for the small rider, which is better, a wolf or a dog?


So, I have this kinda-crunch, kinda-fluff question

Differences between a wolf and a dog animal companion serving as a mount

a wolf is faster
a wolf gets a free trip on a bite
a wolf you can ride at level 1, whereas a dog you wait until level 4
a wolf saddle is probably exotic, whereas a dog saddle is probably not (matters for encumbrance)
a dog is stronger (unless you go Large wolf at 7, which is less great for a Small rider trying to fit in doors)

neither animal is on the Monstrous Mount list, but the warg is...anyway...


a) is the wolf a better mount than a dog?
b) usually when you domesticate wolves at the beginning of time, you get dogs out the other end. Halflings (in particular) have this whole 'shire' schtick, which lends itself to, you know, using dogs instead of wolves as steeds.

I guess I'm asking the following: if wolves really do make better mounts than dogs, what sort of civilization or culture group from real history used wild animals this way: basically, identifying/relating with the apex predator (or scavenger) instead of either herd animals or domesticating predator/scavengers? what does a culture full of Mowglis look like?

Sovereign Court

I have a halfling PFS paladin with the Shining Knight archetype and I chose dog. Easier for RP purposes and I don't have to make any kind of strange choices about sizes increasing (although I believe there is an alternative to size increase for animal companions where they gain dex and con instead of size and str.)

Hmmm.... maybe wolf, then dog?

Prior to the 4th level adjustment for dogs, the slight differences in stats are mostly overshadowed by trip, speed, and the fact that you can ride it from level 1. Switching at level 4 seems like a good choice if that is a choice at all really (mostly thinking of cavaliers, rather than rangers that get them at level 4 and advanced them to effective level 5 with boon companion)

RP wise, you could characterize it as switching the old wolf out for its offspring/descendant. It is not exactly hard for a wolf's grandchildren to be at fighting age in the time span from when you first started training as a cavalier and when you advanced your career enough to reach 4th level. Getting a nice wolf-dog for some hybrid vigor sounds cool (again, sounds; no real difference really), and by having a direct relation, it works well for a class that trains and raises animals in a profession that can last humanoid generations.

Anyway, for that last bit about culture? Really, humans have always related to wolves (which are often apex predators, or close to it). There is some discussion about whether they have been with us since before our specific species even existed (with the theory that they followed Homo Erectus tribes, scavenging on leftovers). And they were likely the species that made the idea of domestication even possible, since they are fairly easy to relate to (a pack predator that relied heavily upon social interaction and communication for their success; just a pick of selective breeding to make them friendly, and they easily fit into the tribe).

But if you are looking for an actual example, I do seem to remember that Native American tribes around the Great Lakes area such as the Ojibwa have a history of using dogs as beasts of burden (....and occasional food source) before the introduction of horses. There may be a lot more with other tribes, but that reference was one that I specifically remember

Scarab Sages

Giant Combat Trained riding Geko - it' lets you ride on walls and ceilings. You can find it in ultimate equipment.

Sovereign Court

If encumbrance is really enforced, the dog's higher Strength will matter.

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