Does your group have a name? (Skie's)

Shackled City Adventure Path

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Just curious about what some other groups named themselves.

My group went without a name until after the Lucky Monkey. Tongue-Eater claimed the first kill of the AP (the rogue) who was replaced by another cleric of St. Cuthbert (there are now 2 clerics of St. Cuthbert in the party).

Knowing they needed a name for Skie's Treasury, the party started throwing out some names, eventually deciding on...

Cauldron's Faithful

Everyone in the group liked it except for the dwarf but he was overruled. I thought it was a really good name but it will certainly gain the group some attention, both good and bad. ;>)

Because of their name, I actually plan to speed up how quickly they become known in Cauldron.

my party has beeing toying with a name however only 2 of the party members have showen any interest the others kind of pass the idea of a name by

My first group of PC's had such terrible luck that they dubbed themselves the High Rollers. They were all killed (except for one survivor) by Veltargo in Mad God's Key.

The new group of PC's works for the church of Pelor. They call themselves the Radiant Elite. They might not spend much time at Skie's, as Kristof will be supplying them with magic at a good discount.

In our campaign, chartered Free Companies must have names, even if it's only "Bob's Company." My group decided on "The Malachite Fellowship," although "Evil Monkeys (We Throw Poo)" came in a close second. In light of later AP modules, should this party disintegrate, I think that the second name will be up for serious consideration next time around.

My group's never visited Skie's, but has been called The Mutt Bunch since the start - due to their extremely low average Charisma!

Well, they've tried a few on so far, but they're only at the Malachite Hold as of last night... the following have been discussed:

"Callis the Fabulous, and some others." (This was rejected by everyone but Callis, oddly enough).

"The Ones and Only." (Due to the last gaming session, where I saw more 1s rolled trying to kill a goblin and a hobgoblin than I've seen in one session, ever. Also voted down, as it seemed pessimistic).

"The Ashborn," (and/or the more colloqual: "The Ash-holes") This may win, as it refers to the fact that those in the group who grew up in Cauldron are all pretty much from the low end of the bowl. It also has a nifty Pheonix motif to it.

Our group visited Skie's Treasury for the first time right after they finished "Life's Bazaar"; essentially, after rescuing the orphans and other prisoners from the Malachite Fortress. When they saw all the names on the walls, and had Dilligaf, their gnome bard, read some of them aloud, I was pleasantly surprised that several players suggested, "Hey, WE should have a name, too!" Of course, like all greedy little adventurers, when they heard about the potential for chartered groups getting a discount on magic items, that pretty much settled the issue.

Unsurprisingly, suggestions from the party's CN wizard were shot down out of hand. He didn't understand why they didn't like "Sergoth and Friends, Inc." Similarly, they turned down "Minions of the Mage," and "Sergoth's Meat-Shields." After the latter was thrown out, Sergoth was placed in a large sack for a few hours to reflect on the errors of his ways...

Eventually, they decided on "The Obsidian Hand," which I thought was actually rather kewl. They've registered at Skie's but are wondering what kind of adventurers would actually SELL 120,000 gold in magic items instead of using them! Needless to say, it may be a while before they qualify for the discount.

Dark Archive

The group I ran through the beginning of the ap had a penchant for taking the tongues out of all enemies they encountered both living and dead (minus the skulks I think).It was great because they would interogate a bad guy and take his tongue and then either kill him or knock him out depending on the situation. It got to be such a habit that by the end of the first part of the ap they began to call themselves "The Silent Tongues". At some point I think they were going to start wearing them.

After NOT being named the Heroes of Cauldron at the Flood Festival Heroes Feast (The Stormblades were granted that honor..hehheh), my group finally decided on the name the TRUE Heroes of Cauldron which needless to say, should make the stormblades preety angry.

Maveric28, one quick note. The Flood Season Web Enhancement indicates the party needs to sell 25,000 GP worth of magic treasure to Skie to qualify for the discount, not 120,000 GP. In essence that equates to the need to sell 50,000 worth of magic treasure because until they qualify they are only selling to her at 50% value. I just didn't want your group to be short changed (no pun intended.)

As for a group name, my players are still debating that. They thought the name, "Not the Stormblades" or "No, we are that other adventuring group" would work because everytime I get the chance, I bring up the Stormblades and how they are the heroes of Cauldron. When they rescued Krylscar Endercott from the Malachite Fortress, the first thing he said was, "Hey, your not the Stormblades. I was really expecting them to rescue us." Needless to say, my group already hates the Stormblades and they haven't even met them yet!

Grunk, great idea on naming the SB the heroes of Cauldron at the heroes feast. I may just have to do something like that. In my case, I may not even invite my group. I imagine a party like that would be fairly exclusive and the SB could make sure the guest list didn't include any rivals since they do have quite a bit of pull through their familial connections. Besides, I don't want the first encounter to occur until after the SB trash the elevator to the Malachite Fortress when the group is off at the Lucky Monkey. That should get them really mad!

David Gilligan wrote:
In essence that equates to the need to sell 50,000 worth of magic treasure because until they qualify they are only selling to her at 50% value.

I count the full value of the item towards the discount. Otherwise it will take them a LONG time to meet the requirements. I still only give them 50% of the value of the item of course.

My group, going into the third module, called themselvs "The Seekers." As they were always, it seems, being sent to find things (children, high preists, wands, errent dwarves...)

The group in which I am a player, are called The Light Steels, due to the members distaste for big weapons and armors. The starting line-up had a fighter with a chainshirt and a long sword as its "heaviest" member.... and he used combat expertise all the time!

The group I dm for has no name as there is not one origional member of the party left. Since I added a healthy dose of espionage to the campaign, they decided it was best that their names were known only to the right people.

I have a very uncorodinated group that someties can't agree on anything. I've mentioned the discount on magical items, mentions other groups are famed and known by thier names and are well known because of it.

But they have yet to even start thinking about a name.

I have since to use a off hand joke made by the halfling monk in the group who insisted on introducing himself as 'Tri-pod', and since the part consists of primarily 3 Characters (small group) they will become know as 'The Tri-pod'. I figure they will start correcting people with a name of their own creation or just live with this one.

beware the DM with a sence of humour and a willingness to use a persons actions/comments against them...

I'll admit, that while I'd like my players to name their adventuring parties, they never seem to.

I've hinted at it a couple of times, but they just don't seem to even consider naming their group.

ASEO out

Scarab Sages

They called themselves "The League of Extraordinary Adventurers".

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I once ran a campaign where everybody played tough dwarves and gnomes. After each and every one of them got swallowed by a purple worm and had to cut themselves out they dubbed themselves the "Tequila three"

(cuz sometimes you get the worm and sometimes the worm gets you... :) )

I´ve had several groups of fellow players that named themselves, but the most amusing was "KAMIZAMA AND THE OUTSIDERS", sounds like a rock band?
Kamizama, named after a character in DBZ, was a Drow, and the rest were all planetouched.
Other groups included the names:
- Metagame Thinking, which we used in a public touranment to display our distrust for the award giving people.
- The Dragon Slayers, which didnt kill too many dragons.
- And Studio 4, which was kinda a funky name following some political events in my country.
Glad to participate, See you...
I just noticed my post had no relation with the main subject, I hope you dont mind.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

My party took on themselves the name "Lucky Bastards" after they had survived entering the Lucky Monkey through the back door and engaging Tonguebiter right from the beginning and then running through the whole first floor and basically engaging all the enemies in one huge fight. :-)

My group was unable to decide on a name. As the DM I publish a campaign news letter every other week or so depending on the pace of play. I named it the "Cauldron Chronicle" and it is treated as the town newspaper. The editor of the Chronicle dubbed the band "The Hero's of St Cuthbert" and more or less it has stuck.

"The company of the Shiny Man"

In the beginning of our campaign a dim witted 1/2 orc barbarian Conk said he wanted to follow the shiny man (a reference to shiny metal scales of the armor, I suppose). The shiny man happened to be Kagan, a paladin devouted to St. Cuthbert. After a few game sessions the guy playing Kagan wanted to switch one of his original feats for one that actually makes him shine. I decided to let him do it and "The Company of the Shiny Man" or "The Shining Man Company" was born (I use both and other variations on the name at this point).

The duality of the company does not end with the name. After torturing Kazmojen the Paladin Kagan lost his shiny aura and his paladin abilities. At this point Feston Bulbous, cleric of Pelor decides to assume some leadership. Feston uses the company treasury to by whistles, sunrods and other gear. He recommends everyone get masterwork silver weapons. Latter at dinner with the mayor of Cauldron, Kagan shows up in his unassuming civilian clothes and Feston shows up in his new masterwork plate mail armor with a light spell cast upon it. Thus in front of the mayor Feston appeared as the shining man.

Who is the shining man?

The "Company of the Shiny Man", has also developed some catch phrases. Kagan has from the begining used the war cry "Surrender or Parish". Feston has know adopted the phrase as well. The more chaotic elements, mainly two 1/2 orcs, in the company use the variation "Parish or die!"

Anyway, "The Company of the Shining Man" or "The Company of the Shiny Man" was a name that seemed to be organic for this group and easily accepted by all. Ohh and the rivalry between Kagan the paladin(now fallen) and Feston Bulbous the cleric of Pelor should be fun.

Big Change in my campaign. In the 11th hour(just before chapter 1 of the Asylum adventure) they have named themselves after what they do best: Death and Taxes.

My group went to Skies after they finished Life’s Bizar. They came up with the odd name of THE O.L.F. or The Orphan Liberation Front.

Well, I told my group to come up with a name before Life's Bazaar, and it took them until Test of the Smoking Eye to come up with one. And being how original they are, they came up with the name "Group of the Smoking Eye" seeing as they all had it.

My PCs wanted a name that represented each of them equally. Eventually, they called themselves "The Fiery Drums of War Band". After the disappearance of the Fire Genasi wizard, they became "The Drums of War". Most Cauldronites call them "The Wardrums".

walter mcwilliams wrote:

My group was unable to decide on a name. As the DM I publish a campaign news letter every other week or so depending on the pace of play. I named it the "Cauldron Chronicle" and it is treated as the town newspaper. The editor of the Chronicle dubbed the band "The Hero's of St Cuthbert" and more or less it has stuck.

My group also seems reluctant to name themselves, in part because they don't seem to think of themselves as a group yet. Skie and Gretchen have hinted at this but I may just leave it up to the Cauldron Chronicle to give them a name... Probably one not too flattering. They seem a ragtag group and I might just refer to themselves as "Cauldron's Rags" or something similar.

What's the local deal with adventure party "charters"? required?

My group is called the "Hexagone".

My players (3 PCs, a skeleton familiar, and Ruphus Laro) were reluctant to pick a name until I told them that it would be much harder for someone to hire "those four guys with the skeleton, who live variously at the temples of St. Cuthbert, Wee Jas and, in two cases, with their parents"" than, say, "The Malachite Marauders."

I never mentioned Skie's, as it felt a little awkward to delineate something that should flow naturally from being involved in Cauldron.

Anyway, they did go with "The Malachite Marauders"

The Silver Tongue Brigade

Clan of the Smoking Eye

My gaming group came up with Mercenary Assistance Squad. They were having the worst time thinking of anything and since 3 of the PCs had experience in a mercenary company, they went with the obvious but not terribly poetic.

Paizo Employee CEO

My group named themselves on day 1 pretty much. A reporter from the Cauldron Beacon asked them the name of their group in an interview about the missing children and somebody blurted out "Corax and Company." Corax is the half-orc barbarian in the party and he has become sort of the figurehead of the group, even though the true brains is the marshall/paladin/cleric of Fharlaghn.


Liberty's Edge

My PC's party struggled for the longest time with a name for their adventuring party. We tried lots of options, but nothing stuck until we had a run in with a certain crazy old sorcerer. After fighting off a dragon and defending his "kingdom", we were knighted "The Defenders of Thaulm". We got fancy scrolls with his royal seal and everything. After that, the name kinda stuck. We're all ECL 16 now, and still bear the name given to us by a crazy old hermit!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Lisa Stevens wrote:

My group named themselves on day 1 pretty much. A reporter from the Cauldron Beacon asked them the name of their group in an interview about the missing children and somebody blurted out "Corax and Company." Corax is the half-orc barbarian in the party and he has become sort of the figurehead of the group, even though the true brains is the marshall/paladin/cleric of Fharlaghn.


A member of the party in my non-AP campaign tried that tactic. When asked the group's name, he said it was Xilo'aman's Knowledge (the name of his PC). This of course, caused the remaining party members to come up with their own name for the party (Gnax's Gang, Gren's Fist, etc.)

Needless to say, they still don't have an agreed upon name. Undoubtably they will eventually be named after some trailside shrubbery, as all good groups are.

My party's name is Maul of dragons.
There are two lizardfolks in the group who think they are originated from the dragons and there is a dwarf barbarian with a huge maul! :) So they had an agreement regarding the group's name.

Mine are named "The Ironstars" after their titular leader Sir Jack Ironstar (paladin).

Most people call us the Manacles of Justice.

I call us my meatsheilds. :P

I had various people occasionally asking for my groups name, and not getting an answer. So I had the Stormblades put it about to refer to the group as "The Dunnymen" (A very unpleasant name for plumbers), since they seemed to deal with waterworks a lot.

They quickly decided that they were The Sentinels.

The group I am running through SC refused to have a name for ages, although 'The Super Dudes' was tossed about for a bit. They didn't want to get the blame for anything and figured it was safer to let the Stormblades take the glory, just as long as they got paid. Finally, after defeating the red dragon at the beginning of Zenith Trajectory, and spending time with the Mad Hermit, they gave a name to an insistant reporter after they dragged the corpse back to the city walls to gloat. They are now known as 'The Knights of Anduria'. Of course no-one in the city has any idea that it's a fictional land. Kind of ironic, meta-speaking.


Mine named themselves Uber Shrek. This has now carried over to DDO...That is our Guild name on the Arenal (sp?) server.

GlassJaw wrote:
Just curious about what some other groups named themselves.

Order of the Silver Hand

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

After looking through a chart of Elven phrases (Races of the Wild, I think) my group settled on Bael Seliat. It means Guardians of the Fire Mountain or something along those lines. They've been dropping the name at every chance they can, especially during the games of the Flood Festival.


Sovereign Court Co-owner - Battlegrounds to Board Games

My players named their group "The Order of the Red Sky"

Was a player in a now completed Shackled City campaign set in Eberron. The group didn't have a name at the time and my pompous House Lyrandar half-elf bard (who promptly got himself eaten), came up with one on the spot that fit -his- abilities and ties.

The Windwalkers

The Deep Delvers Union

I named our group the Fists of Kord since all of the players, without advance knowledge, took Kord as their patron deity. I play a cleric of Kord with awesome grappling powers (I pinned the high priest of Kord during the Flood Festival to win the Heavyweight Championship of Cauldron ;-) ) and a perchance for the dramatic. We met a group called the Stormblades that sent us nasty notes about how we were fakers and liars. When we finally met the Stormblades I asked them which one could cast the weather controlling magic.

Liberty's Edge

Our group decided on the name "The Chain Gang" since their leader is a Favored Soul whose god's favored weapon is a Spiked Chain. Their response from EVERYONE they introduce themselves to in town is "What, are you all ex-cons or something?"

There's now only a few merchants willing to do business with them (Skie loves the name)

Grand Lodge

I've never been big on group names but I'm getting ready to start SCAP as DM and I'm actually hoping my PCs choose a group name. Maybe Celeste or Alek or the Stormblades will ask them what they're called at one point to see if that inspires them to come up with something.

-W. E. Ray

Mine debated quite awhile and ended up with The Jzadirune Company, seeing as how that was the first place they liberated. A gnomish noblewoman has moved a large contingent of employees into the mostly-cleared city, and she plans to re-open it for gnomish occupation at some point. The party has met her, and also a dwarf interested in re-opening the Malachite Fortress. I'm not sure where all this will lead, but the group is still fairly new; they are currently only about halfway through Flood Season.

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