Arisoul2002's page

12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Valegrim wrote:

I am TOTALLY pyched about this. I couldn't get much information from the sci fi channel about time and date of showing; but progammed by sat system to scan and record it; I really hope they dont screw the pooch on this, though I dont see how they can put the feel of how graphic and horrible some of the stuff Harry looks at are descibed in the books; Take Stormfront for example when he as to look with his sight at the two intamate dead figures whose hearts have exploded; yuch; can't imagine that they could do this any justice on tv.

If anyone gets any firm time or date on this please post.

The date for here in Canada is January 21 at 8pm on the Space channel...don't know if same date on sci-fi channel...but the two usually broadcast close together.....

Lilith wrote:


Harry Dresden is coming to Sci-Fi! Harry Dresden is coming to Sci-Fi!


Yes .....Yahoo.....Saw it too Harry is gonna be on Space he in Canada....

totally agree....eeeeee....!!!!.

I can sympathize. In general, interactions between the opposite and/or attractive sex is largely painful, awkward and ultimately futile. Now that I've actually got a number of female gamers at my table (and I got my sweating and drooling under control...just kidding) I've noticed that those stereotypes about female gamers being more plot and roleplaying intense than male gamers are just that: stereotypes. I've never seen someone more enthused to bash in a goblin skull with a dwarven waraxe. And engage in in-character idiocy with the other crazed, sword waving jerks.

LOL....exactly...I'm playing a sorceress/rogue and the funniest is when marching order is called and the guys put me in the middle....hey I'm a rogue I should be out front disabling traps and killin things coming out of em but oh well I stay in the middle and watch'em trip the traps and get creamed and then I'll bash things dwarven waraxe is good but a lochbar axe is better...slice and all i gotta say...


Celestial Healer wrote:
That's not all guys. Just a lot of them, including the ones you game with. As part of an all-male group, I don't think we have people that talk like that. But then, at about 50/50 gay/straight our group is probably not typical.

lol well celestial sorry bout that but I'm in a small town and I guess I'm just stuck with these guys..but thanks for heads up.


Lilith wrote:
If I want your opinion, I'll read your entrails.


A DM I know...."Know what an ink blot is? Well you're about to become one...a nice pretty red one."

Lilith wrote:
Arisoul2002 wrote:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: girls drive me nuts.

Yep, me too. ;)

I watched Carlos Mencia's "No Strings Attached" DVD last night and my rant is related to that.

Quit being so uptight and have some fun, for godsakes! The world ain't gonna collapse in a neon green tidal wave of worms if you can't laugh at an off-color joke! Sheesh!

If you ain't laughin', you ain't livin'!


I just meant to tell james that girls get it that way too...
All you do is sit beside a guy and he gets all dopey..there's one that just has to sit beside me now...I just tell him I'm here to kill

Ok here goes...does this ever happen to you or am i the only one...when me and the guys get together to game..they absolutely have to talk about and rehash who has the loudest farts, worse smell, or who pees the longest....Oh and don't forget about the gnomish crotch crickets...I mean ok I can fart, burp, and pee long too...but god every game? I know guys are guys and this is a must for them. I mean hell at least I don't start talking about all the female problems we girls have...(god imagine it..they would all go running screaming in horror if I brought up the "P" word or other problems) although I will admit that it the look of stun on the guys faces when I actually farted and one game was absolutely priceless...

So girls let me know if you have any of these problems or others...It would be nice to know I'm not the only one...

Abrupt topic change!!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: girls drive me nuts. And judging from the way folks 10-20 years my senior end up in their relationships, it won't get any easier. When it's just friendship pure and simple, everything is fine. But throw emotions and infatuation in to the mix and holy crud. And let's assume you don't want to go back to just being friends after the debacle is over. You wind up with a drawn out arguement and what may turn out to be a stalker putting her nose in your business every two weeks. Jeez!

I mean, I know I'm awesome. But I'm really not THAT awesome. It's not like I throw pizza and ice cream parties or anything.

well it ain't any easier on the other side buddy...all i did was sit beside a fellow gamer and leaned back on the chair beside him and now he's dressing better at games...insisting on sitting beside i just wanna game...

Tambryn wrote:

I am thinking I will toss a tanglefoot bag at them and then summon an arrow demon to wail on them. I will have purchased adamantine arrows ahead of time to give the demon. What do you think?

How would you as a sorcerer, do it better?


Throw a tanglefoot bag and then fire an arrow of impact oil at him...he goes kaboom...just watch out for body parts that's the gross part...

Timault Azal-Darkwarren wrote:

I think that it's also important to take away the items from time to time.

A lot of the higher levels rely on the items a character carries. But not every encounter has to happen with everyone decked out in their full plate mail and +3 dancing long sword.

The last campaign I played I was the only character that took their armor off ever. We camped for the night and she removed her full plate in order to sleep. Every other player told me I was crazy because we could get attacked during the night. I responded and said that no person could sleep in armor and be effective the next day. But since our DM never gave any penalties for NEVER removing armor it seemed strange to the guys I game with.

Sure enough we were attacked during the middle of the night and she was pretty beat up but it was memorable.

I remember a story from the Cormyr series that has a young Azoun fighting a lycanthrope but having only a set of silverware to defend himself.

You should see about getting hold of some dwarven ghost silk armour, like wearing light padded armour but benefits of mythral threads woven through....

My party saved a whole hell of alot of dwarfs and my character helped to find them new they took on her last name and sent her armour....go figure she's a navae with a clan of dwarf with her last name..pretty nice....

Zealot wrote:
Well I pray to all the gods that this is the right place to rant. I have to have one of the most screwed up gaming groups in the world. Most of the time their dynamic works out but lately its like playing with a small group of head trauma patients. I have this one guy who must bring a stack of character sheets everytime we play. In four game sessions he has gone through 4 different characters. He insists that Elves never get ressurected. On top of everything if he doesnt have at least a 19 in strength he tends to get moody and whine alot. I live in a small town in Canada...yes I said Canada... and there are few gamers to work with here so my player pool is rather small at the moment. My on going argument with this individual is that just because you are a barbarian, you dont crap where you eat, and your job in the party is not to tick off every high level NPC you meet. I have tried to explain to my players, that just because you have a character with an ability score under 14, it doesnt mean that the character is doomed. I have tried suggesting the point buy system and got vetoed right out of the door. So I have to have them roll in front of me cause I got tired of players showing up with their lowest score being a 16. I am also trying to find a way to monitor my groups rolls. I know it sounds kinda childish but when facing an enemy magic user and the group's dwarven fighter makes 3 Will Saves consequtively and every roll comes up over 23, keep in mind this was a 7th Level fighter. Anywhoo, I am currently adressing these problems and asserting my DM's rights. That and I just got a few more players so I am actually thinking about just moving over to a new group. I am so glad that there is a place to rant. Between certain players and the weather I was ready to explode. Has there ever been an incident of a Gamer Driven Killing Rage? Well theres my rant with probably many more to come.

Well it wasn't any fun being in the middle of it all and trying to stay neutral......

Well that sound all well and good but when my pary got caught by red dragon and were stunned by it's aura of fear...well the only person doing damage was the mpc...the one guy stood there and the other tried to hit it wis his sword...a red dragon..ok I did use truestrike but i also shot it with an arrow of slaying vs sometimes it's not only spells that work but weapons too......