Hudak vs. Dravite insult thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

Yeah, I be thinkin' we can be makin' a mean set o' boots outta it's hide or sumfin....hee-hee...or ye' could be ridin' de beastie inta battle...maybe ye might'n be able ta be gettin' into da fight wit de extra speed an' all...

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

*brapp!* hey, Dravite...smell something?

Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

I be givin' ye da lead o' the party an I still be gonna git inta de action first. Slowpoke!

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

Sergeant Hulka: Soldier, I've noticed that you're always last.
John Winger: I'm pacing myself, Sergeant.

Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

If'n I shaved this dang mule it would be bearin' a right strong 'semblence ta yer own hairless face, Hudak. Ceptin' dat Ol'Crag be havin' a fair bit straighter choppers, an' much nicer mouth scent. Heee-Haewww, Baldy!


male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

The Hagfish owner wants to talk to you about doing a "show" of some type...

male Human Shoanti Fighter 10 xp 80962

Light a fart, Dravite. That'll burn them out.

Male Dwarf Ranger/7 XP- 35674

What be in dat vial ye be tossin' in de tent, Hudie? Dat must be yer undies by da way dey be gaggin' an wretchin' aboot!

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