Amazing Adventures Among the Stars!


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Pathfinder Compatible Campaign Setting Hardcover Now Available!

The massive, nearly 600-page interplanetary adventure, Aethera Campaign Setting is here! This book combines hard sci-fi, cosmic horror, magical fantasy, alien invasions, and mystical noir in a unique blend that suits all manner of genre-crossing campaigns. It's a spectacular setting to use on its own with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules, as a more sci-fi-heavy companion to the Legendary Planet Adventure Path, or as a more magical setting for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game.

The Aethera Campaign Setting includes a vast amount of world-building and lore for the war-torn planets of a binary star system, with rich and evocative history, politics, religion, and more. You'll also find over a hundred pages of character class options alone, including the brand-new cantor class and dozens of new archetypes, feats, skill unlocks, and more, plus extensive chapters detailing new playable races, magic items, technology, and monsters galore!

Check out other great Pathfinder Compatible products available here at!

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10/10, absolutely recommend.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Thanks for the shout-out!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ooo, definitely getting this as a Birthday or Christmas present to myself :3

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

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4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's our time! ^_^

I supported this on Kickstarter in 2015. I still got my Starfinder book before my Aethera book.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

9 people marked this as a favorite.
john leasor wrote:
I supported this on Kickstarter in 2015. I still got my Starfinder book before my Aethera book.

Starfinder: Produced by a multi-million dollar company with hundreds of employees.

Aethera: Produced by four people who don't have an office.

I think we did ok ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This dieselpunk science-fantasy setting has it all. Imagine an entire solar system to explore... Fly your Aethership through the system, with each world tied to an elemental plane that gives it its own flavor, challenges, and rewards.

Journey to the desert world of Akasaat, homeworld to the humans, and explore their Arcologies. Perhaps you will work with their government known as the Hierarchy, or else seek out the Vox Riders that broadcast their pirate radio signals across the wastes?

Perhaps a visit to the lush Erahthi homeworld of Kir-Sharaat? Travel through the dense jungles of colossal trees, seeking relics of the hundred year war. Meet with some of the natives, learning about their culture and bio-engineering. Just remember to steer clear of the Darkwilds, for within dwell the dangerous and territorial Zahajin.

If you're not above working hard, you could mine the asteroids of the Amrita asteroid belt, selling your ore and minerals to one of the many traders or factions that operate out of Complex Four. Be wary of the gangs, for its easy to get wrapped up in their endless street wars.

Take a trip to see the gas giant Seraos?

Crash land on Orbis Aurea? Maybe meet some giants, all while running from the giant telepathic bugs and undead that wander this frozen planet? Try to strike it rich on the Aetherite deposits?

all in all, there is so much to do.

It includes:
*Four new races (Erahthi, Infused, Okanta, & Phalanx) to play alongside humans and a handful of other races.
*A whole new class (the cantor, which is sort of a divine bard tied to the setting's 'background music' called the Score).
*Tons of archetypes for everything from the core classes, all the way to the occult classes.
*New equipment, feats, aetherships, magic, and so much more.
*A decent sized bestiary with tons of new monsters to face off against.

In the end, the choice is up to you, but if I can sway you to pick up a copy, I promise you wont regret it. Even when its at its worst, its still a hell of a lot better than the majority of settings.

10/10, would crash on Orbis Aurea again. Now if you'd excuse me, i have something I have to do.
Picks up blazing torch to fend off the approaching swarms of Azaka

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My copy arrived before Gen Con and I just got to flip through it last night. This is a really excellent, huge product. I look forward to getting some modules in this setting to make it easier to tempt other players in my area to give it a try. I love the fact that you get to keep almost all the fun toys you have in Pathfinder (except for clerics and warpriests), rather than starting from scratch with a new game hoping that more options will eventually become available.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Robert Brookes wrote:
john leasor wrote:
I supported this on Kickstarter in 2015. I still got my Starfinder book before my Aethera book.

Starfinder: Produced by a multi-million dollar company with hundreds of employees.

Aethera: Produced by four people who don't have an office.

I think we did ok ;)

And Amazon, oh Amazon. How we battled thee and won! Eventually.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mimo Tomblebur wrote:
My copy arrived before Gen Con and I just got to flip through it last night. This is a really excellent, huge product. I look forward to getting some modules in this setting to make it easier to tempt other players in my area to give it a try. I love the fact that you get to keep almost all the fun toys you have in Pathfinder (except for clerics and warpriests), rather than starting from scratch with a new game hoping that more options will eventually become available.

We plan on continuing that support too, by accenting the core releases from Paizo by offering in-universe options and lore. This starts with the Intrigue Manual, which supplements rules and options presented in Ultimate Intrigue. We intend on following through with support books for all of the other core line material over time. So the more Pathfinder grows, the more Aethera grows alongside it!

This also includes the five (FIVE!) adventures we have that are on their way, our Starfinder/5E bestiary conversions through our partnership with Legendary Games, and something unannounced coming soon... :)

How far out are we from the Starfinder conversion for this, and what format will that arrive in? That's the only thing holding me back from this.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for the shoutout, Paizo!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Stackhouse wrote:
How far out are we from the Starfinder conversion for this, and what format will that arrive in? That's the only thing holding me back from this.

The first phase of Starfinder conversion is happening now, with the ALIEN BESTIARY Kickstarter launching later this week, which among many other things will be converting the monsters and races of Aethera for both Starfinder and 5th Edition.

The full-on conversion guide is going to take more work and time, as there is a vast amount of material in the book and a lot of it tied into Pathfinder rule subsets like those in Occult Adventures, Ultimate Intrigue, and more, and those don't presently have a ready analog in Starfinder and may never have them from official sources. We plan for the long game, and there will be adaptations coming soon, but monsters and races are definitely where we are starting things.

Thank you for such a thorough response, Jason! Really appreciate the transparency on this.

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