DM Kill Board

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Name: Buliwyf
Race: Minotaur
Class: Ranger
Level: 8th
World: Homebrew
Story: The Red Hand of Doom

Circumstances: With air walk cast upon him, Buliwyf strode to the top of a chapel tower to attack the red dragon Abrithiax whilst his comrades below tried to take on the whole damned army. The dragon had been turned invisible by a flying hobgoblin sorcerer but the minotaur attacked the correct square and succeeded in giving the dragon a nosebleed.

Abrithiax then unleashed a full attack on the knave that did enough damage to kill him twice over and send him hurtling to the ground buried under several tons of rubble from the crenelations that were obliterated by his tail-slap. The fallen ranger did at least manage to land on and crush to death a hobgoblin monk when he fell...

Name: Sir Siegfried
Race: Human
Class: Knight
Level: 8th
World: Homebrew
Story: The Red Hand of Doom

Circumstances: Only a few rounds after the minotaur died, the party knew its time had come. They had been successful in delaying the army long enough for the bard, warlock and rogue to take the giant owls, and evacuate those injured (from The Not So Sick Spy encounter) who were not tough enough to risk taking the wagon out of town.

The pixie could not beat the dragon's spell resistance and though still invisible and unharmed would eventually go down if Abrithiax decided to swat her. The friendly sorceress, Miha Serani, who had been helping to provide the party with buffs had gotten knocked out early in the battle when a manticore hit her with a barn. The cleric had attempted to avenge Buliwyf by attacking Abrithiax with her frostbrand but the beast had grabbed her in one claw and was about to bite her head off.

It was at that point that Sir Siegfried leapt to the attack and with everything in him struck home putting out the dragon's right eye before turning and nearly killing Wyrmlord Kharne with one blow for daring to stand atop the rubble burying his horned friend.

Sadly, the cleric decided to press the attack on the dragon and this time was pinned to the earth by it's claws. Another move from the knight and by Kharne's order, the dragon would crush the cleric, incinerate the pixie and then dine on the peasants whose cart had overturned and wrecked not even half a mile down the road.

The only option given the knight was that if he laid down his arms and sacrificed his life, then his friends would be allowed to go free and even collect their dead. Of course, this allowed the general to insert his most valuable spy right into the midst of a trusted group of adventurers and walk her right into the war room of Brindol Keep.

Sir Siegfried lost his noble head that day, but due to exemplary roleplaying returned 3 days later as Saint Siegfried, now a Sacred Guardian riding upon a celestial horse made of thunder! An apocalypse of metal now surely awaits Wyrmlord Kharne and his draconic protector! (Dethklok fans rejoice.)

The full story of this encounter can be read here.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Name: Morn Dundragon
Race: Human
Class: Paladin 7
World: Forgotten Realms
Story: Twisted Alliance (Homebrew Campaign)
Circumstance: Wyvern poison overload.

Morn and his ally, an elven ranger named Celashrune, ventured into a cavern where they believed a local woman had been abducted to. Upon entering, the duo discovered a pair of sleeping wyverns. Celashrune snuck in and delivered a coup de grace to one of the wyverns, whose screams awakened the other. Morn charged the now-alert wyvern and attacked. On the wyvern's turn, it full attacked Morn, doing a total of 26 damage (Morn had 66 hp). When I asked Morn's player to save against the poison, I told him the DC was 17. He replied, very cockily, "I need to roll a 3 or better." He rolled a 9 and saved. The next round, the party wounded the wyvern but were unable to kill it. The wyvern full attacked Morn again, dealing another 22 damage and forcing another save. This time, he rolled a 2. I rolled the poison's Con damage: boxcars. The resulting loss of 12 Constitution reduced Morn's hit points by 42, dropping him way, way below negative 10. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Name: Lamrick
Race: Human
Class: Level 2 Warblade
World: Pathfinder
Cause of death: A certain kobold monarch with a human-bane battleaxe.

TPK and Campaign Ender (some spoilers for Red Hand of Doom)

PC's Names: Caleb, Doran, Zartan, Sallix, Owen, Bokk
Race: Xeph,Moon Elf, Human, Human, Human, Human
Class: Soulknife, Cleric, Wizard, Fighter, Fighter, Rogue/Cleric
Levels: 9 and 10
Circumstances of Death: So the party has overcome great adversity and made it to the very end of the adventure and they are this close to fighting Azarr Kull and ending his threat to the world, and then they screwed it all up.

The room with the erinyes proved to be a major struggle because most of the party wound up charmed. They used up a lot of resources, but one erinyes teleported away and she left 3 members of the party still charmed. Owen flew up and found Kull with his abishai and came back. The party decided to spend the night there.

The next morning the two clerics prepped their spells. Zartan, the wizard, told them he wanted to know exactly what the plan was before he chose his spells. In the meantime, Bokk, the Lawful Good cleric/rogue searched the area and found a secret door and opened it. Zartan told him not to go to far in, that he needed to prep his spells. Bokk advanced and saw several chests up a fight of steps. Zartan said don't go. Owen and Sallix said check for traps. Bok ascended the steps and was pummeled by four types of energy. Only a close wounds spell saved him from dying. Then the barbed devil hidden in the shadows hit Bokk wth a scorching ray. Once again close wounds saved his life.

An ugly mess ensued. Owen moved in to attack, couldn't bypass it's DR, and was frightened and grappled. Sallix stood back and Doran buffed him and the rest of the party with spells. Caleb readied to throw lightning when Owen escaped the grapple. Zartan said he had no spells and went back to the bedroom and didn't come back for 4 rounds.

Well between fear and lack of coordination the party suffered. Owen was the first to drop, he just didn't have enough support and couldn't do anything in return because of the fear. Then Caleb went down becuase he tried to hold his ground at the advice of the clerics. Sadly they didn't use real cure spells to help him, just close wounds to keep him in death range, and he died. Then Bokk was grappled to death.

By then the devil was a bit hurt so he teleported up to where Azarr Kull and the surviving erinyes was. Well she came down and asked Doran to wait where he was and he did. Zartan grabbed Owen's sword to bring to Sallix, who dropped his own weapon in panick as he fled the devil. The devil, meanwhile, teleported to near Sallix and used hold person and a coup de grace. Zartan met his fate as he ran almost smack into the devil. And at least Doran got to experience a great deal of pleasure before the erinyes was finished with him.

I was very dissappointed, and now an army of devils and hobgoblins is free in Faerun. It should have been an easy fight, but the players just halfassed it. In the new campaign they'll have to deal with these characters' failure.

Setting: Red Hand of Doom set in Faerun.

Name: "Sir" Falos
Race: Minotaur
Class: Paladin 8
World: Kiln (homebrew)
Story: Warlord Rises (Homebrew Campaign)
Circumstance: Death by Aboleth.



Falos, Thontin (a dwarven 16th level cleric of Pelor ), Drebin (a 14th level human ranger) & Savon Stelhardt (a 15th level human arcane trickster) had been in the dungeon previously.

They decided this time to teleport to the lake at the bottom. The cleric had cast waterbreathing and freedom of movement on each party member. Then they teleported 15' below the surface of the water. The ranger & trickster swam in place. The Dwarf in full plate shot to the surface thanks to his ring of waterwalking and the minotaur in full plate with a greataxe and towershield shot to the bottom (-20 swim check).

The party helped the dwarf find some stairs, and climb/swim down to the bottom of the "lake" with assistance from the two swimming members. Five rounds after they teleported in they went over to Falos. In the mean time the aboleth that lived in the lake had cast a successful dispel magic on the waterbreathing and freedom of movement. Falos has been drowning for the five rounds that they have been taking their sweet time. They make it to him just as he goes unconcious (132hp becomes 0hp). The priest then casts water breathing on the minotaur. At this time the kou toa (1/2 water elemental 10th level fighters and priests) have organized themselves (the dwarf had walked across stone to find the stairs; ie: lots of noise) and dived into the water from the floors above. The aboleth meanwhile has cast a permanent illusion around itself to be a pile of mud and rubble (better then invisibility in water). The party starts to fight the kou toas (instead of healing the unconcious paladin). The aboleth then uses a scroll of Mordenkainen's Sword on the minotaur to take him to -12 hp.

Later the fight becomes dramatic as the cavern/dungeon starts to collapse from these tremors they have been feeling. (Which is actually caused by the dwarven fortress above them being leveled by an enemy nation). The party has to make reflex saves DC 21 vs 2d100 points of damage (save = half) from the falling rocks and the roof collapsing. The arcane trickster and ranger make it and have evasion (no damage). The priest makes it takes 65 damage. Corpse fails (I gave it a save like he was alive, rolls a 3) goes from -12hp to -134hp. Ground Beef.


Character: Aurex
Race: Venerable Dragonwrought Kobold
Class: Dragonfire Adept
Level: 7
Adventure: Flight of the Golden Dragon


The party was fighting 4 minotaurs, a hobgoblin strike force with a barbarian/sorcerer at its head, and a warforged juggernaut.

This is all in an enclosed space on board an airship (basically a T-intersection and a spiral staircase) and the dragon's breath weapons are proving devastatingly effective.

Eventually, the minotaurs concentrate their attacks on the little fire/acid-breathing dragon, and I connect with 2 attacks and a critical hit. All from Large Battleaxes being swung by minotaurs.

Some 10d6+30 damage later, poor Kobold-Wannabe-Dragon is cloven in twain, and subsequently Last-Breathed by the party druid.

She came back as a halfling, whom I made a dragonborn by virtue of her backstory/heritage, and because it's a one-off kinda game anyways.

-the hamster

Grand Lodge

8/Ran 4/Pal(Bahamut)

In my SCAP w/ AoW (modified homebrew) dies again.

The PC group, Order of the Cockatrice, is at the Free City Arena hoping to stop Loris Raknian and the Cagewrights from summoning another Ebon Aspect, this one greater than either of the two they've fought (one in Dourstone Mine and the other in Bhal Hamatugn). The summoning succeeds despite the quite good attempts from the PCs and out from the bottom of the arena explodes an Outsider FROGHEMOTH, templated from THE FAR REALM.

A number of good NPCs die; the Froghemoth swallows a Free City Cloud Giant Nobleman WHOLE. And in the 6th round of the fight, swallows In-Shereamah.

Liberty's Edge

Name: Zanth Gosalar
Race: Human
Class: Cleric (Pelor)
Level: 5th
World: Homebrew
Story: Zenith Trajectory (Shackled City AP)

Circumstances: When the fiendish umber hulk burst out of a building onto Magma Avenue, the party cleric, who had won initiative, decided to charge it with his mace – without having first cast any protective or buffing spells. To my mild surprise he rolled a 20, and confirmed the crit – dealing enough damage to overcome the monster’s DR and then some … and enough so that the creature saw him on a threat.

On the umber hulk’s turn, it turned all three attacks on the cleric – hitting with all three, and doing exactly 41 points of damage. Zanth had 31 hit points. –10, dead in the first round of combat.

The party ended up defeating the hulk with no further casualties despite the loss of their cleric (although the party rogue did end up killing a civilian and attacking a member of the city watch due to the hulk’s confusing gaze…)

Name: Talia
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Level: 7th
World: Homebrew
Story: Raiding a tomb taken from Expedition to Undermountain.

Fighting the large dwarf at the end, due to a math error of mine on his hammer's crit (10x3 instead of (10+10)x3), I was robbed of the first death of the campaign, but it counts to me so I put it here.

Name: Thontin Stoneclaw
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric 16
World: Kiln (homebrew)
Story: Warlord Rises (Homebrew Campaign)
Circumstance: Death by Death Giant (and stupidity).



The players had just come across the absolute destruction of a dwarven stronghold. The people had been attacked because the enemy was looking for the party. They had seen a enemy arial scout landing at sunset. They went to investigate and found an enemy encampment. The party did some scouting and realized the probally couldn't take it. The tried to sneak in and plant a bomb to try and assasinate the leader but the silence spell and the windwalk gave them away. (20' radius silence when people are talking, and 5 rounds to solidify to attack or cast.) Party choose wisely to abort and retreat. Thontin invisibly floating above the trees at the edge of camp decided to cast earth quake as a parting shot. Daylight spells on crossbow bolts abound two flamestrikes, then enemies dimdoor (priest of hextor, 14th level wizard and death giant) up to his position. Giant finishes him off and absorbs his soul.

Name: "Sir" Falos
Race: Minotaur
Class: Paladin 10
World: Kiln (homebrew)
Story: Warlord Rises (Homebrew Campaign)
Circumstance: Death by Death Giant.

See above in Thontin entry. He went to rescue Thontin saw him fall and then tried to recover his corpse. Threw his axe (+2 flame burst keen greataxe) at said giant then charged it. Dead before giant finished all of its attacks.

ArchLich wrote:

Name: "Sir" Falos

Race: Minotaur
Class: Paladin 8
World: Kiln (homebrew)
Story: Warlord Rises (Homebrew Campaign)
Circumstance: Death by Aboleth.

My mistake actually a 11th level paladin at this point.

PC's Name: Halpal
Race: Dwarf
Class: Wizard
Level: 5
Circumstances of Death: Volley of manticore spikes
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Red Hand of Doom set in Faerun.

Name: Torin
Race: Human
Class: Cleric 5/Stormlord 9
World: Kiln (homebrew)
Story: Warlord Rises (Homebrew Campaign)
Circumstance: Death by Skull Crusher Ogre (and stupidity).

In the arena (think Rome) caught amongst 5 skull crushers. He got grappled held into a firewall, hugged against spiked armor and then had his skull crushed by a morning-star.

Name: Torin
Race: Human
Class: Cleric 5/Stormlord 9
World: Kiln (Homebrew)
Story: Warlord Rises (Homebrew Campaign)
Circumstance: Death by Umbral Displacer Beast

In the arena (think Rome) Umbral Bisplacer Beast drained him to 0 str. Came back as a shadow 3 rds later. Permanent death.

Name: Marissa Goldmoon
Race: Human
Class: Level 1 mage
World: Forgotten Realms
Story: Undermountain
Circumstance: Death via a Jump spell and drowning (don't ask....)

*bump* (want to here about more kills)

Grand Lodge

Well, ArchLich, I hate to disappoint so I'll add the one that I shouldn't.

In my SCAP w/ AoW (modified homebrew) In-Shereamah dies again -- that's 6 for him this campaign.

But I didn't do it.

He did; on purpose, for the The Order of the Cockatrice (the PC group-name).

In my campaign, "The Test of the Smoking Eye" is the beginning of the End Game for the campaign. The final "test" is the Test of Sacrifice and for the party he sacrificed himself to the plasma furnace.


He and one of the other PCs both wanted to do it but In-Shereamah went first in initiative. The other PC would have survived the 50d6 -- and probably the System Shock roll for massive damage.

The other PC is deeply rankled that he missed out on The Smoking Eye template.

In-Shereamah is gone forever, now. I'll not allow him to be Ressurected from his sacrifice. That, of course, puts the game in a bind because it's the very end of the campaign and I'm not going to let him start a 15th Lvl PC for 3 sessions. So I'm letting him come back as his own Lantern Archon (if you're LG you become a Lantern Archon when you die). He gets a couple of extra perks for a Lantern Archon but it will be fun for him to play a CR2 in the end game with an APL 14 group vs the BBEGs CR 15 and up!

-W. E. Ray

PC's Name: Storm of the Hills
Race: Gnome
Class: Barbarian
Level: 6
Circumstances of Death: Knocked unconscious and stoppoed raging before she could be healed.
Setting: Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave

PC's Name: Azad
Race: Human
Class: Cleric of Mystra
Level: 6
Circumstances of Death: Was turned invisible while unconscious and then bled out.
Setting: Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave

PC's Name: Dornick
Race: Human
Class: Wizard
Level: 6
Circumstances of Death: While running around invisisble trying to save the rest of the party, he was finally found by the Khumat.
Setting: Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave

Post eaten, this may pop up twice.

PC's Name: Halpal
Race: Human
Class: Wizard
Level: 7
Circumstances of Death: Moved to get line of sight to cast a spell on a greenspawn razorwing. He also got crit.
Setting: Red Hand of Doom set in Faerun.

The party used the staff of life, so...

PC's Name: Halpal
Race: Human
Class: Wizard
Level: 6
Circumstances of Death: Went invisible to check on the fiendish behir that had retreated. Behirs have scent.
Setting: Red Hand of Doom set in Faerun.

Name: Hiro.
Race: Human.
Class: Monk.
Level: 10.
Setting: Rift&Aldaris's Homebrew.

During the battle of the Dessarin Valley, the PC's, the armies of Gryphon and Alvar clashed. Outnumbered 3:1 and attacking Alvar forces in heavily entrenched positions, the PC's decided to launch a lightning strike on the enemy's HQ.

The enemy commander, Field Marshal Godfried, was waiting for them. Hiro was killed by Godfried a split second before Captain Daneco ran the Marshal through with his broadsword. Hiro's body was retrieved by Captain Sheeb and after the battle was won(albeit at a high cost) offered the chance to return to life. Hiro's soul was content however and decided to stay with the honored ancestors of his clan.

Name: Quaron Silversword.
Race: Moon elf.
Class: Wizard.(War Wizard)
Level: 10.
Setting: Rift&Aldaris's Homebrew

Besieged in a old church with almost two-hundred Hextorites outside the doors, the party fortified themselves for the night.

When the Drow infiltrators came, Quaron, despite advice offered his own Arcani(bodyguard) was caught alone and sixty-feet away from any nearby help. Although there were many Drow surrounding him, Quaron fell to the fell-powers of the Drow cleric, snuffing his life-force out in one mighty swoop.

Excuse me? Yes, this is PANK*. We wish to protest against this thread, on account of the fact that you keep gloating about killing us off. It's almost as if you do it on purpose, for crying out loud!

*Player's Against Nasty Killing

Human Cleric6
Failed save vs Disintegrate
Had over fifty scrolls in a backpack that went *poof* as well.
Setting: Alternate Hyboria

Are you even listening?! Why are you chuckling? Why are you looking up the spell 'Lightning Bolt'?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

PC's Name: Lewis Flatvoet
Race: Halfling
Class: Rogue
Level: 2
Circumstances of Death: Ogre Zombie Fist
Setting: Barrow of the Forgotten King.

While half the party was fighting two wolf zombies, little Lewis decided to go down some stairs and have a look for treasure. He made it to the bottom when the huge fist of a readied Ogre Zombie critted him for 28 points, bringing him from 12 to -16 in an eyeblink.

The table fell still and from that point on they paid attention.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

PC's Name: Dragodoka
Race: Dwarf
Class: Swordsage
Level: 3
Circumstances of Death: Healing while poisoned by a Tomb Spider
Setting: Barrow of the Forgotten King.

Fighting the Tomb Spider he got bit, HARD! Dropped from 18 to 0 in one bite he retreated and glugged a potion of Cure moderate. Unfortunately, he'd failed his fortitude save for the negative energy poison and his happy roll of 12 on 2d8+3 was converted into damage. Ouch!

Luckily he'd 12 CON so he was right on death's door (we play dead at -Con). He even stabilised!

Along comes the party cleric who figured the potion was poison and gave him a Cure Light Wounds, killing him for good.

The Exchange

Name: Can't even remember
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Barbarian
Level: 2nd
World: Homebrew
Circumstances: The party was clearing out the sewers of a were-rat infestation, when the rogue and the sorcerer decided to branch off by themselves. Not long after going down a hallway, they opened a door that contained three said were-rats. Desperate, they tried to hold the door closed. The barbarian heard their pleas for help and ran to hold the door closed with them. After he got there, they ran, leaving him to hold the door by himself.

He then opened the door and raged, hoping to win through brute force. As soon as he opened the door, one of the were-rats attacked with it's bite attack, then another followed up with it's rapier, landing a crit for max damage, bringing him down to 0 HP. As he slipped into unconsciousness, he was dragged into the room and was never seen again.

The Exchange

Name: Roger
Class: Familiar
Race: Raven
Level: 3rd
Result: Reincarnated as an owl (random roll on familiar list)
Campaign: Homebrew, In the Bronze Unicorn Inn in Verbobonc.

The sorcerer orders his raven to go and wake the druid when everyone was attacked by assassins in the night. It flew out into the corridor, into a half-orc cleric of Erythnul with a falchion. Two halves of the bird neatly dropped to the floor.

More fun was the conversation between said sorcerer and druid over using their one reincarnation scroll for a familiar.

They now have a talking owl!

PC's Name: Xav
Race: Human
Class: Rogue/wizard
Level: 2/1
Circumstances of Death: Xav was grappled by a choker, but the party's ranger ignored the risk and fired his bow into the grapple. He crit... on Xav.
Setting: Eberron homebrew

Name: Xaal
Class: npc
Race: Satyr
Level: 5HD
Result: left to rot
Campaign: homebrew, in the wizard's inner hall

Poor Xaal leads the party through the wilderness, through the wizard's lair, amazingly missing almost all the tough fights. They get to the top of the stairs leading to the grand hall of the evil wizard just as the evil wizard lets loose with Stinking Cloud. Xaal fails his save, and then is torn apart by Evard's Black Tentacles over a few painful rounds.

PC's Name: Storm of the Hills
Race: Dwarf
Class: Barbarian
Level: 5
Circumstances of Death: Didn't ask for healing after setting off a glyph of warding, then walked into a room full of shadowscale lizardfolk. He tried to back away with just 6 hp, but the shadowscales released a knell beetle that screeched for 21 points of sonic damage.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Cormy: Tearing of the Weave

PC's Name: Azad
Race: Half-elf
Class: Cleric
Level: 6
Circumstances of Death: After Storm fell, Azad thought he was front line. The Shadowscale chieftan showed him he wasn't.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Cormy: Tearing of the Weave

PC's Name: Ian
Race: Human
Class: Monk/Cleric
Level: 2/4
Circumstances of Death: He thought he could hold off the chieftan while the others escaped. After Ian fell, the wizard broke out the scorching ray and killed the chieftan. Too late.
Setting (and Adventure Path, if you're using one): Cormy: Tearing of the Weave

Liberty's Edge

PC's Name: Dont remember
Race: ElF
Class: rogue
Level: 4
Circumstances of Death: Character was a prisoner in an encampment of organized bandits. After slipping out of his ropes he just got up and took off running into the woods. The last that was heard was a trip wire bell and thud and then a scream. The rest of the party just stayed still wondering where their friend went.

Liberty's Edge

PC's Name - Mark H.
Race - Human
Class - Fighter
Level - 3
Circumstances of Death - Cleaved in half by a miniatar barbarian. He got 1 hitted from max hp to -16 by a critical with a great axe. OUCH>

Oh, boy! Forgot about this thread. Um, lesse my last PK was ...
Name: Clif
Race: Goliath
Class: Barbarian
Level: 12
Last seen: Burning to death from a maximised flame strike.

Name: Pietre
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric
Level: 11
Last seen: Burning up from a maximised flame strike

Both of these characters took part in the module Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor. They died on level four in the evil Cult of Destruction's alter room battling their high priest in the second to last round of battle. The last round seeing the fighter score a critical hit and the paladin smite evil which combined to drop the high priest to -38 hp.

PC's Names: Payne; Dornick; Aukum
Races: Elf; Orc; Human
Classes: Ranger; Wizard; Bar/Sor/Dragon Disciple
Levels: 6; 6; 4/1/1
Circumstances of Deaths: Undead Dragon Turtle steam bath.
Adventure: Cormyr: Tearing of the Weave

First Kill as a DM
PC Name: Delina Natali
Race: Elf
Class: Cleric to Corellon Larehian
Level: 3

Reason for Kill: Unreliable player, Would play for 5 or so minutes then ask to go static or for DM to play for her. Then would complain when she found out we gamed with out her.

Cause of Death: After the party killed a Drow Cleric to Lolth, using a circlet of Speak with Dead, she sat there and starved to death over the course of several days while arguing with the dread drow.

Setting: Underdark, home brew campaign

Kruelaid wrote:

Name: Li

Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Level: 3
Setting: GH, Amedio Archipelago, Partial STAP
Circumstance: Rogue opens a bottle labeled "Danger, Poison Gas, Do not open" ....

There's something to be said for the lack of common sense in a case like this, the rogue must have had a very low Int score

Stebehil wrote:
ghettowedge wrote:
Setting: Shattered Gates of Slaughterguarde set in Faerun.

Sorry to go off-topic here, but can anyone point me to the "Shattered Gates.." adventure? I seem to be unable to find it - who publishes it, who wrote it?


It was writen by Gwendolyn F.M Kestrel. You should be able to find it in most gaming stores or order it online through amazon or other like store. Or Wizards of the Coast might have it, they produced it

PC's name: Mongo
Class: Babarian
Level: 6
Template: Half Dragon
Reason: While raging in combat, loses constitution to rogues wounding weapon. Combat endeds rages last two more rounds. Cleric tries to make it over to him, but fails balance check on slippary surface and falls prone. Fails second balance check on next round and stops five feet from the barbarian. Rage ends barbarian dies.

Setting: FR Moonseas Campagin

This is going to take a moment to explain, and I apologize in advance for any offense caused...just bear with me.

The party is on a greek mythology/low magic type campaign. They had been together for almost a year in RL. My co-DM and I attacked their ship with harpies. After skirmishing for a few rounds, the harpies set the ship's sails on fire.

Losing the PC's in the resultant smoke, they took a dingy and were swept to the Isle of Minos. several hours of research later, we decided to hit them with mazes, minotaurs, and a huge fiendish bull.

Eventually they come to the crumbled temple of Poseidon, and fight the angry ghost of King Minos himself. Defeating him, they discover the mechanical bull that Daedalus built for him...or more accurately...his wife.

Think apparatus of Kwalish, only a cow. The druid and the wizard both climb inside, and within a few minutes realize that it can actually attack! They then press the green button and a "porthole" opens beneath the tail. Another button, and the cow beging mooing.

Huge fiendish white bull hears mating call, comes to investigate. Needless to say, the two inside the cow were "assaulted" on a very personal level by the fanged, hissing, member of the god cursed beast.

Picture this: giant "snakelike" creature enters through "porthole" and begins snapping. Druid draws dagger (nonmagical) and tries stabbing it. Failing to penetrate DR results in not unpleasant "tickling"...Use imagination.

When the rest of the party opened the machine up, their friends had been skeletonized by some kind of "gooey acidic substance splashed liberally about the insides of the apparatus."

They have never forgiven me, but I set a single session record for soda spitting that night.

Apologies to the offended, though if you were truly offended, you would have stopped before you reached this apology...right?

Donovan Vig wrote:
.When the rest of the party opened the machine up, their friends had been skeletonized by some kind of "gooey acidic substance splashed liberally about the insides of the apparatus...

You are a very evil DM.

Donovan Vig wrote:

This is going to take a moment to explain, and I apologize in advance for any offense caused...just bear with me.

The party is on a greek mythology/low magic type campaign. They had been together for almost a year in RL. My co-DM and I attacked their ship with harpies. After skirmishing for a few rounds, the harpies set the ship's sails on fire.

Losing the PC's in the resultant smoke, they took a dingy and were swept to the Isle of Minos. several hours of research later, we decided to hit them with mazes, minotaurs, and a huge fiendish bull.

Eventually they come to the crumbled temple of Poseidon, and fight the angry ghost of King Minos himself. Defeating him, they discover the mechanical bull that Daedalus built for him...or more accurately...his wife.

Think apparatus of Kwalish, only a cow. The druid and the wizard both climb inside, and within a few minutes realize that it can actually attack! They then press the green button and a "porthole" opens beneath the tail. Another button, and the cow beging mooing.

Huge fiendish white bull hears mating call, comes to investigate. Needless to say, the two inside the cow were "assaulted" on a very personal level by the fanged, hissing, member of the god cursed beast.

Picture this: giant "snakelike" creature enters through "porthole" and begins snapping. Druid draws dagger (nonmagical) and tries stabbing it. Failing to penetrate DR results in not unpleasant "tickling"...Use imagination.

When the rest of the party opened the machine up, their friends had been skeletonized by some kind of "gooey acidic substance splashed liberally about the insides of the apparatus."

They have never forgiven me, but I set a single session record for soda spitting that night.

Apologies to the offended, though if you were truly offended, you would have stopped before you reached this apology...right?

That is so awsome. I wish I could have been there to see it.

The one and onlt time I've ever had a player come across the table at me. Was worth it though, I've never laughed like that before in my life. They got over it, but it has been an inside joke for about 7 years now.

oh god, thats too funny.

anyway:Name:lord marduk
cleric 18/combat medic 1
barbarian 18

so the barbarian just got slaughtered by a jotunblood dread ghoul (those are templates from the advanced bestairy, essentailly 10 extra giant HD and flesheating abilites) diciple of thrym 8. It did 2d12+60 plus 2 negative levels with each hit with its +4 lifedrinking huge greataxe. The barbarian just got killed (that happens a lot), so Marduk decided to use revivify with his brand new rod of metamagic reach, and provoke an attack of opprtunity by stepping inside the 15 foot reach of the giant. A critical hit turned him into a fine mist of halfling, his second death that session.

PC's Name: Boreanaz
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Level: 8
Circumstances of Death: Stood toe to toe with a black dragon.
Adventure: Cormy: Tearing of the Weave

Scarab Sages

PC's Name: "Ironhead"
Race: Human
Class: rogue
Level: *forgotten*
Circumstances of Death: The rest of the party go to investigate a burial ground for a local village that is complaining that graves are being collapsed and crypts are being looted or defaced. All around the grounds, the party finds small tunnel entrances and Ironhead is volunteered to explore them. Ironhead not being the brightest character [Int 6, Wis 6] scrambles into the tunnels and begins to explore while the rest of the party ventures towards a nearby crypt, hoping the Ironhead will be able to open the door from the inside.

Ironhead meets up with 3 ghouls/ghasts in the underground tunnels and the rest of the characters cannot reach him to help. Ironhead fights in cramped quarters valiantly but succumbs to the touch of ghoul. As a last desperate attempt to destroy the undead, Ironhead pushes all of essence [house rule magic system] he has into the disc gloves [magic item: bracers/gloves that has a disc built into them that can be removed and thrown like a dagger] and slams his hands together to make them explode, hopefully killing the ghouls while they are consuming him alive. The plan works, but resulting explosion weakens the ground under the rest of the party, causing a sinkhole as the rest of the party tumbles into the cavern blasted out by Ironhead.

Setting: Homebrewed

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