Pete v.B.'s page
40 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
(Kneeling and bowed head; sword held high).
For those about to roll, we salute you!
Dear Paizo, you dropped my "Contributor" handle from my messageboard persona. Is this because I asked for my refund? ;-) Seriously, would like it back as I don't have much else to be proud of. 8-) Thanks.
Vic Wertz wrote: Pete v.B. wrote: Time to get us our refunds! I want mine by Christmas. I'll have finance check on your status. Thanks, Vic. Status?
Clark Peterson wrote: That is very kind of you, by the way.
But please dont forget Lisa, whose idea this was. And Vic and Gary who make this web stuff go. They have been studs making our stuff all go live for all of you. So my hat is off to them!
A belated salute to Lisa, Vic and Gary - rock on!

Wolfgang Baur wrote: propeliea wrote: Pete v.B. wrote: Clark, Erik and Wolfgang, I am really impressed with the level of analysis you gentlemen are putting into the countries. I am also amazed at the RPG talent in the world! My votes are recorded and I cannot wait to see where we go from here. This contest was brilliant. Thanks for all the (obvious) time you are all putting into this. See you out there...
I agree, whatever else you can say, there's a lot of love going into this. I'm not sure the business payoff could ever warrant the time and energy. That just shows how much they can give to the hobby and shows how hobbies survive and grow because of community strength. Pete v.B and Propeliea, thank you both for your kind words. Sometimes, the work that goes into these things isn't about the business side of things, but just about the love of the hobby, as you say. Plus, any chance to talk about games at a high level with fans and contestants is a good thing.
If you feel compelled to pick up a game book or magazine from Erik, Clark, or me, hey, I won't stop ya! That's Kobold Quarterly and Open Design in my case. :)
As a magazine publisher, I'm sort of quietly hoping one or two of my favorite contestants will send queries to my slush pile one day; submission guidelines are available. But I think those guys are kind of busy for the next little while.... Wolfgang, even though I did not make the final 32 wondrous items, as a writer/former Dragon contributor, do we have an invitation to query for your slush pile; or do you just want to hear from the big guns? So, while the little magazine that could gets big, is there still a place for the little guys? Thanks again.
Clark, Erik and Wolfgang, I am really impressed with the level of analysis you gentlemen are putting into the countries. I am also amazed at the RPG talent in the world! My votes are recorded and I cannot wait to see where we go from here. This contest was brilliant. Thanks for all the (obvious) time you are all putting into this. See you out there...
As Erik said, "weak." There are many of us who would have loved to be on the final 32. Leave the judging to the judges; this self-impaling on a longsword is so drama. Good luck to the alternates...do us proud.
Time to get us our refunds! I want mine by Christmas.
PAIZO! It is time to get us our money back! Refund checks should be in our hands by Christmas. Stop earning interest and get us our cash; you'll just get it back in orders anyway. Thanks!
200 words is perfect. The format does not include back-story, as far as I could see. This probably allows a DM to customize it to the module/campaign the item is encountered in.
flash_cxxi wrote: Is anyone else out there having trouble with the word count? I have finished mine and it comes in at 450 words.
Do we need a back story for our item? If not I can trim nearly 200 words, but it doesn't make as much sense without the backstory.
Man... 200 words is a killer.
Half of life is showing up. Kudos to all who submit; it is half the fun. Paizo is great to work with and this contest is a brilliant idea. I cannot wait to see the 32!
RogerC wrote: Pushed the big shiny Submit button, and now all my worries are over and it's just a small matter of waiting...
I know we can't really discuss our submissions as such. Still, I find myself curious as to what form of objects will be most popular. Will there be a glut of capes? A crate of candles? Apparatuses of every description? Only the judges know for sure...
Feel free to chime in (oh yeah, chimes...) once you've submitted too.
Hi. Ordered hard copy but shows as PDF only; can you please make sure I am getting the magazine in hand, not just as download. Thanks.
Hi, ordered Pathfinder (by phone) a few weeks ago and await its arrival. Please confirm you have the order and when you expect to ship. Thanks, Pete
WotC approves all Feats, even sometimes changing the authors original proposal. Sorry it caused such strife. Hope you liked the Archaeologist anyway (and my other Class Acts). We will all be missing writing for the Dragon.
Kirth Gersen wrote: Kalan wrote: After looking over the descriptions for both Undead and constructs I now wonder why they bothered with mentioning them at all. Not your fault at all; the author missed it, as did the editors. Typically the Paizo efforts are far better, but in this case--given the impending ends of both Dungeon and Dragon--I suspect they had a few more pressing things on their minds than the technical syntax of a new feat. I agree that by striking the sentence about undead and constructs completely, the feat description is still useable and the whole issue becomes far less confusing.

Cosmo wrote: Pete v.B. wrote: Hi. I bought a subscription to Dungeon for a buddy, Michael Muxie III of Little River, NC. He wanted to split his credit between Dungeon and Dragon mag so he could receive the last issues of both magazines. He called but customer service said he could only use credit towards new Pathfinder since he was not the "paying subscriber." Could you please split his Dungeon credit between both magazines as he wished. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Actually, when I spoke to him on the phone, I told him that I could not do this for him because his Dragon subscription expired with issue #350 and he will only have three remaining issues of Dungeon after it ends. Furthermore, it appears that he's already rolled these remaining issues into volumes of Pathfinder.
I can extend an existing subscription using leftover issues of the other subscription, but I cannot create a whole new subscription.
To get the final issues of Dragon Michael will need to create a Month-to-month subscription, or pick them up as back issues, when they become available.
cos Thanks. I now see the big picture.
Hi. I bought a subscription to Dungeon for a buddy, Michael Muxie III of Little River, NC. He wanted to split his credit between Dungeon and Dragon mag so he could receive the last issues of both magazines. He called but customer service said he could only use credit towards new Pathfinder since he was not the "paying subscriber." Could you please split his Dungeon credit between both magazines as he wished. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Phil Lacefield Jr. wrote: I seem to remember my first being Dragon 53. My dad bought it for me because I had just discovered chit-powered wargames, and he asked at his favorite newsstand if there was a magazine on games. That's what they handed him, and what he brought home to me. I've had every one since.
Thanks for the link to #53. That was my first subscription issue. I'll never forget Garden of Nefaron!
Clone the editors, accelerate growth like Stormtroopers with literary training, then ride out the double-duty. Afterwards they can do things like get Starbucks and wash cars; following a full frontal labotomy, of course (can't have WotC kidnapping the dupes). Note: make sure to labotomize the right ones. I.e. we wouldn't want the real Mike McArtor running about missing his frontal lobe. And, imagine the damage his clone could do if unleashed upon the world. The horror...
This is a good place to complain about WotC's decision:
Yes, online reaches the world easier, but so what. Just provide a downloadable PDF every issue for those folks abroad. I am tired of globalization. I cannot curl up with my laptop -- I read every issue cover-to-cover; this usually occurs at night when the baby and wife are asleep. What am I to do now? You expect me to print out a PDF!? Have you seen ink prices these days? Okay, reference may be easier, but I could do that with a set of PDF's on my hard drive. How can you cut Paizo loose!? The format of Dragon/Dungeon are in their prime/never better...I worry about narrative ecologies, too much fiction, and (gasp) other past incarnations. If they wanted to talk to their baby again, why couldn't the folks at WotC just submit content like the rest of us?
My first Dragon mag was 'Best of the Dragon II' in early '80's. I did not even know what D&D was but got a glimpse through that issue. Luckilly, I got the blue box that Christmas. I still love that cover and the adds for Ral Partha figures! I now own most of the magazines, save the 1-10 area. If you bought the Dragon CD in the '90's, you are a happy cat!
Thank you, Vic.
Vic Wertz wrote: Pete v.B. wrote: Dear Cosmo, when I log in to Paizo, I want to show that I subscribe to Dungeon & Dragon, have contributed to Dragon, and have signed up to subscribe to Pathfinder. Thank you, Sir! Pete von Bleichert Pete,
If you have a look at your profile page, you'll see you're identified as a subscriber to all three of those publications. On the Dungeon messageboards, you'll be identified as a Dungeon subscriber, and on the Dragon messageboards, you'll be identified as a Dragon subscriber. You'll be identified as a Pathfinder subscriber on all messageboards. As for the contributor tag, talk to your editor.
Dear Cosmo, when I log in to Paizo, I want to show that I subscribe to Dungeon & Dragon, have contributed to Dragon, and have signed up to subscribe to Pathfinder. Thank you, Sir! Pete von Bleichert
Can I assume Paizo will want its freelancers to stay on board for Pathfinder?
When do you anticipate releasing writers guidelines?
Do you see as much freelance content as you had with Dungeon & Dragon mags?
Thanks to the editors at Paizo; you people are the most patient, easy-to-work-with editors I have ever encountered!
Here's to the future!
My #354 never made it. I bought a newstand replacement so please credit my account for an issue (or two since I keep having to pay news stand price). I am concerend as this is the second month in a row my Dragon has not arrived.
Issue 353 never arrived. I bought a replacement. Can you please add a one issue credit to my subscription. Thanks.
353 never arrived (as of March 16). Being the impatient soul I am, I had to pick one up. Would you be kind enough to add a 1 issue credit to my subscription? Cheers!
Sir Michael, thanks for this fine explanation of Class Acts. You should update the class acts part of guidelines with it, because explanation there is way outdated.
I was starting to plan to go to GenCon SoCal(Anaheim) 2007 and read that it has been cancelled! Has anyone else heard this cursed news!? Is it true!
EO's style = D&D nostalgia art

I have written for Dragon a couple of times and am targeting Dungeon. You have the right attitutude (thick skin/patience) and the editors of Paizo are unlike most editors I have worked with at other magazines: patient and willing to mentor. However, to honor them, groom queries/your work. No spell errors, no plot points that lead no where, etc. Send them only the best you have. And for goodness sakes, read the guidelines! The no "PCs stumble upon..." is straight out of them. Good luck to us all and hail D&D!
Zherog wrote: So I have fairly thick skin, and I'm a firm believer that the best way to improve is to learn from mistakes. Of course, I'd prefer to learn from the mistakes of others. :D Here's the query I had sent in this past summer that I recently received a rejection letter for. I can spot a few things that would make it less than appealing (I'll add them last). But there's also a lot of folks here who I'm sure could offer me some tips and advice on how I could've done a better job on this query. One quick comment - this was written before the "rules" changed to allow two pages, single spaced; so if you think it seem a bit short, that could be why.
Anything at all that would help me (or others) learn from my mistakes is appreciated!
I wrote: The Exterminators
General Information
“The Exterminators” is a generic world adventure designed for first level characters. Geographically, the adventure requires a small island in the middle of a lake or river, and a small town nearby. The adventure should be fairly easy to scale upwards several levels.
Plot Summary
A patron hires the players to travel to a nearby island in order to help rid the island of a vermin infestation, as well as other minor pests. Alternatively, the players could happen to stumble into the adventure on their own, without a patron hiring them. The characters travel to the location of the island. They must find a way to reach the island. While on the island, they encounter numerous vermin such as rats and insects. They’ll also encounter several wild animals. In the center of the island is a crumbling structure. Some animals and vermin use this building for shelter, and while examining the building, the players find a stairway leading down to the basement of the building. Down here, they encounter a small cult dedicated to Nerull. The cult is actively in the process of sacrificing a young farm boy to their dark god. The players defeat the cult and rescue the farmer, returning him safely home. Examination...
I will resubmit. Thank you for your time.
James Jacobs wrote: Peter von Bleichert wrote: Sire's - if a really good Campaign Workbook piece comes in, but is 952 words, is that acceptable? (I know 1,100 min.) Would you suggest a re-submit after beefing it up? Thanks! PvB Unfortunately, 952 words is just a tad over one page in the magazine. Campaign workbooks cover two pages, which is why we have such strict word counts for them. There's always ways to add more words, so I'd suggest adding a little more to it before sending it in.
Sire's - if a really good Campaign Workbook piece comes in, but is 952 words, is that acceptable? (I know 1,100 min.) Would you suggest a re-submit after beefing it up? Thanks! PvB
Sounds juicy!
Great Green God wrote: Nicolas Logue wrote: You mean the upcoming Seeds of Sehan arc right? I hear it's very Far Realm madness...and there might be a flying rhino? Also, cause I know the architects of it, I'm pretty darned sure its gonna totally rock out! WERECABBAGES!!!
Actually the rhino is something else entirely. But it is still pretty mad. ;)
Thanks, though I meant the theme of the arc; I would not presume to be good enough to do one of them...yet!
Sebastian wrote: Eh? Are you talking about the next adventure path? I'm sure the editors will correct me if I'm wrong, but those aren't the types of gigs that you get by submitting something at random. Those jobs are assigned to the best submitters with a track record for quality and punctuality. They are given an outline of the type of adventure that is needed, and then they write it. Same goes for the shorter campaign arcs as well.
The best information for getting published is in the black hole thread. Check there for information about what topics are overdone at the moment.
Sorry, I am new at this. Forgiveness, please.
Jeremy Mac Donald wrote: In future could start threads without making the title in block capitals. Its overkill and unsightly.

Thanks all. I will print the black hole thread as well.
Ashenvale wrote: Here's the info on Campaign Workbook Wandering Monster submissions from the "black hole" thread. It suggests DUNGEON's present demand is high. (I'm sure I'm violating thread etiquette by duplicating content, but I'm too lazy to summarize, and the information is helpful.)
James Sutter (Assistant Editor, Dungeon: We're also welcoming submissions to our new "Wandering Monster" section, introduced in issue 141, in which we run either brand new monsters or update old favorites in a two-page, Monster-Manual-esque format. We ask that you please follow the organizational structure shown there, but otherwise - send us whatever you like.
Have an idea of a classic D&D monster that's never been updated? What about a completely original homebrew beastie? All are welcome in the new section.
Let the submissions stampede begin!
James Jacobs (Editor-in-Chief, Dungeon): Construct them like critical threats. We don't need queries; just send them in. The wordcount should be about 1250 words (statblock included). Use the latest version of a Wandering Monster as a guide for what elements to include.
James Sutter (Assistant Editor, Dungeon): As with all other Campaign Workbook submissions, we want to see the complete article, as finished and polished as you can make it. The only exception to this policy is for regular contributors (who I will arbitrarily define here as "people who have published at least two CWs or adventures in Dungeon"), who may send quick one-sentence or one-paragraph descriptions of their ideas to test the waters. (We still won't accept anything until we've seen the full manuscript, but it'll save you time if your idea is something we're already doing.) And lest you think us unduly prejudiced, let me point out that the difference is not because we like the regulars better, but because we already have a solid grasp of their writing styles.
Shade (Subscriber): Do we need to send a separate Standard Disclosure form with each monster, or will one labeled "Wandering...
Hi Amber, love your stuff. I meant more the theme of the next arc (like we are currently a pirate-dinosaur type theme) so I could tailor a Campaign Workbook or two. Thanks.
Medesha wrote: Sebastian has it right; adventure path adventures aren't taken from the slush pile, but are assigned to individual writers. If you build up a really good rep you might get asked, though!
-Amber S.
Would you be kind enough to release any info. here about the upcoming campaign arc so us writers can tailor submissions to theme(s)? Also, any insight into Campaign Workbook demand, especially new Wandering, etc.
Thanks much, PvB