person can have their attitude improved only once per 24 hour period.

Once per day, the wearer can charm someone, as per the spell charm person.

Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, Price 6,500 gp.

This is a really sweet item and priced very well. I'm guessing the judge's thought it would be to good mechanically and unbalancing in a game that uses lots of Diplomacy checks and social interaction since it is almost an unlimited 5 round charm person spell generally most NPCs and creatures don't automatically start off hostile to your player.

Unbalancing the way a Lyre of Building can be in a game using those mechanics. Player "Let's talke a minute and talk things over....."

Snorter wrote:
Koldoon wrote:
Spoon of the Witch Queen

This (and a similar item) seem maddeningly familiar, but I can't quite place what book, or what edition of the game.

I recall some sort of 'Alchemy jug' that could create acids, poisons or potions on command.

Yeah, I remember that too... definitely pre-3.0.

AD&D Unearthed Arcana maybe?

EDIT: nm, someone else beat me to it.

Sovereign Court

GrinningBuddha wrote:

Vudran Cups

Perhaps a little gimmicky for the judges? An exceeding handy item for a con artist, yes, but other than that I can't see much use for it when compared items like a Bag of Holding.

A little limited use, but I was specifically looking for a "starter bag", with sneaky uses - I think this would have been more competitive if, instead of going with a straight-up SRD pricing, I'd "undercosted" it. Double checking the SRD, the cheapest bag of holding is 2500 GP, which holds (probably) 14 pounds more for less than 1000 GP more in cost.

Thanks for taking the time to post a few lines for every item!

Liberty's Edge

flash_cxxi wrote:

Cool, here goes.

This is the item that I posted:
Fangs of the Crescent Moon

Hey Flash, I think the problem with this might have been that the mechanics of it seem a little bit convoluted the way that they are described. Also, without the back-story, the vampire thing seems a bit like a tacked on after-thought, rather than one of the central themes of the item (which it obviously is if you read the back story). Also, I would make the Con penalty –2 (+/-1 ability bonuses or penalties are rare in 3.x)

Starglim wrote:
tenaciousN wrote:

Here's mine. Not flashy, but useful IMO.

Torque of the Ermine

Compared to other necklaces and amulets, this is reasonable and useful for its cost, I think.

I like it but it probably sounded like a modern gadget tape or voice recorder to Clark which he posted later in the contest he didn't like.

The Exchange

GrinningBuddha wrote:

Gauntlet of Life Transferance

I question why an item created by a mage is fashioned out of iron plates? I just can't see an item seemingly designed for arcane classes being made out of materials that don't mesh with their class. It also gives healing to non-healing classes, which may be a mark against it. With a change in flavor, this item could work.

Can't see a problem with that; I've been healing myself since 7th level, via polymorph. And I've been able to raise the dead for a few weeks, too, though that's more insurance for my clerical henchman, Kaile, than a daily chore.

Not that I need to heal too often; you have to find someone capable of hurting you first...<sigh>...there's so few opponents fit to lick my boots...

Wow, there's lots of cool items which didn't make the cut. Here's my own action-packed, rejected item:

Jar of Curse Purging
This stoppered glass jar has the power to exorcise necromancy spells by drawing forth the spell's essence in the form of an evil spirit. Once per day, if the open jar is held to the mouth of a creature affected by one or more ongoing necromancy spell effects, the creature is affected as if by a targeted dispel magic cast by a 9th level caster; however, only necromancy spells are affected. The jar works on necromancy spells normally unaffected by dispel magic.
If any spells are successfully dispelled, a mist enters the jar, where it manifests as an Incorporeal Evil Undead with CR equal to 2x the highest-level spell dispelled (minimum CR 3), +1 CR for each other spell dispelled in the same attempt. The DM chooses the exact type of undead (Shadow, Wraith, etc.) with the following modifications: the undead lacks the Create Spawn, Sunlight Powerlessness or Daylight Powerlessness special qualities. If the jar is broken or reopened, the undead is released and immediately attacks the jar's owner, followed by all other living creatures. The jar must be reopened to be reused.
strong necromancy; CL 9; Craft Wondrous Item, magic jar; Price 30,000 gp.

I can think of two probable reasons why this one didn't make it: (1) the CR mechanic is awkward -- I wanted to leave an opening for DMs to surprise the players with interesting undead of the DM's choice, but maybe a straight-up list of undead would have been simpler and (2) it's overpowering because it potentially turns a 2nd-level necromancy spell into the ability to summon a Wraith. :/ But since that's an *uncontrolled* Wraith, I think it's full of juicy possibilities of the "creating chaos and mayhem at the gaming field" type... and that's what I always think of, when I think of Wondrous Items. From a "concept" perspective, of course, it's based on the idea of curses being caused by evil spirits... which doesn't fit all campaign worlds, of course, but the same could be said about most magic effects.

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