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If I was USING rouge, it would be apply makeup roll, not hide. By the way, your new color goes well with your dress, Fakey!

The Exchange

farewell2kings wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

Good luck with your exam, f2k. Perhaps you just need a break from the game.
The playing I look forward to...I just seem to run out of mental energy to DM a game and do all the work necessary to run it, even with published adventures.

Find the 3 issue adventure arc, or buy "The Red Hand of Doom" and enlist one of your players to run it or you need to shut down the campaign for a while. The player will probably agree, just make sure he has some potential as a DM (you should be able to judge this fairly well). Enjoy rolling up a new PC, start fresh and only worry about the game on the nights of the game or when YOU want to.

My advice, hope it helps.

FH (good luck and stay safe "bustin' those perps"/ you'll do great on your exam.)

Thanks for all the advice. I won't quit DMing my current campaign, that wouldn't be fair to the players. I have done that before and if I do it again, they'll never play with me again and my wife will cut my nuts off....just gotta get motivated again.

One of my players does run a game that I play in, right after I get done DMing (we split the gaming day up into my campaign for 6 hours and then his campaign for six hours) I'll focus on that for a while and just throw some brainless combat encounters at the party, which they will lap up like milk. Hope none of them read this, but...oh well...

I have already postponed my Wednesday night SCAP campaign until after my promotional test in October, which is a 200 question test based on about 1500 pages of material, including the entire Texas penal code, code of criminal procedure, family code, traffic code, plus two textbooks...then if I pass that I have to pass a 3-day hands on "assessment center" where my leadership qualities are tested in a variety of highly stressful LARP exercises. Guess I"m just stressin'....thanks for everyone here for the good advice and motivation.

f2k, anytime. ~wink, wink, nudge, nudge~ I am ALWAYS nice to police officers! ~smiles innocently~ I swear, I did not do it! ~grumbles~ And if you tell my boss that I did not do it, I will be very angry!

Good luck on the exam. It makes the MCSE tests look positively easy!

Re the "They don't want democracy" issue. Aubrey, you actually touched on this in your post.

I am, by no means, a specialist in Islamic culture, but with a little empathy, it's not hard to figure out.

You have been raised in a dictatorship where the government oppresses you at every turn, and the religious leaders have their influence heavily affect every aspect of society. Your "school" is surprisingly (coming from a Western speaker, here) church-oriented, and constantly tells you about the glory of your religion, and the horrible ways of the "infidel." You rarely, if ever, get any real information about the West. All you have ever known is propoganda.

The fact that the West your government described as the infidel just invaded your country, and now things are less stable than they were before, doesn't help.

Another little bit of empathy thrown in here- You're a soldier stationed in Iraq. Militants and terrorists shoot at you daily. You often can't tell who is a friend and who is a foe when walking down the street. Every day, there is a slow trickle of death and wounds amongst the populace and the troops. I'm thinking that's enough to make anyone a little scared and paranoid, which leads to frightened US troops accidentally abusing, falsely arresting, or tragically enough, accidentally killing Iraqi citizens in all the confusion.

Now, being an Iraqi, all you see is that the US killed your neighbor, or imprisoned your cousin, and so on. Attempts at communication are made here and there, but the forces that ruled your life for so long, now working in the shadows, continue to try and tell you that the infidel is controlling you.

So, does the average Iraqi know fully what "democracy" is? I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is "no." The whole situation is a mess, and there are far too many bad people mixed in with average and good people running blind, scared, and confused.

Anyone who wishes to, feel free to countermand any of the points in my example above. It was based only on what I have heard from the media we seem to have all agreed to hate, in addition to my own musings on the situation. I could be totally wrong (though you'll actually have a pretty hard time convincing me otherwise).


I hate my local meteorologists. What an arrogant jerk. If there's even the slightest chance of water falling from the sky, he breaks into whatever program is on to warn us of the end of the world with his thiry second, teleprompted canned speech which he repeats continuously as if at every second there are dozens of new viewers tuning in and he has to repeat his message of salvation to prevent their imminent destruction! Nevermind that if the storm is really bad enough, the people you are warning to "seek shelter immediately" because the storm is right on top of you, probably can't get enough reception to hear you, and if they can, they shouldn't be listening, but running and hiding like you say.

And 90% of the time, it's nothing. It's your average, run of the mill thunderstorm. WE WILL MAKE IT WITHOUT YOU! People have survived for all of history up until the last year without you pretending to be the angel of salvation. You are not god's gift to society, saving the enite viewing area from the evil rain.

But what's worse, during all this "devotion" to keeping the viewers safe, they still pasuse for commercials! They come on when the show is supposed to return from a commercial, then keep blabbering in circles until returning you to the program for the last minute before the next commercial break, which runs unabriged, and then the cycle repeats.

Meanwhile, during the actual programming that manages to get through, they have a scroll along the top or bottom of the screen, along with a color coded map of the local counties, that has all the information that the meteoroligsts are giving out! They contribute nothing, NOTHING to the situation. It's all just a new ratings war, "Who can provide the most severe weather coverage?" The CBS station does it because ABC does it because FOX does it because CBS does it! AAARRRGGGHHH!!! Go away! Shut up! Go the hell away! Yes, I see something on the screen- your ego! It's swelling and threatening to cover the entire region. Everyone should seek covere immediately.

But they continue to get more and more high tech TOYS for these jerks to use. They can go into "3D" mode on the storms. WTF good does that do? I can now see the storm from the side. HOORAY! And the names are amazing, to boot. "Viper First Strike Alert." Since when did the military start making weather detection equipment. GAAH!!!

Please, in the name of everything that is holy, tell me that it isn't like this everywhere? Tell me that the Louisville, KY, metro bubble is the sole residence of this insanity!

The Exchange

I hate that peoples are blind to the propaganda that is spread by every country, including the US, that is used to keep its citizens in the dark. We in the US are slightly less blind than some and more blind than others. We just don't like to call it propaganda when it happens to us. We like words like "damage control" and use selective reporting to cover our eyes and ears.


I hate being dumped because the girl I was seeing is in a messy family situation and then I feel like the bad guy because I get upset and am less than enthused about being her codependent male friend. And then I end up making myself try to be the codependent male friend because I feel bad that I'm somehow making her feel worse than she already did and she gives me the "it's not you, it's me" speech and even if we do try to do the "just friends until things settle down" thing, I've done it before and it never works out that way and she still gets upset with me because I won't come to visit because I'll want to act like her boyfriend but I'm not her boyfriend and that will make me depressed which will make her depressed and OH GOD THE PAIN IT BURNS MY EARS AND EYES OH GOD WON'T SOMEONE HELP ME I NEED AN EYEWASH STATION!!!

Oh, getting personal on the internet. How delightful.

James Keegan wrote:

I hate being dumped because the girl I was seeing is in a messy family situation and then I feel like the bad guy because I get upset and am less than enthused about being her codependent male friend. And then I end up making myself try to be the codependent male friend because I feel bad that I'm somehow making her feel worse than she already did and she gives me the "it's not you, it's me" speech and even if we do try to do the "just friends until things settle down" thing, I've done it before and it never works out that way and she still gets upset with me because I won't come to visit because I'll want to act like her boyfriend but I'm not her boyfriend and that will make me depressed which will make her depressed and OH GOD THE PAIN IT BURNS MY EARS AND EYES OH GOD WON'T SOMEONE HELP ME I NEED AN EYEWASH STATION!!!

Oh, getting personal on the internet. How delightful.

If it's any help, I'm familiar with those situations, as they happened to me a time or two in my twenties. I didn't get married until I was 34, so I had a bit of time to experience the full gamut of dating life crappula.

If it's any comfort--life always seems to balance out the bucket of crap it dumps on you, no matter if you're married, single or whatever. The pendulum always balances, no matter your situation. Just go through it and make the best of it.

What I mean by that--I got married and everything was just wonderful, then my father-in-law came to live with us with terminal lung cancer under hospice care....4 months of absolute pure living hell watching that poor man waste away under my own roof and having to care for him while both of us worked full time and had a 9 year old in school.

He passes away, mercifully...and everything is great again...wife is pregnant--everything is going to be peaches and cream...then my son is born with a severe craniofacial deformity and spends 2 months in neonatal ICU and comes home with a tracheostomy and feeding tube....

So....I firmly believe that you have to be responsible for your own happiness and make the best of whatever comes's so cliche' and so trite sounding, yet so f~#~ing true. Tomorrow is another day and it'll probably suck just as much as today, so try to focus on positive stuff and put the negative stuff as far on the back burner as you can.

Yeah, the older I get the more life seems to be a see-saw of good and bad events. The bad events always seem to come at the wrong time (I guess that's why they're bad) but the good things too happen when you least expect it.

I hate that we accidentally left the cage open last night and my girlfriend's pet rat was killed by her cat. I got out there too late to save it, they've been living together for two years with no problems so I don't know why he went nuts last night.

I hate that I feel angry with the cat but he doesn't understand, and there's no way to tell him that we are upset.

Most of all I hate that my girlfreind is under a huge amount of stress at university and has been suffering a recurring depression ever since her mother suddenly died of an embolism(at age 40)two years ago. She is terrified of death, and after a particularly bad few months she had just gotten into a good mood again like two days ago.

And now this happened and I'll have to spend the next few months telling her it's OK, she's not going to die and I'm not going to die, and then getting the "you don't know that!" answer in return, to which there isn't much you can honestly say but "well, no..."

Stupid cat. Stupid world :(

kahoolin wrote:
Stupid cat. Stupid world :(

That is horrifying. I'm so sorry that happened and that it happened to you.

The Exchange

James Keegan wrote:

I hate being dumped because the girl I was seeing is in a messy family situation and then I feel like the bad guy because I get upset and am less than enthused about being her codependent male friend. And then I end up making myself try to be the codependent male friend because I feel bad that I'm somehow making her feel worse than she already did and she gives me the "it's not you, it's me" speech and even if we do try to do the "just friends until things settle down" thing, I've done it before and it never works out that way and she still gets upset with me because I won't come to visit because I'll want to act like her boyfriend but I'm not her boyfriend and that will make me depressed which will make her depressed and OH GOD THE PAIN IT BURNS MY EARS AND EYES OH GOD WON'T SOMEONE HELP ME I NEED AN EYEWASH STATION!!!

Oh, getting personal on the internet. How delightful.

My experience, such as it is - if they upset you, you are best off without them. I went though a series of pretty mixed up girls, and dating was unpleasant. Met someone nice, uncomplicated - and everything is great. Avoid the spurious attractions of the nutter - you only get burned.

But it sure is annoying to get dumped.

Aubrey the Malformed - relationship councillor.

The Jade wrote:
That is horrifying. I'm so sorry that happened and that it happened to you.

Thanks. I appreciate it :)

It's not as bad as some of the stuff that happened to F2K in the post above mine though. I guess we all have to deal with bad situations sometimes.

kahoolin wrote:

It's not as bad as some of the stuff that

happened to F2K in the post above mine though. I guess we all have to deal with bad situations sometimes.

All misery deserves a shoulder and that was a very traumatic experience.

The Exchange

kahoolin wrote:

Yeah, the older I get the more life seems to be a see-saw of good and bad events. The bad events always seem to come at the wrong time (I guess that's why they're bad) but the good things too happen when you least expect it.

I hate that we accidentally left the cage open last night and my girlfriend's pet rat was killed by her cat. I got out there too late to save it, they've been living together for two years with no problems so I don't know why he went nuts last night.

I hate that I feel angry with the cat but he doesn't understand, and there's no way to tell him that we are upset.

Most of all I hate that my girlfreind is under a huge amount of stress at university and has been suffering a recurring depression ever since her mother suddenly died of an embolism(at age 40)two years ago. She is terrified of death, and after a particularly bad few months she had just gotten into a good mood again like two days ago.

And now this happened and I'll have to spend the next few months telling her it's OK, she's not going to die and I'm not going to die, and then getting the "you don't know that!" answer in return, to which there isn't much you can honestly say but "well, no..."

Stupid cat. Stupid world :(

Well, about the cat and the rat: that's a shame, but the cat merely succumbed to instinct. You can't blame it.

You can blame your girlfriend though. Jeez, tell her to lighten up and stop being such a wet blanket. All this morbid stuff strikes as attention-seeking. Tell her to snap out - it will upset her for a while, but she will be better for it (nothing like being a bit macho - try and do it with a dash of humour). Or she'll dump you - in which case, get a girl who isn't obsessed with death (is she a big Nick Cave fan or something?).

I don't mean to make light of her bereavement, but come on - Death comes knocking on all our doors in the end. Who isn't terrified of it? But she's making you feel bad, and you don't have to put up with that. Her mum died two years ago, not last week. You deserve better, matey - trust me. She's using this to manipulate you, and that is unfair.

Wow, the relationship advice is coming thick and fast here - I'm on a complete roll.

CAVEAT: All the above could be rubbish.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

Well, Sexi, a few funny looks beats being thrown in jail, or into a plastic shredder, or the ocean from a plane - I think you probably have plenty of free speech.

To answer FH, while I sort of take your point, I really don't buy this "They don't want democracy over there" stuff. A few violent nutters don't want democracy, the ordinary man on the street probably does want it. Who doesn't want stabilty, free speech and the rule of law. If there is gravitaion towards religious figures and militias it is because, in the absence os security, they offer some modicum of safety.

I hardly claim a deep insight into the Iraqi mind. But I remember a conversation on a train with a Somali guy, a religious teacher, who had been out there and claimed people didn't want democracy, but the "rule of God". He didn't like it much when I pointed out that that was really another form of despotism by someone who, unverifiably, claims to know what God thinks. Probably the ruler would be an Islamic teacher or someone like that. It suits a lot of people to claim that people don't want democracy out there - because it entrenches their own position of power.

Anyone who doesn't want democracy is either threatened by it, or doesn't know what it offers. Cultures differ all over, but democracy is a fairly basic idea that travels (Islamic democracies exist - Malaysia, Indonesia).

As a general point, if people don't want political rants can this be made clear? I personally find rants about dice a bit dull, but I'm happy to go with the majority (I'm democratic like that).

Still Iran's recent elections were not rigged. Their leader is a real expression of the will of the people.

I think that the people in the west as well as the rest of the world tend to view 'democracy' as somekind of a synonym for Liberal Capitalism. In fact those that are opposed to 'democracy' in most of these countries are probably mostly opposed to the idea of western nations attempting to set up a Liberal Capitalist form government.

In the last couple of cases were democracy was allowed to run its course (Iran and Palistine) I think the west was suprised by the strength and numbers of individuals who voted for groups whose goals are not compatable with western desires. So even if the west does manage to impose an increasing number of democracy's on the region we may not be totally pleased with the result of these democratic elections. The Shi'ites of Iraq should naturally look to their co-religionists in Iran for leadership and support, but I doubt its part of the current western agenda to increase the power and influence of Iran.

Finally I'm note really sure if one can create a true seperation of church and state in a strongly islamic country. The Koran is a pretty political book IIRC. However their is no particular requirement for a seperation of church and state for one to have democracy. In fact even with a seperation of church and state thier are probably loads of laws on the books that are more a reflection of our societies morality then anything else.

Sebastian wrote:

Okay, I'll bite:

1. Why does the party have goats? Were they all out of mules? Do they really like fresh milk and a cow isn't as good off-roading?

You should suggest bringing a goats over on the D&D Camping thread.

Daigle wrote:

I totally appreciate people that remove insects from places they are not wanted instead of just smashing them.

*for rant's sake*

I HATE people who think just because we are bigger and smarter humans must destroy the little annoyances.

I have some sympathy for your sentiment ... but the misquitos must die.

kahoolin wrote:

I agree. I'm very tight-fisted (in terms of "normal" amounts of treasure). In my campaign a gold piece is worth alot and like your PCs fatespinner, mine just trekked for three weeks fighting monsters to deliver the ashes of a king to his desert kingdom. For 1200gp total reward and even then they had to haggle the guy up from 800.

Along the way they found some minor magic items, one shot things like a bead of force or a low-level magic sword. I find if you keep them poor then they have a reason to adventure.

It's like not feeding the pitbulls. They get that hungry look and start searching desperatly for some money. On the otherhand they also tend to get very unruly in this state. Don't have them protect the tax man - he might end up dead in the woods while the PCs make off with the Queens coin.

In fact all sorts of innocent bystanders are liable to come to grief as the PCs entertain various schemes to get themselves some phat loot.

The Exchange

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:

Still Iran's recent elections were not rigged. Their leader is a real expression of the will of the people.

Not rigged? The mullahs banned half of the parliamentary candidates - funnily enough, those in favour of greater democracy and accountability. Not rigged?

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
I think that the people in the west as well as the rest of the world tend to view 'democracy' as somekind of a synonym for Liberal Capitalism. In fact those that are opposed to 'democracy' in most of these countries are probably mostly opposed to the idea of western nations attempting to set up a Liberal Capitalist form government.

Funny how most of us living in these liberal capitalist societies seem to be happy and rich, compared to those who don't. I personally consider that freedom of personal choice and expression goes hand-in-hand with freedom of economic choice, which implies liberal capitalism.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
In the last couple of cases were democracy was allowed to run its course (Iran and Palistine) I think the west was suprised by the strength and numbers of individuals who voted for groups whose goals are not compatable with western desires. So even if the west does manage to impose an increasing number of democracy's on the region we may not be totally pleased with the result of these democratic elections. The Shi'ites of Iraq should naturally look to their co-religionists in Iran for leadership and support, but I doubt its part of the current western agenda to increase the power and influence of Iran.

That is doubtless true - you can't set up a democracy and then complain when the people vote for someone you don't like. Iran apart, the election of Hamas in Palestine was hardly a surprise, and partly the response to dubious Israeli policies re the Palestinians and partly the incompetence and graft of Fatah.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:

Finally I'm note really sure if one can create a true seperation of church and state in a strongly islamic country. The Koran is a pretty political book IIRC. However their is no particular requirement for a seperation of church and state for one to have democracy. In fact even with a seperation of church and state thier are probably loads of laws on the books that are more a reflection of our societies morality then anything else.

Yes and no - like all religious texts, it depends upon how you interpret it. However, Malaysia has a parliamentary democracy in an overwhelmingly muslim state, and while it is incredibly corrupt Indonesia has a presidential one. The Koran doesn't separate "church" and state, but it clearly not incompatible with democracy.

Fatespinner wrote:

I hate the treasure system in D&D. I hate how the DMG basically says that any creature of CR X will possess Y treasure. Take a wraith for example. CR 9 creature (I believe). If the party succeeds in killing the wraith, the DMG assumes that the wraith MUST be guarding a treasure worth so many GP. In my games, you know what the wraith is guarding? His tomb! Unless this is the wraith of a potent spellcaster or a noble of some sort, opening his tomb is going to reveal the following: a dead body (possibly only skeletal remains), some tattered burial garments, and lots of dust. If you're lucky, there might be a wedding band or something in there.

I do not reward treasure by CR. I completely ignore most of the things they include in the Monster Manual statblocks after the BAB and skills section (though I do still pay attention to tactics and environment). Consequently, my games tend to be underpowered by equipment standards. If the characters develop a strong need for money, they seek well-paying quests or go after dungeons in search of wealth. 9 times out of 10, wealth is not the motivating factor of the parties I DM for. Most of the time, there's some greater good (or evil, on rare occassion) to be accomplished and monetary wealth is far from a concern of the heroes. I had a group of 4 players enter the Underdark at level 11 and between the four of them, there were 5 magic items, the most potent of which were a +1 metalline bastard sword and a pair of gloves of Dexterity +2. The fights were hard, brutal, and often ended with serious injuries but you know what? They survived and the challenge was what made it so much fun for all of us. After they crawled out of the Underdark, they had acquired a wand of fireballs that only had 12 charges left in it. That was it. Maybe a handful (20 or so) of gold pieces and a wand was all they had to show for a 3-session-long excursion into the Underdark. They even got enough xp in there to level up to level 12.

Now, granted, when they got...

Thank god I'm not the only one who feels the treasure rewards are a bit exagerated(sp). I try to do something of the like in my campaings and customize the treasures to more realisticly represent the situation.

Scarab Sages

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
I think that the people in the west as well as the rest of the world tend to view 'democracy' as somekind of a synonym for Liberal Capitalism.

"Democracy" is a more general term that means either the people hold direct power, or they pass that power on to elected representatives. "Liberalism" is having a liberal point of view (in this case regarding politics), which is not the case of all people in this country. "Capitalism" is primarily used to define an economic system, although it can be used to define a political system based upon such economic policies. If we wanted to be accurate, the best term to use would probably be Representative Republic. That is what we have here in the US, and it seems to be what we are trying (and possibly failing) to do in the Middle East.

The question we should probably be asking is, "Are the majority of the people in Middle East, after centuries of brutal dictatorships and religious indoctrination, even capable of governing themselves in a responsible manner. I'm not so sure of that answer. Just look at Iran and their so-called democracy. This lunatic in charge is advocating genocide against an classification of people. Is that responsible?

Anyway, my rant for the morning: I hate feeling guilty because I'm getting a good night's sleep and my significant other isn't. What can I say, it's the Catholism I was raised with - guilt comes very easily.

The Jade wrote:
kahoolin wrote:

It's not as bad as some of the stuff that

happened to F2K in the post above mine though. I guess we all have to deal with bad situations sometimes.
All misery deserves a shoulder and that was a very traumatic experience.

Yep....finding a loved one shredded by a cat isn't going to pleasant, even if it is a pet. We just lost one of our dogs and it's still pretty traumatic.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

My experience, such as it is - if they upset you, you are best off without them. I went though a series of pretty mixed up girls, and dating was unpleasant. Met someone nice, uncomplicated - and everything is great. Avoid the spurious attractions of the nutter - you only get burned.

But it sure is annoying to get dumped.

Aubrey the Malformed - relationship councillor.

Good advice.....another bit of advice from the rather thin dating files of F2K's life in his twenties--make a clean break. Don't go for the "let's be friends" b*+%~!!+. Once you break up, never call her again, never see her again and if you happen to run into her accidentally, be pleasant, say hello but don't stick around for small talk. No coffee, no lunches, no phone calls, nothing!!

This is very, very difficult to do--especially if the sack time was spectacular. But believe me, you will be remade into the bionic man if you can do this. You will be stronger, you will have taken the high road, she will go WTF? Most women want their exes pining away over them and subconsciously greatly enjoy the fact that they can drop hints and have their exes come back around to sniff around it a little more.

As Aubrey said--avoid the spurious attractions of the nutter. Take the high road....breakup means breakup and if you know deep down inside that no matter how she acts, YOU will never see her again, it frees you up to move on with your life.

The Exchange

James Keegan wrote:

I hate being dumped because the girl I was seeing is in a messy family situation and then I feel like the bad guy because I get upset and am less than enthused about being her codependent male friend. And then I end up making myself try to be the codependent male friend because I feel bad that I'm somehow making her feel worse than she already did and she gives me the "it's not you, it's me" speech and even if we do try to do the "just friends until things settle down" thing, I've done it before and it never works out that way and she still gets upset with me because I won't come to visit because I'll want to act like her boyfriend but I'm not her boyfriend and that will make me depressed which will make her depressed and OH GOD THE PAIN IT BURNS MY EARS AND EYES OH GOD WON'T SOMEONE HELP ME I NEED AN EYEWASH STATION!!!

Oh, getting personal on the internet. How delightful.

It took me 16 years of dating to figure this out.....Love lifts you up in mind and spirit, love NEVER feels desperate, love is NOT supposed to hurt, and love is not something one can "take a break" from.

Dump the bit*h. Let her figure out her life without you as a crutch. No one deserves to be put on the back burner, if it was love, she would never ask you to back off during the hard times, she would be clinging to you for support and understanding. Emphasis: LOVE SHOULD NEVER FEEL LIKE DESPERATION!
She is playing with a human being's heart and acting like a spoiled little princess...cut her loose. You are intelligent and funny and I have no idea if you look like an Ochre Jelly or not, but you deserve better so find it.

My Rant- I hate people who play games with other people's souls, hearts and heads.

FH (Dr. Phil, I will crit you!)

Hardkore wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:

I hate the treasure system in D&D. I hate how the DMG basically says that any creature of CR X will possess Y treasure. Take a wraith for example. CR 9 creature (I believe). If the party succeeds in killing the wraith, the DMG assumes that the wraith MUST be guarding a treasure worth so many GP. In my games, you know what the wraith is guarding? His tomb! Unless this is the wraith of a potent spellcaster or a noble of some sort, opening his tomb is going to reveal the following: a dead body (possibly only skeletal remains), some tattered burial garments, and lots of dust. If you're lucky, there might be a wedding band or something in there.

I do not reward treasure by CR. I completely ignore most of the things they include in the Monster Manual statblocks after the BAB and skills section (though I do still pay attention to tactics and environment). Consequently, my games tend to be underpowered by equipment standards. If the characters develop a strong need for money, they seek well-paying quests or go after dungeons in search of wealth. 9 times out of 10, wealth is not the motivating factor of the parties I DM for. Most of the time, there's some greater good (or evil, on rare occassion) to be accomplished and monetary wealth is far from a concern of the heroes. I had a group of 4 players enter the Underdark at level 11 and between the four of them, there were 5 magic items, the most potent of which were a +1 metalline bastard sword and a pair of gloves of Dexterity +2. The fights were hard, brutal, and often ended with serious injuries but you know what? They survived and the challenge was what made it so much fun for all of us. After they crawled out of the Underdark, they had acquired a wand of fireballs that only had 12 charges left in it. That was it. Maybe a handful (20 or so) of gold pieces and a wand was all they had to show for a 3-session-long excursion into the Underdark. They even got enough xp in there to level up to level 12.

Thanks Hardcore I will keep that in mind as I right out the next quest for you. You don't want any treasure and You hope for limited items. Wow that makes my life easier. Maybe I will start a board for people that want to leave good messages for the DM.
My rant is simple I hate it when an experienced player wants to power game with a group of beginners. I have had to tell a player he can't play with a new group I am start because they aren't as experienced as they are.

The Exchange

Fake Healer wrote:

It took me 16 years of dating to figure this out.....Love lifts you up in mind and spirit, love NEVER feels desperate, love is NOT supposed to hurt, and love is not something one can "take a break" from.

Dump the bit*h. Let her figure out her life without you as a crutch. No one deserves to be put on the back burner, if it was love, she would never ask you to back off during the hard times, she would be clinging to you for support and understanding. Emphasis: LOVE SHOULD NEVER FEEL LIKE DESPERATION!
She is playing with a human being's heart and acting like a spoiled little princess...cut her loose. You are intelligent and funny and I have no idea if you look like an Ochre Jelly or not, but you deserve better so find it.

My Rant- I hate people who play games with other people's souls, hearts and heads.

FH (Dr. Phil, I will crit you!)

Absolutely, Fakey. The above should be obvious, but it isn't. It took me ages to work it out for myself. It is very liberating when you do. Don't let anyone jerk you around in love. Never be afraid to dump someone, and never be afraid to be dumped. Que sera sera, there's always someone else and they may be much nicer.

Liberty's Edge

Two wise men d.j.'s I listen to say, "he who cares the least wins."
That means don't call her 12 times, don't show up where she goes, don't clock her house.
Don't fall into the "just friends" trap.
Get you a mission in life, whether it be spinning records, or curing cancer, or whatever. Get a mission. Don't make your mission this chick. Get beyond love and hatred, and live for the good of humankind.
And don't sweat NONE OF THEM. God'll make more.
I'm just curious in general, if you have to fall flat on your face 1,000+ times like I did to learn all this.

You folks are awesome. That's really all I've got to say about that. There's got to be some award for 'most awesome forum community' that the Paizo boards can get.

Fake Healer wrote:

It took me 16 years of dating to figure this out.....Love lifts you up in mind and spirit, love NEVER feels desperate, love is NOT supposed to hurt, and love is not something one can "take a break" from.

Dump the bit*h. Let her figure out her life without you as a crutch. No one deserves to be put on the back burner, if it was love, she would never ask you to back off during the hard times, she would be clinging to you for support and understanding. Emphasis: LOVE SHOULD NEVER FEEL LIKE DESPERATION!
She is playing with a human being's heart and acting like a spoiled little princess...cut her loose. You are intelligent and funny and I have no idea if you look like an Ochre Jelly or not, but you deserve better so find it.

Why does it take us so long to figure this out? I stayed in a REALLY BAD relationship for four years because I couldn't get that straight. I was terrified of being dumped, terrified of being alone, so I just put up with it...Finally I got pushed too far (he tried to hit me), and told him where to go (he was quite upset--couldn't figure out why I was dumping him--called me a heartless b****.) And after a few days of misery, I started feeling like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Six months later I started dating the guy I would eventually marry...and went into it with th attitude of, if he treats me like crap, I can dump him--I did it before, I can do it again. Talk about empowered. Dumping turned out not to be necessary :)

Yours in heartless b****iness,

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
I'm just curious in general, if you have to fall flat on your face 1,000+ times like I did to learn all this.

Sad to say, I had to read it somewhere. Then fall on my face again just to rub in the lesson. Then really learned the lesson and moved on to better things.

kahoolin wrote:

Most of all I hate that my girlfreind is under a huge amount of stress at university and has been suffering a recurring depression ever since her mother suddenly died of an embolism(at age 40)two years ago. She is terrified of death, and after a particularly bad few months she had just gotten into a good mood again like two days ago.

And now this happened and I'll have to spend the next few months telling her it's OK, she's not going to die and I'm not going to die, and then getting the "you don't know that!" answer in return, to which there isn't much you can honestly say but "well, no..."

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

You can blame your girlfriend though. Jeez, tell her to lighten up and stop being such a wet blanket. All this morbid stuff strikes as attention-seeking. Tell her to snap out - it will upset her for a while, but she will be better for it

No. I'm sorry. This is terrible advice. Do NOT tell someone whose mother died suddenly of an embolism 2 years ago to "snap out of it". If it was my mother and you said that to me, I would strike you down where you stood.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

Death comes knocking on all our doors in the end. Who isn't terrified of it?

This is very true. There are plenty of cliches that you can throw at someone, "no one is promised tomorrow, live each day like your last, etc." but standing on the other side of that chasm, the crippling, fearful, insanely debilitating depressing side - it can look like an impossibly huge leap to make. Ideally she will come to realize that all the cliches are true and that there is incredible freedom in "living for today" but you are not going to help her any by saying "snap out of it - quit being such a wet blanket"

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
But she's making you feel bad, and you don't have to put up with that.

Also true. Ask yourself how you fit into the situation and be honest with yourself. Maybe its not worth it to you. Maybe her depression is making you depressed too. If this is true it can descend rapidly into an ugly relationship. This girl is damaged goods. If my mother died unexpectedly of an ebolism, I would be damgaged too. Do you feel like you are helping her grow out of the situation? Or are you sinking with the ship? Sometimes you can help the person on their way to recovery. Other times you need to make a break for it so they can make the journey themselves.

The Exchange

kahoolin wrote:

Most of all I hate that my girlfreind is under a huge amount of stress at university and has been suffering a recurring depression ever since her mother suddenly died of an embolism(at age 40)two years ago. She is terrified of death, and after a particularly bad few months she had just gotten into a good mood again like two days ago.

And now this happened and I'll have to spend the next few months telling her it's OK, she's not going to die and I'm not going to die, and then getting the "you don't know that!" answer in return, to which there isn't much you can honestly say but "well, no..."

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

You can blame your girlfriend though. Jeez, tell her to lighten up and stop being such a wet blanket. All this morbid stuff strikes as attention-seeking. Tell her to snap out - it will upset her for a while, but she will be better for it
d13 wrote:

No. I'm sorry. This is terrible advice. Do NOT tell someone whose mother died suddenly of an embolism 2 years ago to "snap out of it". If it was my mother and you said that to me, I would strike you down where you stood.

I hate to say it, but sometimes you have to upset people. You can say "Hey, she had something bad happen to her" and go on respecting her feelings and stuff, but is she respecting anyone else's? Is it making Kahoolin happy having to talk her off the ledge every few weeks? Two years is a long time. And with all the "I'm going to die" stuff? C'mon, the girl needs to grow up. She doesn't sound very old (if her mother would be 42 today) and she is obviously immature. And it is clear to me, if not you, that she uses it as a way of controlling Kahoolin. That is sick, and extremely disrespectful of him and her mother's memory.

So, sorry, I still feel I'm right. Maybe after you thumped me you would see it too. ;-)

But, I don't know the girl even if I reckon I know the type. And I don't know Kahoolin, and maybe it isn't appropriate to "discuss" him while we are both in the dark about the situation.

Fang wrote:
Why does it take us so long to figure this out?

Probably because when we're in the thick of it, we don't see it. We think everything's hunky-dory when it's not, but we refuse to admit it to ourself.

Fang wrote:
I stayed in a REALLY BAD relationship for four years because I couldn't get that straight. I was terrified of being dumped, terrified of being alone, so I just put up with it...Finally I got pushed too far (he tried to hit me), and told him where to go (he was quite upset--couldn't figure out why I was dumping him--called me a heartless b****.) And after a few days of misery, I started feeling like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. Six months later I started dating the guy I would eventually marry...and went into it with th attitude of, if he treats me like crap, I can dump him--I did it before, I can do it again. Talk about empowered. Dumping turned out not to be necessary :)

I had a similar experience, though that relationship wasn't as long as yours was. After I went to live in Texas for a while with my mom, and consequently getting dumped over the phone from a thousand miles away, I was scratching my head going "WTF?" It took me a while to get over him, but my mom (God bless her) helped me through it and helped me to get on my own two feet again. My own two feet, without needing someone else there. I was me, and I wasn't going to let anybody change that.

I think we have these trials in life because we need them, for whatever reason. They change us and alter us in some profound way, and without them we can't progress as human beings. I'll be the first to say that it sucks the Big One when it happens, but without them, we are not the people we are today.

And frankly, I don't want to be anyone else.

Saern wrote:

Re the "They don't want democracy" issue. Aubrey, you actually touched on this in your post.

I am, by no means, a specialist in Islamic culture, but with a little empathy, it's not hard to figure out.

You have been raised in a dictatorship where the government oppresses you at every turn, and the religious leaders have their influence heavily affect every aspect of society. Your "school" is surprisingly (coming from a Western speaker, here) church-oriented, and constantly tells you about the glory of your religion, and the horrible ways of the "infidel." You rarely, if ever, get any real information about the West. All you have ever known is propoganda.

The fact that the West your government described as the infidel just invaded your country, and now things are less stable than they were before, doesn't help.

Another little bit of empathy thrown in here- You're a soldier stationed in Iraq. Militants and terrorists shoot at you daily. You often can't tell who is a friend and who is a foe when walking down the street. Every day, there is a slow trickle of death and wounds amongst the populace and the troops. I'm thinking that's enough to make anyone a little scared and paranoid, which leads to frightened US troops accidentally abusing, falsely arresting, or tragically enough, accidentally killing Iraqi citizens in all the confusion.

Now, being an Iraqi, all you see is that the US killed your neighbor, or imprisoned your cousin, and so on. Attempts at communication are made here and there, but the forces that ruled your life for so long, now working in the shadows, continue to try and tell you that the infidel is controlling you.

So, does the average Iraqi know fully what "democracy" is? I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is "no." The whole situation is a mess, and there are far too many bad people mixed in with average and good people running blind, scared, and confused.

Anyone who wishes to, feel free to countermand any of the points in my example above.

Just an alternative example:

In Iran in the 1950's, the people overthrew their despotic dictator, the Shah. He was pretty ineffectual and something of a fop. They instituted free elections. The elected a Prime Minister (Mohammed Mosadegh). It was a VERY sectarian state. The Koran was not the model for the government in any way.

Unfortunately, they shared a border with the USSR during the height of the Cold War. The Shad, for all his un-democractic-ness was an friend of the US and an enemy of the USSR. No one knew which way the new Republic of Iran was going to go. Maybe 'democracy' sounded too much like 'communism' to Ike...

So the USA went is and abolished the democracy and reinstituted the reign of the Shah. Only the Shah had changed now. He was deathly afraid of being overthrown again. So he went down the road of self-fulfilling prophecy and became one of those iron-fisted rulers who ruthlessly oppressed his subjects. Secret police, no due process, confessions extracted by torture. The whole nine yards. In fact, since the US and he were such good friends and the US had an even greater interest in seeing him keep his throne, the CIA stepped in and provided him with some experts to teach his secret police how to torture people, etc.

Of course, 20 years later, the Shah was overthrown in the midst of a nation-wide expression of hatred of the USA. The islamic fundamentalist had been the opposition during his reign. Most of its leaders were outspoken critics of the Shah. They either went into exile or were imprisoned. So when he was overthrown, the people turned to them to continue their leadership role. Kinda like having a general in a revolutionary army become the first president of a new republic.

Just something to keep in mind when considering the current state of affairs.

Scarab Sages

I hate having to decide where to go on a honeymoon. Any suggestions? So far we've looked into going down to the Bahamas, to a resort like Atlantis, Sandals, or Secrets.

We've also discussed maybe Scotland or Ireland. Of course I had to warn her that the combination of myself and Scotland/Ireland might not be a good thing. Or more to the point, the combination of myself and Scottish/Irish Pubs might not be a good thing.

Scarab Sages

CallawayR wrote:

Just an alternative example:

In Iran in the 1950's, the people overthrew their despotic dictator, the Shah. He was pretty ineffectual and something of a fop. They instituted free elections. The elected a Prime Minister (Mohammed Mosadegh). It was a VERY sectarian state. The Koran was not the model for the government in any way.

Unfortunately, they shared a border with the USSR during the height of the Cold War. The Shad, for all his un-democractic-ness was an friend of the US and an enemy of the USSR. No one knew which way the new Republic of Iran was going to go. Maybe 'democracy' sounded too much like 'communism' to Ike...

So the USA went is and abolished the democracy and reinstituted the reign of the Shah. Only the Shah had changed now. He was deathly afraid of being overthrown again. So he went down the road of self-fulfilling prophecy and became one of those iron-fisted rulers who ruthlessly oppressed his subjects. Secret police, no due process, confessions extracted by torture. The whole nine yards. In fact, since the US and he were such good friends and the US had an even greater interest in seeing him keep his throne, the CIA stepped in and provided him with some experts to teach his secret police how to torture people, etc.

Of course, 20 years later, the Shah was overthrown in the midst of a nation-wide expression of hatred of the USA. The islamic fundamentalist had been the opposition during his reign. Most of its leaders were outspoken critics of the Shah. They either went into exile or were imprisoned. So when he was overthrown, the people turned to them to continue their leadership role. Kinda like having a general in a revolutionary army become the first president of a new republic.

Just something to keep in mind when considering the current state of affairs.

Ah yes, those sad days when, to combat what we saw as the greater evil of communism, the US encourgaed petty little dictatorships. In hindsight it was an error, but at the time they had no idea of the future trouble they would cause.

At least the current Administration, when first embarking on this quest, seemed to have learned from those past mistakes. They are trying to encourage some form of democracy, although it doesn't seem to be going well (especially if your only source is the mainstream media).

When you look at the world today, the two biggest enemies of America are, in my opinion, Fascism and Communism, which really seem to be two sides of the same coin that is Tyranny. I just wish that the world would wake up and realize that these two systems are ultimately destructive and evil.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

I hate to say it, but sometimes you have to upset people. You can say "Hey, she had something bad happen to her" and go on respecting her feelings and stuff, but is she respecting anyone else's? Is it making Kahoolin happy having to talk her off the ledge every few weeks? Two years is a long time. And with all the "I'm going to die" stuff? C'mon, the girl needs to grow up. She doesn't sound very old (if her mother would be 42 today) and she is obviously immature. And it is clear to me, if not you, that she uses it as a way of controlling Kahoolin. That is sick, and extremely disrespectful of him and her mother's memory.

I cant really disagree with a lot of this. Depression is a wicked disease. Sometimes it can translate into an attempt by the depressed individual to control those around them. It's probably not a conscious effort on their part, but when you are struggling to come back to the surface, somtimes you drag others down with you. I certainly dont condone that behaivour, but it happens. And if that IS the case then it IS disrespectful to Kahoolin. Its an unhealthy relationship and he should try to find a way to get out.

But there are things you can say to help out the depressed individual and there are things you can say that wont help anything. "Snap out of it. Quit being a wet blanket" is not going to help her. Especially if, as we both agree on, this girl is immature. If she has spent two years being depressed, she isn't going to be snapped out of it with a quick dose of tough love. Two years is not a long time when you are trying to deal with the sudden death of a loved one. Two years is nothing. But two years does show enough of a pattern to warrant going to someone else to help - counsellors, psychologists, etc. Forcing all of those problems on Kahoolin is only going to cause deeper problems on BOTH sides.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:

But, I don't know the girl even if I reckon I know the type. And I don't know Kahoolin, and maybe it isn't appropriate to "discuss"...

If Kahoolin doesn't want us to discuss it, he needs only say the word and I will edit and delete all my posts. If that was the case, however, I dont think he would have posted anything on the boards to begin with.

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:

I hate having to decide where to go on a honeymoon. Any suggestions? So far we've looked into going down to the Bahamas, to a resort like Atlantis, Sandals, or Secrets.

We've also discussed maybe Scotland or Ireland. Of course I had to warn her that the combination of myself and Scotland/Ireland might not be a good thing. Or more to the point, the combination of myself and Scottish/Irish Pubs might not be a good thing.

What time of year? And what kinds of things do you like to do (aside from drinking and gaming, that is...)? You may want to check out Travelzoo and their "top 20". There have been some excellent vacations listed there. European Equestrian vacations are always a great way to go as well...spend each night in a different castle, that sort of thing.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

I hate having to decide where to go on a honeymoon. Any suggestions? So far we've looked into going down to the Bahamas, to a resort like Atlantis, Sandals, or Secrets.

We've also discussed maybe Scotland or Ireland. Of course I had to warn her that the combination of myself and Scotland/Ireland might not be a good thing. Or more to the point, the combination of myself and Scottish/Irish Pubs might not be a good thing.

We went to Costa Rica on our honeymoon. It was a blast. It was one of the best places I've ever been in my life.

The Exchange

d13 wrote:

Depression is a wicked disease. Sometimes it can translate into an attempt by the depressed individual to control those around them. It's probably not a conscious effort on their part, but when you are struggling to come back to the surface, somtimes you drag others down with you. I certainly dont condone that behaivour, but it happens. And if that IS the case then it IS disrespectful to Kahoolin. Its an unhealthy relationship and he should try to find a way to get out.

But there are things you can say to help out the depressed individual and there are things you can say that wont help anything. "Snap out of it. Quit being a wet blanket" is not going to help her. Especially if, as we both agree on, this girl is immature. If she has spent two years being depressed, she isn't going to be snapped out of it with a quick dose of tough love. Two years is not a long time when you are trying to deal with the sudden death of a loved one. Two years is nothing. But two years does show enough of a pattern to warrant going to someone else to help - counsellors, psychologists, etc. Forcing all of those problems on Kahoolin is only going to cause deeper problems on BOTH sides.

Point taken. But I reckon Kahoolin needs to think a lot about how much this relationship means to him. If it was me, I would have serious doubts about whether that was a place I wanted to be.

Sorry to chat about you, K - hope you don't mind. But I do love a gossip...

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:

I hate having to decide where to go on a honeymoon. Any suggestions? So far we've looked into going down to the Bahamas, to a resort like Atlantis, Sandals, or Secrets.

We've also discussed maybe Scotland or Ireland. Of course I had to warn her that the combination of myself and Scotland/Ireland might not be a good thing. Or more to the point, the combination of myself and Scottish/Irish Pubs might not be a good thing.

I went to Aruba on mine and loved it. It is a Desert Island, not a Tropical Island. The resorts have palm trees and whatnot and Iguanas are all over the place (some 4-5 foot long). I wouldn't suggest it but I had a great time due to having AN ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE INCLUDING DRINKS. I can't emphasize that enough. Wherever you go, get an all inclusive package including alcohol. I was never drunk but always had some type of tropical drink in hand probably would've cost 4-5 hundred to cover my bar tab.

hope it helps,

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Aberzombie wrote:
At least the current Administration, when first embarking on this quest, seemed to have learned from those past mistakes. They are trying to encourage some form of democracy, although it doesn't seem to be going well (especially if your only source is the mainstream media).

I never understand the phrase "mainstream media." What exactly is the mainstream media? Is it mainstream American media? What about the foreign media, even in countries that are nominally favorable to U.S. interests in Iraq, such as Britain? Is the Economist mainstream media? They supported (and continue to support) the war in Iraq and their reporting suggests that things aren't going well. And what is a trustworthy source outside mainstream media? Is the Wall Street Journal mainstream media even though it is generally conservative and favorable to the administration? Is non mainstream media those outlets that support a conservative point of view.

I guess whenever I see the phrase "mainstream media" I read "non-Fox news media," but I'm always happy to be proven wrong.

Aberzombie wrote:

When you look at the world today, the two biggest enemies of America are, in my opinion, Fascism and Communism, which really seem to be two sides of the same coin that is Tyranny. I just wish that the world would wake up and realize that these two systems are ultimately destructive and evil.

I'd say the biggest enemy of America is religious extremism, domestically and abroad. Facism and Communism are only as bad as the people in charge. Cuba is communist, but it poses no danger to America because its leader is ineffectual.

Lilith wrote:

I think we have these trials in life because we need them, for whatever reason. They change us and alter us in some profound way, and without them we can't progress as human beings. I'll be the first to say that it sucks the Big One when it happens, but without them, we are not the people we are today.

And frankly, I don't want to be anyone else.

Exactly. You had to go there to get where you are now. I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out, but when you're going through it, it can really suck.


d13 wrote:

No. I'm sorry. This is terrible advice. Do NOT tell someone whose mother died suddenly of an embolism 2 years ago to "snap out of it". If it was my mother and you said that to me, I would strike you down where you stood.

I agree, sorry Aubrey. It doesn't smack of fascination with morbidity. It seems a woman is broken up over the sudden and unexpected death of her young mother. My mother died in 2000 at age 52. Occult coronary.

Now I was raised to be aware that she really wasn't afraid of the king of terrors, but that's just me. My mother was very hippie.

That said, there is this one woman I met who was on a TV talk show relating how her mother was shot to death in NYC ten years before. I know some of her best friends and after ten years of her interrupting their conversations over daily woes to supercede with her intonation of her dear mother's name they're all quite miserable. A real spotlight stealer. But two years? And under those circumstances? Not the same thing at all.

Aberzombie wrote:
I hate having to decide where to go on a honeymoon. Any suggestions?
Fake Healer wrote:

I had a great time due to having AN ALL INCLUSIVE PACKAGE INCLUDING DRINKS. I can't emphasize that enough. Wherever you go, get an all inclusive package including alcohol. I was never drunk but always had some type of tropical drink in hand probably would've cost 4-5 hundred to cover my bar tab.

Fake Healer speaks wise words. All inclusive takes a lot of worries away.

I've always wanted to go to Prague because of its great architecture, but I think honeymoons should be spent somewhere tropical.

My old roommates just took their honeymoon in Spain and France. They basically went through both countries hitting as many vineyards as they could. Sounded nice and romantic. and also drunk. very drunk.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Daigle wrote:
I HATE people who think just because we are bigger and smarter humans must destroy the little annoyances.

I am one of these bad people. :(

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Daigle wrote:
Party poverty also keeps them from going to look for "magic shops".

I hate those, too.

Player: "Okay, after I sell all that crap, I take my fat wad of cash to the local magic shop and pick up a +3 holy bastard sword."
DM: "Yes... they just HAPPEN to have a few in stock.... wait, no they don't. Shut up."

Purchasing any magic item worth over 2000gp does not happen in my games unless you quest to seek out some powerful wizard and do him a favor to craft it for you... AND he'll still charge you the market price for it.

Besides, this way, the party wizard might actually TAKE the Craft Magic Arms & Armor feat. Otherwise, why would they bother when they can just head down to Wal-Mart and pick up a Mace of Smiting?

Sebastian wrote:

I never understand the phrase "mainstream media."

First of all, I completely agree with your observation about religious extremism.

Now IMNSHO, mainstream media, when used pejoratively, refers to network and cable TV news and the the major newspapers in this country which are owned by a few families. It's Citizen Kane to the power of Citizen Kane.

These two sources feed most people their facts because they are the most readily available to consume and gentle on our tummies. The less diversified the pool of owners, the easier it is to rope them all in to the same watering hole. This presents an easier path for the potential of widespread mistruth, diversion, and conspiracy (which isn't always just a crackpot theory). That said, there are individually owned boutique presses which are just, and sometimes more guilty as the mainstream of often running scat as fact. I can see how the misspelling occurs but I can't forgive it.

When I want more detailed coverage than a bunch of stiff anchormen pretending to josh and be human in their flesh golemly manner, I might watch BBC world news and sometimes I listen to All Things Considered on NPR despite the fact that Clearchannel, by nature of its corporate appetite and its early philosophies, is not my friend. There's usually going to be a slant, but I don't care because if you give me enough detail, I'll be able to recognize it as such and make up my own mind.

As for the babyfood news... the very same networks that hammer their counters with their Tom McCanns as they scream the world is ending suddenly schiz out and click from somber to cheery as they go on about Jessica Simpson's new bra size. Who is this chunk of nothing? I was just learning that cancer causes Alzheimers which poisons the food which leads to force five hurriquakes and now --TEETER-- I'm being taught how to pronounce 'Lachey'?

Fatespinner wrote:
Daigle wrote:
Party poverty also keeps them from going to look for "magic shops".

I hate those, too.

Player: "Okay, after I sell all that crap, I take my fat wad of cash to the local magic shop and pick up a +3 holy bastard sword."
DM: "Yes... they just HAPPEN to have a few in stock.... wait, no they don't. Shut up."

Purchasing any magic item worth over 2000gp does not happen in my games unless you quest to seek out some powerful wizard and do him a favor to craft it for you... AND he'll still charge you the market price for it.

Besides, this way, the party wizard might actually TAKE the Craft Magic Arms & Armor feat. Otherwise, why would they bother when they can just head down to Wal-Mart and pick up a Mace of Smiting?

100% agreement!!

farewell2kings wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:
Daigle wrote:
Party poverty also keeps them from going to look for "magic shops".

I hate those, too.

Player: "Okay, after I sell all that crap, I take my fat wad of cash to the local magic shop and pick up a +3 holy bastard sword."
DM: "Yes... they just HAPPEN to have a few in stock.... wait, no they don't. Shut up."

Purchasing any magic item worth over 2000gp does not happen in my games unless you quest to seek out some powerful wizard and do him a favor to craft it for you... AND he'll still charge you the market price for it.

Besides, this way, the party wizard might actually TAKE the Craft Magic Arms & Armor feat. Otherwise, why would they bother when they can just head down to Wal-Mart and pick up a Mace of Smiting?

100% agreement!!

Do you guys take any issue with players who spend their hard earned reward on castle building? Seems the players I've known often choose that route and never showed much interest in the Walmart approach. If I said there was a sword on the shopkeeper's wall the party thief may have wanted to 'earn' it but no one ever seemed to choose the video-game-mentality way out. Even when playing video RPGs I always found, considering the lesser value of your resale, that it didn't make much sense economically to buy armor and weapons after your first equip because you'd probably find level appropriate stuff whereever you were adventuring anyway.

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