
4th Edition

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Sebastian wrote:
Saern wrote:

You guys nearly cost me a computer screen. Sexi Golem was just raving about the absolute stupidity of "leet speak" (I will NOT use two 3s in that), with special attention towards the aneurystic practice of replacing 4 for "a". Even as he sat down, I was saying something to the effect of "Thank god for Paizo, where people type in full sentances with proper grammar and don't use that crap." Then... this thread appeared... and the screaming ensued.

Nothing to add about 4e, except maybe... "meh."

I would have more sympathy for your position if you were not a member of the generation that birthed l33t speak and has made a constant assault on the English language since then with your new fangled "texting" and "IMing."

Now get off my lawn.


No, wait! I'm one of you! You have to believe me! I'll, uhm, mow your lawn!

... with my iMower....

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I wonder if Wizards of the Coast will buy time on a cable station for a infomercial?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Phil. L wrote:

It looks pretty much like 4th Ed. is on its way. It probably won't have any OGL stuff in it either. Of course, if it does, how does this impact on Paizo and the other publishers? Interesting times ahead indeed.

I don't think you even need to assume the absence of the OGL to have concern over the future of Paizo. Maybe the market lacks the appetite to move as quickly from 3.5 to 4e as it did from 3e to 3.5, but the edition change did cause 3e sales to plunge.

And Pathfinder is just launching now. The last thing it needs is for people to say, "neh. I'll wait till they change to 4e to start collecting."

I like how the general tone of the responses on here to the possibility of 4th edition is something like disappointment. Except for Celestial Healer of course. That guy was awfully quick to whip out the lighter fuild.

I'm just looking at the giant pile of very expensive books and magazines in my office, all of which are about to plummet in value by this time tomorrow, I think.

Timing sounds about right with WOTC pulling out of the magazines, maybe the day of destruction is here. Long Live 3.5!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Whimsy Chris wrote:
Olaf the Stout wrote:

My guess, it's either the announcement of the new Digital Initiative or 4E.

The 4 days of adventure, in reference to Gen Con, does sound plausible though.

Olaf the Stout

If 4 days of Gen Con were the case, then I would think it would be on the more of the Wizard's website, including Star Wars, etc, not just on D&D.

good point

A lot of people said they would never switch from 2nd Ed. (except for a few like Lawgiver) but when they discovered just how good the 3e stuff was they jumped to get their hands on it. If 4th Ed. is brilliant then people will buy it. Even those who a cynically deriding it now.

Just you wait and see.

Of course, it could be a advertising stunt for something else, but I doubt it.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

I can't help but imagine Sebastian leaning back in his chair, hands triumphantly locked behind his head, elbows out with a big grin on his face right now. Ready to serve pie.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Bah! In a mere ... 21 hours and 24 minutes my 3rd edition jokes might become more worthless! I have to offload them now!

Spoilered for your sanity.

1st Person: Wisdom is more important for teachers in DnD.

2nd Person: No, he thinks intelligence is obviously more important.

1st Person: But profession (teacher) checks are modified by wisdom, not intelligence.

2nd Person: He uses a skill that is modified by intelligence to teach.

1st Person: Really? What skill is that?

2nd Person: Craft (young minds).

3rd Person: That is when the 1st Person threw his chair at the 2nd Person.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Daigle wrote:
I can't help but imagine Sebastian leaning back in his chair, hands triumphantly locked behind his head, elbows out with a big grin on his face right now. Ready to serve pie.

Let's just say I'm stocking up on eggs, flour, and sugar right now. The I-Told-You-So berries are on the vine and look nice and plump, but won't really be ready until the 4e launch arrives and the cries of "I'll never switch" are drowned out by the sounds of cold hard currency swelling the coffers at WotC.

And then, oh yes, there will be pie...

We are certainly on the same wavelength Sebastion even if we are coming at it from different angles. ;-)

Dark Archive

4th Edition is here.

Although I could do without the theatrics of the 'countdown' here's to hoping that this is an announcement that the 4th edition of the game and the digital initiative are one in the same.

Let's face it, our hobby is going to die without the DI. The core audience is getting older. Like many of the other grognards here (25 years playing D&D for me come September) I will always believe the table-top experience to be an irreplaceable part of the hobby.

However, the only members of the younger generation joining and embracing this hobby are our offspring. Many people with large gaming groups, dozens of friends in the hobby, or in the industry may disagree with this assessment, but I'm the guy who makes up the vast bulk of the D&D games audience.

I'm the guy who has been playing on and off for 20+ years because it is a game I fell in love with as a child. We're the guys that play with the same group of friends for the most part. We have seen these groups become fragmented more and more as we 'grow up' and other responsibilities take hold. Work. Relationships. Children. Many have abandoned the hobby altogether for the quick fix of MMORPG's. I have friends that would love to play again, but let's face it, the game as it is right now does not bear up well for getting together to game in a quick and efficient fashion. Planning, schedules, geographical separation, and more all get in the way.

The DI, if pulled off correctly could bring this game back in a big way. If the DI is 4th edition, it would not only draw many people back into the game, it would bring new people to the hobby. If you are under twenty years old these days, your life revolves around the computer and internet. It is a logical, and probably long overdue decision by Wizards. This is tough to understand for a lot of people, but this is the only option left. I don't want to see the hobby die. I don't want to feel like I did during the last days of TSR before Wizards saved the day. That was awful.

Before the inevitable dissection of this post occurs, consider a few things. In the past five years I have seen Paizo grow from an upstart that I felt would dilute and ruin my beloved magazines to a company that has put the fans first and earned my hard earned money for their fabulous products and wonderful community. They took the magazines and made them relevant again and pleasure to read. They also laid them to rest with dignity and class.

I am not a Wizards company shill. If Wizards radically alters the rules, and decides to sell me the same product with a different veneer I will be the first to cleave to whoever 'keeps the flame alive' for the true spirit of the game (I'm looking to you Paizo). But I am also a realist on this issue. I'd love to play with my cousin who joined the hobby with me again. I'd love to see Play by Post games evolve to the next logical incarnation. I'd love to see the game grow. I'm sure many people feel the same way.

Liberty's Edge

Zynete wrote:

Bah! In a mere ... 21 hours and 24 minutes my 3rd edition jokes might become more worthless! I have to offload them now!

Spoilered for your sanity.
** spoiler omitted **

Man standing in a lake:Why did the Chuul cross the road?

A: To get to the other...AARGGH!!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Rookseye wrote:
The DI, if pulled off correctly could bring this game back in a big way. If the DI is 4th edition, it would not only draw many people back into the game, it would bring new people to the hobby. If you are under twenty years old these days, your life revolves around the computer and internet. It is a logical, and probably long overdue decision by Wizards. This is tough to understand for a lot of people, but this is the only option left. I don't want to see the hobby die. I don't want to feel like I did during the last days of TSR before Wizards saved the day. That was awful.

Even as I welcome 4e, even as I continue my subdued dance, I will make my way to the mountain top to meet this new generation and bring them a message of welcome, of acceptance, and, most importantly, of getting the hell off my lawn.

Dark Archive

Sebastian wrote:

Even as I welcome 4e, even as I continue my subdued dance, I will make my way to the mountain top to meet this new generation and bring them a message of welcome, of acceptance, and, most importantly, of getting the hell off my lawn.

Our lawns, Sebastian, our lawns. Damn kids.

Now this is how you play a cleric correctly, whippersnapper!

Liberty's Edge

Anonymous User 13 wrote:
Zynete wrote:

Bah! In a mere ... 21 hours and 24 minutes my 3rd edition jokes might become more worthless! I have to offload them now!

Spoilered for your sanity.
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

allright now-stay in character

Q: How many Beholders does it take to screw in a light bulb

A: I don't know -we'll see.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Anonymous User 13 wrote:
Zynete wrote:

Bah! In a mere ... 21 hours and 24 minutes my 3rd edition jokes might become more worthless! I have to offload them now!

Spoilered for your sanity.
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Most people are aware of Call Lightning's more power version, Call Lightning, Greater. However there is a third, less powerful version of Call Lightning. It is known as Call Lightning Collect.

Anonymous User 13 wrote:
Anonymous User 13 wrote:
Zynete wrote:

Bah! In a mere ... 21 hours and 24 minutes my 3rd edition jokes might become more worthless! I have to offload them now!

Spoilered for your sanity.
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

allright now-stay in character

Q: How many Beholders does it take to screw in a light bulb

** spoiler omitted **

Again, I must apologize for my unruly brethren's behavior-just ignore the lizardman

Liberty's Edge

Zynete wrote:
Anonymous User 13 wrote:
Zynete wrote:

Bah! In a mere ... 21 hours and 24 minutes my 3rd edition jokes might become more worthless! I have to offload them now!

Spoilered for your sanity.
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

response to last spoiler

How do they CHARGE for that?

Liberty's Edge

Anonymous User 13 wrote:
Zynete wrote:
Anonymous User 13 wrote:
Zynete wrote:

Bah! In a mere ... 21 hours and 24 minutes my 3rd edition jokes might become more worthless! I have to offload them now!

Spoilered for your sanity.
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

response to last spoiler

** spoiler omitted **

Bar joke

A cleric and a druid walk into a bar. the barkeep says,"Looks like the divine casters have arrived."
The warlock at the bar quickly grabs his drink and goes to sit in the corner and puts his drink on the floor.

The bartender turns to the other patron at the bar and says," All I said was 'The divine casters have arrived.'"

The other patron says,"Casters? He thought you said coasters."

Hm . . . let me say this. First off, I'll be the first one to line up and apologize for any defense that might have been made against a certain thing being announced at this time. I'll freely admit to having been an overly nieve ass desperately clinging to a desperate hope if what looks like might happen happens.

However, first I'd like to say, if what looks like might happen happens, exactly when it happens is going to play a big part in how open I am to this idea, because if its before 2009, then there was intentional misinformation put out, and a company that lies to me in this manner isn't going to get my money anymore, ever.

Also, I need to be convinced that what might be about to happen is needed . . . trying to convince me that its an exciting thing by putting up a countdown isn't a good idea right now. I guess they REALLY don't know how to read their audience.

Finally, if what looks like its about to happen isn't really going to happen, then they are incredibly stupid for trying to make it look like it is happening.

Ah well . . . tomorrow at this time I'll likely be apologizing for a few posts from the last couple of months, then looking for my pitch fork and torch with the rest of ya'll. I'll gladly get to the back of the mob . . .

Daigle wrote:

Perhaps, "4 days of adventure"? A Gen Con kick off?

Thanks for the suggestion, Vascant.

Oh God I hope so. When I heard the speculation about 4th Edition I nearly had a heart attack.

I really hope it isn't 4th edition. It would quite literally be the roach in my pudding that was the relatively awesome day I had today.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
KnightErrantJR wrote:

Hm . . . let me say this. First off, I'll be the first one to line up and apologize for any defense that might have been made against a certain thing being announced at this time. I'll freely admit to having been an overly nieve ass desperately clinging to a desperate hope if what looks like might happen happens.

However, first I'd like to say, if what looks like might happen happens, exactly when it happens is going to play a big part in how open I am to this idea, because if its before 2009, then there was intentional misinformation put out, and a company that lies to me in this manner isn't going to get my money anymore, ever.

Also, I need to be convinced that what might be about to happen is needed . . . trying to convince me that its an exciting thing by putting up a countdown isn't a good idea right now. I guess they REALLY don't know how to read their audience.

Finally, if what looks like its about to happen isn't really going to happen, then they are incredibly stupid for trying to make it look like it is happening.

Ah well . . . tomorrow at this time I'll likely be apologizing for a few posts from the last couple of months, then looking for my pitch fork and torch with the rest of ya'll. I'll gladly get to the back of the mob . . .

I am slowly(and warily) opening up to the idea of a 4e(even as early as tomorrow). Let's just see what the suckorsoarus flies like.

There is no more reason for those of us who love 3.5 to stop playing it in favor of 4e than there is for those that love 2nd ed to stop playing that.

It looks like paizo will support 3.5 for at least another year and there are other companies out there as well for those who must have store-bought modules and stuff. As always quality will vary with market factors and there are always pleasant surprises as well as unpleasant for any adventurous buyer.

As for WOTC's integrity-I also have been less interested in perusing their offerings lately and yet they are hard to ignore altogether...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

BTW-any other sources for up-to-the-minute rumors on the 4e beast?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I find the countdown a bit silly because I doubt that there will be any substantial information about fourth edition (if that is really what this is all about) given tomorrow other than the actual release date.

I would assume that they would be giving information of the new system as the release date approached.

The angry and untrusting part of me speaks below...

I'll be pissed if the start selling subscriptions to DI now since that would make it just a internet ad for 4E that I would be paying them to see!

And then the request for Dragon and Dungeon submissions would be absolutely evil because by the time they would be able to publish them fourth edition would have come and rendered the article/adventure worthless

Even now most of the submissions already would be trash because they would feature things not be in the initial version of the next edition (Ones that include ninjas, warlocks, knights, etc.)

Hell. They must like wasting our time. I bet they are all laughing and drinking as the delete the submissions they received.


Liberty's Edge

That sketch artwork up the top of the countdown page looks awfully like concept art for a new edition, doesn't it....?

Liberty's Edge

My reaction to 4e:
(both index fingers firmly in my ears)
"el lel lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelel......"

No pie. Yes ipecac, incase the lawyer slips some past my fangs.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

The only thing that is gonna get me to accept 4e is the abject fear of becoming one of those bitter 1st and 2nd edition people that have been getting on my nerves. To suppress the flames I must state that it's not every 1e and 2e gamer that has been bugging me, just a select few that I know, and not anyone here.

I will however probably play 3.5e for a while before my group is convinced enough to switch. Each change in edition has been like that for my group. I don't think we started playing 3e until a month or two before 3.5e came out. I'll check it out and see while the rest of the group comes around.

Or not. Who knows. I'm open like that.

Liberty's Edge

This is all rumor mongering. I refuse to be a part of it in more than a tangential way.
I'm going to go turn on National Geographic now...oh, look--crocodiles in DE NILE.

You know, looking at the sketch, I almost thought that the foremost two characters were our Dungeon iconics the bald sorcerer guy and the tiefling fighter. I could be wrong, but maybe this is part of the DI rollout, and they plan on going forward with using the established iconic characters for the online magazines?

tasteless joke

Q: What did 4e say to 2e?

A:"Relax-3.x is just a phase."



Gerr a little ticked if it is 4e rules, just went on the net to search for some 1st-2nd level adventures for a game night happening this friday, in which i will be teaching a group of 6 or so new players how to play, and because of that i just so happened to blow about $200 on books only 4 days ago, as i just recently moved and my new friends here just so happen to approach me once they found out that i use to play D&D, about me teaching them how to play, so i had to go out and get the DMG and Players handbooks, and such as the game group that i was in, a fellow member (and roomate at the time) had those books.

So kinda a double edged sword, pissed that i just spent some money on some new books and the books that i did have are in mint condition, but mabey 4e if it is 4e might make some things easier.

oh and rookseye, just for the age topic of players, im 23 and i have 6 people at the moment who are 21 and under who are wanting to learn how to play (yeah im the old one of the group), and with the way they are i see them becoming dedicated D&D players by the end of fridays game session.

oh and first post, decided to actually join up instead of just lurking

Liberty's Edge

KnightErrantJR wrote:
You know, looking at the sketch, I almost thought that the foremost two characters were our Dungeon iconics the bald sorcerer guy and the tiefling fighter. I could be wrong, but maybe this is part of the DI rollout, and they plan on going forward with using the established iconic characters for the online magazines?

There's a certain similarity... though if they are them, they've been "re-imagined" quite a lot, which I suppose is also quite possible.

Though the bald guy looks an awful lot like he's wearing heavy armour and hefting a short hafted weapon (axe?) whilst the "tiefling" almost looks more like a half-black dragon to me.

Liberty's Edge

Don't they gonna nounce 4e. at a covention, isstedda on da intrynet?

Mothman wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:
You know, looking at the sketch, I almost thought that the foremost two characters were our Dungeon iconics the bald sorcerer guy and the tiefling fighter. I could be wrong, but maybe this is part of the DI rollout, and they plan on going forward with using the established iconic characters for the online magazines?

There's a certain similarity... though if they are them, they've been "re-imagined" quite a lot, which I suppose is also quite possible.

Though the bald guy looks an awful lot like he's wearing heavy armour and hefting a short hafted weapon (axe?) whilst the "tiefling" almost looks more like a half-black dragon to me.

Yeah, I can see where it looks more like armor. When I first looked at the bald guy, it looked kind of like that pseudo armor shoulder thingy that the Dungeon sorcerer had . . . and the Ram's horns wouldn't be too much of an alteration from the tieflings originals, but they are different enough that they (obviously) could be completely different characters.

I thought the bald guy had a club though, for what its worth.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The way it looks to me now is that the 4e announcement will be tomorrow with actual books not available until next GenCon-plenty of time to generate buzz about the new game and to alleviate concerns about people spending money on obsolete books-

Mothman wrote:
Whimsy Chris wrote:
Is it just me or does it feel like we have less than 12 hours to save the world?
Sounds like we need Jack Bauer.

It's a doomsday device for sure! We're running out of time!!!

Chloe, I need those schematics!!!

Now, watch as I drive across LA in only three minutes!

Phazzar wrote:



Well, there went my entrails . . . I could have handled 4th edition, even if I didn't love the idea . . . but flat out lying to my enrages me. I'm am so far beyond pissed off right now.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
KnightErrantJR wrote:
Phazzar wrote:



Well, there went my entrails . . . I could have handled 4th edition, even if I didn't love the idea . . . but flat out lying to my enrages me. I'm am so far beyond pissed off right now.

Sorry, the link requires some sort of password. What's the skinny?

Liberty's Edge

Phazzar wrote:



Weeerl...... looks official then.

Liberty's Edge

KnightErrantJR wrote:
Phazzar wrote:



Well, there went my entrails . . . I could have handled 4th edition, even if I didn't love the idea . . . but flat out lying to my enrages me. I'm am so far beyond pissed off right now.

If your post implies what I think it does, I don't even want an email from them in my inbox so I can log in to their boards...

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

For those w/o a password:

"Hello All.

The announcement of 4th Edition is a pretty big event for all RPG fans. It's a huge event for all of us at Wizards of the Coast, including WotC staff and our WizO support team. We understand that this is something many of you are going to feel very passionate about in a number of ways.

We've created this forum for few reasons. We want everyone to have a single discussion forum where they can get answers and information directly from the D&D staff. We also want to prevent the other forums from being overwhelmed with 4E posts to the point that it drowns out any of the natural discussion in those areas. Additionally, I want to have a single forum where our community can post their hopes, fears, concerns, and dreams about 4E. This will make it easier for the D&D staff to read community feedback, and to (hopefully) provide a lot of answers to your questions.

The WizOs will be moderating this forum and others. They are acting on the direction of Wizards of the Coast, so if you're upset with their moderation, please don't take it out on the WizOs. Their goals will be clear: Keep 4th Edition discussion in the 4E forum. This might mean locking threads and/or moving posts.

If you have concerns, questions, or issues about the forum moderation taking place after the 4th Edition announcement, I've created a thread here where you may discuss your concerns.

Finally, please try to be respectful in your posts and comments. Be nice to other posters, the WizOs, and WotC staff. The WizOs will be enforcing all Code of Conduct rules on all forums as usual.

If you have any suggestions or ideas on how I can do a better job of helping to facilitate communication between the D&D Staff and the Community, I've created a thread here.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber


dance dance dance

Y'all can mope around talking about how the original star trek is the best thing ever. Me? I'll be on the bridge with Picard and Data fighting the borg if you need me.


Sebastian wrote:


dance dance dance

Y'all can mope around talking about how the original star trek is the best thing ever. Me? I'll be on the bridge with Picard and Data fighting the borg if you need me.


::Taps Sebastian on the shoulder and hands him a copy of Enterprise.::

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Tessius wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:
Phazzar wrote:



Well, there went my entrails . . . I could have handled 4th edition, even if I didn't love the idea . . . but flat out lying to my enrages me. I'm am so far beyond pissed off right now.

If your post implies what I think it does, I don't even want an email from them in my inbox so I can log in to their boards...

The referenced URL is a new forum opened yesterday to handle feedback from the announcement at some unspecified time of 4e which will be available at some unspecified time. Combined with the shutdown of the D&D website, and its replacement with an ominous countdown timer, it is almost certain that 4e will be announced at GenCon tomorrow...

Liberty's Edge

I can't imagine the vitriol & bile that those WizO's will have to deal with. My dissapointment is about the misinformation about the probable release date.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

KnightErrantJR wrote:

::Taps Sebastian on the shoulder and hands him a copy of Enterprise.::

::Points to Fatespinner who has already jumped ship to Firefly (White Wolf)

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