Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship

4.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)
Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship
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All Crew to Battle Stations!

Mega-thrusters are go! Taking adventure to the stars requires a sturdy vessel to get you there, which is why this Starfinder Flip-Mat provides you with two very different starships to pilot, explore, or raid! On one side of this deluxe, double-sided gaming map is a sleek exploratory vessel, perfect for diplomats, mercenaries, or any other groups making long forays into unknown star systems. On the other is a military dropship that doubles as an industrial freighter, providing your players with a home base, an enemy stronghold to infiltrate, or a mysterious derelict floating in the vacuum of space.

Don't waste time sketching when you could be playing. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship, you're ready to meet adventure on its home turf—or burn sky and live to fight another day!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-996-7

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Maps Subscription.

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Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship

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4.30/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Space Ships ready to pilot


Two great maps, ready for your crew, either to pilot or to take for themselves in combat

Space Starship


A nice battle map, that I use well...

Cool maps


I really love starfinder flip-mats so far and I would like to see more starship flip-mats in future even if their use is pretty situational.

PDF purchased flip-mat


Typed a big long constructive criticism post for my original review, but the web-site ate it. Cliff-notes version:
- ONLY the 2 maps provided in PDF
- no legend, make/model, flavor-text
- Pricepoint for PDF without anything but the map is high. Probably still great for groups who meet only in-person around a table with minis.

*Disclaimer: first time buyer of a flip-mat product, but super-excited about running SF games so far otherwise.

Community & Digital Content Director

Announced for December! Image and description are provisional and subject to change prior to release.

Liberty's Edge

Need... more... subscription... info... before... preordering...

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Neat. Thank you, Chris!

Liberty's Edge

Do the ships presented on the maps correlate to specific models of ships from the Core Rulebook?

Sovereign Court Starfinder Creative Lead

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Robert Little wrote:
Do the ships presented on the maps correlate to specific models of ships from the Core Rulebook?

The starships on the flip-mat are meant to be "generic" starships that any GM could use and do not directly correlate to the specific starship models presented in the Core Rulebook.

That being said, there's no reason why the mapped ships could not be used to represent some of the ships in the CRB, they just weren't specifically designed as such.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

It would be great if they were the Drake and the Pegasus from the recent Starfinder Society blog.

Is this, or another product, going to be the ship that is in the first Starfinder AP?

Dark Archive

The Rot Grub wrote:
Is this, or another product, going to be the ship that is in the first Starfinder AP?

Sadly there is no product (yet), which represents the ship which the PCs get at the end of AP #1. ;-(

Marco Massoudi wrote:
The Rot Grub wrote:
Is this, or another product, going to be the ship that is in the first Starfinder AP?
Sadly there is no product (yet), which represents the ship which the PCs get at the end of AP #1. ;-(

Hmm, that seems like an oversight! Surely one of the appeals of the RPG is "you get to have a starship"! I know that's a big selling point to the 13 year olds I'll be running the AP with. I hope this humble request can percolate to the top and result in something. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Or put it this way -- Your PCs are safe from having their starship boarded by hostile forces until around Christmas time. ;)

David knott 242 wrote:

Or put it this way -- Your PCs are safe from having their starship boarded by hostile forces until around Christmas time. ;)

OR just make one up for your ship.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
EltonJ wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

Or put it this way -- Your PCs are safe from having their starship boarded by hostile forces until around Christmas time. ;)

OR just make one up for your ship.

Or, if you have been around long enough, break out some ship deck plans from Traveller, Space Opera, GURPS, D20 Future, Serenity, Fading Suns...

Community & Digital Content Director

Updated with final description and product image!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'd love a ton of these, like just a bunch of starship floor plan flip maps, tons lol.

While ship maps are useful; they're nothing compared to the variety of planetside locations that will feature in my APs (so lots more flip maps like the cantina one please Paizo).

I've signed up to the subscription (first time I've done so), so I'm hoping my faith in this product line will be rewarded.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Joseph Davis wrote:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'd love a ton of these, like just a bunch of starship floor plan flip maps, tons lol.
Deck Plans for three ships are desperately needed.

Of course, Paizo's already beaten me to the punch on one of those?

Sovereign Court

I want those three maps, as well.

Dark Archive

Updated with the wrong cover image, which makes me want a starship with a "garden" like the USS Cygnus in the movie "The Black Hole"! :-)

Dark Archive

It's probably to early to tell, but i hope this map is finally one without errors. ;-)

Dark Archive

Now the right cover image is back, but the sample art is gone.

What's going on? ;-)

This is in my FLGS. I may buy it tomorrow. Anybody own it yet so they can give quick overview

Dark Archive

This was sold out on the first day in my store.

Can somebody who has the physical copy reveal if they got it right this time?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Assuming by "got it right" you meant "the 1 inch squares are actually 1 inch squares (not cut off on the edges of the map or a different size)" then yes, they got it right. Only the interior of the ships is gridded; the empty space outside of the hull does not have a grid.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

skizzerz wrote:
Assuming by "got it right" you meant "the 1 inch squares are actually 1 inch squares (not cut off on the edges of the map or a different size)" then yes, they got it right. Only the interior of the ships is gridded; the empty space outside of the hull does not have a grid.

Should it have? (i.e., extra-vehicular operations?)

Dark Archive

skizzerz wrote:
Assuming by "got it right" you meant "the 1 inch squares are actually 1 inch squares (not cut off on the edges of the map or a different size)" then yes, they got it right. Only the interior of the ships is gridded; the empty space outside of the hull does not have a grid.

Thank you for the heads-up, Skizzers. :-)

It´s good to hear that the squares are now as they should be.

But i think it´s the wrong decision to not grid the exterior space too.
It probably would have to be gridded in another color, but this way only "in-ship" combat is possible and airlock fights and "spacewalks" are hard to do.
It´s a real pity that the Starfinder maps seem to be plagued by printing errors and short-sighted decisions. ;-(

Have a great x-mas!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

If people want us to put grids on outer space, we'll put grids on outer space.

Sorry for all those "short-sighted decisions," Marco!

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

If people want us to put grids on outer space, we'll put grids on outer space.

Sorry for all those "short-sighted decisions," Marco!

There has never been a Pathfinder Flip-Mat that hasn't been fully "squared" to my knowledge.

I may err there.
This is not a personal thing, Eric and i apologize if i overstepped here.
I'm buying every Starfinder and Pathfinder product that Paizo puts out and space battle in zero gravity is a part of the game.

So if i get a map that offers only miniature placement on certain areas, but not on others, i feel i have to point that out.

If i did that in an inapropriate way, i'm sorry.

I just feel that none of the Starfinder maps so far were 100% usable as intended, something i can't understand as Paizo has been doing it right for years with the Pathfinder Flip-Mats...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:

If people want us to put grids on outer space, we'll put grids on outer space.

Sorry for all those "short-sighted decisions," Marco!

I don’t think it’s an obvious decision. One way or the other.

Although I understand the point of wanting squares outside the ship, the aesthetics of leaving them off is definitely superior, to my eye. Ultimately, I use flipmats for immersion/mood and look is just as important as functionality to me.

Erik Mona wrote:
If people want us to put grids on outer space, we'll put grids on outer space.

Since Starfinder armor easily protects PCs from the vacuum of space. I can see the need for grids in space. I already had a situation where a alien was outside a ship trying to get in.

I am for grids outside the ship but can make do without them.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Erik Mona wrote:

If people want us to put grids on outer space, we'll put grids on outer space.

Sorry for all those "short-sighted decisions," Marco!

Black lines on a black background, please!

Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Do we have the stats block breakdown for the vessels on the map?

Are these the Pegasus or the Drake?

Sovereign Court Creative Director, Starfinder

lastblacknight wrote:

Do we have the stats block breakdown for the vessels on the map?

Are these the Pegasus or the Drake?

No, these are "generic" starships that GMs can use in their games to represent whatever kind of starship they need. The ships on the Flip-Mat do not correspond to any published ship type or stat block.

Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Can we get stat blocks for the ship? At least ballpark?

Dark Archive

I am also in the team of not needing "generic" starships without stats.
There are more than enough starship floorplans in the APs or in the CRB that need flipmats, i'd rather have those than something generic that i can draw up myself.

Liberty's Edge

I'm not using the FlipMat for Starfinder, but for FFG's Star Wars RPG, so I personally don't care about the lack of stats, but if I were playing Starfinder, I'd like to see a set that "matches up" with the flip mat.

What I'm disappointed by is that there is apparently no drawing of this ship's exterior. I just don't have the design vision to make that leap myself.

i too would like flip mats that match the miniatures and books. it's nice to have these generic ones, but i would like more than just the sunrise maiden one that really depicts a particular type of known craft.

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