salcor's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Old Gamer,
I am actually from Topeka, KS (no longer a resident though). You need to look up the GateKeeper. It is a great gaming store, one of the best that I have seen in my travels. Go there and ask around, and you will find someone.


OldGamer2000 wrote:

Hi there. I am a long time GM / DM with roots that go all the way back to the first little white box edition of D&D and the Chainmail rules.

I am moving to Topeka, Kansas and I am looking for players for a d20 Dungeons and Dragons campaign and a Hero system, science fiction campaign.

Hopeful to find gamers in Topeka, Kansas,


Yeah, and you can get the back issues of Modern Dispatch at RPG Now. A very good source of D20 Modern stuff. The PDF industry is doing a good job of support this product line.


I believe that many of the PDF companys are doing a great job supporting the D20 modern market. RPG Objects is a great company, and they make Modern Dispatch, which is a weekly modern/future PDF. Also, Ronin Arts makes Datastream, a D20 future PDF. Here are the websites.


I was wondering if there were any Dragonstar players out there who would have suggestions on Dungeon adventures that could be converted to Dragonstar.


Defiantely don't want to see this thread die.


I was wondering if there was ever anything with the staff about entering their Dungeon information into PCGen for download?


Dungeon Staff,
Looking through the posts recently it seems that there are a lot of nit picking posts pointed at you magazines, about I don't like this, I don't like that. I just wanted to stay THANK YOU for what you are doing. I personally have very little time to sit down and write adventures, but the adventures from Dungeon always give me a starting point. I understand that many times business effects that contents of the magazine and gamers are quite a finicky lot that is hard to please. That is why any company in the gaming industry has a hard time, sometimes they have to change things like to stay afloat, at the same time they are trying to produce a product that they would enjoy seeing in the gaming world. Personally, I miss the D20 Modern support from Dungeon, but I understand that is was not a good business decision.
I just thought I should take the time and let you know that many appreciate what you are doing. Just like in politics, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Keep up the good work.


I would love to see an expansion of the Greyhawk 2000 article. It would probably be best in D20 Modern (please hold back the hissing). Seemed like a great place to play a Modern Fantasy game.


Well, as the creator and sole designer of the City of Melkot, I think I can answer that question. ;-)

Other then several brief mentions of Melkot in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, in the D&D Gaz, its placement on the various maps from those publications and subsequent maps (such as Dungeon's new Campaign maps), a few brief mentions in the Living Greyhawk Journal, and perhaps something in the Yeomanry RPGA regional info... the only place you can find information on that city is on my website "Maldin's Greyhawk" at
Strange about that URL, eh? Anyways, once you're at my website go to "Greyhawk Locations", and you will see a link that leads to the Melkot section, with information about the city, the regional history, a powerful cult, and of course... Melkotia Castle. Let me know what you think of my little city. More will likely get posted this summer.

Hope you enjoy it.

Denis, aka "Maldin"

Thanks for the info, I definately found your site, and I like what I see. I might be able to work it into the campaign I am going to be running. Going to be in the area between the Dreadwood and the Hool Marsh. Lizardmen arise! Right now I am just working on linking adventures, but it should be fun.


I was wondering if there was any thought about adding an online dungeon adventure listing. Basically if would be orgainzed based on level, would have a brief summary of the adventure, and the dungeon magazine and page number. This seems like it would be helpful.


I am trying to find information on the city of Melkot in Greyhawk. The only reference to it I can find in a quick glance of the Gazzeteer is under the TORs hill listing. Where can I find more detailed information?


I first have to say that I absolutely love this article, it is just what I have been looking for. I do have some questions about the feats that are presented. First, with the Haft Strike feet, could you attack with the blade of the weapons at a 10ft reach and then attack an adjacent foe? To avoid powergamers I am assuming you could not attack a foe at 10ft with the blade, then attack with at 10ft with the haft. Also, can Haft Strike and Shorten Grip be used at the same time?
If Haft Strike can be used against an adjacent foe while attacking at range, can it be used in conjunction with Long Strike (it wouldn't seem likely based on the description, but figured I would ask.) Finally, Shorten Grip, are their any prerequisites for it, I would expect at least a different base attack bonusm but none are listed. (seems a little powerful to not have a BAB requirement.
As I said though, great work. I always wanted to see polearms used more in DnD. You will definately see it more with some of my characters. Just picture your mage with Spinning defense while using his wizards staff.


Been in Great Falls about 9 months, and I have been searching high and low for a DnD group that can meet on a regular basis. Looking for a mature group of serious gamers (don't want anything monty hall). If you are interested please respond.
