DMs - Share your blog!

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I thought it would be cool to share the experiences of my group in the form of our campaign journal. I would be interested in reading other group's blogs.

Our blog:

Vyvyan Basterd wrote:

I thought it would be cool to share the experiences of my group in the form of our campaign journal. I would be interested in reading other group's blogs.

Our blog:

Including some Shackled City in Greyhawk stuff and my ongoing conversion of C1 Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan.

Grand Lodge

This is my blog for my vetern group. They are three sessions into the adventure path.

Here is the address for our group
We have just finished "The Whispering Cairn"


Here is the campaign journal from my home campaign. We have made it through Whispering Cairn, and just started 3 Faces last week. Note that I did not write the journals, (I have enough trouble keeping my Campaign Journal for Erik's campaign up to date) but rather by one of my players. Still, it's a pretty accurate description of what's happened in the campaign. (He does take a few "editorial liberties" with the story.)

Campaign Journal

Here's the account of my group's exploits:

I am currently involved with three different gaming groups and we all have journals with various differing degrees of detail.

Dragonlance -
Planescape -
Forgotten Realms -



Vyvyan Basterd wrote:

I thought it would be cool to share the experiences of my group in the form of our campaign journal. I would be interested in reading other group's blogs.

Our blog:

I use a wiki. But I can't post it because it has alot (and I mean alot) of non-OGC.

Peace and smiles :)


Liberty's Edge

Blatant *bump*.

Okay, maybe it's my old TSRO/WizO instincts kicking in. Maybe it's because I have my own boards for my extended gaming group/family. Maybe my LN-tendencies stir up more often than I care to admit. But...

I've seen a couple of "blog" like posts recently and I fear their posts will get lost to the archives quickly. If those folks would care to consolidate their posts here the information is in one tidy place for everyone to peruse at a glance. If I could, I'd join the topics for you.


Vyvyan Basterd wrote:

I thought it would be cool to share the experiences of my group in the form of our campaign journal. I would be interested in reading other group's blogs.

Here's ours:

I recently lost some data on a few of the adventures, which I am recreating.


my AoW game blog is at:

We are only 3 games into it tho.

Here's our version:

My group's (+ my personally poor blog):

My primitive age of worms campaign site at:

Wish I had more time to put into it!


Here is the link to one of my players blog. We are just starting 3FoE and have had no deaths yet, but a few close calls.

Here's ours:

We just finally started last night!
Anyway, here is our blog, just cast of characters up right now.

My players are too lazy to do campaign journal write-ups. We primarily use a forum to communicate; the journals are posted in a public area. Not too much else interesting here:


Vyvyan Basterd wrote:

I thought it would be cool to share the experiences of my group in the form of our campaign journal. I would be interested in reading other group's blogs.

Our blog:

Our site isn't really an automated blog, but it is our campaign website and session log. Getting wormy in Greyhawk at

We're just starting TFOE so it's still short on activity.

It's not Age of Worms related (yet, anyway) but is mine. I reserve the right to take it down when I feel like it.

finally, got there

Dedicated to the campaign.

Sovereign Court

Try this Story Hour on ENWORLD:

Somewhere in the archives is our Story Hour for the Shackled City campaign as well.

Shadow Lodge

Here is my campaign blog:
We just started on Friday, 3/31, so it's pretty brief at the moment.

New to the blogging concept, so please be gentle. One session in the books, my group alternates DM's, so we will play this campaign once a month or so. Also, going to point my players here, so they can add their prespectives to it as well.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was looking for just this. Here is mine. It's updated rarely but might provide an interesting read for someone.

Here is mine. Fresh from the Campaign Journals page here on Paizo.


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4

Here's mine... although like some posters above I'm only a couple games into it. I'm pretty happy with the site though:

Here's my journal on the Paizo boards

This is my blog in general, which includes posts of our Age of Worms campaign since game session 15 (we just completed game session 32).

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