MaxSlasher26 |
Well, since a year or so ago, Dragon has been under new management. Matthew Sernett left to write for WotC, and Erik Mona become the new Editor-in-Chief.
In last year's April issue (330), Erik said that although Sernett had always made the April issues humorous, he could only do so much, it being his first year. He added in some good stuff, mind you, flaws for peasants, an issue about the Far Realm (serious, but funny to see the PCs' reactions) and other stuff.
Well, just in case they ever need an idea again, I thought that this would work:
What if they did an April Fool's Ecology article for the Paizo Golem (Paizo's logo). It would be an article, just like the Ecology articles, but it would be on the Paizo Golem. It would have stats for the Paizo Golem and other funny Ecology-esque-related stuff.
Just a thought.