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I'll have to risk it, but there is a viable solution to the map problem:
Zeus and Poseidon

Urollain Hexqin |

GM: players
A thought hit me the other day about what HexQin would have as a item for his job, then I spotted this cap-of-human-guise its cost more but hes starting with 1000Sc and by just changing its flavor.
Its a mask not hat and It makes him look like Marble while on but not active.
So that as a messenger he can then change his look to give messages,
with a default look for his Job.
In this way he now has a neat new roll in the group and is useful.
The spy/look out.

Urollain Hexqin |

Yep we did not get feed back but it kind of makes us more use in game,
Talents are simple basic and useful, not over powered and ad great flavor
With out the swop I think it would take away from the game fun.
[i]Talents are 0th-level psionic powers that are powered by psionic focus, rather than power points. These abilities give manifesters minor abilities that can be used at-will, but typically have very limited functionality or use. Talents are typically used as a way to train manifesters to avoid depleting the power point reserve.
A manifester may manifest any talent that he knows without paying power points as long as he maintains psionic focus. However, if the talent has a duration longer than instantaneous, he can only have one such talent active at a time; manifesting another talent without paying power points in this manner causes the original talent to immediately expire.
A manifester may also manifest a talent by paying one power point, regardless of whether psionic focus is held; these do not cause any other active talents to lapse and may be augmented if the power description indicates such.
Talents can only be augmented if the manifester spends 1 power point on the manifestation in addition to any power points spent augmenting the power.
Manifesters select talents from their class’s power list and have there own rules, see class talents
Implementing Talents
Unlike the spellcasting classes, manifesters did not receive 0-level powers with the release of Psionics Unleashed. To implement these abilities into your game, you can mix or match from the options below or devise your own system to introduce talents.
Automatic: Manifesting classes automatically gain talents, similar to how spellcasters automatically gain cantrips or orisons. In this option, manifesters should receive talents at 1st level according to the list below.
Psion: Three talents (replaces discipline talents)
Psychic Warrior: Two talents
Wilder: One talent
For any other manifesting classes, use the list above as a guideline to determine how many talents they should receive.
Linked Talents: Certain 1st level powers automatically grant an associated talent (see below). Some talents are associated to multiple powers. If a character selects a power with an associated talent he already knows, he may select a different talent to gain.
Retroactive Talents: Manifesters may already know powers now available as talents. These characters may select four additional talents in addition to keeping the talents they already have.
Swap With Power Known:
When a manifester picks a power known, he may opt instead to select five psionic talents. Using this option, the manifester will know one fewer psionic power.

Urollain Hexqin |

You can have more than one up if there discipline talents
That use no pp can can be used any at will wile focused
so HexQin can have
Empathy, + free wile focused, mind link, Detect Psionics and mind thrust at the same time, all talents two being discipline ones, one being what all psions gets, one being the single used swooped talent.
any others he can blow focus for which case the for on going to stop and the new one start,
or pay a pp 1 to bring up s 5th power her.
*Mind thrust is instantaneous so it's never really up but you see what I mean.
Also max PP spend per power use for us all is 1 power point, unless you have feats to up that.
So for you PC you can have running are the same time for example
At Will:Detect Psionics, Entangling Ectoplasm, Ectoplasmic Creation
Level 0: Conceal Thoughts
Then pay PP to have others up, such as
Empathy, Crystal Light, Create Sound, Far Hand and level 1 powers
or any combination there of etc

Urollain Hexqin |

There is also this mad rule, let's try this some time
Manifest an Unknown Power from Another’s Powers Known
A psionic character can attempt to manifest a power from a source other than his own knowledge (usually a power stone or another willing psionic character). To do so, the character must first make contact (a process similar to addressing a power stone, requiring a Psicraft check against a DC of 15 + the highest level power in the power stone or repertoire). A psionic character can make contact with only a willing psionic character or creature (unconscious creatures are considered willing, but not psionic characters under the effects of other immobilizing conditions). Characters who can’t use power stones for any reason are also banned from attempting to manifest powers from the knowledge of other psionic characters. Mental contact requires 1 full round of physical contact, which can provoke attacks of opportunity. Once contact is achieved, the character becomes aware of all the powers stored in the power stone or all the powers the other character knows up to the highest level of power the contactor knows himself.
Next, the psionic character must choose one of the powers and make a second Psicraft check (DC 15 + the power’s level) to see if he understands it. If the power is not on his class list, he automatically fails this check.
Upon successfully making contact with another willing psionic character or creature and learning what he can of one power in particular, the character can immediately attempt to manifest that power even if he doesn’t know it (and assuming he has power points left for the day). He can attempt to manifest the power normally on his next turn, and he succeeds if he makes one additional Psicraft check (DC 15 + the power’s level). He retains the ability to manifest the selected power for only 1 round. If he doesn’t manifest the power, fails the Psicraft check, or manifests a different power, he loses his chance to manifest that power for the day.

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Guys, I'll do my best to master both games, but I'm working on my final project for my degree.
DES499-O15-001-ON-Design Capstone Project-2:2014 is my last class for my B.S. (Bachelor of Science or the other stuff that B.S. stands for, depending on your point of view) degree in Graphic Design (and I'm a scientist too, go figure).
After I am out of school and working, I'll be working with Stephen J. Crothers on a new paper that will challenge the present model of the Solar System from a "Scientific" point of view, and not a "Religious" one.

Urollain Hexqin |

Sorry Stephen J. Crothers the "No such thing as Black holes" Stephen J. Crothers.
When you say GM your a scientist you mean this is your second undergrad?
I'm a computer scientist, Msc in such from UCL, but I would never say I was a hard core scientist in the Astrophysics seance. My Undergrad BA Hon's is Fine-Art/Design and Art history. I'm A computer graphics guy and IT Muppet hehe.
But I have worked with Stephen Hawkins on a TV show,
Have you seen the new work on Black holes, seems there could be a whole new rethink coming. I have my own ideas about gravitation singularity's to do with volumetric space radiation, and space volumetric density being the affecter for time. But that's just me.
Interested in the
"new paper that will challenge the present model of the Solar System from a "Scientific" point of view, and not a "Religious" one."
Statement, could you add more,
[url]http://sydney.edu.au/news/84.html?newscategoryid=2&newsstoryid=12387&am p;utm_source=console&utm_medium=news&utm_campaign=cws]I like this artical[/url]

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When you say GM your a scientist you mean this is your second undergrad?
It's a Life thing, meaning I educate myself. I'm more of an Atlanteologist than an Astrophysicist, but Astrophysics had come to my attention lately since hearing of David Talbot's reconstruction of the Solar System. And quite frankly, our sky is boring compared to the sky that was 6 thousand years ago. Atlanteology had become a lot more exciting, especially when the father of your Race was shown this thing, and you finally understand what he saw.
Sorry Stephen J. Crothers the "No such thing as Black holes" Stephen J. Crothers.
Yes, him. I've been talking to him regularly, and not because I hate the idea of black holes. I needed a peer, he's one. I have adopted the Electric Universe theory since the BBT theory, and GR, now has a lot of paradoxes, anomalies, inconsistencies, and plain nonsense (P.A.I.N.). And, it has come to my attention that our evolutionary model of the Solar System has PAIN.
Have you seen the new work on Black holes, seems there could be a whole new rethink coming. I have my own ideas about gravitation singularity's to do with volumetric space radiation, and space volumetric density being the affecter for time.
No I haven't. The Laplace Black Body makes more sense, and not an infinitely dense quantum singularity (i.e. Black Hole). The infinitely dense quantum singularity is just an abstracted equation that looks great on paper. Nature does not make points, nature makes fractals at least. :)
Interested in the
"new paper that will challenge the present model of the Solar System from a "Scientific" point of view, and not a "Religious" one."Statement, could you add more,
Yes. I have studied both arguments of Scientists who are Atheist Evolutionists (AEs for short), and Young Earth Creationists (YECs for short). Quite frankly, I believe in Jesus Christ and God, I have to, or else the Law of Attraction would have no meaning for me. I've seen the Law of Attraction work both in an unconscious way and in a conscious way. Whether you are an Atheist or a Christian or a Buddhist, the Law works for everyone according to their desire. So it makes absolutely no sense to not believe in God having seen how this Law is obeyed.
To get back on track, the Evolutionary Model of the Solar System is a model that attempts to explain naturally where our Solar System comes from. It's been a good model, except that there are many paradoxes, anomalies, inconsistencies, and just plain nonsense that goes with it now. Quite simply the Evolutionary Model does not fit our observations. If that isn't enough, the AEs that believe in this model explain the paradoxes and anomalies with space collisions.
I don't know what you've been told, but this violates the Doctrine of Uniformitarianism. And this was all brought to my attention by an YEC (who worked for NASA). The task is to not invoke Young Earth Creationism, but to call for a better working model of the Early Solar System that fits our observations, and to do away with the Evolutionary model.

Urollain Hexqin |

It is with some regret that I must inform you my fellow gamers.
That life commitments have now changed and the time and energy I spend on here is now needed in other pleases.
So as of today I will no longer be participating in any posting on this site and others like it.
It was fun and think you for that.
All the best with your games
Your Cap Wombat.

Midiotoziggeroto |

so.... Hows this game coming?

Midiotoziggeroto |

Ready to continue?
you mean this game can start up again?
Id like that :)