Pathfinder Bounty #2: Blood of the Beautiful designed for 1st-level characters.
A Druman farmer posts a request for adventurers to begin an immediate investigation into the murder of his prized alpacas! Farmer Harjack's land is located just north of the town known as Petitioner's Point, and all he knows for certain is that a creature comes in the night and drains alpacas of their blood before disappearing into the dark. As the PCs investigations lead them into the nearby wilderness, they'll need to be ready to bring all their skills to bear if they hope to track the creature down to its lair and put it down before it can harm any more defenseless animals.
Written by: Thurston Hillman
Content sanctioned for use in the Pathfinder Society (second edition) organized play program.
Scenario tags: Repeatable
[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]
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This is a fun introduction to Pathfinder Second Edition. The encounter at the end can be tough on a party of brand-new PCs, though, as the creature can be a very maneuverable and dangerous opponent. Our party included a couple of pregens and new players, and the usual "initiative race" meant the creature could use hit-and-run tactics on a partially-split party.
As a GM, I'd use this to teach the lesson that "never split the party" includes during combat, when people rush in and get out of support range of the rest of the party. Against a highly maneuverable foe, letting it come to the party is a tactic that will be well-rewarded.
Please, please, please, Paizo, please get this clear: having the only fight in a 1st level adventure be against a level 3 boss is completely antithetical to having a good time. Even if the PCs win, it doesn't feel good; it feels like you got ground up and spit out, and if nobody died it was just sheer luck. Blood of the Beautiful and The Sandstone Secret have the same exact problem that way, with the latter having single-handedly made some potential players at our local game store decide PFS just wasn't for them. I have no doubt that Blood of the Beautiful would have the exact same effect, were I so unwise as to attempt it. This may be a repeatable, but there's no way I will ever run or play it again.
This one was fun, but the fight was a bit too tough for a full group of 6.
Don't get me wrong, I'm **all for** tough boss fights. But an elite adjustment is just a bit too deadly for level 1 folks. I think a +1 on everything and some extra HP would have been enough (or add a couple of throwaway pup mooks).
Other than that, I liked the short story and the background, and it was a fun concept.
Overall the story was fun and engaging. Was less than impressed with the Combat.
For 5+ PC's applying an elite adjustment to the Chupacabra is absolutely overboard. Between it's HP, AC, action economy (with quickened), and damage, this is just a TPK waiting to happen.
A simple scenario, very easy to unfold for GMs.
But it is pretty brutal. Especially with 5 or more players.
It is challenging, so don't venture there without proper preparation.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
What are the odds that an adventurer will see such a posting? I'd expect pretty slim.
Part of the premise of a bounty is that you begin play in a location where you can see the posted notice for it -- and you are inclined to accept and pursue said bounty.
I ran this bounty yesterday in a full group, and I really have to say: This villain was really crunchy for my PC's.
DMs should play this villain with care, if they don't want to risk a tpk.
Nevertheless: The story is great, the fight has dynamics in it and is well presented. This bounty leaves your surviving pc's with a good story to be told and the feeling, to have accomplished something.