Is there a black hole in the submissions room at Paizo?

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

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The Exchange Kobold Press

I've published a few adventures and have more in the pipeline, and I figured people might want to see how I write these things.

So I'm showing patrons of my Open Design project a behind-the-scenes look at my working outlines/queries for four adventures (search "open design wolfgang baur"). You may want to check it out.

Note that the adventure outline/design discussion is locked for patrons only, but it's easy to join, and it's a small community.

'ghoul lord'....heh. Cool pic.

drunken_nomad wrote:
'ghoul lord'....heh. Cool pic.

Appropriate as well...I found my old Dungeon mag with the "King of the Ghouls" adventure in it with Iuz in it...

James Sutter wrote:
Koldoon wrote:
teknohippy wrote:
Anyone know when the next meeting is?

They typically run about every three months, so my bet is on mid-to-late April.

- Ashavan

Hopefully it won't be quite that long - we're trying to (pardon the cliche) kick it up a notch.



Just to keep the thread towards the top of the pile.


Haven't sent in any proposals for a while. Not since around fall of last year. Now the creative juices are flowing again. Got a pretty cool one I want to sit on for a week and come back to and take a second look at. There's been a lot of cool new monsters in the Creature Catalogs in Dragon. I'd like to make entire adventures revolving around them! But I have a feeling I'm not the only one thinking along those lines.

Man, as much as I love these boards, it does make the waiting for responses that much tougher. At least with other submissions, I can "fire & forget" until I hear back, but I check these msg boards everyday, and thus get reminded of the submissions that are "in progress", lol

Anyone else get that feeling?

On a slightly different topic, anyone hear word back about a query lately?

nope, I fire and forget anyway, every once in a while I might check this thread to see if the editors have made any progress, but in general I just wait for an email to arrive rejecting my proposals.

Talion09 wrote:

Man, as much as I love these boards, it does make the waiting for responses that much tougher. At least with other submissions, I can "fire & forget" until I hear back, but I check these msg boards everyday, and thus get reminded of the submissions that are "in progress", lol

Anyone else get that feeling?

On a slightly different topic, anyone hear word back about a query lately?

I have a Campaign Workbook article in, I sent it in just the other night. First time I used the address, and the first time I've submitted something in about a year and a half. I think I'm better off now than I was then, as far as creativity goes, but we'll see. I have a few more CW pieces that are in various stages of completion, I always have trouble with stat blocks.

As far as adventure queries go, I have one that I feel is very strong, but actually getting that across in a query is tough for me, so I'm going to take my time with that one until I get it just right.

Talion09 wrote:
On a slightly different topic, anyone hear word back about a query lately?

I got word a few days back that one of my Campaign Workbooks is slated to show up in #137. w00t.

baudot wrote:
Talion09 wrote:
On a slightly different topic, anyone hear word back about a query lately?
I got word a few days back that one of my Campaign Workbooks is slated to show up in #137. w00t.

They must have just done the CW notices for that issue, as I also got notice that one of mine will grace that issue. Still doesn't bump me high enough to challenge Russell Brown, undisputed King of the Campaign Workbook, but hey.

- Ashavan


Congrats to both of you!

Congratulations to both of you. Hopefully soon I can be blase about getting a CW article in Dungeon as well. :D

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I've got CWs coming up in 135, 136 and 137 (plus I'm hoping that some of the four I haven't heard back on yet make the cut too). On the other hand, two got spiked not too long ago so it all balances out :)

Congratulations Ashavan, Hal, Baudot and the others! I just sent in a query on a cooperative project with Dryder (Go Team Germany!). The Were_Cabbages have been quiet lately, but their drive and creativity puts me to shame. One of them casually mentions that they are going to put a "couple of thousand words into XYZ today" and I just shake my head.

I'm good for about one adventure query every couple of really does take me that long to hammer out what I think is a cool concept in my mind. Of the stuff I've queried to Dungeon on my own, I got seven adventure query rejections, one re-write of a query for reconsideration and one CW accepted.

On a bright note, all the rejected queries make good plug and play plotlines for my own campaign, stuff that I can let simmer on the backburner and pull out whe needed. Although my queries to Dungeon are less than 1000 words, most of those adventures have already written themselves in some region of my brain and usually I have a rough outline already ready, which is the extent of my homebrew adventure prep anyway.

I have a question for the experienced contributors (or Paizo staff):

Any idea what the average timeline is between getting past the Gatekeeper and hearing back yea or nay on the proposal?

I had the one adventure query get past the Gatekeeper "and is currently under consideration by the editors." James Sutter said in the email that he'd get back to me as soon as a decision has been made.

I take it James was referring to the big editorial meetings that I've read about on the early pages of these boards... any idea when the next one is?

I've been sitting on some ideas right now, because I wanted to see how my first batch of queries did... and then adapt my queries for the next batch based on whatever feedback I get.

Talion09 wrote:

to the big editorial meetings that I've read about on the early pages of these boards... any idea when the next one is?

I've been sitting on some ideas right now, because I wanted to see how my first batch of queries did... and then adapt my queries for the next batch based on whatever feedback I get.

Big adventure meetings happen about every 3-4 months, so one is due any time, though none has been announced.

My advice.... send in those ideas... waiting will kill your drive, and if your current ideas get tossed, you want to make sure there is something else on the pile with your name on it. Also, it's a good buffer when the rejections come. If you want to wait on adventure queries, try submitting campaign workbooks, or even a feature or "familiar" article to Dragon while you wait.

- Ashavan


Steve Greer wrote:
Haven't sent in any proposals for a while. Not since around fall of last year. Now the creative juices are flowing again. Got a pretty cool one I want to sit on for a week and come back to and take a second look at. There's been a lot of cool new monsters in the Creature Catalogs in Dragon. I'd like to make entire adventures revolving around them! But I have a feeling I'm not the only one thinking along those lines.

One word Steve



actually, that sounded quite rude, it isn't meant to be:)

OK two words - 'Rats' and 'Walls'



Richard Pett wrote:

actually, that sounded quite rude, it isn't meant to be:)

OK two words - 'Rats' and 'Walls'


Ahhh... Yes! Time to reacquaint ourselves with those topics, I'd say. That is, if you're not too busy these days.


Just a quick note that we just posted an updated version of the submission guidelines.

Check 'em out!

Anyone get any word regarding their submissions lately?

Liberty's Edge

No - sad, but true!
But the longer it takes, the surer an answer gets! ;)

Dryder wrote:
But the longer it takes, the surer an answer gets! ;)

I read that in a fortune cookie. LOL!

Does anyone have any titles they want to share? (Where's Triple-g at? Holla back youngun'! woo-woooo!) I have:

"Hunting the White Cat" (1st level) from 1/23, which is somewhere in the inner workings of the Renton Compound, hiding in shadows from patrols of office temps, casting detect poison on the water cooler, and trying to find the bathroom (or Mona's office).

I also have:
"The Approaching Storm" (5th level) from 4/02
"Red Moon's Return" (6th level) from 4/05
"Skol's Cyst" (3rd level) from 4/18

and I am putting the finishing touches on
"Scarlet Berries for Minyrxes" (2nd level) which should be ready to charge up the hill in a couple of days.

Oh, and congrats to all the people who heard about their campaign workbook stuff getting in, you dogs!

drunken_nomad wrote:

Does anyone have any titles they want to share? (Where's Triple-g at? Holla back youngun'! woo-woooo!) I have:

I don't knowin as I counts as a youngin anymore ::spits chaw::

Speakin' a chaw I don't know that "Skol's Cyst" is gonna make it past the tobacco lobby. ;)

I'm still around, but having had some success here am branching out to other endevors for a little while at least. I'm sitting on the three or four things that I actually wrote manuscripts for. Hopefully you'll get to see the epic collaboration project that Dryder, I, and many others was a proud part of - I know I'm dying to - sometime soon though I only inferred that from a fortune cookie I read a few weeks back so don't quote me.



Great Green God wrote:

I'm still around, but having had some success here am branching out to other endevors for a little while at least. I'm sitting on the three or four things that I actually wrote manuscripts for. Hopefully you'll get to see the epic collaboration project that Dryder, I, and many others was a proud part of - I know I'm dying to - sometime soon though I only inferred that from a fortune cookie I read a few weeks back so don't quote me.


Sorry. I failed my Will save and couldn't help myself. ;)

drunken_nomad wrote:
Does anyone have any titles they want to share?

"Barpazreal Complex"

drunken_nomad wrote:

Does anyone have any titles they want to share?

I have one awaiting its meeting with the Gatekeeper:

"Tsochari & Fallen Heroes" (Eberron/Low-Level) Sent in March 27th.

And another that is awaiting the editorial meeting:
"Ground Zero" (Eberron/Mid-Level) Sent in March 15th, got past the Gatekeeper on March 29th.

Looking at my working title of "Ground Zero" in hindsight, my first impression would be that it would be a Mournland-based adventure, but its not. Oops, that was a bit of a misleading title :-(


Talion09 wrote:

I have one awaiting its meeting with the Gatekeeper:

"Tsochari & Fallen Heroes" (Eberron/Low-Level) Sent in March 27th.

*Sighs and goes back to the drawing board*

Zherog wrote:
Talion09 wrote:

I have one awaiting its meeting with the Gatekeeper:

"Tsochari & Fallen Heroes" (Eberron/Low-Level) Sent in March 27th.

*Sighs and goes back to the drawing board*

Sorry ;-)

Although after I sent mine in, GGG said he had a Tsochari adventure query that was rejected recently...

And on a similiar note, I have one query (currently being proof-read by my party) that sounds an awful lot like numerous pieces of the Savage Tide preview... somehow I don't think its going to do well anymore :-(

drunken_nomad wrote:

Does anyone have any titles they want to share?

Titles of queries not yet rejected ;)

"Return to XXXXXX" (XXXXX being a classic D&D location and tied into a popular module from the good old days--this was a high level adventure outline I wrote back in 2001 for my 2e game as several of the players had gone through the original module and would have gotten a real big kick out of going back)
--High level GH adventure--

"Road to XXXXX" (XXXXX being an Eberron location, low to mid level, cooperative project with Dryder)

"Twisted Night" mid-level FR adventure....

"Purgatory Workhouse" a low-level generic world adventure, was asked to redo and resend the query on Feb 11th, still waiting to hear back on the verdict.

For inspiration, I go back and read old campaign logs from the 80's and 90's, campaigns I played in or DMed. Most of these campaign logs are handwritten or printed with dot matrix printers on alternating green/white striped paper!!

I did hear good news from Dragon about a couple of class act articles I sent in 4-6 months, I'm happy and my wife is showing Dungeon #135 around to her friends and co-workers to show them my CW...these people look at Kyuss on the cover and give her weird looks, but what the hell.....I almost got published in "Law and Order" magazine several years ago, but I didn't have any publication quality photos to go along with my article so they rejected it. I'd rather get published in Dungeon or Dragon any day than in a dusty professional publication.

I took creative writing in college and high school and really enjoyed it. This is a good outlet for creativity, since I don't have the discipline to write a novel.


Talion09 wrote:
Zherog wrote:
Talion09 wrote:

I have one awaiting its meeting with the Gatekeeper:

"Tsochari & Fallen Heroes" (Eberron/Low-Level) Sent in March 27th.

*Sighs and goes back to the drawing board*

Sorry ;-)

Although after I sent mine in, GGG said he had a Tsochari adventure query that was rejected recently...

I'll probably send the query anyway (unless an editor posts and tells me not to bother ;) ). I like the idea, and mine is higher level than yours, and generic world. And I can always use the writing practice. :)


farewell2kings wrote:
...and my wife is showing Dungeon #135 around to her friends and co-workers to show them my CW...these people look at Kyuss on the cover and give her weird looks, but what the hell.....

Which one's yours, F2K? My copy just arrived today, and I'll be reading it over the next couple of days.


Zherog wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
...and my wife is showing Dungeon #135 around to her friends and co-workers to show them my CW...these people look at Kyuss on the cover and give her weird looks, but what the hell.....
Which one's yours, F2K? My copy just arrived today, and I'll be reading it over the next couple of days.

Hey, Zherog. F2K wrote "Stronghold Defenses." Yes, we're very proud. Another one for the Werecabbages! Woo hoo!

If it wasn't for the were_cabbages I would have never gotten anything in. I learned so much from all of them and continue to learn. I can never use passive language now without feeling guilty (thanks Ashavan).

I remember sending in a module to the Dragon "Adventure Design Contest" back in 1982 or 1983. I wrote it out by hand and then re-typed it in typing class and mailed it off to Dragon magazine. Talk about a "Black Hole" back then. Never heard from it or about it again. Can't find my notes on it either, I'd love to see now what the heck and how the heck I wrote as a 15 year old....I remember that there was a turnstile, a sliding stair trap and a new monster, the "canyon spider."


Congrats on the article! I'm looking forward to reading it - even before I knew it was yours, actually. ;)

farewell2kings wrote:

If it wasn't for the were_cabbages I would have never gotten anything in. I learned so much from all of them and continue to learn. I can never use passive language now without feeling guilty (thanks Ashavan).

I remember sending in a module to the Dragon "Adventure Design Contest" back in 1982 or 1983. I wrote it out by hand and then re-typed it in typing class and mailed it off to Dragon magazine. Talk about a "Black Hole" back then. Never heard from it or about it again. Can't find my notes on it either, I'd love to see now what the heck and how the heck I wrote as a 15 year old....I remember that there was a turnstile, a sliding stair trap and a new monster, the "canyon spider."

Okay, a little off-topic, but can someone explain the "were-cabbage" thing?


Talion09 wrote:

Okay, a little off-topic, but can someone explain the "were-cabbage" thing?

The first rule of were_cabbages is don't talk about were_cabbages.




Hmmm... Wait a minute! Where was I when that rule was made? Grumble... grumble.


The second rule of were_cabbages is DON'T TALK ABOUT WERE_CABBAGES!

(try to imagine the Brad Pitt voice over).

Liberty's Edge

And the third rule is:


Liberty's Edge

Oh, and as I just "see" you here, Nicolas, just finished reading "Voyage of the Golden Dragon".
Nice piece of work, really!
The one thing I can't understand though is (might be the Wizards again...):

Why the heck is there not a single picture of the Golden Dragon itself??? Nothing there to show my players, only the floorplans... And this airship is surely something to look at!

Steve Greer wrote:
Hmmm... Wait a minute! Where was I when that rule was made? Grumble... grumble.

I don't remember it either.....just to give a quick answer to the previous poster---the werecabbages is an unofficial nickname given to a group of Paizo Messageboard members who got together and designed a campaign arc last year.

Okay, I won't say any more about it.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Here are the query titles I am awaiting word on:

The Purloined Corpse
Fallen Hero (I guess it is a popular title?!?)
Lesser Evil
Rumors of War
Predatory Nature
Dread Inheritance
Well of Sorrows
Witch Hunt

The oldest of these only goes back to the last day of March, so they are fairly recent overall.

farewell2kings wrote:
Steve Greer wrote:
Hmmm... Wait a minute! Where was I when that rule was made? Grumble... grumble.

I don't remember it either.....just to give a quick answer to the previous poster---the werecabbages is an unofficial nickname given to a group of Paizo Messageboard members who got together and designed a campaign arc last year.

Okay, I won't say any more about it.

Stephan! you spoke about the were_cabbages. Didn't we get a memo telling us that we're a secret organization?

I was sure there was one. ;)

- Ashavan

Mark Hart wrote:

The Purloined Corpse
Fallen Hero (I guess it is a popular title?!?)
Lesser Evil
Rumors of War
Predatory Nature
Dread Inheritance
Well of Sorrows
Witch Hunt

Cool titles!!! Sounds like an Iron Maiden album playlist....that's not a bad thing in my book!!

Ashavan...I didn't get the memo....does that mean that I get an assassin sent after me now? You must warn him that I'm rarely unarmed, but when I use the bathroom at work, I hang my Glock and its holster from the stall hook, so he does have a chance at that point.


LOL. Get him in the crapper. That's the secret.

Heh! Wait, that sounds bad. WHILE he is in the crapper, is what I meant. Sorry.


I liked your article, Stefan. :) I broke from tradition last night and read it out of order of the others. Yes, I'm one of those people that starts at the front cover and reads straight through to the back cover. I started twitching when I flipped to something in the back before reading the adventures, but I got over it. ;)

I recently granted land and a title to one of my players; I've recommended he go buy a copy of 135 if he doesn't have one already, just for your article. :)

Zherog wrote:

I liked your article, Stefan. :) I broke from tradition last night and read it out of order of the others. Yes, I'm one of those people that starts at the front cover and reads straight through to the back cover. I started twitching when I flipped to something in the back before reading the adventures, but I got over it. ;)

I recently granted land and a title to one of my players; I've recommended he go buy a copy of 135 if he doesn't have one already, just for your article. :)

Thanks Zherog. Ideas like that always spin through my head--how would people really act and how would the availability of magic and the existence of monsters affect tactics and construction? I'm glad Paizo liked it enough to give it print, it's my first thing in print ever.


Ha! 1,000, baby! It's mine! All mine!

::dancing around like Snoopy::

What do I win?!

:) :) :)

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