Thank you Dungeon, Keep up the good work

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Dungeon Staff,
Looking through the posts recently it seems that there are a lot of nit picking posts pointed at you magazines, about I don't like this, I don't like that. I just wanted to stay THANK YOU for what you are doing. I personally have very little time to sit down and write adventures, but the adventures from Dungeon always give me a starting point. I understand that many times business effects that contents of the magazine and gamers are quite a finicky lot that is hard to please. That is why any company in the gaming industry has a hard time, sometimes they have to change things like to stay afloat, at the same time they are trying to produce a product that they would enjoy seeing in the gaming world. Personally, I miss the D20 Modern support from Dungeon, but I understand that is was not a good business decision.
I just thought I should take the time and let you know that many appreciate what you are doing. Just like in politics, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Keep up the good work.


Liberty's Edge

Yep! As had been said in another thread here - the Dungeon staff is doing a fabulous job!
Why I post this? Well, first, because it's true.
Secong, because (I said that as well in another thread) I by now think it is absolutely neccessary to say what we like about the magazine. I believe it's a natural human habit to say what we DON'T like, what we would'nt do in acertain way, or what we are against at than just state what we like, what we would do and what we are standing for!
It's easier to be rude than nice! This is sad, but it's the way it least in most cases.

Just adding in that I am enjoying Dungeon a lot and have just renewed my subscription for two more years.


Just joining in the praise :)

I've been playing D&D on and off for a long time (more off in recent years), and I'm getting back into it -- in no small degree because of Dungeon.

Furthermore, I'll be starting my (first) subscription soon.

Good Job, Erik and all the folks at Dungeon magazine.



Liberty's Edge

I'm also very pleased with the magazine. I think the Adventure Paths are a great idea. I think having a variety of adventures each issue is also great. I like the adaptations that are offered, and I like the new stat blocks.

I like the editorial every month. Good stuff.

I'm also happy that Wil Save is gone, and I'll hit another 3-year subscription in August(after my upcoming move - money is just a little too tight until I get my deposit back from this place). And I should point out that will be another 3-years on top of my 19 remaining issues.

Of course, as happy as I am with the magazine, I have one suggestion I'd like to make. First of all, anytime you publish an adventure, I'd love to see suggestions for previously published adventures that can come before and adventures that can come after. Not a true "adventure path", but suggestions that might make sense. Of course, with space being as tight as it is, that might be impossible.

I'd also not mind seeing more Critical Threats, more Maps of Mystery, or more "in-depth locations". I really enjoyed the Isle of Dread update - anything that opens a new territory (suitable for any game world) is great.


With work and family, I've got no time to write my own stuff, I'm also stretched for cash and the value can't be beat. The adventures are mostly one to two sessioners and I like that, too.

Top that off with web enhancements available here, bingo. happy me.

I too have been very happy with Dungeon and will be renewing my subscription. The Adventure Path has been great and I can't think of any better entertainment value for your money (while fully dressed) than D&D and Dungeon Magazine. I can keep a group of 11 people (also fully dressed) entertained for 7 hours straight for a couple of bucks. The magazine is high quality and it is obviously run by people who love the game as much as I do. Keep up the great work!

DM Dave

You can always assume that everything I don't complain about, I enjoy. It's rare that I feel the need to rave about something I like. Exceptions, like my letter in this month's issue praising The Styes, are rare indeed.

So from my posts here you can infer that I dislike Downer, am against cartoonish and dungeonpunk art and want less Eberron content, but otherwise love the magazine.

I am pleased with the current state of Dungeon: more Forgotten Realms content, more high-level adventures, and what seem to me as better material.

I'll miss Wil Save, and would like to see more maps, but other than that I've nothing to complain about.

I think I can speak for all of us here who work on Dungeon when I say "Thanks guys!"

Some days it's tough reading the post's when it seems like no one has anything good to say about the magazine. Each of us here truly love D&D and feel as though Dungeon is our baby. You wouldn't believe the amount of effort that goes into every issue. As a result, though constructive criticism is always appreciated, it's really nice to hear that our hard work is enjoyed by our readers.

Thanks again,

Mike & all Dungeon staff,

I speak for myself & probably most/all here when I say your hard work is most definitely appreciated. At times I will offer what I hope to be polite, constructive criticism, but don't feel for a moment that it's meant in a bad or personal way -- the mag is at a high point, maybe the best it's ever been, due in no small part to the fact that you, James, Erik & all obviously care about it. The layout, art, cartography, and sheer editing of Dungeon rival or exceed similar products and you offer incredible bang for the buck.

I think most folks here, like me, care about the magazine like a baby too and that's why we get passionate at times, whether it's rooting for our favorite setting or columns, or complaining about what we dislike. Gamers in general are a nit-picky bunch (who else could create endless new rules for a game?) but like sci-fi fans that talk about how the latest Star Wars film or Star Trek series could be better, we comment because inside we love what we're talking about. Reading the endless, often-contradictory criticisms must get old fast, but I say roll with the punches, be professional always, and remember that a huge number of folks think you're doing a bang-up job even if we lack the wits to say it in writing as often as we should.

The last year of Dungeon has been great. The last issue has been quite exceptional. I loved the "Chamber of Antiquities". The new "Age of Worms" scenario looks top notch. I can't help but think of the HBO show "Deadwood" when I read about it.

Liberty's Edge

Since Polyhedron went away, I believe that Dungeon has been at its very best since its deput. I was a charter subscriber and own/and have read every issue that has ever come out. I can safely say that there is no better bargain in the gaming world.

Keep up the great work Dungeon Staff!!! Thanks for a great product.

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