Drock11 |
I'm not a 49ers fan at all. I probably dislike them more than any other team right now, but I still really dislike Seattle also, almost as much, especially this year. As somebody that's usually neutral towards them I found both team's coaches and players have become very dislikable. I was sad when those two made it to the NFC championship, even if they really were it's two best teams in it.
I'm not a big Broncos fan (although I am a Peyton fan), but I don't hold anything against them either. It's not so much that I will root for them to win as I'm rooting for Seattle to lose.
All that being said I like Paizo and it's employees enough not to hold a team they like against them.

Garrett Guillotte |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |
Beast Mode (Ex) When Marshawn confirms a critical hit with his slam attack, he ignores the target's hardness and damage reduction. A creature or object of Medium size or smaller struck by Beast Mode is thrown 5d6 feet (DC 30 Fort halves); if the creature fails the save by 5 or more, it is knocked prone and becomes shaken. For the next 3 rounds, Marshawn also gains a +3 Skittles bonus to his Combat Maneuver Defense when an opponent tries to bull rush him.
Marshawn may expend one use of mythic power to generate a minor earthquake with his Beast Mode. For 1 minute or until Marshawn is knocked prone, all opponents within 60 feet must succeed at a DC 20 Reflex save to avoid becoming shaken each round.

Am I The Only One? |

I'm a big fan of the City of Seattle. And I love Paizo. And even though I live in the SF Bay Area, I'm only mildly disappointed that the 'Niners stalled-out.
But I have to echo the sentiment that Seattle's players and managers are being less than likeable this year, and will add that their fanbase have in general been loud, obnoxious, and generally poor winners.
I suppose I should not be surprised, nor begrudge Paizo for sporting the home team's colors, but...
Boo, you terrible Seattle fans, you. (Especially my buddy's recently transported wife, clearly miserable at moving here from Washington, who has got to be amongst the most intolerably obnoxious - and MEAN - Seahawks fans on the planet.)

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Apropos: Professor X and Magneto are unclear on the concept of Superbowl:

SCSi |

Cthulhudrew wrote:Is it okay if I take your discounts and add them to mine? Thanks!Take it! What is a measly 12% when compared to me 49er pride?
Hmm...that could add up to quite a lot actually.
Oh cruel world.
Tell me about it. I feel dirty using this code since Im a 49er fan, however its also 12%. Too bad Paizo wasn't in NorCal, we could possibly (one day) get a code for 49% off!

Shadowborn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I fail to understand sports fandom. You really have no vested interest in the team's victory or defeat unless you own the franchise. I saw a guy today who unliked the Oatmeal's Facebook page today because of a cartoon. A cartoon. It was an Angry Birds version of a seahawk riding a galloping and severely obese bronco with a Superbowl trophy dangling on the end of a stick to entice the horse to keep moving. That was the final straw for the Broncos fan, apparently.
Now RPG fandom I understand just fine. Thanks, Paizo, for the discount.

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Nobody ever understands anybody else's fandom.
Football fans "get" the people who dress up in jerseys and tailgate before games.
They completely do not understand people who cosplay and party in line before the release of a new big SF movie, and think they are a different species.
...and vice versa. It's a common meme amongst RPG geeks that it's cool to not "get" football.

Shadowborn |

Oh, it's not the dress-ups and the tailgate parties. That's all within the realm of understanding. It's the loyalty to the point of self-sacrifice and stress that I don't get. It's getting offended at jokes or not taking advantage of a sale because it's dressed in the colors of an opposing team. Basically making your life more difficult because of lines of brand loyalty. That's what I don't get.

eakratz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Cthulhudrew wrote:Is it okay if I take your discounts and add them to mine? Thanks!Take it! What is a measly 12% when compared to my 49er pride?
Hmm...that could add up to quite a lot actually.
Oh cruel world.
$14.27 with the order I put in today. That coupled with the $10 off shipping for orders over $100, the AP subscriber discount, and $100 worth of gift certificates (thanks to my wife and I laws) allowed me to order seven AP volumes for 6 bucks completing two more APs in my collection have made me a very happy Paizonite!
I have no idea what the number 12 signifies but I am so happy I was curious enough to click on this blog post :D

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Patriots fan here, so my team was eliminated two weeks ago. Didn't really have a horse in this race, but Sherman's rant in the Conference game definitely made me root for the Broncos.
Hate to see any team lose that bad. I think Brady might have had a better chance. Manning always seems to choke in the big game.
Still, I'll use the discount....

SCSi |

Oh, it's not the dress-ups and the tailgate parties. That's all within the realm of understanding. It's the loyalty to the point of self-sacrifice and stress that I don't get. It's getting offended at jokes or not taking advantage of a sale because it's dressed in the colors of an opposing team. Basically making your life more difficult because of lines of brand loyalty. That's what I don't get.
Go look at the Crane Wing nerfing thread and you'll see that although we're all different colors, we're all the same damn bird.

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Shadowborn wrote:Oh, it's not the dress-ups and the tailgate parties. That's all within the realm of understanding. It's the loyalty to the point of self-sacrifice and stress that I don't get. It's getting offended at jokes or not taking advantage of a sale because it's dressed in the colors of an opposing team. Basically making your life more difficult because of lines of brand loyalty. That's what I don't get.Go look at the Crane Wing nerfing thread and you'll see that although we're all different colors, we're all the same damn bird.
I rather be a peacock than a crane.

Liz Courts Webstore Gninja Minion |

For people that don't get the "12th Man" thing, please read this page here. :)

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Oh, it's not the dress-ups and the tailgate parties. That's all within the realm of understanding. It's the loyalty to the point of self-sacrifice and stress that I don't get. It's getting offended at jokes or not taking advantage of a sale because it's dressed in the colors of an opposing team. Basically making your life more difficult because of lines of brand loyalty. That's what I don't get.
It's similar to science fiction and fantasy fans that get upset or stress out by changes that are made in a movie. I heard no end of the gnashing of teeth of Superman killing the bad guy in the newest movie, or the new Star Trek movies being different than the original, or which Doctor Who is the "real one" and which is the "fake one", or whatever. At least football fans are passionate about something that happens in real life. Many football fans, and others who aren't particularly interested in the fantasy or science fiction genres, don't get why people get why people get so worked up and stressed out about fictional characters and what those fictional characters do.