Female Fighter

Eternity's page

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Ok, I found the WotC 3.5 update for the ELHB and put it to good use on my paragon stirge in the stat bloc bank. Hopefully it is a little more realistic...

Ok, I've also added my paragon stirge to the stat block for approval.

Gary Teter wrote:

Item Pack 2: Hero's Hoard and Item Pack 3: Relics of War have new release dates:

Item Pack 2: July 19, 2006
Item Pack 3: September 20, 2006

I know these dates are not up to date(Item Pack 2 now showing a release date of 8-16-06), but when might we expect a card list for Itme Pack 3?

Daigle wrote:
Basic Stirge Swarm submitted to the bank. Next step...templated stirge swarms.


Marc Chin wrote:

DAMN I love it when DMs collude :-D

Please put those in the Stat Block Bank - I can throw ONE at my Evil party that's CR17...


Me too!

I will, as soon as I get it drawn up. It may be tomorrow though.

Heathansson wrote:
Is a tauric creature with the head of a stirge and the body of a wyvern out of the question?

Yep. It has to be a stirge.

Daigle wrote:

Wouldn't matter because swarms don't attack in a conventional hit/miss situation. They always deal damage to critters in their 'area of effect' either at the start of their turn or the start of the unfortunate critter's turn. Which is kinda like being attacked by 24 of 'em I guess.

I added the umbral template to make them harder to see and to have the capability to drain both Con and Str. Be wary of your fire chunking wizard though or swarms don't last long.

Right, but if it weren't a swarm, just a lot of them, it would work.

Oh, they don't have a wizard, lol. A cleric, an archer, and a rogue.

Daigle wrote:
Advanced Umbral Fiendish Stirge Swarm.......Mmmm Mmmmm.

Yes, that is good...

Or maybe an incorporeal Advanced Umbral Fiendish stirge swarm? I think I read somewhere that you can get like 24 of them in to attack when they're incorporeal.

Bill Hendricks wrote:

I am checking it out now -- you might want to tone it down a bit --

It would only have 29 hit points, but it would have an AC of 52 (plus or minus). It would also have DR 10/Epic. Topped with Fast Healing 20 and Spell Resistance 28, it could really make a mess of the group fast (and I didn't include a lot of the extra features). Per the book it would be an 18 or 19 CR, but with a 52 AC I would probably put it higher.

Yes, you are quite correct. But I am still gleefully rubbing my hands together at the thought of a stirge that can challenge this party!

Lilith wrote:
Add it to the Stat Block bank when you're done with your Stirgy monstrosities.

I am not familiar with the bank. But I will look into it. These stirges will deserve to be remembered and used again!

Eternity wrote:
Bill Hendricks wrote:

You could simply apply the paragon template from the Epic Level Handbook. I believe that adds +10 (give or take) to the CR and you could advance it some with Hit Dice from there.
I will pull out my ELHB and look into that. Thanks for the idea!

I have looked that over and I love it! An epic level stirge! LOL! Thanks Bill!

And to back him up, a swarm.... Hehehehehe.

Thanks everybody!

Marc Chin wrote:
Daigle wrote:

Definitely a swarm.

You could use a swarm of 'Advanced Fiendish Stirges' - that might get you up to at least a CR7 or 8...perhaps throw a leader into the encounter that will add into the CR?


Yes... and the one with the ghost brute and evolved undead templates would be great as the leader... or the paragon- I'm still looking that up.

Bill Hendricks wrote:

You could simply apply the paragon template from the Epic Level Handbook. I believe that adds +10 (give or take) to the CR and you could advance it some with Hit Dice from there.

I will pull out my ELHB and look into that. Thanks for the idea!

Daigle wrote:

I want it to be a bit more grand... but that does bear thought!

I am running a campaign where I'd really love to run over my players with a really low level critter- the lowly stirge. I have 3 players, 14th level.
I have tried giving the stirge the "ghost brute" template and the "evolved undead(X10)" template from the Liber Mortis. Does anyone have any other cool ideas to make the stirge a challenge for my players? And yes, I am set on the stirge- there are reasons.

It could be Ursula K. LeGuin's "Light Years".
There is an organism that looks like a brain. In the future it is sending troops back to collect people from the past... There is a group that sends a boy/man out to find out what is going on. He travels to the future and in the end does destroy the organism. I have it on tape. There are also a group of mutants that speak in a strange past/present/future tense. Think this could be it?

I try to give little hints when my PC's start doing dumb things... Like raiding an enemy camp where they are but 3 guys and there are at least 16 horses tethered in plain sight- and they know there is at least one wizard and one cleric in the camp... and they're only 3rd level! That was a TPK. But sometimes I will fudge the damage rolls if I think I'm about to kill off a character. The players spend a lot of time creating their characters. I want them to survive, but for it to be a challenge. However, like the example above, if they are set on ignoring the hints and obvious signs, they get what comes their way.

Elven wizard... the long life and power of magic. Although I usually play humans, lol. But my humans don't usually end up 100% human for long- I think I just have demented DM's!

Vic Wertz wrote:

Paizo cofounder Johnny Wilson suggested the name, which is, indeed, from biblical Greek. The original is "paiðzw," which has been transliterated to paizo, meaning:

•to play like a child
•to play, sport, jest
•to give way to hilarity, esp. by joking, singing, dancing

We pronounce it to rhyme with "pie dough."


Thanks!! I had been curious about this also.

Ok, so maybe I'm a little weird, but I've got the soundtrack to Conan the Barbarian in my cd player.

How close to the books do you think it'll run? It looks like Murphy is a brunette instead of a blonde. I can live with that, but I wonder what other things they'll change?