Doesn't the Mag go through Editing????

Dragon and Dungeon Transition Discussion

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flash_cxxi wrote:
Man, PAIZO bend over backwards in the customer service department. For you to be critiquing them over such a trivial issue just goes to show how much of a life you don't have.

Here, here! I'm not one to get overly distraught about news events that touch my life in insignificant ways. The Dragon and Dungeon liscense shocked me. I'm over it now. I felt the same way about when Paizo took over the mags thinking "Oh great, they'll mess it up." I read them more now than I did before.

And that, my friend, is why over 100 posts to this thread have populated within the last 15 hours!

tdewitt274 wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Man, PAIZO bend over backwards in the customer service department. For you to be critiquing them over such a trivial issue just goes to show how much of a life you don't have.

Here, here! I'm not one to get overly distraught about news events that touch my life in insignificant ways. The Dragon and Dungeon liscense shocked me. I'm over it now. I felt the same way about when Paizo took over the mags thinking "Oh great, they'll mess it up." I read them more now than I did before.

And that, my friend, is why over 100 posts to this thread have populated within the last 15 hours!

You're over it? I'm still in therapy.

Question for ELAzalin: why are you so angered by what you think is one mistake in a magazine? I can see how the offending line could be potentially confusing but if it was indeed a mistake, why get upset over it? As everyone has stated (and I believe), only one mistake in a magazine is pretty damn impressive. I just do not understand your anger over the line even if it was a mistake.


Oh, shoot! Is this one over now?

Well, we'll always have the bowl full of the OP's balls ;)

Liberty's Edge

Want me to start one about the Iggwilv cheesecake cover of Dungeon this month?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

There's cheesecake? No one told about any cheesecake!

Heathansson wrote:
Want me to start one about the Iggwilv cheesecake cover of Dungeon this month?

The thing I hated about that Dungeon is that it needed a centerfold : )

Liberty's Edge

I'm personally bugged by it, because it cheapens the noble game of chess with Iggwilv presented so brazen and hussy like.

But it's Wizard's chess.

Scarab Sages

Lady Lena wrote:
But it's Wizard's chess.

And a wizard's chest.

Liberty's Edge

And what a happy place for a six fingered hand...

I wonder if the original owner killed anyone's father

Well, as long as there isn't any funny shaped scars...

Liberty's Edge

Gaaaaaaaah! Filthy Iggwilv and her dirty pillows!

Frog God Games

I blame Joshua J. Frost for all of this. Whenever there are advertising shenanigans (look that up on why dontcha?), such as in the egregious example given by the the OP, you can usually lay it at the feet of some evil Director of Marketing.



Liberty's Edge

Gaah!!! Are we all naught but Pavlovian dogs trained to drool at the sound of a dinnerbell?!? Damn you Skinnerian hypnotists and your shenanigans!

*rings dinner bell repeatedly*

*Proceeds to drool*

Greg V wrote:

I blame Joshua J. Frost for all of this. Whenever there are advertising shenanigans (look that up on why dontcha?), such as in the egregious example given by the the OP, you can usually lay it at the feet of some evil Director of Marketing.



Sheesh, Greg, that's harsh! I happen to think Joshua J. Frost is a kind, intelligent, superb human being who would never, EVER, use his Marketing powers for evil.

Never ever ever ever EVER.

Liberty's Edge

Down with the things that are up

Up with the things that are down

And around the middle with the things that are already there


NOTtheMarketingDirector wrote:
Greg V wrote:

I blame Joshua J. Frost for all of this. Whenever there are advertising shenanigans (look that up on why dontcha?), such as in the egregious example given by the the OP, you can usually lay it at the feet of some evil Director of Marketing.



Sheesh, Greg, that's harsh! I happen to think Joshua J. Frost is a kind, intelligent, superb human being who would never, EVER, use his Marketing powers for evil.

Never ever ever ever EVER.

I don't trust that guy Dr. Frost...I mean his name sounds like a super-villains! That and he used to blow stuff up for a living. And he is faaaar too fun to talk to and hang out with and play S-run with...something's up...I can tell! ;-)

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Nicolas Logue wrote:
NOTtheMarketingDirector wrote:
Greg V wrote:

I blame Joshua J. Frost for all of this. Whenever there are advertising shenanigans (look that up on why dontcha?), such as in the egregious example given by the the OP, you can usually lay it at the feet of some evil Director of Marketing.



Sheesh, Greg, that's harsh! I happen to think Joshua J. Frost is a kind, intelligent, superb human being who would never, EVER, use his Marketing powers for evil.

Never ever ever ever EVER.

I don't trust that guy Dr. Frost...I mean his name sounds like a super-villains! That and he used to blow stuff up for a living. And he is faaaar too fun to talk to and hang out with and play S-run with...something's up...I can tell! ;-)

Shenanigans. All of it.

Playing the part of pedantic human pinata... Don Knotts, everyone!

::the crowd cheers::

Sometimes people are confused because they just don't understand how our grammar really works. Then it comes down to proper vs. common usage. Common usage often follows a certain line of irrefutable logic, which, though completely logical, may simply be inaccurate. While true that a last issue won't say "one issue left," a magazine that ends its run on the tenth issue might have an issue eight that says, "three issues left."

That's just the convention. Argue, and suggest deceit, till you're blue in the face. I fear the only deceit in this situation may have been in your English teacher's resume, saying she'd gone to university and all. Fie and for shame.

Sometimes someone says, "I'll see you next weekend."

You think it means this coming Saturday, but they're actually referring to the following Saturday. So long as no one gets rude about the inherent brilliance of their take, it's effortless to come to an understanding.

You've just got to deal and move on... because if the wording on a magazine cover gets you riled enough to bowl-of-nuts us all, I can't imagine what a sudden onset of erectile dysfunction would do to you... other than provide fodder for another genital analogy, of course.

"Imagine a bowl full of limpies..."

Please don't shut this thread down, Josh... this is a communal bonfire and we're all very happy to have our own wicker man. Being so well behaved all the time is just so much work, and when a scarecrow comes along and asking to be lit it provides just the release we're all looking for. What did Ray Bolger need again? I'm getting so forgetful in my old age.

Dark Archive

I can't believe this thread is still open. Isn't nearly 24 hours of arguing about semantics enough? For the sake of decorum, I officially nominate this thread to be closed.

I nominate the abolition of the thought police.

Also... here's a killer site for my fellow writers and those looking to cut down on their accidental gaffs.


Heathansson wrote:
Gaaaaaaaah! Filthy Iggwilv and her dirty pillows!

What? I didn't have anything to do with Iggwilv. :P

Liberty's Edge

Did I say, "Gaaaaaaahh?" Sorry, I meant, "Gnnnnnnng!"
My bad.

Dark Archive

I've been at work all day, and missed out on much of the fun. What ever happened to the pointlessly angry young lad and his imaginary balls?

kikai13 wrote:
I've been at work all day, and missed out on much of the fun. What ever happened to the pointlessly angry young lad and his imaginary balls?

He was finally placated (after being vindicated) by the legendary Paizo customer service.

fanboi and carebear

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Remind me how he was vindicated, again?


Erik Mona wrote:

Remind me how he was vindicated, again?


I meant that in terms of being cleared of blame or suspicion as is " I can see how you might have been confused"; not in terms of being proven correct.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

That was something called thinly veiled civility in the face of ridiculousness.

Vicious One wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Remind me how he was vindicated, again?


I meant that in terms of being cleared of blame or suspicion as is " I can see how you might have been confused"; not in terms of being proven correct.

I was referring to the statement by JFrost: "You've made your point, let's move on."

Sometimes angry people(wether justified or not ) just need to feel heard.

To the OP, (if he's still reading): yep, it's issue 359, almost out of time, so just relax, and party like it's 1998.

Good Lord, this thread is like the energizer bunny, hmm, I bet that bunny is in league with the care bears.

Lady Lena wrote:
Good Lord, this thread is like the energizer bunny, hmm, I bet that bunny is in league with the care bears.

Oh . . . Bizzarro not really excited thinking about energizer bunny and care bears!

Bizzarro also not chagrined at all that he accidentally put extra z in his name when registering for the boards. Bizzarro not relieved at all that no one point this out yet.

Bizzarro not confused because him own head Bizzarro voice sound like Grimlock from Transformers. Bizzarro not need to spend more time developing his internal monologue.

Liberty's Edge

Vicious One wrote:
Vicious One wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Remind me how he was vindicated, again?


I meant that in terms of being cleared of blame or suspicion as is " I can see how you might have been confused"; not in terms of being proven correct.

I was referring to the statement by JFrost: "You've made your point, let's move on."

Sometimes angry people(wether justified or not ) just need to feel heard.

So have they sewn(sp?)up the hole that Frost's tongue put in his cheek?

BizzarroDragonSubscriberNumber1 wrote:
Lady Lena wrote:
Good Lord, this thread is like the energizer bunny, hmm, I bet that bunny is in league with the care bears.

Oh . . . Bizzarro not really excited thinking about energizer bunny and care bears!

Bizzarro also not chagrined at all that he accidentally put extra z in his name when registering for the boards. Bizzarro not relieved at all that no one point this out yet.

Bizzarro not confused because him own head Bizzarro voice sound like Grimlock from Transformers. Bizzarro not need to spend more time developing his internal monologue.

In years to come, we will look back fondly at the first 10 pages of this thread and say,

" Ahh, that's where it started. I remember it like yesterday. Which of us could have guessed what this thread would eventually become..."

Liberty's Edge

Vicious One wrote:

In years to come, we will look back fondly at the first 10 pages of this thread and say,

" Ahh, that's where it started. I remember it like yesterday. Which of us could have guessed what this thread would eventually become..."

ohh, ohh--another word game!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Andrew Turner wrote:
ohh, ohh--another word game!

If this thread turns into a word game The All-Seeing Eye will SMITE those responsible.

And move the thread somewhere it can't be found.

And then play the word game all by itself.

Liberty's Edge

Lady Lena wrote:
Good Lord, this thread is like the energizer bunny, hmm, I bet that bunny is in league with the care bears.

It has the half troll template--as long as it has 1 h.p., it will regenerate 5 h.p. per round.

Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

Remind me how he was vindicated, again?


This guy flew down from the great white north wearing a spandex Canadian flag and took him for a flight. "Beauty way to go, eh?"

Heathansson wrote:
Lady Lena wrote:
Good Lord, this thread is like the energizer bunny, hmm, I bet that bunny is in league with the care bears.

It has the half troll template--as long as it has 1 h.p., it will regenerate 5 h.p. per round.

It's got teeth! Look at the bones!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I'm serious about the word game thing, by the way.

It's fun when threads go all off-topic and goofy (especially ones like this that were silly right from the get-go), but we have a place for word games.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Gary Teter wrote:

I'm serious about the word game thing, by the way.

It's fun when threads go all off-topic and goofy (especially ones like this that were silly right from the get-go), but we have a place for word games.

Tee hee.

I figured this thread was already goofy enough.

*Shant poke the great eye anymore*

Honestly, I caught the "Ultimate Penultimate: 2 Issues Left" and thought much the same. I did the math thing and then thought, what if they count this as the second one? I left it at that being the likely choice.

And then that part of me that gets really twitchy when the new DM smiles with a glimmer in his eye thought, "What if that's really a super sneaky way of sying there is one more issue coming out right after the super-stupendous last issue, and they just don't want to let anyone that would object catch on too fast? I should look for more clues in the next issue!!"

And now I refuse to let that poor kid quietly die off.

Its my fantasy, I'll keep it. But if it comes out to be a really cool reality, I'll so find a way to give a really big Half-ogre slobbered kiss to the staff at Paizo.

Gary Teter wrote:

I'm serious about the word game thing, by the way.

It's fun when threads go all off-topic and goofy (especially ones like this that were silly right from the get-go), but we have a place for word games.

~looks down at my shoe~ Yes sir, Daddy Teter. I will behave.

I just like how the folks at Paizo were initially nice about it, but when everything is said and done they don't take any crap. That's how they roll.

I can think of another company that 1) probably wouldn't actually respond and 2) if they did it would be so filtered through the PR department that it would be vanilla and non-comittal. Yawn.

I admire those who know when to be nice and when to take the gloves off.

Paizo for the win!

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