Dungeon #127 Online Supplement

The online PDF supplement to Dungeon #127 is now available. This supplement contains all the maps from the issue, as well as player handouts and NPC illustrations.

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127 Online Supplement ETA?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

You knew this thread was coming right?

IMO HoHR is the most difficult adventure to port to other settings so far. Personally I was surprised at how much changed in the Eberron and FR notes for EaBK. It's too late to incorporate some of the notes (specifically the geography and lizardfolk backstory) into my Eberron campaign since the party is already headed to the keep. I can try to stall, but I'm sure we'll be in Sharn (Free City) in three or four more weeks/sessions.

Some people might think our party is going through this campaign "too fast", but consider the fact that I've had 126's EaBK for two months now before running it. I think that's a fair amount of time to wait don't you think?

Any ETA on the conversion notes? Will it be another month, or will we see them sooner?

Sovereign Court


Paizo Employee Creative Director

I'd say the conversion notes for 127 will be up sooner than the ones for 126 were. Remember; the online supplement for 126 happened to come due during/just after Gen Con, when we were already scrambling to get issue 128 out the door. Things are getting back to normal here so 127's online supplement should (hopefully) get online more quickly.

I will not give an estimate on a date that it'll be ready. That way lies madness.

James Jacobs wrote:
I will not give an estimate on a date that it'll be ready. That way lies madness.

Very wise.

I'd just like to say I appreciate all the effort that goes into these supplements. They add value to my subscription and keep me coming back. Thanks for all the hard work!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It was only a matter of time before this thread reared its ugly head.

James Jacobs wrote:

Things are getting back to normal here so 127's online supplement should (hopefully) get online more quickly.

I will not give an estimate on a date that it'll be ready. That way lies madness.

We finally got a sensible reply.

Peace and smiles :)


Still waiting. Thought I read "this week," which ends today for Monday through Friday businesses.

No, I think Erik joked on the other thread that 129 would be out "in a week".

I have about 1 or 2 sessions left of EaBK. I could really use those conversion notes for 127 to prepare...


James Jacobs wrote:

I'd say the conversion notes for 127 will be up sooner than the ones for 126 were. Remember; the online supplement for 126 happened to come due during/just after Gen Con, when we were already scrambling to get issue 128 out the door. Things are getting back to normal here so 127's online supplement should (hopefully) get online more quickly.

I will not give an estimate on a date that it'll be ready. That way lies madness.

15 days later....

I could care less about the pics and maps. I need the conversion notes for Eberron. Sharn is hugely different city than Greyhawk, so conversion notes are very necessary.

Can we get an ETA?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

helcat_74 wrote:
Can we get an ETA?

It'll be up online as soon as we can get it up and online. I can tell you this, though; it's in layout right now. Once that's done, it'll probably be edited once more. Once that's done, it should be going online pretty quick.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
helcat_74 wrote:
Can we get an ETA?
It'll be up online as soon as we can get it up and online. I can tell you this, though; it's in layout right now. Once that's done, it'll probably be edited once more. Once that's done, it should be going online pretty quick.

Why is it we either get a nonanswer from James like this, or Erik saying it will be up tomorrow in spite of actually needing another two weeks of work.

Dark Archive

Dude, a 'nonanswer'? Who else can you get details like this from? Layout, then final editing, then upload. That sounds like a pretty definitive answer to me. Either that, or we have to choose from a (free) produce that's timely, or good.

I choose a (free) product that's good.

Byron Zibeck wrote:

Why is it we either get a nonanswer from James like this, or Erik saying it will be up tomorrow in spite of actually needing another two weeks of work.

I don't see any response from Erik Mona on this thread. As for James Jacobs' "nonanswer", you need to look at the craziness on the Supplement query for 126 and for the Age of Worms. Promises were made that weren't fulfilled and the subscribers to the website went apesh*t on the editors.

I think Mr. Jacobs answered appropriately: the supplement is still in production and will be up when it's up.

Given what's happened in the past, I don't blame him.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Me neither.

It's literally in layout now. Release is imminent.

We lost a graphic designer a couple of weeks ago, and haven't found a replacement.

Please, everyone, be gentle. ;)


Just a suggestion, but how about people just wait for the good folks at paizo to post it. They'll post it when it's ready. Do we really need a "xxx Online Supplement ETA?" thread every month?


WaterdhavianFlapjack wrote:
Just a suggestion, but how about people just wait for the good folks at paizo to post it. They'll post it when it's ready. Do we really need a "xxx Online Supplement ETA?" thread every month?

I think the posts have been, for the most part, gentle reminders of the strong support for the supplements. Even in the overload I don't think anyone went "a&$*~+@".

I'm glad to hear that it's almost ready. When we hear nothing we know it's a ways off.

Before Overload we would get supplements a few weeks after the subscribers received the corresponding issues, or around the time the magazines hit newstands. (Hence the promise that overload was available in 125.) The conversion notes in 125 took a long time to get and 126 took over a month.

127 is nearly two months behind the "old" release timeliness. A 128 Online Supplement ETA thread could ask if we can know if it's going to be another month before we get it or maybe a few days after 127 is released.

Erik and James, are you aiming to "catch up" with the old schedule or are you simply giving yourself a one month buffer? My Eberron campaign is already thrown off course a bit from the conversion notes, but if I could get 128 soon then I might actually be able to put them to good use.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Takasi wrote:
Erik and James, are you aiming to "catch up" with the old schedule or are you simply giving yourself a one month buffer? My Eberron campaign is already thrown off course a bit from the conversion notes, but if I could get 128 soon then I might actually be able to put them to good use.

We are aiming to catch up. Time will tell if we can actually manage to do so.

Trust me; we're not trying to delay the conversion notes on purpose.

Byron Zibeck wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
helcat_74 wrote:
Can we get an ETA?
It'll be up online as soon as we can get it up and online. I can tell you this, though; it's in layout right now. Once that's done, it'll probably be edited once more. Once that's done, it should be going online pretty quick.
Why is it we either get a nonanswer from James like this, or Erik saying it will be up tomorrow in spite of actually needing another two weeks of work.

I don't really see this as a "nonanswer." I meant to post earlier, but didn't get to it. What I appreciate the least is a stated deadline that is missed; that's just upsetting. I prefer the assurances of an answer like, "We're not sure, but we're busting our tails to get it to you." At least then I'm not upset at another missed deadline.

Thanks again for the honest status update.


Liberty's Edge

Erik Mona wrote:

Me neither.

It's literally in layout now. Release is imminent.

We lost a graphic designer a couple of weeks ago, and haven't found a replacement.

Please, everyone, be gentle. ;)


Where do I apply to snap up his job, Lord Mona?

James Jacobs wrote:
Trust me; we're not trying to delay the conversion notes on purpose.

Are there ANY hardcore Eberron fans at Paizo?

I'm sure Mr. Mona doesn't rip up EVERY warforged fan submission and laugh maniacally "Take that train-lovers!" :)

I'm glad to hear that you're trying to catch up. Thanks!

Personally, I just want y'all to know that I just renewed both my subscription to Dungeon and to Dragon magazine... and this decision was 75% based on the current Age of Worms campaign and the supplemental support given online. I mean, seriously, I have more gaming materials than I could read if I sat down and did nothing else for a year. And I have more adventures in the 100+ issues of Dungeon that I already own to keep my players busy till I'm long dead n' gone. Do I need these new magazines? Heck no. Will I keep getting them, at least for one more year? You betcha! Why? Because this newest adventure path is rather awesome and the online support and maps and handouts makes it all worth while.... This is an idea whose time has come, and I'm really glad to be able to have access to other players and DMs out there through the messageboards, plus the artwork handouts seems to enhance the experience for my players. Kudos, one and all! Your extra efforts have inspired me to continue to subscribe.

Thank you James and Erik.

The fact that you read and respond to the posts after all the hounding over free material is a credit to your character and shows dedication (to the magazines and subscribers).

Again, thank you!

I am definately renewing my subscriptions to Dungeon and Dragon!

Sorry if my previous post sounded snarky. I'm getting close to HoHR and didn't want to go through the conversion for Sharn. (I'm lazy and that's why I love Dungeon adventures)

I wonder if its possible to just put the conversion notes somewhere seperate, since its really just text? Like a posting on the messageboards? It would allow us non-Greyhawkites to be ready ahead of time instead of waiting for the graphic artists :)

(This is not to say I don't like the Web Enhancement maps/pics. I love them, but I don't need them to run the adventure in my chosen setting)

Liberty's Edge

Takasi wrote:

Are there ANY hardcore Eberron fans at Paizo?

Death to the Cyberdine Systems Model 101 campaign world!

This has probably been asked before, but I am wondering how to convert the maps in the online supplements to battle map scale. It would really help for battles which are in intersting, unique locations, so I don't have to draw a horrid map or say "Um, that's a wall. That is too," and sketch out a rough drawing.

P.S. Takasi: I see your point about this thread being a gentle reminde and, in that case, let me voice my support of the online supplements. They do greatly enhance my enjoyment of the magazine, which is why I subscribed, along with the excellent adventures.

Keep up the good work, Erik!!

Thanks, all.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Sublimity wrote:
Byron Zibeck wrote:

Why is it we either get a nonanswer from James like this, or Erik saying it will be up tomorrow in spite of actually needing another two weeks of work.

I don't see any response from Erik Mona on this thread. As for James Jacobs' "nonanswer", you need to look at the craziness on the Supplement query for 126 and for the Age of Worms. Promises were made that weren't fulfilled and the subscribers to the website went apesh*t on the editors.

I think Mr. Jacobs answered appropriately: the supplement is still in production and will be up when it's up.

Given what's happened in the past, I don't blame him.

You people can't take a joke.

Dark Archive

I don't think anyone read it as a joke ... it looked harsh. Throw on a smiley face at the end next time so we all 'get it'.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Well, it's up now.

Medium resolution: 4.0MB PDF
High resolution: 8.4MB PDF

Awesome! Thanks Paizo!

The dolgaunt monks are sweet.

Why didn't Keith Baker provide a Wormfood conversion like Eric Boyd did for Forgotten Realms?

I also found it a little weird that he recommended replacing Zyxog with Chyrassk. All of my players have read Keith's City of Towers novel, so they're familiar with the mind flayer. Now that I think about it, it's really neat that Keith is giving us the nod to do this. Now I have about a week to reread the novel and see what I can come up with.

Nice!! (and thanks again for giving us free supplements!)

Also, I particularly love the art by Eva Widermann (please keep hiring her for more!). In the actual magazine issue, I couldn't pinpoint that she was the artist for Xyrxog (for example) - but now that I know, I'll keep looking for her work.

And the maps by Lazzaretti for AoW are excellent! Just curious... are these enhanced or created using a particular computer program?

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