Dragon's Trove Change


Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

Hey there Everyone,

As some of you may have already noticed, we have made a change to the next Item Card set, "Dragon's Trove". We have changed the product from booster packs to a single 110 card deck of cards. Now you will recieve the entire set in one box for only $19.99.

The new product description can be found on the product's page.

Jason Bulmahn
Item Card Lead Designer

My first thought was: there goes my business model! My second thought was: that's a really good idea!

It lowers the price per card from $.32 to $.18 (meaning we collectors can get two complete sets for the price of less than one display box of Hoard or Relics). It eliminates the confusion about how to use foil cards, which many of us still haven't used. And those who don't like the price point can still buy a booster of Hoard or Relics.

Last but not least, that change makes it clear you've listened to your customers. That's a very good thing indeed.

Derek Poppink
Item Card Uberfan

I had the initial reaction of, "Sweet!" Followed by, "Crap!"

As a completest now I only need to spend $20 for the entire set. But as a DM, now I'm screwed when wanting extreme multiples of items. Just ask Derek. I now own 11 of the HH58 ring, which I'll be using as an identifying ring of an evil cult. Same with all the other cards with the little stick figure guy.

So while I'm excited that I'll probably end up spending less, it's not next to impossible to get multiples w/o spending more.

Of course most of this can change depending on the compilation of the set...

Kyle Baird wrote:
As a completest now I only need to spend $20 for the entire set. But as a DM, now I'm screwed when wanting extreme multiples of items. Just ask Derek. I now own 11 of the HH58 ring, which I'll be using as an identifying ring of an evil cult. Same with all the other cards with the little stick figure guy.

I had the same thought. Now you'll have to trade away items from a complete set to get multiples (the opposite of the current situation). There may still be a market for someone to buy multiple complete sets and then sell matched items.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

Hey there Everyone,

As some of you may have already noticed, we have made a change to the next Item Card set, "Dragon's Trove". We have changed the product from booster packs to a single 110 card deck of cards. Now you will recieve the entire set in one box for only $19.99.

The new product description can be found on the product's page.

Jason Bulmahn
Item Card Lead Designer

So now if I decide that a given potion is a "Mage Armor", I'll have to pay $20 for each 50gp expendable my player's buy?! Buying 5 sets ($100!!!!) may work out well for the potions & scrolls, but I don't need 5 Severed Hands, Unicorn Horns or even shiny gold short sword. This is very disconcerting to me. Please make expendable item packs then for potions & scrolls or something!

Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

Menoth's Fire wrote:
So now if I decide that a given potion is a "Mage Armor", I'll have to pay $20 for each 50gp expendable my player's buy?! Buying 5 sets ($100!!!!) may work out well for the potions & scrolls, but I don't need 5 Severed Hands, Unicorn Horns or even shiny gold short sword. This is very disconcerting to me. Please make expendable item packs then for potions & scrolls or something!

Fortunately, the boosters of Relics of War and Heroes Hoard will be available for some time to meet those needs. We are still finding our way with these products, and the complete decks are just one more option for us to try. As for the potion/scroll/wand pack. It is something we are considering.

Jason Bulmahn
Item Card Lead Designer

Here's a second voice for an "expendable" pack or even set! I think a set of 54 cards of just potions, scrolls, etc would sell, especially if they are drawn rather generically so we, as the DMs, can make our players believe it is what we say it is.

(kind of tough to convince the players that a potion with a severed finger in it is actually a cure light wounds potion) ;)

I would like to see a small ratio of alchemical or mundane expendable items included with the expendable pack.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Fortunately, the boosters of Relics of War and Heroes Hoard will be available for some time to meet those needs. We are still finding our way with these products, and the complete decks are just one more option for us to try. As for the potion/scroll/wand pack. It is something we are considering.

I think the fundamental problem everyone is having in collecting this great product is the imbalance between our needs of the various cards. Other collectible games help alleviate similar problems with rarity (DDM Beholder is Rare a Goblin Skirmisher is Common so you'll have plenty, for example). I like the fact that this is not a collectible game and has no rarity, but that only means the above problem becomes more challenging. I propose the following:

Have every other (or every third?) set be a complete set with weapons, armor, staffs, wonderous items, etc. While the remainder of the sets are expendable boosters (potions, wands, scrolls, alchemical items, poison).

Because, frankly, the model you're trying with the new set doesn't work for me *at all* as each potion card is a specific potion that remains constant throughout my game, so any potion in DT is useless to me unless I buy 3-5 $20 sets, which I won't.

I like the idea of this set selling as a complete set. I suggest getting multiples of Item pack #1 if there is an item that you must have multiples of---Or you could just use the backs of the cards to note that there are multiples, the only time you would "need" multiples of a potion card is if every character in an adventuring party carried the same potion

Rick Ransom wrote:
I like the idea of this set selling as a complete set. I suggest getting multiples of Item pack #1 if there is an item that you must have multiples of---Or you could just use the backs of the cards to note that there are multiples, the only time you would "need" multiples of a potion card is if every character in an adventuring party carried the same potion

*cough*cure potions*cough*

Of course none of us NEED cards to represent each card a character is carrying, but the fact is that after purchasing a few of these cards we WANT to be able to give a hand-out for every item carried. I don't WANT to have to use index cards ever again when there's the potential for a very high-quality replacement.

What about this Jason? A set for each type. 54 cards each.

Set 1 - Weapons
Set 2 - Armor
Set 3 - Wands, Staves, Rods
Set 4 - Wonderous, Rings
Set 5 - Potions, Scrolls, Other one-use items like salves, oils, etc.

(Did I miss any?)

That's 5 sets I'd buy, at $20 apiece. I'd probably buy 4 or 5 sets of Set 5, but would have no desire to purchase more than one of sets 1-4.

Hello all!

I just wanted to say that selling the following sets in decks and avoiding the random system is a serious improvement, I will continue buying all the following sets thanks to this BUT/AND, I would say that selling smaller sets with every new deck for types of item which you usually want to have several of each one(as potions, scrolls, rings, etc) would be another improvement!

I would even say that, every mini-type-set could have more than one of the items with the most common apparience, and only one for the most weird ones(example: potions: 3 of every common-looking one, and 1 of the most strange ones).

I want to propose one kind more of item that I think I could use lots of different appariences: Keys! gimme lots! :-)

Greetings to all!

Kyle Baird wrote:

What about this Jason? A set for each type. 54 cards each.

Set 1 - Weapons
Set 2 - Armor
Set 3 - Wands, Staves, Rods
Set 4 - Wonderous, Rings
Set 5 - Potions, Scrolls, Other one-use items like salves, oils, etc.

(Did I miss any?)

That's 5 sets I'd buy, at $20 apiece. I'd probably buy 4 or 5 sets of Set 5, but would have no desire to purchase more than one of sets 1-4.

This is an AWESOME idea!! I agree totally.

As far as the new $20 "complete" set, I'm kinda ambivilant. I'm glad to see you guys adapting to the desires of the consumer but this newest tactic just opens up a whole new set of problems (as previously mentioned - Sweet! A complete set. Crap! Now it's difficult to get multiples.)
Just goes to show you can't please all the people all the time! ;)

Lady Aurora wrote:

As far as the new $20 "complete" set, I'm kinda ambivilant. I'm glad to see you guys adapting to the desires of the consumer but this newest tactic just opens up a whole new set of problems (as previously mentioned - Sweet! A complete set. Crap! Now it's difficult to get multiples.)

Just goes to show you can't please all the people all the time! ;)

Why not have both for each set. One could buy a complete deck and then purchase booster packs to add to that deck.

Amaril wrote:
Lady Aurora wrote:

As far as the new $20 "complete" set, I'm kinda ambivilant. I'm glad to see you guys adapting to the desires of the consumer but this newest tactic just opens up a whole new set of problems (as previously mentioned - Sweet! A complete set. Crap! Now it's difficult to get multiples.)

Just goes to show you can't please all the people all the time! ;)
Why not have both for each set. One could buy a complete deck and then purchase booster packs to add to that deck.

Booster packs are very expensive to print and unfortunately it would take even longer to break even on a set of boosters when there's a full set of the same cards available at the same time.


how about selling ALL of these cards as singles? You could take pre-orders or have ordering limited to once/month. That would hopefully limit your printing costs. This way everyone could order exactly what they want. 1 of each weapon etc., 10 of each potion. plus shipping would probably be cheaper this way.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
blope wrote:
how about selling ALL of these cards as singles? You could take pre-orders or have ordering limited to once/month. That would hopefully limit your printing costs. This way everyone could order exactly what they want. 1 of each weapon etc., 10 of each potion. plus shipping would probably be cheaper this way.

And if you made the old sets available this way I could finally get the studded leather and tower shield I've been missing!

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