shamgar |

Shiny: That's great. You and my wife are raised from the same (Grimm) cloth. I now understand a few more things regarding Lynora... :)
1. Still love the new job despite 18 hour days
2. Spending at least some time with family this past weekend
3. Only a couple of more weeks of the utterly insane schedule
4. Mondays (except next week) being office days (from home)

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Yeah, my two and a half year old loves the My Little Cthulhu (or Coolu as he calls it) when he sees it on the Paizo main page … his mother doesn’t seem to think its an age appropriate Christmas present however … maybe for his birthday next year.
Yeah my wife doesn't approve of some of the stuff I wanna buy for my kids.
I got filthy looks when I bought my son the "I am a Sexy Shoeless God of War" bib (before he was born).I also got my Daughter (2yr10mth) some Star Wars body suits when she was a baby (that never got worn...)
I finally snuck in a Star Wars Mighty Mug of Darth Revan for my son for Christmas (he's 10 months old).
My Daughter also picked up my Purple Paizo d20 the other day and had a play (as did my son, but he just stuck it in his mouth), so I'm thinking next time I do an Order I'll get them one each. =)
I also managed to sneak in a Flash figure...

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I was able to find this video again.
"Knights of Columbus, where's my scotch!"
EDIT: found this one, too! (not work safe)

Sharoth |

Well, I think that I may be going back to school come January. I found out (as in I already knew, but was too lazy to pursue it) that work would pre-pay for school. After hearing about how one of our testers was going back to school, I thought "Hmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnn.........." I then checked it out and have finished all the required paperwork. Now the waiting begins to see if they will pay it in time or I will have to wait until next quarter to go. Oh, I will be working on my CCNA certification, that is what I will be doing. ~shrugs~ It serves two purposes. First is to help give me a backup in case I am laid off. The second is to help me get back intot he study thing so I can get ready to start to work on my BS degree. (~grins~ I know what you are thinking. Why do I need that for when I am already full of BS?) Then, if I do get my BS degree, I will try for my Masters. But you have to crawl before you can walk or run.

Sharoth |

Oh, additional good stuff. I also talked to my boss and he will check into seeing if I can change my F-ing 4 pm to midnight shift to a 1 pm to 9 pm shift. That would work out with school and also give me a chance to get to sleep around 11 pm or so.
I recieved Dragon Mountain and Axe of the Dwarvish Lords from Jolly Roger last week. I also won a bid on ebay for some Dungeon magazines that I was missing. (unfortunatly, I still have some large holes in my collection.) I am still employed. I was able to help a friend out of a small hole. Now, if only I could find a woman would want to date me. ~shrugs~ Oh well. That is life. It might help if I wasn't so chicken.

Charles Evans 25 |
Things in life which suck:
The Pathfinder Beta Playtest not having an index.
Why post that on this thread?
Because happily *it can be remedied*.
(Okay, it might be a bit rough, but I didn't notice anyone more professional volunteer... :D)
Merry Christmas everyone.

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Yep. And while Mrs. M is not (yet?) a gamer, she is very game-tolerant and gaming-supportive. And that's just the shallow end of her goodness!
My girlfriend (gamer-in-training) ran her character in combat and figured out 90% of her modifiers without help (even with stat damage in two stats that affected saves and skills).
She's getting good at this stuff :)

James Keegan |

I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to go to work for five days, then I get another long weekend for the New Year!
I'm looking forward to the holiday; even though we drive each other insane, it's become rare enough to have my small family together under one roof that what I once sought to escape is now attractive to me. And presents are good, of course. We were worried about my uncle (who, strangely enough, looks like me if I were a foot shorter and thirty years older) for a while, but we found out what was up and it's nothing that we can't help him out with, so I'm thankful for that.
If you've followed me ranting and raving, I've been working my butt off at work since landing the job and felt a little frustrated at times. I like everyone I work with, it's just that sometimes everything just piles up and I go a little crazy and the commute doesn't afford me a lot of time to draw or otherwise work on my own projects. I think I'm doing really well, though; I'm left in charge when the most senior studio staff person leaves (even though there are only three of us; I have to organize things and be on top of everything), I trained the temporary help myself and I've barely been there a year.
So I've been putting together The Miniature Book of Miniature Golf, the first book that my boss Mike invented. It's a little miniature golf course you can play through on your desk in a 6 inch by 6 inch book; really clever design, pain in the neck to mock up even after getting the blanks from China (prior to that, I assembled the books myself with foamcore). It's a lot of work, but I'm happy to see that it's been a big hit at book shows and I'm excited for him. At two o'clock, he came into the studio with three little boxes, one for each of us Studio Monkeys. He said,"It's been a good year for me with the book and I got a little raise and I thought I would do something for you guys since you've been working so hard and to say thanks for everything." I open it up and it's a freaking ipod Nano, brand new. And keep in mind this guy is a designer, not an executive or a suit. What a thing to do.

Lilith |

At two o'clock, he came into the studio with three little boxes, one for each of us Studio Monkeys. He said,"It's been a good year for me with the book and I got a little raise and I thought I would do something for you guys since you've been working so hard and to say thanks for everything." I open it up and it's a freaking ipod Nano, brand new. And keep in mind this guy is a designer, not an executive or a suit. What a thing to do.
Awesome! Those are the cool bosses, who truly appreciate the work that you do. :D
My Good Things are:
1.) New-to-me 20" iMac
2.) New computer desk - much larger and will take both of my computers as well as my art table, replacing the wobbly contraption I currently own.
3.) Not having to go back to work until Monday
Let there be artwork! Woot!

Murkmoldiev |

Hi - IM trying to get a message to Lilith.
I have Just completed another Adventure and would love it if it could go up with my others at her DM tools site
I can be contacted at agentfestaskull@hotmail.com
Its another huge PDF and an adventure for 1-3rd levs !

lynora |

Kid running through the house happily chanting "Cthulhu! Cthulhu! Cthulhu!" while running through the house holding his new cthulhu puppet.
Followed by kid playing Jedi knight with his new toy lightsaber. Realizing that he's shapinig up to be as geeky as we are :)
And to top it all off there was a nice crust of ice on top of the snow thanks to yesterday's warmer weather that made for perfect sledding with his brand new saucer sled. Overall, a happy Christmas indeed.

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I found a nice new (to me) beer to drink - Lazy Magnolia's Southern Pecan Ale, made with roasted pecans. Pretty damn good.
As I recall, you are in the Philly area, correct? Where in the heck did you find something other than Yuengling? I always had to drive to Circle Liquor in NJ....

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Aberzombie wrote:I found a nice new (to me) beer to drink - Lazy Magnolia's Southern Pecan Ale, made with roasted pecans. Pretty damn good.As I recall, you are in the Philly area, correct? Where in the heck did you find something other than Yuengling? I always had to drive to Circle Liquor in NJ....
To begin....yes, I do live in Philly. However, I'm currently visiting my parents in the New Orleans area. I saw an advertisment for the beer and then found it in the local grocery store.
As for the other part...It isn't that hard to find something other than (and better than) Yuenling. I can get Abita Beer (a Louisiana local) from a store 5 mintues from my house. And I can get all kinds of good stuff from Total Wine and More in Delaware (right down 95 South).

shamgar |

Rock Band 2 (and the songs from 1) for Christmas
Finally joining Xbox Live and downloading all of the Oblivion content
Hours per week of work should be decreasing within a few weeks to sane levels
Visit from EVP went well
1st time in 12 years people travelled to us for Christmas instead of the other way around

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Aberzombie wrote:I can get Abita Beer (a Louisiana local) from a store 5 mintues from my house.I had a friend who lived in Coventry who worked at the Abita Springs Brewery. I got to sample the 95 Christmas Ale before it was bottled. Good times...
Abita makes some really great beers. My favorites are Abita Amber and Abita Turbo Dog. I also like some of their seasonal beers. About the only one I never liked was their IPA.

The Jade |

Around 11:30 pm, I went to my car to get something out. I looked up for a minute at Orion and noticed a yellow fireball that streaked across a small part of the sky, broke up into two parts, and then disapeared! All I can say is "THAT WAS FREAKING COOL!!!!"
If people you know show any lack of emotion around you over the next few days, *kill those alien scum first, ask questions later.
*this recommendation for entertainment purposes only.

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houstonderek wrote:Abita makes some really great beers. My favorites are Abita Amber and Abita Turbo Dog. I also like some of their seasonal beers. About the only one I never liked was their IPA.Aberzombie wrote:I can get Abita Beer (a Louisiana local) from a store 5 mintues from my house.I had a friend who lived in Coventry who worked at the Abita Springs Brewery. I got to sample the 95 Christmas Ale before it was bottled. Good times...
Yeah, the pale ales are too hoppy for some. A lot of people I know aren't too down with the IPAs

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Aberzombie wrote:Yeah, the pale ales are too hoppy for some. A lot of people I know aren't too down with the IPAshoustonderek wrote:Abita makes some really great beers. My favorites are Abita Amber and Abita Turbo Dog. I also like some of their seasonal beers. About the only one I never liked was their IPA.Aberzombie wrote:I can get Abita Beer (a Louisiana local) from a store 5 mintues from my house.I had a friend who lived in Coventry who worked at the Abita Springs Brewery. I got to sample the 95 Christmas Ale before it was bottled. Good times...
Actually, the Abita IPA is the only one I haven't liked so far. My favorite is Samuel Smith's IPA.
Speaking of beer, while home for Christmas I discovered the existence of a brewery in Mississippi named Lazy Magnolia. They've been around since fall of 2005 and now distribute most of their beers to Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Louisiana only gets one so far, Southern Pecan Ale. Very Good.
Non-beer related: I am an Uncle again. My younger brother and his wife now have a baby girl, Isabel, born yesterday. I will be godfather! Huzzah!.

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Walked into the Flaming Wok yesterday to get some fried rice, and as I was heading out, I heard someone yell "Hey, you with the Black Flag t-shirt!"
I turned around to see some guy, probably in his late twenties, wearing a Pantera t-shirt, sitting next to a younger guy in a work shirt and khakis. The scruffy Pantera dude started talking to me all about Black Flag; really amazing amount of knowledge the guy had. It eventually came out that the Pantera guy was autistic and knew everything about harcore punk and metal. We talked for around half an hour about Black Flag, Damageplan, Minor Threat, Manson, Danzig... all sorts of stuff. He thought it was cool that I made my own shirts.
Eventually, they had to leave, and we talked all the way to the parking lot. I drove home feeling awesome. That conversation made my f@~*ing week.