Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck

Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck
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Make that natural 1 mean something! Why limit yourself to mild disappointment when you can screw up in a truly royal fashion? With the Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck, when you roll a critical failure, draw a card and apply one of four different effects. Fumbling has never been so disastrous—or so much fun!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-190-0

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Accessories Subscription.

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Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck
Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck

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I like the idea behind the cards, but wonder how brutal these cards will be...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I plan on using these only when the DC is missed by 10 and the die rolls a 1. If they're used more often than that the PCs will look like Keystone Cops, which isn't much fun.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The corresponding Starfinder deck had good rules for when to use it. I trust that this version will have equally good rules.

In the Starfinder rules, you had to be either not proficient with the weapon you were using or penalized by certain negative conditions to be at risk of a fumble.

The 1E version were a bit unfair and most people who used the Deck added a "confirm crit fail" option to it.

I wonder how bad these will be and if any alternate rules should be used for them.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A few generic examples (no need for numbers) would be very helpful in people deciding on this deck. Critical fumbles aren't nearly as fun as critical hits. So, being able to have a feel for the harshness of them will help in deciding.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Unikatze wrote:

The 1E version were a bit unfair and most people who used the Deck added a "confirm crit fail" option to it.

I wonder how bad these will be and if any alternate rules should be used for them.

If this deck is anything like the critical hit deck, there should be some more rules on the other side of the rules card that we can see above.

I've been making the combatant flat-footed if they crit fail because there needed to be some risk about taking a second and third attack. Falls in line with the alternate attacks (grapple, trip and such). Will experiment by trying out this deck for Nat 1's and see how it goes.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David knott 242 wrote:

If this deck is anything like the critical hit deck, there should be some more rules on the other side of the rules card that we can see above.

The other side of the rules card offers three optional rules: Deadly Variant, Proficiency Variant, and Critical Hit Deck Variant.

More like a Critical Fumbus Deck. Look at that great box art!

Maniacal sadistic GM's laughers

Would these still work for 1E? I've been looking for the 1E deck but it seems like it's out of print.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
st1ng_ray wrote:
Would these still work for 1E? I've been looking for the 1E deck but it seems like it's out of print.

Yes and no. Most effects could be applied straight up, but some would require adjudication of 1e rules to make sense.

For example, I drew a card and the unarmed attack reading was, "You are sickened 3." This would require you to figure out the equivalent in 1e rules for that effect. The rest of the same card could be applied without difficulty to 1e rules.

Can't have 1 (Crit Hit Deck) without the other!! Ha Ha Ha

Finally got these in some of my games after scanning the deck for Roll20.

Working very well so far, we just do the Nat 1 crit Fumble roll only then pull, not the 10 below AC, for both Players and monsters.


Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

Download now available!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I allow players to take a card every time they critically fails an attack *and* get a hero point with it. Or they can just not take one.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why doesn't the PDF include the card back?

TwilightKnight wrote:
Why doesn't the PDF include the card back?

Came here to request that the card back be included as a .jpg along with the other images.

Why do the digital 2E Crit Hit & Crit Fumble decks not have card back images?

Is it just me or are the fumbles for spellcasters just on a different level of bad?
This seems more than just a bit biased.

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