Kostchtchie's page
25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Cosmo wrote: GreTheMage wrote: I just got both Dungeon and Dragon and they both look awsome, but.. the poster that was supposed to come with Dragon is missing, the one that came with Dungeon is there alright, was wondering if I could get a replacement
I'll get a replacement shipped out to you as soon as possible.
cos I too am missing the poster from my Dragon Magazine. If I need to send an email or some other confirmation please let me know.
Beleive it or not..
the best adventure I hav ever read in DnD for giving goblins personality was "Axe of Dwarvish Lords"... I know, you're saying "WtF"
But the tribes of goblins had cool art, cool,ideas +personality. Pick up copy.
And it has some funny stuff in it about what happens if you are a female goblin who is morphed by and artifcat into a male dwarf..
http://www.trollandtoad.com/p115330.html?PHPSESSID=b5888a80d67d6dcaa070a516 bfcafa08

RedRobe wrote: Kostchtchie wrote: The paladin trying to move silently, is like a Mr Whippy van...
(party breaks into bad rendition of Greensleeves or whatever evil tune the icecream truck uses to lure little kids onto the street)
Somewhat similar to "flying like bricks don't"
No idea what you're trying to say. A Mr Whippy Van- is an australian icon. An ice-cream truck that crawls around suburban neighbourhoods in the afternoons- it's orange or yellow or pink, it has a loud repitious jingle, it's slow, it's big and it's so old it looks like it might break down. Courtesy of it's refridgeration system, slow speed, music and loud colours it is never going to sneak up on you.
As the paladin and cleric try to give the other party members the chance to scout they both fail to break zero on their modifed rolls. (heavy armour- no dex or skill)
The paladin also has a natural exalted aura and almost always has detect evil going (requiring regular re-casting singing in choir voice "Show me the Evil")
The dwarven cleric in a fit of giggles says "the Mr Whippy Van crashes down the corridor. Hence from then onwards it's "the paladin and cleric sneak after the party like a Mr Whippy Van" which we reckon is pretty funny...
The paladin trying to move silently, is like a Mr Whippy van...
(party breaks into bad rendition of Greensleeves or whatever evil tune the icecream truck uses to lure little kids onto the street)
Somewhat similar to "flying like bricks don't"

have a look at what you are saying- backstabbing, lust for power and wealth. Those are evil. Maybe not vile. Perhaps the character is totaly twisted- has personal sex-zombie follow him/her round for 24/7 gratification. OR maybe they just value gold over life. Both evil.
Do you have to be "TRULY" evil to have LE or even CE on a character sheet.. I don't think so. In fact Champions of Ruin has a feat for those who think they are good and sometimes detect as neutral but are actualy evil and quite deluded.
You're just getting annoyed at people who don't want to go "all the way" on your vision of evil. Saying "well if you're going to steal that then obviously you would murder these other folks".
I reckon that is flawed. Now I agree that some people use evil on their character sheet for justification of petty actions. But some people use LG for justifying annoying anti-group decisions.
My solution- sit them all down and say- you guys sort out amongst yourselves why you are adventuring together. IF they can't make a cohesive group, irrespective of alignments you will have problems getting them to all go in 1 direction.
Evil just makes it more likely to end in tears rather than boredom..
I'm going to have a warband with an awakened dire ape in it.. :) it's just a dumb animal- holds attack for spell casting..
There is a bit of good content on these forums, re-writes of blackwall keep, extra encounters, notes on how to handle things. Might need to send a few emails to get full permission/as a courtesy to those that posted the great ideas- plus the suplements plus the error/editing correction: I think there are plenty of good reasons for doing a Hardcover of Age of Worms. I imagine most of those who missed issues will have sorted that out buy within a 2 or 3 months of the last issue so Paizo is not doing it's self out of much I would think.
Secondly.. I'm lugging a CD (with the supps, maps, sound files, music, pics) and 20 magazines!!! every time I want to go through my campain material- so 1 hard cover- I'll pre-order!
thanks Lenarior
enlightened fist- could work. doesn't look like there is a dark moon monk specific substitution levels or similar.
the enhancement says they can multiclass sorcerer and monk. :)
Does anyone remember if there was a prestige class or substitution levels for making dark moon monks? (worship shar- martial arts, shadow magic and sorcery)
book/article and page number would be good :P
I'm sure I've seen something

Feedback #4-
another suggestion: the whole premise of the Ebon Triad which forms the nub of Kyuss's re-creation is that there are heretics from 3 evil churches involved. Now to differentiate this from some action all 3 churches support you realy need agents of those churches working to disable th ebon triad. But you want the players to reman the hero. So 1. have an evil schemer (hextor/bane perhaps) pulling the strings 1 layer back from those the PCs are dealing with. A manipulator or even master for Allustan or Smenk. (I've gone for Smenk in my game- a banite, being faerun, has infiltrated his organisation and is feeding him specificly tailored information. even though I think the allustan presented makes a good dupe..) The trick is that that the churches REALLY don't want knowledge of the Ebon Triad spreading.
So an Erthynul/Bhaal approach migh be to send in a serial killer/sociopath to torture info out of captured towns folk. He's trying to find out who supports the ebon triad, but he's an insane killer. The players investigate dissappering miners either at the managers or some loved one's request. The psycho's lair is full of Bhaal/Erythnul religious scrawl (movie "7") and notes on what he has found out about the Ebon triad. Obviously any preist of Bhaal/Erythnul contacted (? the pcs would do that ?) about this would pull out ALL stops to have them eliminated.
From a Myrkul/Vecna perspective I favour a Stratholme attack- cut off the Diamond lake food supplies (attack caravans) and them supply them with tainted grain (does damage as per ghoul rot- con+dex but turns them into basic zombies not ghouls) This agent's idea is to destroy Diamond lake's inhabitants to starve the Ebon Triad out of their dungeon... Obviously need to put lots of clues into this and there are some higher lv NPCs who would attempt some sort of action but it's main intention is to give the PCs a couple more encounters and some clues as to Myrkul/Vecna opposition to the "heretics" in the basement.
The biggest problem with these is losing track of the original path. The flow of the adventure. But it strikes me as better than relying on knowledge (religion) checks to transmit the "heretics of their own blasphemous religions" (should just be evil I think but it's a quote) idea. If you are a paranoid member of a forbidden splinter sect of a secret evil cult how much is a young (low lv) cleric of a good religion going to know about you. Nil methinks. :P
finally, got there
I have run Conan games and I am presnetly running AOW.. all I can say is.. no ressurection and easily killed PCs (due to Conan combat mods) in AOW will lead to a very short campain me thinks. A single AOW adventure would work well in Conan but look very carefully at the challenge ratings. Most of the encounters are pitched 2-3 lvs above the party and other are way off (higher).. the extreme higher ones are in the conan spirit, the continuos high lv encounters is less so. You need more hordes to be slaughtered.
Just what I reckon.

3. So you're a loyal worhshiper of the murder/slaughter god and you have some info the Ebon triad are operating in diamond lake.. what do you do?
For this one I put on my "Milennium" and "Hannibal Lector" thinking caps (real skull caps)
Pyschotic killer hunts those he believes are traitors to his cause- reasons that they must have support or contact with the town. Establishes lair (soundproofed or out of the way shack) and starts kidnapping likely informant/support person of evil cult/cultists and torturing them to death for information and vengence on the heretics (mostly). and making sure to remove all traces they ever existed.
so in my game...
Telon…Bhaal/Ethernul worshiper- psychotic murderer. murders folks but his primary objective is to source the ebon triad cultists. He will then infiltrate them and commence killing them off. Is good looking but totaly puts people off with his attitude. He is a coward but is attempting this very dangerous mission because he has built up his confidence killing the weak and defenceless and has no idea how dangerous the ebod triad really are. He has effectively been duped by his cleric of bhaal master.
Rogue 1, Ranger 2, - extra feat due to loss of animal empathy
Wears what looks like smooth leather amour (still suit style) but has small metal plates inserted between 2 thin layers of leather, completely shaved, native of rashemen.
hp 18; Init +2; Spd 30; AC:15 (Flatfooted:13 Touch:12); Atk +4 base melee, +4 base ranged; +4/+4 (1d4+2, Kukri, Masterwork; 1d4+1, Kukri, Masterwork); AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +0; STR 15, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 8.
Skills: Disguise +3, Forgery +7, Gather Information +5, Hide +8, Move Silently +8, Open Lock +6, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6, Survival +4, Use Rope +8.
Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus: Kukri, Craven, Snow tiger beserker,
Possessions: Weapons: Kukri, Masterwork, Armor: Studded leather, Masterwork, backup kukris, theives tools, Potion: Delay Poison, pouch of silver coins, garrote.
EL 3
Can charge and make both attacks due to snow tiger feat, +2 damage vs. humans, d6 sneak, craven- +3 damage from sneak attack, -2 vs. fear.
He has a shack on the outskirts where he has dug a burial pit. The shack is rather large, has 2 windows and a door, wattle and daub and very solid looking. It has 3 layers of wattle+ daub with minute gaps between them, for soundproofing. The windows are filled in behind the shutters with 2 layers of W+D. The roof is thatch with the loft filled with canvas and sailcloth. The floor has been dug down 2 feet and then filled up with thatch. There is a trapdoor over a 10 ft pit bottomed with lime. His “tools” are kept on the inside of the trapdoor. The soiled thatch and body are put in the pit and buried covered in lime when he has finished with them.
2. The cultists (Theldrick's crew) go somewhere to dump there refuse. Regularly by the sound of it. PRobably without contact with the miners or managers if they can help it. I'd add it to an existing rubbish tip if I was a paranoid lawful evil cleric. So either a big group ~8 with half carrying and half guarding or 1 poor fella on his own...
1. The grimlocks have been through town at least once... to kill Smenk's henchman. More than once unless they got extensive info from the Theldrik's cultists. Maybe they'll be back. There's food, their leader isn't lawful.
PC's spot grimlocks on the outskirts of town or even grimlocks eat miners and PC's investigate/lay trap for them. As far as treasure I'm going to have one with a crude idol of solid silver hanging round his neck. I'm reasonably easy on my PCs.. I'd make it 2 grimlocks. OR 3/4 in an assault team if the PCs raid the dungeon and retreat (not having killed any clerics of course)
One thing struck me about 3 faces of evil, other than there really only being one detailed hook between the 1st and 2nd modules. There are actions described by the in habitants of the 3faces dungeon that would be cool to interact with. The second thing that struck me was that the evil cultists are "heretics even in their own blasphemous religions"- what about evil clerics hunting the baddies down...
Having run campains in Greyhawk/Forgottenrealms/conan and tried the Eberron MMORPG/scoured the Eberrron books, I have to weigh in with my support for the 3.5. Yeh the gods (proper nouns did you call them?) have greyhawk names, but they also have domain powers that are different from their Forgotten Realms counterparts, for example. The core books are greyhawk as far as I am concerned. And I think that is a "good thing"
Although I wish the Eberron creators all the best it is just not for me. And I think the Eberron campain world is too far from the DnD core. I have voted with my wallet on this one. And I will continue to do so. I think our illustrious editor is trying to be polite about reasons for the lack of Eberron numbers but I'm involved in the DnD scene in this city and I say it's a flop.
I noticed that in the description of Telakin and the mind clones there was no reference to the mind clone gems.
Now these little objects are worth at least 2000 gold pieces and I would presume are required to make the "switch" to the clones so would have to be in the vicinity (touch range you would think).. that's at least another 4000gold to the party.
Of course it is also a weakness in this very powerful character if the party works it out before fighting him (lucky scrying etc perhaps- not sure if that's possible but given the of choices A.B.C. the party always chooses D...) and a bit of a dilema if there is any way of restoring folks from their mind imprint- although I guess they are evil clones...NE and CE respectively

I've made some serious changes to my Aspect of Overgod...
Actualy the raw cruch stats are exactly the same except the god based special powers and more importantly the visual impact of the aspect have changed.
So the main attack is now the beastie's right hand- the other 3 are it's horns, off hand and various body spikes/ feet etc. yes I know the bonuses would be slightly different but the end result from the player's perspective will be the same.
Visualy the aspect is now large 8ft+ withered corpse. It's head and long bones (forearms, shins etc) are bare bone, burnt black in places, it's torso is maggot ridden, the flesh of the torso, hands and feet has a greenish cast and the extremeities are burnt. A cloud of oily darkness plumes off the torso and spreads across the ground around the aspect (think chaos demon from world of warcraft) The fists (2 arms only) are still fleshy, if withered and with talon like nails. Spine, elbows, knees, heels and back of skull all have horns or bony spurs. Finaly, when the aspect is in motion (after it's 10 minute emergence) a splattery mist of blood sprays from it's mouth /ear-holes /neck /upper chest (no lower jaw?) and follows it's head and upper torso like a halo...
hmmm, bit complex.. guess I might have to draw it. Lots of hints as to the 3 component gods.
The supernatural abilities I have changed to the following:
Grasp of Bane- the off hand clenched as a move equivalent action produces a fear spell as clenched and held aloft. Green rays spring from the clench fist in a cone as per the spell DC 19.[lv 10] (could make ranged touch attacks for the rays in a 30ft. cone if feeling generous)
Myrkul's Murk- the black cloud that surrounds the aspect spontaneously creates zombies under the aspect's control as it passes over dead bodies. Whilst the aspect survives they have +4 turn resistance, +4 str, and +2 hp/die. (i am going to give the PC's fear saves DC 12 [lv 1] when attacked by old dead party members)
Bhaal's Wroth Halo- Whilst adjacent to the aspect the living are susceptible to a gaze attack [DC 19 will save] or enter "futile rage"- a murderous state where the subject thrashes ineffectualy taking -4 AC, +2 to hit. If the subject has no weapon in hand there is a 50% chance it will attack unarmed (provoking AoO as per normal) and any other action (spell casting, tumble checks, search etc) requires a DC 19 save every round. The subject conducts full atack actions, attacking adjacent targets randomly...
If it causes too much greif I might have it lose powers as it drops groups of 25 HP. It could be a disaster once it get's into the mine population with the instant zombie murk...
Giving this post a bump because i still haven't got my web-hancment :p

1. The acid wraith is non-corporeal... did you include the 50% miss chance into your math? Thats a nasty bit that people miss in the stats. It can sink thru the floor to regenerate if it wants.. out of harms way. an intelligent non-corporeal opponent with spring attack is hell. yes if he stand still they can beat him. alot of monsters aren't much chop if played like skeletons or golems...
1.5 at a second look the breath weapons strength damage might be an undead effect not a adic one but I'm scratching my head as to whether it would be a good idea
2. The green dragons at that size are fairly cowardly and of average (10) human intelligence/wisdom and are limited a bit by being chaotic evil and greedy - their opponent has 15 int, 12 wis and 25 cha- he's basicly an undead genie - getting past the outsider/undead problems by being bound to the area for a long time and imbued with bucket loads (pun) of alchemical magical power. The module sort of gives the idea that eventualy the dragons might work out some solution.. (more puns)
3. The dragons don't have the advantage of your math- they don't know that the non-corporeal thing twice their size that regenerates can be beat in 3 rounds on average assuming it doesn't make use of it's intelligence..
4. Yeh I agreed that acid immunity and the bad calculation that DnD does on dragon CR in general means that the Cr 16 acidwraith is not as good against the 4 x CR 10 dragons as it should be but hey you get that in any system
My understanding was that she wants to surplant Dragotha as the "undead-war-dragon-of-choice"
Dragotha was the harbinger and marshal of Kyuss's armies. It seems this silver-vampire dragon relishes that idea
I'd go with the warhammer (roleplay-wargame-40k) star of chaos.. plenty of imagery available on the web and gives the seekers a paranioa edge when dealing with the players (look at that symbol guys they 've got to be evil)
looks at the postition of the moon, the raise of the sun, scratches beard and consults dragon 340 to ascertain time and date of said Web enhancement...
now I'm not sure if it is in your power, whether you even have acces to the material or even if it is in the corporate rules but.. If the material for the enhancement is produced by guys at Dungeon perhaps you could add it to the Dungeon website downloads or similar if there is no pressure to put on WoC "what are your subscribers complaining about, they got 1 web enhancement for city of splendors"
heh, i'd take a rich text file on a ftp server or kazaa :p
Doing character gen and other stuff in the basic area- I'm wondering if this url can be provided please- "i have no idea why it is taking so long" dated 30th dec, it is now 22nd feb...