Generic Post

Off-Topic Discussions

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Non-specific, baseless rate with no closure.

Scarab Sages


Derogatory noise made with pursed lips.

Seemingly off the cuff remark designed to play upon previous poster's inner fears.

Unfounded proclamation of innate superiority of the gnomish species.

Snickering exit.


Non-specific, baseless RANT with no closure.

Will never learn to check my work before posting with my phone.

Dark Archive

Corner case rules minutiae rant

Thoroughly out of control overreaction, followed by vicious accusations.

Presses "like" on the moderator's strongly worded warning to not snipe at other posters.

Scarab Sages

Neurotic polemic about linguistic particulars.

Dark Archive

Starts a rant against a drug that could benefit millions of people


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wide eyed newcomer marveling at the sights.

Semi-frequent poster accidentally necro-ing a thread.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Person who has not posted in three years adding nothing of substance in first post back.

Off topic remark about Reddit threads that somewhat circumvents the etiquette expected on the forums.

Personal opinion ventured as fact.

Overly-hyperbolic accusatory response to necromancy of years-old thread

Curt response that is sufficiently ambiguous that the insult might not be.

Expression of amazement at length of thread.

Post announcing its own unnecessary nature.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Post announcing that the author has not read any of the previous 4200 or so posts, offers unworkable solutions to non-existent problems, and then makes irrelevant points that were already made several years ago, and were pointless then.

Edition war.

Unnecessary and unconnected link.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Expressing surprise for not knowing of this thread's existence at all until today.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just wanted to try the flagging system

Atavar wrote:
Just wanted to try the flagging system

Unprovoked and unnecessary personal attack for flagging a post that is assumed mine, with no evidence whatsoever.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Quotes previous quotes of himself to answer imagined problem

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