Kyle Baird |
I would like to see close approximations for the magic items in the Dungeon Master's Guide as well as the forthcoming Magic Item Compendium.
I also echo the call for specific items from the adventure paths as well as other Dungeon adventures. Examples: The Sword of Aaqa and Lightning Sword from "A Gathering of Winds"
I can't state that enough. I know it might cost Paizo more for some of the rights, but you should consider any major adventure path out there. All the specific items should be made and sold as a set. A complete set for Shackled City, Age of Worms, and Savage Tide would be amazing and any DM running those campaigns would love them.
I'd also love to see specific items from Ptolus as well.
Other ideas:
Even though I already bought the Deck of Many things by Green Ronin (purchased from Paizo actually...). An item card for a "Deck of Cards" would be great. Actually two different decks would be nice, so we can do the Deck of Illusions as well.
Animal Parts - similar to the unicorn horn. Dragon teeth, claws, etc.
Major Thought Alert!
Expensive Spell Components!!!
Vial of Alchemists Fire.
250 GP Gems.
uh... uh... Crap, I'm drawing a blank.
Bag full of Diamond Dust.
Metamagic Spell Components from Unearthed Arcana.
That way when a player casts stoneskin, they can hand over a 250GP gem to the DM.
Bags of Holding. Did I already see bags...?
Spell Component Pouch
A Book that better resembles a Wizard's Spell Book
A Book to represent Boccob's Blessed Book.
Derek Poppink |
I can't state that enough. I know it might cost Paizo more for some of the rights, but you should consider any major adventure path out there. All the specific items should be made and sold as a set. A complete set for Shackled City, Age of Worms, and Savage Tide would be amazing and any DM running those campaigns would love them.
I'd also love to see specific items from Ptolus as well.
Other ideas:
An item card for a "Deck of Cards" would be great. Actually two different decks would be nice, so we can do the Deck of Illusions as well.Expensive Spell Components!!!
Bags of Holding. Did I already see bags...?
Spell Component Pouch
A Book that better resembles a Wizard's Spell Book
A Book to represent Boccob's Blessed Book.
I think Paizo is already doing the Adventure Path items, just on a small scale. The Demon Tooth in Relics of War is perfect for the Tooth of Ahazu in Savage Tide. The Circlet in Hero's Hoard and the Withered Hand in Relics of War are suitable for two significant objects in Age of Worms.
We do have multiple Bags and Books already, but I second the call for a Deck.
I like the idea of expensive spell components. You might be able to start doing that with some existing cards (Gemstones, Pearls, Powder).
Derek Poppink |
Champion's Belt is missing bastard swords, incense, and a magic spoon.
Continuing my analysis of Age of Worms:
A Gathering of Winds is well covered, although the DM needs to pick something to represent the Seal of Law (perhaps the AG Holy Symbol or Alchemical Stone).
Spire of Long Shadows is missing bastard swords.
Prince of Redhand is missing a harp and beads (of force), although the black pearl seems like a good proxy for the latter.
Library of Last Resort is missing repeating crossbow, falchion, scabbard, vestments, slippers, and lens. There are more unique items in this adventure than any other in the AWAP (Three Faces has more total items, but lots of duplicate potions and scrolls)
Curaigh |
...Lastly, how about item cards TEMPLATES? Item cards that can overlay other cards, such as "mithril", "adamantine", "darkwood", ...
Heh maybe an entirely new line, but all those card protectors I have from CCGs would be good for this (silver-backed, black, green....)
One thing we get almost every encounter is coins. I like the 'ooh' reaction of dropping these cards on the table as my players all lean forward to get a better look. None of them touch it right away (anymore--it only takes one cursed item too fix that O:) I want the same thing from the treasure. I am thinking three versions of silver and gold: few, many, hoard. Same idea would work with gems.
russlilly |
Hey there Everybody,
I thought I would start a thread where you can give me some ideas for what you would like to see in future Item Card sets. Beyond the first two, we start to include some crazy items (like a unicorn's horn, a shrunken head), and I would love to hear what items you want to see.
Jason Bulmahn
Item Card Guru
Having just purchased the Adventure Gear and Item Pack One, the most striking thing I need are doubles and quadruples of a number of the items in Adventure Gear. Specifically, torches, pitons, candles, chalk, rope, manacles, waterskins, caltrops, and parchment are all items my characters carry more than one of, and it would be nice to be able to get a less varied pack of Adventure Gear with more duplicates. Now, I hear you saying, "But Russ, you can just write on the back that you are carrying more than one torch using a single torch card," but I feel that the whole idea of these item cards is to have one card per item. I don't really need more than one set of block and tackle, but it would have been nice to get two torches instead. Same goes for mirrors, bells, disguise kits, hammers, healing kits, decks of cards, etc. This also gives me pause when I look at buying more than two or three Adventure Gear decks; if I could get more than one each of the multiple items I need, I might shell out more money, but I'm not going to spend $80 to get my eight desired torches and get stuck with eight mirrors, bells, etc. that I'll never use.
Also, I think we need to expand the weapon list a bit. Though I know catering to any specific game is out, we haven't even covered all the weapons in the Player's Handbook yet. Case in point: my Olman PC in the Savage Tide uses a greatclub, throwing axes, and daggers; to the best of my knowledge, he's out of luck for everything except the daggers, and his other two chief weapons aren't even exotic! I think Paizo needs to jettison the idea of lots more potions and scrolls and devote those slots to items people are clamoring for: more varied weapons and armor, more duplicates of weapon and armor types, and more varied wondrous items.
I must say, though, this idea is cracker-jack. I'll happily lay down my money for the chance to hand my players actual booty after they down their opponents, and the opportunity to have visual representations of my own PC's gear when I play. Kudos, Paizo staff.
Tom Green |
I just bought Adventure Gear. Its excellent. I will buy two or three more packs of this non-random set for my characters and to hand out to players in my campaign. But the cards stay with me in my players binders with their charater sheets. If they want their own, let them buy a pack. If they can "buy" an item from the players handbook then they can use the card. magic items have to come from me. and be earned/found/won while adventuring.
Please let there be a deck called Adventure Gear II.
This one needs a sequal!
Shovel? Fishing tackle? I was surprised not to see these two items in the first deck.
Now how about these as well:
small chest, small barrel, bucket, chain, ladder, canvas,
silk rope, climbers kit,harp, recorder, a newer looking lock, ?
Some alternate art would be good for more of what was in the first deck: waterskin, torch, spellbook, lantern, holy symbol, hammer and backpack. Thanks guys, I love this product line.
keep it coming.
FatalLaughter |
First and foremost, I would like to second (or third?) the motion for spell components!
For an NPC Beguiler, I made a list of all the material spell components for his spells (I noticed when choosing his spells that MANY of them had multiple components). It turned out to be an extensive list!
Secondly, a greater selection of musical instruments.
The various outfits.
Has no one mentioned saddles?
I would still like to mention my idea for Templates (like the overlays from "Gloom" game); silvered, darkwood, mithril, masterwork, adamantine, cold iron, watered steel, meteoric iron (starmetal), bone, ivory, obsidian, crystalline, etc.
Lady Aurora |
I've gotten all the different item card packs but my favorite by far is the Adventure Gear. I've bought two of these wonderful kits and am already saving up for more.
I like the idea of some kind of envelope creation-thing to represent backpacks that other individual cards could then fit inside of.
But my biggest support goes to the money idea. I was picturing a card for gold, silver, copper - maybe even platinum pieces.
More different rations, more various gems. Spoon/eating utensils. String/twine, etc. More various mirrors (from hand held to household size)
A garrote, maybe.
Wondrous figurines.
Animal pelts.
Rusty Ironpants RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |
griffrat |
So, I am little bit of a newcomer to the whole buying of item cards. For a while I have had my own cards I would hand out and such. But, one of my players got me a git of these cards. I must say that I am sold lock, stock and two smoking barrels!!
With that I figure that I will throw my two coppers into this thread as these cards are something I really want to see grow and flourish.
Here are some more suggestions.
Metal/bone skull with strange runes engraved (not sure if that one was mentioned previously)
hand crossbow pistol
small statues of mythical creatures (dragons, griffins, unicorn)
small statues of demonic/angelic themes
small statues of great ancestors
I am sure there are more things that I haven't thought of....and that I am sure that I will need for my RPGs.
Thanks for asking the input of those that use the guys rock!!!
Terry Dyer |
I’d like to second the idea for blank card(s), maybe in deck format or a .pdf for a reasonable price.
More clothing SLOT specific.
Ammunition say for bolts, arrows, and bullets.
Maybe damaged or outright broken objects would be nice.
Generic Holy symbols
Different variations torches and other PC consumables
And instead of money I’m thinking like bars of metals or other trading goods
snate56 |
I know DnD is rife with them, but come up with the personality of a favorite archmage and produce a few cards of things he would make, like 'Guzzi's neverspill tankard' that will only empty its contents when supped or poured intentionally, or his picnic basket that produces one meal every day; say a pint of wine, hunk of bread, cheese, and a bit of ham.
A fry pan with a rune for fire on the bottom, when rapped soundly against a rock it heats up to cooking temperature for an hour. after you're done, rapping it again will cool it down. It must be cleaned normally.
I've also given to my players, not cursed items, per se, but "factory seconds?" I mean, with all the magic items being cranked out in the world, there's got to be some goofs occasionally. My favorite is the invisible ring, that's it just an invisible ring. Nobody even knows what it's made of.
Talion09 |
I was looking at Campaign Coins, and Last Rogue commented on the price... which got me thinking...
How about a deck that is nothing but monetary treasures?
- Coins of all types (Some duplication, at least for the type, if not the picture. Maybe 1/3 the deck)
- Trade bars, ingots and bullion
- More jewelry
- Raw Gemstones
This would see a lot of use in my game for sure.
Varl |
I was looking at Campaign Coins, and Last Rogue commented on the price... which got me thinking...
How about a deck that is nothing but monetary treasures?
- Coins of all types (Some duplication, at least for the type, if not the picture. Maybe 1/3 the deck)
- Trade bars, ingots and bullion
- More jewelry
- Raw GemstonesThis would see a lot of use in my game for sure.
Excellent idea! I'd get a lot of use out of treasure cards as well. I'd even buy decks made of 52 individual gemstones to enhance treasure variety.
Absinth |
Hopefully this thread is still of interest to the guys at Paizo!
I'd like to see some of the following items:
- cutlass
- sai
- sap
- katana
- more daggers! (in my games daggers are some of the most common magical items, especially on lower levels. A wider variety would be appreciated!)
- more tomes and books/spellbooks
- some unusual wondrous items like a coffin, a falconers glove, a summoning carpet, a (smoking) pipe, a net
- more clothing (f.e. hats, vests, boots, belts)
- more instruments
- really vile and sinister looking weapons (like the flail from RoW)
- gem stones, chunks of gold, silver etc.
- some of the items mentioned in Gamemastery modules like the wand rifle or the jade mantis
Eric Kile |
I was just scanning this thread and most ideas i had i've seen posted.
Now, as far as multiple items: torches, rations etc... I bought 2 of the Adventure gear packs then took all the things i wanted multiples of laid them out 3 across and 3 down, scanned them and I print them out on my color copier!!! Ta-daa!!!
You don't have to buy 8 packs for 8 eight torches.....
Craig Clark |
I know that the booster packs have been shot down more less from a popularity stand point, but I really could use some potion booster packs. Its the one thing I could use more of and duplicates come in handy as purchased potions of the same type.
I think a deck of potions would be way overboard though.
DarkWhite |
- Every magic item illustrated in GameMaster/Pathfinder products that hasn't yet seen print on a card!
- Deep sea diving helmet;
- Fresh or dried/harvested seaweed (provides limited duration water-breathing when consumed);
- Bag of beans, handful of seeds;
- Spiked shield, Orc double-axe;
- Animal furs complete with head, worn as cloak/robes, eg wolf, bear, leopard, lion, panther, owlbear!
- Some leather/bondage/torturer/executioner gear, eg straight-jacket, leather harness, executioner's hood, manacles, noose, ball gag;
- Rubber chicken (for Jester class);
- Radioactive/bio-hazard protection suit, not necessarily "modern", but certainly mad-scientist!
- I love asian/oriental flavour, I love african/egyptian flavour, I love masks! Check out Nyambe, African Adventures.
- the occasional musical instrument are a good idea;
- familiars/animal companions, though probably in a set of their own? this idea might be expanded to include Bestiary or NPC portrait cards, simply for display on the table during an encounter;
- Hat of disguise, disguises, king's robes, noble's outfit, merchant's outfit, traveller's outfit, pirate's outfit, ninja stealth outfit, priest's robes etc;
Mosaic |
Folks have mentioned coins before, but those metal campaign coins got me thinking, what about a whole pack of nothing but money? Some cards could show single coins, others could had nice, round numbers like 10, 100, 1000, maybe some would just show a pile. Copper, silver, gold, platinum. You wouldn't have to say it but the images on the coins could fit with Golarion, mostly modern but a few rare old coins. That way they'd still be useful in any campaign on any world. Maybe a few bars of metal.
Make the other half of the pack gems. No need to show the value. just a variety of different gem stones.
Coins and gems have to be the number one type of loot so it would be useful to have cards showing this.
Rashy |
I don't mean to kill the party, but wealth-gems on cards isn't a great idea. I am putting my local shop-owner's kid through college with my item card habit, but gems are the one thing I would not buy (unless they were ioun stones/psi crystals.)
See, I already have plenty of gems in my game. Go to just about any craft store and you can find some very cheap (but passable) plastic gems in a variety of colors pretty cheaply: I'd guesstimate I bought 4 bags of ~40 gems each for 4 dollars/bag. Spraypaint some poker chips to metallic colors, and you've got a much better solution than item cards for representing money. (Plus, if you make some simple drawstring pouches with the cheapest cloth and string you can find at the fabric store, you've got awesome table props for everyone.)
Of course, I'm glad there are a couple of coin/gem cards in adventure gear 1, just in case I decide to pass out magic coins/gems at some point, but I can't imagine a whole series of them would be a big seller.
Also, how about some wondrous magic items? I think a deck full of ioun stones, figurines of wondrous power, and their ilk would sell pretty well.
DarkWhite |
- Hat of disguise, disguises, king's robes, noble's outfit, merchant's outfit, traveller's outfit, pirate's outfit, ninja stealth outfit, priest's robes etc;
Well, there's Cleric's Garb in the upcoming set, that looks good!
And who would have predicted Fireworks? That's insanely awesome!
JM |
I'm a HUGE fan of the Item Cards (got multiples of every set).
My "Item Card idea":
Produce the Item Card sets MORE frequently.
My biggest (only) problem with the cards is I need to wait 4 months between sets... for me, that's just way, way, too long.
I'd like to see a set of cards once per month.
Paizo already puts out more than one module (including Adventure Path modules) once per month - I think the same could be done for Item Cards.
Item Cards seam to be a big seller... but maybe the profit margin on Item Cards is not as lucrative as the modules (I don't know) - either way though:
- If it's just as lucrative: Put out more sets, more often.
- If it's not more lucrative: Jack up the price of each deck, and put out more sets more often.
Another problem may be "the artist (Vincent) is very busy with other projects".
Well, rightfully so... Vincent prob has his plate plenty full with lots of other jobs (he's a top-notch artist - he's in high demand).
But the Item Card *art* does not need to be drawn by the same person for every set.
Different sets could be drawn by different artists (need to insure top-notch artist however - and Vincent MUST be one of them).
I really don't care how much I need to pay for the Item Cards - IMHO, $10 per set is mighty cheap. Paizo could charge me $20 per set, and I still wouldn't blink at buying multiples of each set - to me the quality of the cards would still be WELL worth it.
So that's my "Item Card Idea" - MORE Sets - MORE Often.
... at whatever cost necessary (though some might not agree to this part I'm sure :) )
Thanks for listening.
Mosaic |
I'm a HUGE fan of the Item Cards ... MORE Sets - MORE Often.
Agreed, but for me, it's got to be Vincent. For me, his style defines the cards. Other artists can do other great projects, but in my mind, Item Cards = Vincent Dutrait artwork.
DarkWhite |
Okay, I now have one box of each set, and have come to the sudden awful realisation that to use these cards in game, I have to actually break the boxes open and mix the cards up!
Just wondering how precious other collectors are about using and storing these cards? When you hand out cards to players during the game, do you let them take them home with their character sheet afterwards? Or do you demand them back, fearing you'll never see them again?
Do you mix sets up, keeping all Potions together, and all Weapons sorted alphabetically? Or do you keep them in their set boxes "Elements of Power", "Dragon's Trove", "Pathfinder" etc?
Card requests:
1) Hand-axe - I can find cards for great-axes, but not hand-axes
2) Flute - Two of my players co-incidentally put ranks in Perform (flute) ...
Possible spoilers for Rise of the Runelords below:
Kata. the ..... |
Any chance of smaller decks being made that only cover a smaller range of items. Like weapons for one potions another and so on and so forth. Maybe put them out in the small booster pack style packages.
I know it would be nice to have a general 1st level pack with 4 backpacks, bedrolls, pouches, sacks, rope, rations, etc. and a few single items like Holy Symbol, Thieves' Pick and Tools that would provide a 1st level party with a good set of starting items. Probably a magic set and a weapons and armor set would be nice as well, but less easy to design.
DarkWhite |
I know it would be nice to have a general 1st level pack with 4 backpacks, bedrolls, pouches, sacks, rope, rations, etc. and a few single items like Holy Symbol, Thieves' Pick and Tools that would provide a 1st level party with a good set of starting items. Probably a magic set and a weapons and armor set would be nice as well, but less easy to design.
This is a great idea! Everything the average four-member adventuring group (fighter, rogue, cleric, wizard) would require. 4x common gear, and 1x class-specific items. I think this would sell very well - a starter pack.
GameMastery Item Cards: Adventure Gear Deck is a good start, but doesn't outfit the whole party, and purchasing 4x decks for standard gear isn't really feasible for most GMs (unless you're able to encourage all your players to purchase their own?)
I wonder what GameMastery Item Cards: Adventure Gear 2 Deck will contain? If future decks contained mostly new gear, but repeated some of the common gear (backpacks!), this would help collectors, but doesn't solve the problem for a first-time purchase.
Amaril |
Just wondering how precious other collectors are about using and storing these cards? When you hand out cards to players during the game, do you let them take them home with their character sheet afterwards? Or do you demand them back, fearing you'll never see them again?
I bought some hard plastic folders with clasps for three-hole, pocketed sheets. Each folder has 4 sheets and pockets for a character sheets and other documents the players wish to use. I keep the folders with me between game sessions. If a player needs to level a character or resolve item identification between game sessions, they can take their folder home.
Do you mix sets up, keeping all Potions together, and all Weapons sorted alphabetically? Or do you keep them in their set boxes "Elements of Power", "Dragon's Trove", "Pathfinder" etc?
I mix them by categories in the PHB and DMG.
- Mundane items, weapons, armor, and shields are stored in respective categories in alphabetical order (easiest way to find them).
- Potions, scrolls, wands, rods, rings and staffs don't matter to me because I don't bother trying to associate them with specific spells or anything like that.
- Worn items are grouped by slot in order from head to toe, torso to extremity.
- The remainder are grouped in alphabetical order as wondrous items.
- Foil cards are reserved for artifacts, legacy items, and intelligent items.
Not that some wondrous items
Terry Dyer |
I have a one inch three ring binder for all my players. Inside; Adventure path players guide, house rules, character sheet and information, scrap paper, nine pocket card sheets usually four but can be added to and then a one pocket document sheet for handouts and other large things.
Usually kept at my house after games unless they need to level up but I will usually go pick it up a few days later. We have had to many lost otherwise.
My cards are ordered by type; weapons, armor, items, but as far as magic I have them all combined. My foils I trade.
carborundum RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
Honeypaw |
I love your cards so much that I have been inspired (required by my current campaign) to create my own with my own artwork, the GIMP, and a color laser printer:
-- Thin black gloves (gloves of dexterity): existing gloves in the cards are bulky and good for punching monsters, but not so good for rogues and assassins.
-- Stone box with runes denoting abundance (field provisions box, basically a cornucopia picnic cooler): existing boxes in your card sets are rare enough and did not really denote foody kinds of things.
-- Mundane artworks which can be redeemed for money.
-- An obsidian ring with magical properties.
-- A mundane comb.
-- A mundane set of silverware.
-- A mundane goblet.
I hope these inspire you; your cards certainly inspired me. Rest assured that I am not using/abusing your artwork or text, although my cards have a similar layout.
One other note: I mostly use these so that I can provide a player with stats on an item (say, a magic sword, or a sroll with a spell) without the player (or me, the GM) tediously flipping through the book for details during game play; and also to help players to trade/sell the items more easily and conveniently. I don't use the cards for keeping track of how many food rations or mundane arrows someone might have on a day-by-day basis.
Thanks again for your awesome cards!
Charles Scholz |
I love the Item Cards. I have every set so far. I just found this thread. If you are still taking ideas for future cards, here are some suggestions.
treasure chest
hand mirrors
If you do something like this, give them a new background like you did for the adventuring gear.
Kata. the ..... |
Well, this thread has been dead for over three years. I do still like the idea of a 1st level adventurer's Card Deck. 4 of all the items that every player has plus the Thief's Pick and Tools, Holy Symbol, Spell Book, Sword, Mace, Dagger, Staff, etc.
thenorthman |
Going through my cards I have noticed one thing.
A TON of wands, rods, and staffs. Now of course I don't normally play a magic user so maybe my personal judgement is getting in the way, but how many versions can we/ do we need of these. I can see having 10 different (or more) of a long sword but I believe we are well beyond having 20 to 30 different versions of these. Of course I'll still buy the Gamemastery packs but just wanted to point it out.
What I would like to see, as mentioned earlier, the different components for spells. (I know, not a major magic user so why do I want this?) I have noticed some components available so maybe you already do have them all but it doesn't seem like it.
I know the card line is suppose to be generic but think it would be nice to have Galorian specific Holy Symbols for all of the different religions.
Plus it would be really nice t have the different faction symbols for PFS.
More map cards. Maybe even a map that is split up among four or more different cards. That way the groups can find portions of the needed map, etc.
I had a ton of ideas when I was sorting so next time well have to write them down.
xanthemann |
I may be late to the party, but I have some ideas.
Area specific card packs, Numeria specifically.
Cell phones (or the like), personal computers (not like they would be real useful to the players, but it would be interesting to see how the characters would react to them), an old Oldsmobile (Army of Darkness), a chainsaw (you can see where I am going with this), maybe some things from Will Smith's Wild Wild West, too.
Just thinking out loud so to speak.
Jason Grubiak |
I know I'm REALLY late to this party....but I just recently bought up some of the item cards for the first time due to the sale going on now.
I have a question:
What set has mundane weapons?
Just a regular Greatsword made of steel. Not wreathed in flame or made of crystal or has a gem that looks like an eye on the pommel.
Just plain old non-masterwork weapons?
If the answer is "there is no set with those" then that is my suggestion for cards that need to be made.
I mean...theres cards for bedrolls, chalk, food rations and block & tackle but no regular booring dagger, spear or short sword?
If they do exist in a set please let me know which one.