P.H. Dungeon |

Well I'm impressed that some people are actually at the Library of Last Resort. I really didn't think there would be anyone out there keeping up. I don't know how you get through so much material so quickly. It's interesting to notice that some people are getting through a module in 3-4 sessions and for others its taking twice that long- different styles of play I suppose.

Tatyanna LePierre |

Well I'm impressed that some people are actually at the Library of Last Resort. I really didn't think there would be anyone out there keeping up. I don't know how you get through so much material so quickly. It's interesting to notice that some people are getting through a module in 3-4 sessions and for others its taking twice that long- different styles of play I suppose.
Also depends on the length of the sessions. We will be on our fifth session this week and I am hoping to finish the first module but we only play for about three or four hours assuming everyone shows up on time. That is the real killer in my group, some people show up late and I don't get started without them.

Brainiac |

Well I'm impressed that some people are actually at the Library of Last Resort. I really didn't think there would be anyone out there keeping up. I don't know how you get through so much material so quickly. It's interesting to notice that some people are getting through a module in 3-4 sessions and for others its taking twice that long- different styles of play I suppose.
My sessions last anywhere from 4 hours to 12+ hours (sometimes we go on marathons). "The Library of Last Resort" took about four sessions to complete. However, we started playing "Kings of the Rift" on Saturday afternoon and completed it in one session...the session ended at 6:00 the next morning. >_<
Totally awesome, but now we have to wait another month and a half till the next issue comes. :)

LarryMac |

We're finally onto Encounter at Blackwall Keep. They just took down the lizardfolk at Blackwall Keep and headed off into the swamp. Starting after Three Faces of Evil, and ending after Gathering of Winds, I'm mixing in some side treks with different groups of characters to hit some of the adventures that Manzorian mentions in Spire of Long Shadows. This has the added bonus of letting me play a character from time to time to recharge the batteries.

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Also depends on the length of the sessions. We will be on our fifth session this week and I am hoping to finish the first module but we only play for about three or four hours assuming everyone shows up on time. That is the real killer in my group, some people show up late and I don't get started without them.
That's a pain, especially if you've gone to the effort to prepare a game and have it ready for them when they're expected to arrive. Life happens, of course, and sometimes people have many commitments and are barely able to squeeze in time for gaming. Regardless, I'd recommend starting the sessions without them. When they arrive and as, "What's going on?" just ask them to sit down and join in when they've got a feel for the situation of the moment. Do this a few times, and people will be there for the planned start of the session. It's worked for me many times in the past.

Alaric Drake |

My group has just finished the encounter with Filge in Whispering Cairn. They should finish the mod. with our next session.
My group just finished up with Filge as well (my two oldest boys are playing for their first time, and having a great time as well). We have 8 characters in our party (mix of 'old' and first time players). Our group got a little side tracked, when they were bringing Kullen and his boys out to the Farmstead to turn Filge over to them. It seems though, as if 'ole Balabar Smenk did not take lightly the capture of his 'old and dear friend'. Filge was rescued, but not at dear cost to Balabar's men. We ended with the group returning to the Tomb, and 4 Wind Warriors rising up on a column of air....
We usually only get to play one Sunday a month (even though our goal is two), about 5-6 hours per session. We are progressing very well for about 1/2 the group being 'brand new'.

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We started the Saturday after Thanksgiving & are playing 3 out of 4 Saturdays a month.
We just finished 3FoE last Saturday. We ran Mad God's Key as an intro to Diamond Lake & a Dungeon Crawl Classic after Whispering Cairn. I'm looking for a Dungeon adventure to run as a lead-in to Encounter at Blackwall Keep. I want to avoid having Allustan ask the PCs to escort him into the Mistmarsh, so if anyone has any suggestions that would put them in a marsh, thanks in advance...

QBert |

My group has been playing since shortly after the Whispering Cairn came out (~last July). We've played every week except about 3 since then and they just killed Telakin from Hall of Harsh Reflections. Half my group are noobs and we only get about 2 1/2 hours of playing time a session. So the game moves *very* slowly. It takes about 10 sessions to finish an adventure, although HoHR is taking longer.
Currently I'm worried their encounter with Zyrxog is going to lead to a TPK. I mean mind blast, SR, minions, levitate. There's not many weaknesses this guy has.

Jimmy |

Our group just started 'The Prince of Redhand' last weekend. They're suitably interested/weirded out by Alhaster, which is a relief (I was afraid they wouldn't 'delve' into the different pace/focus of this installment). I predict we'll be done this one in a couple weeks.
Just received 'Library of Last Resort' last week, so am already preparing that one. Fun!

TheDMFromPlanetX |

The publications for Age of Worms are starting to reach their conclusion, but from what I'm gathering on the message boards most of the campaigns people are running are just barely getting out of Diamond Lake. Is there anyone out there who is anywhere near the point Dugeon is at?
my group has just completed the first issue and are preparing for 3foe. It was good, they only used 4 sessions on the adventure and especially the last encounter was hard. 2 pc's on 0 hp, one on -4.

Wronga |

The Companions of the Whisper just started 3FoE last session. I ended with them being trapped in the battle temple of Hextor and Theldrick taunting them from the balcony. Muhahaha!
We play every Thursday night, so we only usually get in about 2-3 hours a week. Whispering Cairn took them about 8 sessions to get through. They did Cry Wolf in 2 sessions. I'm guessing that we will be in the Mistmarsh by the time the final adventure sees print.

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We just finished 3FoE. I took a page from an earlier poster and broke it up into 3 different locations scattered around Diamond Lake, placing Vecna's temple just a few miles from Blackwall Keep. They have already met the garrison there and Alustan's sorcerer friend, and are planning to regroup there now that The Faceless One has escaped (he summoned the Ebon Aspect to cover his retreat).
Theldrick also managed to escape, but Grallak Kur died gloriously, giving my party it's first character death. My player wants to play Kullen, who is now working on the front lines at Blackwall Keep. He's good enough player that I might let him.

ShadowMoon |

About to start Champion's Belt. With about half the characters worshiping Kord, They have been chomping at the bit to get in the arena. Ever since they got to Greyhawk, they have asked everone they can find for sponsorship. Eligos has told them he may know of someone... They are ready to take on all comers! Boy are they in for a surprise!!

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We will be playing our 5th session on Thursday. The party has cleared most of the cairn and should finish lair of the laborers(and meet Alastor) by the end of the session. There is only about 1.5 to 2 hours of actual playing each session. We have been trying to play at least 3 times a month to keep the action moving forward. It has been a blast to DM this AP so far! I have been away from the game for about ten years and I was worried about learning the new system(3.5), but it has been surprisingly easy to use. I must say I am very happy with the current direction of D&D/Dungeon magazine. Cheers to everyone playing the AP!

bromleylaerchenheim |

We are about to finish 3FoE this Tuesday. We play every 2 weeks and took about 4 months to come this far :-)
Actually 3FoE is the by far worst adventure of the Path and it does not even give musch input to the complete storyline. EaBK is much better but there are only 2 short clues to the overall story (the zombie and the draconic kobolds with their link to Ilthane) the rest is a fine but too long monster bash.
I decided to skip Blackwall Keep completly and send the party directly to meet Eligos in Free City (Sharn). On their way they will have one encounter where they have to deal with the now undead patron of a roadhouse who was imprisoned by his panicked family in the cellar of his inn. Through this the party will get the same clues as in Blackwall Keep.
Of course my party will be jumping from level 5 to 7 for free. Using this trick I hope to catch up a bit with the pace of the publishers... ;-)