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Typed a big long constructive criticism post for my original review, but the web-site ate it. Cliff-notes version:
- ONLY the 2 maps provided in PDF
- no legend, make/model, flavor-text
- Pricepoint for PDF without anything but the map is high. Probably still great for groups who meet only in-person around a table with minis.

*Disclaimer: first time buyer of a flip-mat product, but super-excited about running SF games so far otherwise.

Full Name

Aytal Tew




Savage Technologist Barbarian




6'2", 178lb








Common, Polyglot

Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 9
Charisma 10

About Aytal Tew

Aytal Tew
Human Savage Technologist Barbarian 4

Larger Than Life: Count as one size larger for Intimidate while wielding a firearm.
Navigator: +1 Prof. Sailor and in class, +1 K. Geo



Acrobatics +11|+13, Climb +9|+11, Diplomacy +7 (+13|+15 vs. Tribal Cultures), Intimidate +7, K. Geo +4, Linguistics +1; Perception +6, Profession (Sailor) +6, Swim +9|+11


HP: 45
AC: 18|20, Touch: 13|15, Flat-footed: 12|12
Fort: +6 Ref +4|+6 Will: +0|+2
CMD: 18|22


Initiative: +3, Speed: 40ft
BAB: +4, CMB: +8|+10
+1 Cutlass: +9|+11 (1d8+5|+7, 18-20, x2)
Double Pistol x2: +7|+9 (1d8, 20, x4) (Touch, +1 within 20ft)
Ammunition: 60 bullets


Gunsmithing, Point-Blank Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting (Only while raging), Precise Shot

Rage Powers:

Accurate Stance: +2 to attack rolls, move action to activate
Superstition: +4 to saves vs. spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities


Rage: +4 to Strength and Dex, +2 Will
Sword and Gun: Ranged attacks with a firearm while raging do not provoke.
Primal Magnetism: Can expend 2 rounds of rage (even if not raging) to add 1/2 barbarian level to Diplomacy check.
Trap Sense: +1 to Reflex saves vs. traps and +1 AC vs traps.

Other Equipment:

Mithral Chain Shirt, Gunsmith's Kit, Powder Horn, Dungeoneering Kit, Tidy Trunk



Tall and lanky, wearing silvery chain stained with wine and filth over light cotton and an a half-full pistol brace, Aytal's clearly been down on his luck for a while now. His goatee is the only part of him that comes within spitting distance of 'clean'; thankfully the smell of the sea covers up the smell. All that said, look closer and you'll realize there's still fire in his eyes. Well, there's the potential for it at least.


He's a curmudgeon and a wit, though not as funny as he thinks he is, and has a razor-sharp temper. He's also highly superstitious, even for a sailor, and still holds the old Alkenstar grudges against magic users. In battle he's fierce and uncompromising, always fighting where the fight is thickest.

It's not an exaggeration to say that the only thing he respects is the sea.


The bondsman of an Alkenstar merchant and smuggler, Aytal spent his early years running firearms throughout the Inner Sea. Two years back, his ship was raided by pirates out of Port Peril and his master tossed to the sharks; Aytal jumped at the chance to join them as a full member of the crew. Since that day it's been one disaster after another. The pirates were sunk by Chellish privateers; Aytal barely made it to a nearby island. Passage off cost him two pistols to a merchant ship; it sunk in a storm a mere two months later. Now, washed up and with almost nothing left, he's looking for one last chance at life before he drowns in a bottle.