Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

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I think it's a great contest but I just have to get paid to write these days, even if it is only commissioned x-rated screenplays like the one I'm currently penning, V is for Vagina. You wouldn't believe what I changed Guy Fawkes' name to, and the climax is explosive.
I didn't realise those things had scripts.

The Jade |

The Jade wrote:
And no sirree, I'm not one of those 200k a year writers who is on strike.OK,
But you do want to be one of those 200k a year writers, right?
Keep writing
"Actually, what I really want to do is direct." No, seriously. I'm making a movie that I also wrote. Trying to get a few more investors on board and we're there.
Money equals choice. I would certainly entertain a life with more choices.
I didn't realise those things had scripts.
Yep... x-rated films have scripts. You think those bimbos can come up with, "yes, yes yes, oh yes," on their own? These girls are lucky if they can velcro on their own sneakers in the morning.

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I didn't realise those things had scripts.
Yep... x-rated films have scripts. You think those bimbos can come up with, "yes, yes yes, oh yes," on their own? These girls are lucky if they can velcro on their own sneakers in the morning.
Then I shall look out for "V for Vagina", as I expect it will contain Proustian wit, knowing D&D references for the cognscenti, and great scenes of <<<<CENSORED>>>>.

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I wonder how many people have submitted total? Not that we'll find out until the end of the contest. I think the internet submission format has probably enabled more submissions. Anyway, mine's in.
I'm thinking it's going to be quite alot (more than the last open call). I'm seeing new names on these boards that appeared about the time the contest started. I think you're right about the internet submission process.
The more the merrier.
Paizo was looking to attract new people so this place wouldn't grow stagnant - and thus far, the newbies all seem like a good group of folks. I'm looking forward to seeing them around more.

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Eyebite wrote:All the better for you to drink their fresh blood! Mwoo ha ha ha.
Paizo was looking to attract new people so this place wouldn't grow stagnant - and thus far, the newbies all seem like a good group of folks. I'm looking forward to seeing them around more.
Little do they know . . .
*retreats to his secret newbie-devouring lair*

Yasha0006 |

They had better stock up on Caffeine, for I shall drain it all!
I agree in saying that it'll be good to have some Fresh Blood around here. Besides the more people join Paizo, the better the likelihood of me finding some interesting players in the Sacto area. I've been having a hard time doing just that as you know Eyebite.
Hopefully the winner of the contest overall will be someone who is a frequent poster though. That would be nice to see, but you never know, some New poster could come out of the woodwork and sweep us all away.
Heres hoping that doesn't happen though. ^_^

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They had better stock up on Caffeine, for I shall drain it all!
I agree in saying that it'll be good to have some Fresh Blood around here. Besides the more people join Paizo, the better the likelihood of me finding some interesting players in the Sacto area. I've been having a hard time doing just that as you know Eyebite.
Hopefully the winner of the contest overall will be someone who is a frequent poster though. That would be nice to see, but you never know, some New poster could come out of the woodwork and sweep us all away.
Heres hoping that doesn't happen though. ^_^
If work weren't so crazy right now, we might be able to figure something out.
We could always meet in between, and just play along the side of I5?

jraynack |

Ahhh, submitted - this time, before the deadline!
Now, I only wonder if Keebler's instant elven cookie factory has a remote possibility of making it to the next round.
Anyway, good luck to all - may fresh cookies be with you, always.*
*jraynack is not an elf nor is associated with Keebler or his band of cookie-baking renegades.

Mike Knowles |

By all the people here who have posted their "submitted" message that'd add up to quite a few entries, not to mention everyone who didn't/hasn't.
I finally got my entry passed by my game group for play-test this last session and re-edited so entered today. Since we play on Sundays it'll make future play testing more complicated with the entries due on Mondays. We still haven't figured out if we're going to reschedule the game or do a secondary play-test-only session. I suppose we have a few weeks to figure that out while I stress in the meantime.
Since our gaming group is fairly atypical of more gamers I know, it'll be interesting to compare what "we" think are good/useful items versus the items that win. I'm sure they'll be close, but I'm sure there'll be at least a surprise or two.

jraynack |

jraynack wrote:Now, I only wonder if Keebler's instant elven cookie factory has a remote possibility of making it to the next round.Please, please tell me that makes cookies with elves baked in them.
Of course . . . deep drow chocolate chip, mocha high elf chunk, oakwood elf and raisin, and much, much more.

Skaven13 |

CNB wrote:Of course . . . deep drow chocolate chip, mocha high elf chunk, oakwood elf and raisin, and much, much more.jraynack wrote:Now, I only wonder if Keebler's instant elven cookie factory has a remote possibility of making it to the next round.Please, please tell me that makes cookies with elves baked in them.
cause nothin says lovin like elves from the oven. :p
Sorry...couldn't resist.

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I think it's a great contest but I just have to get paid to write these days, even if it is only commissioned x-rated screenplays like the one I'm currently penning, V is for Vagina. You wouldn't believe what I changed Guy Fawkes' name to, and the climax is explosive.
[off topic]X rated film, or Puscifer album?[/off topic]

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Im there with 187 words...man, that would be a lot of entries on the 3, 5, and 7-word games. So, has Paula slept with anyone yet? or Randy called anyone 'Dawg' about a zillion times?
I tried detailing my country, 3 linked monsters, villain and favorite food in those last 13 words, but I couldn't.
You should have left out the favourite food. They're not looking for flavour text.

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It is now in. It was kinda hard making the whole 162 word post (including the BBCode tags) into a sensible complete Gygaxian anagram for the true hidden item, but I pulled it off. I even spared the judges any Trans-Am references. (that hyphen is a b!&!+ to work into an elaborate anagram)
Good luck everyone and supreme and total welcome to all the new faces that this thing has brought to the boards!

The Earl of Sandwich |

I went the route of scribbling every idea I had on a scrap piece of paper for nearly 10 days. It was amazingly easy to get rid of the dreck, which most of it was. A grand total of two ideas passed my first quality control check. Of course, the two ideas I had left were nearly impossible to choose between, so I'm still agonizing over the one I didn't send in.
Now, having gotten the whining out, it was a helluva of a lot of fun....

jraynack |

cause nothin says lovin like elves from the oven. :p
Sorry...couldn't resist.
No, prob. I think you came up with the new slogan for the famed orc baker and his business: Grul'Ve Throk's Chunky Cookie Crunch Consortium.
His last slogan was "ARRRRRRG - Kill, Bake, Elf!"
His associates will be over later today to sign the papers. You will be knee deep in vanilla elfers for years to come - a very wealthy person by orc standards.

Jim Groves Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4 |

I went the route of scribbling every idea I had on a scrap piece of paper for nearly 10 days. It was amazingly easy to get rid of the dreck, which most of it was. A grand total of two ideas passed my first quality control check. Of course, the two ideas I had left were nearly impossible to choose between, so I'm still agonizing over the one I didn't send in.
Now, having gotten the whining out, it was a helluva of a lot of fun....
I only came up with one idea and worked with it. But I slaved over the editing, and cut word after phrase from the text, and ended up re-writing it a half dozen times. It's amazing how many un-necessary words and phrases you can start using.. Particularly for a somewhat more complex item.
There's been talk about whether to submit a simple or a complex item. It's an interesting conundrum, because a simple item might be brilliant, but it's hard to come up with one that is original.
Whereas a complex item might lend itself to originality, but is hard to write up, price, and keep within word count.
But I had helluva a lot of fun too.
Well, mine's in. First-time poster and all.
It'd be so much easier if the site would just pop up an avatar sighing and shaking its head. This next fortnight's tension is gonna kill me.
Welcome David!

GeekBob |

It'd be so much easier if the site would just pop up an avatar sighing and shaking its head. This next fortnight's tension is gonna kill me.
I'm right there with ya. I just finished my item and submitted it, hoping I got every little detail (grammer and spelling mainly) correct.
Now comes the tension....
My idea was easy to think of (a simple item a player in my game wanted but could never find in any suppliment), but a pain to try and price. I think I got it though. Took a bit trying to break down prices of a few other items and wondering how my original calculations priced it over 1 mil.

Ragwaine |

It's in. I made a list picked 2, started 1 it was an artifact so I dropped it. Over the last two weeks I've been picking at it and did one major rewrite. I sent it to some friends and one of them asked one question that caused another major rewrite. So it's very different than what it started out as but it's done. I'm not going to look at it again until I use it in a game.
Good luck to a random 31 of you!

Pete v.B. |

Half of life is showing up. Kudos to all who submit; it is half the fun. Paizo is great to work with and this contest is a brilliant idea. I cannot wait to see the 32!
Pushed the big shiny Submit button, and now all my worries are over and it's just a small matter of waiting...
I know we can't really discuss our submissions as such. Still, I find myself curious as to what form of objects will be most popular. Will there be a glut of capes? A crate of candles? Apparatuses of every description? Only the judges know for sure...
Feel free to chime in (oh yeah, chimes...) once you've submitted too.

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Why am I more nervous now than before?
Maybe I did something wrong... Was I credited for a hardbook RPG? No, I'm pretty sure. Maybe I created something unoriginal? What if I completely got the prerequisites wrong? Hope word count is right...
AAAAAAAnd that's just a few of the thoughts running wildly in my little little brain! ^_^
BTW, can we know how many submissions you received?