Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe

4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–4 (subtiers 1–2 and 3–4).

The Pathfinders travel to Iobaria, where elven druids and centaur warriors are united against an unlikely threat: a self-propogating horde of corrupted leshys! The source of the Abyssal corruption may be tied to a previous trip to Iobaria by the Pathfinder Society, so it falls to the PCs to seek out the source of the leshy incursion and restore balance to the woodlands.

Written by: Mikhail Rekun

Scenario tags: Faction (Verdant Wheel)

[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]

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Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)

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Kikji’s Journal, Chapter 2


Kikji’s dia journal, chapter two.

This adventure, I'll call it "The Blooming Catastrophe"

When we first arrived, the locals were pretty normal folks. But they didn't like Buttercup, the leshy familiar of another pathfinder in this mission. It made her sad, and I needed to cheer her up. She only wanted to Butter them cup! We quickly found why though.

This mission was very challenging, and everyone of the 6 pathfinders assigned were useful. I hope I get to adventure again with them.

When we found the source of the problems, I quickly saw that they were weird and disturbing, but not "bad BAD" per se.As a team, we all decided on the same path we wanted to take without even talking about it, even if we didn't all do the same things, but I'm still happy about that.

We had lot of battles, lot of very important discussions, and made some allies for the pathfinders. All while learning that we need to always clean up well behind us on missions, because of the mistakes of our predecessors.

If you want to read more, I plan on publishing my full chronicles soon! (filthy snoop!)

Toilday, 26 Desnus 4720 AR, Kikji.
This is an in character review. This is, to this date, my favorite PFS scenario (I played 3 scenario and 4 quests). The group I played with were all awesome, but it was this scenario that enabled all the nice interaction we had. Also, a perfect mix of "slightly disturbing" and "amusing" situations. The speech of the last NPC we meet is... WONDERFULLY written.
Challenging fights, interesting NPCs to interact with, and lot of different ways we could have gone. Masterfully written.

An absolutely enjoyable romp in the woods!


I have had the luck to have run this scenario three time in the last week (twice were at Paizo Con Online). Each of the three were a very enjoyable game!

This scenario has an amazing balance of so many things. It mixes horror without being horrific with humor (which can get a little silly). The NPCs are very memorable! It also has a great mix of social, skills, and combat. I really appreciate how there are so many ways to solve the final encounter... in the end, all three avoided combat, if only just!

This is one of those rare scenarios that I would run over and over again!

Good characters and player choices


As a GM, this was a great scenario to both prepare and run. The premise of the scenario is interesting, with imagery that is disturbing, humorous, and intriguing all at once. There's a good mix of combat and roleplay situations, and the final encounter can be resolved in several ways. More like this, please.

The presentation of characters here is top notch-- the provided dialogue and descriptions give the GM enough to work with in terms of personality and motivation to be able to improvise well. There are bits of (actually funny) humor throughout; the new NPC's suggested dialogue if the PCs utterly fail to deal with a hazard is wonderful.

This extends to the scenario's "villain", who is both interesting and (somehow) endearing. The situation is still ambiguous when the party first reaches it, but the dialogue and descriptions are good signposts toward potential resolution methods.

Combat-wise, the mooks/grunts are flavorful and fun: Mikhail Rekun took a known low level creature and flipped its iconic ability on its head. Moreover, he provides differentiating descriptions for several of these creatures, which both reinforces the aesthetics of the adventure and makes the mooks feel less anonymous.

Someone noted that the middle of the adventure is filler-y. This is a valid criticism, but the scenario suggests a way to speed it up / what to skip past if short on time.

If the final encounter is resolved with combat, it looks to be a real doozy. The villain's overall design seems to exceed what the Game Mastery Guide suggests for a creature of its level-- it seems to have "high everything", including (unlimited) spell-like abilities that are stronger than slotted spells at this level.

Editing of the scenario is great; there are none of the crippling errors that plague other PFS scenarios. The only mechanical (possible) error in the text is that a creature's listed HP changes (by 2) in the second battle in which it appears. It's otherwise completely identical (including its name), so it's very easy for a GM to miss this.

Nice plotline, variety of approaches


I am pleased with scenarios that can be approached in many ways. This one meets that. The plot is engaging.

A Weird Walk in the Park


I played this scenario in high tier with a mix of level 3 and 4 characters.

The Blooming Catastrophe is a quirky, charming scenario with a number of interesting characters and humorous moments. The mission, which leads you into the fire-ravaged forest of Finadar at the behest of one of the Society's more enigmatic leaders. Beginning with only an obtuse letter and little else to go on, the adventure gallops off on a fun (and sometimes disturbing) romp into a land tainted by calamity.

One of my favorite moments during the game was that it gave us the ability to resolve a rather dangerous combat situation non-violently, but still made the interaction challenging and complex. We had to pick our words and shape our actions carefully as to not provoke the other party, and we were rewarded for our efforts with a new friend and ally.

I would complain that the combats felt a little too much on the easy side, but not enough to dock any points.

The reason why I give this scenario only 4 stars, however, has to do with its use of a design philosophy I refer to as "luck-gating," where treasure rewards are hidden behind skill checks. Failing to achieve a certain number of successes on these checks results in losing this treasure, and I've never been a fan of depriving characters of treasure for what essentially comes down to bad luck (compare this to combat, where PCs who survive combat despite bad luck feel rewarded). It would have been better to assign some element of risk to these otherwise missable rewards, so that players at least feel like missing the treasure was a repercussion of failure rather than just bad luck.

Overall: A fun scenario, but please stop luck-gating treasure bundles. Make me feel like I earned it, rather than lucked into it.

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Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Announced for February!

Silver Crusade Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Heck yeah!! ^_^

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

This title puts me in the mind of a disastrous appetizer order at Outback Steakhouse.

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Oooo, I wonder if they grown in ground steeped in Succubi blood.

Aka Succulents.

Paizo Employee Developer

Sounds like a sequel to Scourge of the Farhavens!

Paizo Employee Organized Play Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
KitsuneWarlock wrote:
Sounds like a sequel to Scourge of the Farhavens!

Chronologically it's Scourge of the Farheavens > Breath of the Dragonskull > The Blooming Catastrophe. Of course, you don't actually need to play all/more than one of those to get a complete story and adventure, but if you've played the first two you'll bump into some old friends and familiar locales.

12 people marked this as a favorite.

My first PFS adventure! This is going to be wonderful. Or possibly a blooming catastrophe, one of the two.

Unrelated, I have been told that the leshy on the cover looks a lot like me. I am not sure how to take this.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Been running/playing PFS for a few years now. This scenario is solidly in my top 5 after tonight. Really enjoyed the dialogue and references to locations. Combat was challenging (almost too much, but they managed). Looking forward to more from Mikhail. Keep it up!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I really hope for:
leshy alliance becoming canon :3 We managed to distract leshy and shut down monolith. Though sadly we failed at checks to befriend the centaur shaman due to not having good skills for that particular camp encounter xD

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Folks should totally review this- it helps the PFS folks know which adventure writers to give assignments to!

Radiant Oath

4 people marked this as a favorite.
N'wah wrote:
Folks should totally review this- it helps the PFS folks know which adventure writers to give assignments to!

Indeed. And which story threads they might want to consider following up on or expanding. ^_^

I just ran this, this past sunday, aug 9. At the end of the scenario, it says that the Verdant wheel reputation given is 1. Is this correct, or should it say 2?

Verdant Wheel

This was a lot of fun, and played out well! I liked that there were a lot of options for resolving the outcomes.

Regarding a flavor question on the chronicle sheet...:
I'm building a leshy sorcerer with the background provided in this adventure. I know the Abyssal influences tend more towards "demonic" but the unnatural feel of the monolith had me thinking more "aberrant," or at least that's how my GM ran it. How did others perceive this?

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Really stupid question.. I just ran this and I want to rate it but I can't for the life of me see where I need to go to post a rating. sorry for the noob question but I'd like to start reviewing this more frequently..


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Something about clicking right into the discussion thread seems to keep the various tabs from appearing. Go to the default product link, and just below the "See Also" section you should see the review tab!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Thanks Andrew! Lol. That was not intuitive for me but thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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