The Paizonian Coloseum


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Male Human Necromancer 1

Ennoch drops to the ground, attempting to smother the flames.

Dropping prone as a free action, full-round action to attempt the Reflex save. Again, Invisible Castle is blocked to me so I will need an official type person to roll my save for me.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Ennoch the Black wrote:

Ennoch drops to the ground, attempting to smother the flames.

Dropping prone as a free action, full-round action to attempt the Reflex save. Again, Invisible Castle is blocked to me so I will need an official type person to roll my save for me.

1d20+2=17 reflex save.

Aldurin is up (I assume the Arenamaster is taking his turn again?).


Male Human Necromancer 1
Fake Healer wrote:
1d20+2=17 reflex save.

Success! I am no longer ablaze! Woo-hoo!

"Let terror take the cleric! Kill this meddling elf!!!"

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Aldurin is up. Arenamaster probably needs to take his turn.

The site is up, but still not finished.

Due to the huge intrest, I'm going to ask everyone to do me a favor.

1) Go to my player page. Click "View" and "Source".

2) This should bring up a Notepad file with a bunch of code. Relpace my info with yours. Do not change anything between the "<" and ">" symbols. (if you know how to do HTML, feel free to set up the links on your page)

3) Click "File" and "Save As", type in your alias name using only lower case characters and use under scores for spaces. Then put ".html" after. EX: your_messageboard_alias.html
*You do not have to give out your e-mail address if you don't want to. If you are playing in the first game, you are considered a "Founding Member".

4) Go to the character template page, and do the same thing. Save as "your_character_name.html"

5) Send me an e-mail with these files attached. I only need one Player page per person, but I need a Character page for each charater you wish to play. My e-mail is:

If you need help, just ask. Thanks in advace for doing this. This is going to save me a ton of work. If any of the webmonkeys out there know of an easier way to do this, or want to be the "Offical Arena Webmonkey" let me know.

Aldurin moves to K5 and attacks Jaycn.
Attack and Damage Rolls (1d20+4=23, 1d10+2=10)
Crit Confirm (1d20+4=6)
Jacyn taks 10 damage. He is now at -2 and needs to make a stabilization roll.
Man, I wish I could roll like this with MY characters

M Human Cleric 1

The DM is a cheating b.... You are banned from my games, no doubt about that.

Male Dwarf Druid/1

I assume the arenamaster meant K4 for the movement of Aldurin as Jacyn is in J3.
Jacyn's turn. He either bleeds or stabilizes. Either way...

"Camela, show dis scum some respect" *pointing to Lidda's corpse*. handle animal-1d20+7=27
Camela spits upon the mortal coil of Lidda.
Cashmere moves to K3, drawing out another spear, and attacks Jacyn's unconcious form. 1d20+2=5 A miss, even against such a helpless form.
"Leave dis one to me, I shall usher him for to de afterlife!"

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Cashmere wrote:
Cashmere moves to K3, drawing out another spear, and attacks Jacyn's unconcious form. 1d20+2=5 A miss, even against such a helpless form.

Actually, helpless characters are treated as having DEX 0 which is a -5 AC and, since he's prone, melee attacks get a +4 bonus. His AC is 9 (since mage armor still applies) and your attack is 4 higher than what you rolled. Ergo, you hit! :D

Vissigoth, your links are a bit off. a/getstarted.html

Remove the "" (the better way) or put in "http://" before your "www" and it'll straighten things out.

Also, if you want, you can host the page. I can get some things set up so that it's easier to update. Let me know if you're interested and we can email about it.

Male Dwarf Druid/1

Forgot to add the -5to his Ac from being okay...

1d8+3=10 damage
As Cashmere drives his spear through his enemy's head he says, "Des is for harming my precious Camela. Die, you dog."

Jacyn is dead.
Haad is up, scared, and lonely.


*Cheering Cashmere's dispatching of Jacyn*

Cash-MERE! Cash-MERE! Cash-MERE!

Female Half-Illithid/Half-Succubus Wizard 6/Loremaster 10/Web Monkey 10/Artist 6

Cash-mere! Camela! Cash-mere! Camela!

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Haad Knut wrote:
The DM is a cheating b.... You are banned from my games, no doubt about that.

At least it didn't confirm the crit this time, heh.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Haad is up, Mr Malformed.

M Human Cleric 1

Moving from D7 to A7

<mutters to self> "Pull yourself together, you big girl's blouse. It's only four to one - the dread many-armed lord laughs at such odds."

Well, I supposse there is no need for Jacyn to make a stabilisation roll now :)

Damn that is some good rolling.




Male Halfling Rogue 1

Talin draws his bow and looses an arrow toward the fleeing cleric and then runs after him "Time to die girly human".
Attack 18 + 5 = 23
damage 2 = 2
Moves to H9

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Talin Darkheart wrote:

Talin draws his bow and looses an arrow toward the fleeing cleric and then runs after him "Time to die girly human".

Attack 18 + 5 = 23
damage 2 = 2
Moves to H9

I think he has cover from you currently. He's back in the starting pit now.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

I assumed that the doors closed when the combatants had entered the arena, so maybe Haad could only flee to C8 and would still have cover due to the sandbag wall. With cover(from either location) he gains +4 AC, bringing his AC to 21, so still a hit.

Arenamaster Vissi needs to rule on whether the starting areas are still accessible.

Ennoch is up, Fatey!

tdewitt274 wrote:

Vissigoth, your links are a bit off. a/getstarted.html

Remove the "" (the better way) or put in "http://" before your "www" and it'll straighten things out.

Also, if you want, you can host the page. I can get some things set up so that it's easier to update. Let me know if you're interested and we can email about it.

Yes please. All this HTML is making my head hurt. I miss Macromedia MX.

And as I never said that the doors are closed, I'll rule that they are open (but I did mean for them to close, I just forgot to SAY it).

Haad's head, Haad's head, Haad's head!

Goes wild

Male Human Necromancer 1

"It's over, you fool. Come out and face your fate!"

Move to H8, ready action:

If Haad moves into range, I will zap him with ray of enfeeblement.

Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father

Hey this is Nani Wahine and I am using Dreamweavers due to only having a few seconds to post I have a gnome sorcerer ready to go just let us know for the next game. Thanks

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Aldurin is up, Arenamaster wanna take his turn?

Male Human Actor 2/ Mime 1/ Drag Queen 1

Hey justr got back...WOW!!! I do wish i did do that good!...Well i am ready to kill!

M Human Fighter1

Aldurin laughs "This slime is all alone no one to help him...Crying, whats wrong are you scared"... Aldurin moves to H5 "You shall die as a coward!"

Male Dwarf Druid/1

Welcome back Awed!
Camela! Show dis von de same respect!*points to Jaycn's corpse*
Handle animal check 1d20+7=20. Camela moves to K4-5 & L4-5 and spits upon the bloody body of Jaycn.
Cashmere gestures to the crowd, "[b]You vant BLOOD AND FIRE!?! I vill give you FIRE!!!" "Heart of the desert sun, come to my hand!" Cashmere casts produce flame "Behold the mighty flame of the desert comes to my
call!" Raises his flame shrouded hand. "I shall burn the infidel for you, honored spectators!!!"

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Haad is up!
I think his fright has ended also.

Fake Healer wrote:

Haad is up!

I think his fright has ended also.

Ended?! There's still 6 players on the board! The crowd will go wild!

[crowd]Blood! Blood! Blood![/crowd]

EDIT: Oh, sorry, misread. But still, there can be only one?

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2
Fake Healer wrote:

Haad is up!

I think his fright has ended also.


M Human Cleric 1

"How dare you accuse me of cowardice, you freak! You puppet of a higher (and doubtless cheating) power! You shall die the death of all such crave slime - on your knees, begging for mercy that shall not come!"

Phew, I guess I'd better hit him, then. Charging Aldurin, whirling my flail. On connection (assuming I hit) I will attempt to trip him and then follow up with my Improved Trip attack on his hopefully prone derriere.

Touch attack = 9 + 2 + 1 (Magic Weapon) + 2 (charging) = 14, which I presume hits. Trip attempt = 8 + 2 + 4 (Improved Trip bonus) = 14. Hmmm, so now we wait......



The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

Why do the crowd keep saying "The" in German? Freakish. Still, at least we know they aren't evil.

The Exchange

Male Dworc (half-dwarf/half-orc) Monk4/Barbarian2/Rogue2/Jack-of-all-Trades2/Master of None2/Quasi-diety2

Umm, Haad you can't charge from behind a wall, which means you can't get to Aldurin and attack or trip. You need to reconcile your move to account for walls and/or sandbag half-walls. You listed in your previous post that your current location is A7.

The Exchange

No peeking, please Rarely Accountant 2/Auditor 4/Waster 30

I didn't look at the map, so I assumed I could reach him at H5. OK, I'll attack the halfling, since I can charge him. Same dice rolls. That's a miss. Standing at G10.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Talin drops his bow and grabs his swords "Nice try you big windbag".
Talin ducks into a roll and leap between his legs.
Tumble check 11+8=19 Crap
I don't have access to a book but I think I am in a pill on the ground below him.

Hey Fake Healer, I won't be able to post again til Saturday. I have to go into work early all week. If you will please handle the arena for me thanks.


Tumble at one-half speed through an area occupied by an enemy (over, under, or around the opponent) as part of normal movement, provoking no attacks of opportunity while doing so. Failure means you stop before entering the enemy-occupied area and provoke an attack of opportunity from that enemy. Check separately for each opponent. Each additional enemy after the first adds +2 to the Tumble DC.

Grand Lodge

Male Nurse/Father


M Human Cleric 1

Yes indeed - thanks! So, prone gives me +4 to hit, which is what I was trying to get by tripping you! The herald of hell still smiles upon his disciple...

Haad looks in in amazement as the halfling trips over its feet next to him. So amazed, in fact, that he misses with his flail as he attackes the prone rogue.

grumble, grumble: 2 (roll) + 3 (attack bonus inc. magic Weapon) + 4 (bonus for prone) + 2 (charge) = 11 - a miss! In the link I forgot the charge bonus, but it makes no difference.

Haad Knut wrote:

Yes indeed - thanks! So, prone gives me +4 to hit, which is what I was trying to get by tripping you! The herald of hell still smiles upon his disciple...

In Talin's defense, I don't believe him to be prone. The Tumble doesn't state that he's prone, only in the last legal square. The crouching was the the dramatic effect of the tumble. But then, I'm the crowd : )

Male Human Necromancer 1

Ahem, arena-leader-type-person:

The conditions for my ready action have been met. Can someone who has access to Invisible Castle roll my ray of enfeeblement for me? Haad needs to be taken down a notch. :)

M Human Fighter1
Ennoch the Black wrote:
Ahem, arena-leader-type-person:** spoiler omitted **

For Ennoch!

Here you go 1d6+1=6 hope it helps

Female Half-Illithid/Half-Succubus Wizard 6/Loremaster 10/Web Monkey 10/Artist 6

Blood! Blood! Blood!

Male Halfling Rogue 1

I am not an official arena person but Ennoch needs a touch attack also so here you go 15+2=17

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