The Dresden Files - Coming to Sci-Fi Channel!



Harry Dresden is coming to Sci-Fi! Harry Dresden is coming to Sci-Fi!


Liberty's Edge

Appearently, Jim Butcher has given it his stamp of approval as well. I'm really looking forward to this.

I am TOTALLY pyched about this. I couldn't get much information from the sci fi channel about time and date of showing; but progammed by sat system to scan and record it; I really hope they dont screw the pooch on this, though I dont see how they can put the feel of how graphic and horrible some of the stuff Harry looks at are descibed in the books; Take Stormfront for example when he as to look with his sight at the two intamate dead figures whose hearts have exploded; yuch; can't imagine that they could do this any justice on tv.

If anyone gets any firm time or date on this please post.

Here's what I know about the show:

*Sci-fi has ordered 11 episodes and a 2-hour pilot.
*The series premiers in January.
*IIRC, the pilot will stick close to the first book, while the show regular episodes are original storys, but I'm not 100% certain.
*As with most shows, they are working with a limited budget, so things might change from the books. Bob will no longer be a skull nor an air spirit, but a fire spirit to save on costs.
*Over on Jim Butcher's website, there is a forum with a board for the show with regular updates.

Lilith wrote:


Harry Dresden is coming to Sci-Fi! Harry Dresden is coming to Sci-Fi!


WOW! Thanks for the heads up Lilith! I've got my DVR ready!

How close to the books do you think it'll run? It looks like Murphy is a brunette instead of a blonde. I can live with that, but I wonder what other things they'll change?

what i'm annoyed about is that a certain actor declined being cast as Harry Dresden because if the series was to be purchased, he didn't want to commit to living in toronto during the filming schedule. and...James Marsters would have made such an excellent Harry. We already know he looks good in a duster. Here's hoping....

Eternity wrote:
How close to the books do you think it'll run? It looks like Murphy is a brunette instead of a blonde. I can live with that, but I wonder what other things they'll change?

It's been awhile since I've checked, but IIRC the actresses who were brought in to try out for Susan and Murphy ended up being cast as the other.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Eternity wrote:
How close to the books do you think it'll run? It looks like Murphy is a brunette instead of a blonde. I can live with that, but I wonder what other things they'll change?

It has been a while since I checked his site but Jim Butcher really seemed excited and happy with what they were doing with the series.

I totally agree James Marsters would be great for Harry, but he really isnt tall enough, but not like that is a big deal. he sure could display the attitude to a T. I hope they follow the book and start Harry off with his canvas overcoat as he doesnt get the El Dorado leather duster until later from Susan.

From the previews I've seen, Harry doesn't appear to be wearing a duster at all. Looks like a work jacket with a hoody. Of course it may just be that he took it off before that scene. As long as Bob is in the skull, I'm okay with the fire spirit thing. The actress portraying Murphy looks like she can pull off the attitude. I saw a snippet of Murph twisting Dresden's arm behind his back and slamming him to the hood of her car. I'm also looking forward to seeing Susan...but what guy isn't?

Lilith wrote:


Harry Dresden is coming to Sci-Fi! Harry Dresden is coming to Sci-Fi!


Yes .....Yahoo.....Saw it too Harry is gonna be on Space he in Canada....

totally agree....eeeeee....!!!!.

Valegrim wrote:

I am TOTALLY pyched about this. I couldn't get much information from the sci fi channel about time and date of showing; but progammed by sat system to scan and record it; I really hope they dont screw the pooch on this, though I dont see how they can put the feel of how graphic and horrible some of the stuff Harry looks at are descibed in the books; Take Stormfront for example when he as to look with his sight at the two intamate dead figures whose hearts have exploded; yuch; can't imagine that they could do this any justice on tv.

If anyone gets any firm time or date on this please post.

The date for here in Canada is January 21 at 8pm on the Space channel...don't know if same date on sci-fi channel...but the two usually broadcast close together.....

Well, we are getting closer :); btw; *** Possible spoiler alert ***

Harry doesnt start with the duster in the books as it is a birthday gift from his girlfriend, hehe she even says she wore it around, am thinking in the buff, to break it in. There are several scenes from the first book that I am wondering how they are going to portray it in the show; that of the murder of the gangster and the prostitute that Harry investigates and that of them running down the street naked being chased by the toad demon.

As we approach the new year, I must say this news has literally made my year. I've got more to look foreward to after that apple falls now. Yay!

Love to Jim Butcher! Dresden rocks!

Anyone notice that the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter books are being done as comics? Old news, but still.

hehe we need a countdown ticker :)

Nice to hear people are excited about this. My sister is an actor who plays someone who gets killed in one of the episodes. She'll be happy to hear people are talking about it.

Luckily, she's a regular on another show, so her short appearance and death on the Dresden files won't hurt her income-wise.

Cool, you will have to let us know which person she plays all of them have names in the book as far as I remember until like book 5 or so or whichever book he goes to the vampire ball.

Valegrim wrote:
Cool, you will have to let us know which person she plays all of them have names in the book as far as I remember until like book 5 or so or whichever book he goes to the vampire ball.

He goes to the Vamp Ball in Book 3: Grave Peril. From what I've read/heard, there will be numerous changes, but the feel should still be there. STOP READING NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE SHOW

Most notable: Bob's a ghost that comes out of the skull in human form, no Blue Beetle (Korean war era army jeep), Karrin Murphy is now Connie Murphy (always referred to just as "Murphy") and has brown hair (while Susan's appearances are kept to a minimum and she is a blonde), Morgan is African-American, the blast rod is the lower handle and blade of a hockey stick. No black duster in the first episode at least...most likely not in the series at all for a while. The first episode will be based on Stormfront, but the following episodes will be his other adventures and not necessarily from specific novels. You can see pics of the cast at the Sci-fi Channel's website.

Well, this is it; am so jazzed that I can mostly forget that I broke a molar yesterday and my dentist put me on hold till like maybe Tuesday; tonight 6pm MST :) is the premier; bummed I can't eat popcorn, but have high expectation for the show, am really looking forward to everyones feedback tomorrow also :)

Liberty's Edge

Did anyone watch this? Was it good? bad? I don't have the SCI-FI channel on my lame-ass cable company so I wasn't able to watch it myself although a friend of mine did record it so I will be able to watch it later this week.

I thought it sucked.

The apartment is too big (with mostly glass doors!)
Too many flashbacks (this works good with Psych - here not so much)
The jeep (shudder!)
Bomber jacket / no duster (groan!)
Justice is his uncle
Having to fit everything into nice, tidy 1-hour episodes will do the character(s) and the story a great disservice

And, mostly:
Bob - the skull looks cool, too bad they felt they needed a person to play the part...

The only good thing - I liked the shield bracelet...

Scarab Sages

Kermez wrote:

I thought it sucked.

The apartment is too big (with mostly glass doors!)
Too many flashbacks (this works good with Psych - here not so much)
The jeep (shudder!)
Bomber jacket / no duster (groan!)
Justice is his uncle
Having to fit everything into nice, tidy 1-hour episodes will do the character(s) and the story a great disservice

And, mostly:
Bob - the skull looks cool, too bad they felt they needed a person to play the part...

The only good thing - I liked the shield bracelet...

I didnt care for it either.


Liberty's Edge

Thoth-Amon the Mindflayerian wrote:
Kermez wrote:

I thought it sucked.

The apartment is too big (with mostly glass doors!)
Too many flashbacks (this works good with Psych - here not so much)
The jeep (shudder!)
Bomber jacket / no duster (groan!)
Justice is his uncle
Having to fit everything into nice, tidy 1-hour episodes will do the character(s) and the story a great disservice

And, mostly:
Bob - the skull looks cool, too bad they felt they needed a person to play the part...

The only good thing - I liked the shield bracelet...

I didnt care for it either.


It sounds like I will be watching this will low expectations. Thanks for the feedback by the way.

Well, it was a bit of a shock to tell you the truth; am sincerly conviced that James Marsters really needs to be Harry to sell the role; the guy doing it just doesn't do it for me; well, to be fair; yet anyway. I read on the scifi forums that this was episode 3 and not the premier; I dont know what is up with that; they really didn't give us any of the characters backgrouds or what they do or thier significance. Really, I was a bit let down; will watch some more to be fair as many series have a rough start in the first season; I remember watching the Star Trek Next Gen farpoint station one and many of the first episodes and not liking those. They really mucked with the story; there is really nothing in the show i saw other than the names of a few characters to even link it at all to the world of the books; boo hiss. Still; i will trudge on and watch them.

Is it an exact copy of the books, down to every nuance? No. Is any TV series or Movie thats based on a book? Maybe, once in a rare while.

I'm gonna give it a chance, I admit I was dissapointed in some of the changes. The overall humor level is down, which dissapoints. Bob is more mature, but less cheerful. The Blue Beetle isn't there.

Rant On.
Personally, I'm irked they tried to make it a supernatural drama. Angel and Buffy proved you can blend supernatural and comedy without too much effort. Why they chose to do otherwise with potentially one of the funniest "sarcastic heroes" of modern-setting fantasy is beyond me. But I'm not a network Executive, or a professional screenwriter/director/producer. I'm just a fan of the series, and a member of the most common viewership base. What do I know.
Rant over.

I say give it a chance to be it's own thing. Maybe over time it'll start to become more like the Harry we know. Maybe a bad run will force him to get a new junker car, a smaller apartment, etc, etc. Time will tell.

Scarab Sages

Kermez wrote:

I thought it sucked.

The apartment is too big (with mostly glass doors!)
Too many flashbacks (this works good with Psych - here not so much)
The jeep (shudder!)
Bomber jacket / no duster (groan!)
Justice is his uncle
Having to fit everything into nice, tidy 1-hour episodes will do the character(s) and the story a great disservice

And, mostly:
Bob - the skull looks cool, too bad they felt they needed a person to play the part...

The only good thing - I liked the shield bracelet...

Mostly it was okay, for a Sci Fi product. No tv or film version of a book is going to be able to stick to every detail. Books and visual media are apples and oranges.

I don't care that they had a Jeep instead of a Beetle. I don't care that he didn't wear a duster. Those things are just flavor. They don't change the story or the character. Justin as his uncle I'm not sure about. I'll have to see what they do with that.

They changed his mother's pentacle into the shield bracelet because they didn't want to rouse the ire of the Religious Right, I'm sure. And Bob became a man because animating a puppet skull would be a pain in the ass on a weekly tv series.

I just wish they'd made Bob more sarcastic and less gloomy.

Ok; so it has been on a few weeks; guess he is doing the demon thing tonight; so any new opinions; what does everyone think so far? I hate the name and it certainly isnt the Dresden files as far as I am concern, no way, shape or form, but am still enjoying it as a show.

Valegrim wrote:
Ok; so it has been on a few weeks; guess he is doing the demon thing tonight; so any new opinions; what does everyone think so far? I hate the name and it certainly isnt the Dresden files as far as I am concern, no way, shape or form, but am still enjoying it as a show.

The first couple of episodes weren't that great, but episodes 3 and 4 were better. I think I enjoyed last night's episode the most so far as it showed us some of Bob's lascivious nature and we saw Harry "hex" the security camera at the station. Morgan is less of a jerk, but we still saw him belt Harry a good one. I'm eagerly awaiting the Stormfront pilot episode that they decided to run later for some reason. This will give me my Dresden fix until April when White Night is released.

Liberty's Edge

I like the show but it isn't really the Dresden Files. I mean the series starts with Henry in bed with a woman and it wasn't Susan. One simple rule from the books: Dresden has HORRIBLE luck with women. He is almost always alone.

All that aside, I do like the show but it isn't really the Henry Dresden that I know and love from the books.

S.Baldrick wrote:

I like the show but it isn't really the Dresden Files. I mean the series starts with Henry in bed with a woman and it wasn't Susan. One simple rule from the books: Dresden has HORRIBLE luck with women. He is almost always alone.

All that aside, I do like the show but it isn't really the Henry Dresden that I know and love from the books.'s Harry...Harry Dresden.

Liberty's Edge

Joseph Jolly wrote:
S.Baldrick wrote:

I like the show but it isn't really the Dresden Files. I mean the series starts with Henry in bed with a woman and it wasn't Susan. One simple rule from the books: Dresden has HORRIBLE luck with women. He is almost always alone.

All that aside, I do like the show but it isn't really the Henry Dresden that I know and love from the books.'s Harry...Harry Dresden.

I stand corrected.

well, looking forward to tonights show; both the dissappointment it will bring and the building up of the current storyline.

Darn hard to swallow that those jerks misrepresented this show and killed it to; no more dresden files :(

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I know, it's a loss.

My irritation with the (TV) Murphy is that she kept bouncing back and forth between "Do that magic stuff" and "lalalalalla magic doesn't exist!" It may be more a fault of the writing, but she just didn't seem to have any chemistry with Paul Blackthorn.

Best line in the show not said by Bob. "I’ve been meaning to ask you... Harry Dresden, (making air quotes) "Wizard". Let me guess, a couple of summers ago you were a Jedi knight and now you’re a wizard named Harry? It’s good marketing I guess but couldn’t you come up with something a little more original?"

I think if I get to play a McWoD mage or play a sorceror with a necromatic bent, I'll name him Hrothbert of Terrance.

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