Old Smoky Bill |
@Min: Don't worry about the buff.
The 'elf' gets smacked by a large blast from Vaklam and he falls to one knee. He raises his sword to his face and says "Brise de Keman", a red wisp flies out of the tip of his sword and into nothingness. As the others arrive he throws his sword to the floor. You can see it is getting hard for him to stay conscious. Looking up from the floor he asks, "...and to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Leonard the Black |
@Min: Don't worry about the buff.
The 'elf' gets smacked by a large blast from Vaklam and he falls to one knee. He raises his sword to his face and says "Brise de Keman", a red wisp flies out of the tip of his sword and into nothingness. As the others arrive he throws his sword to the floor. You can see it is getting hard for him to stay conscious. Looking up from the floor he asks, "...and to what do I owe the pleasure?"
Kodo and Podo Invisibly move to flank the man. Poised to strike should they need to.
Stealth to get into place 1d20 + 41 ⇒ (2) + 41 = 43
Stealth to get into place 1d20 + 47 ⇒ (14) + 47 = 61
Add +2o consecutive rounds while staying in place. Both have readied actions to strike should they need to.
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
I did not cast haste thanks
I walk up to the fallen Eladrin.
"I believe that under the circumstances we ask the questions. Why is a member of the Firewood household spying on us? Does your house claim mastery of this forest? HMM"
sense motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
I look over to the wood golems parts I put on the floating disk
"I am guessing these were sent by your house. They are fine work, but you have badly underestimated us and now your life and soul are for-fit. So tell me what you can give us to spare your life and soul?"
I start counting up slowly.
Old Smoky Bill |
The Eladrin complains a little after the shackles are put on him. "Oh come on is this really necessary, no exchange of names? Mine's Vespoya. Vespoya rocks backwards so he is now sitting instead of kneeling. "By the by we aren't spying on you, you are entering this forest with intent to claim it are you not? This forest doesn't belong to you, nor does it belong to the Firewood or any of the Eladrin households. It belongs to the world and should stay as such. Thankfully this was only the first response unit and since it failed we know to step up our game, well not me as I doubt I'm going to live to see sunrise if any of the rumours of you warmongers are true."
He is being sincere as far as Min can see, he has no reason to lie about anything he just said.
Leonard the Black |
"Resistance is futile."
To the group,
"I always wanted to at that."
Back to the fey
"It's true though. You're people and forest would be far better served to come to us in peace and parlay. It's really the only way any of you stand a chance. You implied tat our reputation proceeded us. There's a reason. "
The Shard |
![Diseased Rat](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_DiseasedRat.png)
"And I would hardly believe Min here would waste intellectual people as I would not waste good fighters, although you look like an elf...."
"Warmongers? Aye that we are, Vespoya, there is no denying that. Though we are not the mindless destroyers as you might have have heard."
He gives a quick look to his undead companions as he say that and lets out a small sigh.
"We are just very efficient in crushing our opponents, should that need arise."
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
"Considering that everyone else who enters this forest has not come back which implies that your people killed them. I don't think you can claim that this forest belongs to the world. By the way how did you enslave the Mi-Go's they usually don't serve their intellectual inferiors?"
anyone have any intimidate? All intimidate checks against him right now have a +4 bonus
Old Smoky Bill |
Vespoya shrugs "It isn't our forest to give and it isn't yours to take. Elisedd shall see to that. I doubt he'd Parlay, if you really want to Parlay I'd suggest sending a planar message to the Firewood house just don't expect a reply back as you are trying to damage or take over the forest."
He eyes The Shard curiously "I am an Eladrin, similar to elves found here though not completely. That isn't of importance at the moment. Though I must ask if you wish to defend your position as not mindless destroyers why is it that any that have raised their hand have ended up conquered or dead? Is that not mindless decimation?"
sense motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
The Shard notices that Vespoya is legitimately surprised that you are trying to convince him of not being as harsh as the rumours and stories say.
Vespoya attempts to fold his arms but fidgets around the shackles. "What proof do you have that we kill them? This forest is dangerous, we defend the forest from people who seek to destroy it but we don't protect people from the forest if they venture in."
sense motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Vespoya knows more that he lets on about the subject. He is skirting around the issue but what he says is true for the moment.
"As for the Mi-gos, we serve them as they serve us, we accepted them to Firewood with open arms. They helped forge those golems you brutalized."
The Shard |
![Diseased Rat](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_DiseasedRat.png)
I'm playing Shard now as the very strict ruler that does many things if not everything to accomplish his goals, but he does not want for utter destruction, just compliance and secure borders. I don't know what stories are abound of us, but surely he must have noticed or heard of the suplly route skirmishes that have stopped by now.
Also is it too far-fetched to play an evil yet honourable ruler, though I fight pretty dirty hehe
"I guess, Vespoya, the Eladrin, that crushing your opponent is not mindless decimation, after all there is a purpose behind it. We want to secure our borders and anyone that raises their hand against us should be forced to their knees. However if we can secure our border in a different manner I for one am listening to propositions to accomplish such a thing. That's just good sense."
He looks around him gesturing with his one arm holding the katana. "This forest was at this point undiscovered territory for us, we should at least gather information of what lies behind us before we concentrate on moving forward. Not only that, we also heard of a mobilization of forces against us from within. I'd say that constitutes as protecting our borders wouldn't you say?"
The Shard seems pretty straightforward with his intentions, he doesn't want to portray himself as the most trustworthy of the bunch, though which I actually think he might be. He does portray himself as one of the reasonable members of Here be Dragons.
Old Smoky Bill |
No it isn't far-fetched, I'm just going with what Vespoya knows and he is acting upon that knowledge. As a DM I of course know more of your characters, doesn't necessarily means everyone in the world does ;)
"What you say is true there is mobilisation of forces but that is only to defend the meek, this forest would surely be swallowed whole by your ilk. Your borders can stay on the edge of the forest as far as Firewood is concerned. I am sure many of the houses would agree with us in that regard." Vespoya raises the shackles up.
"Though in what position am I to argue at the moment like you say? I have at least slowed you down from expanding your borders to a place that would not seek to attack you. I am sure there are many that didn't even raise a hand to stop you, they just wanted to be left alone. Like now, yet I'm sure you will want to conquer it anyway."
Below is just what any Sense motive would get you at the moment.
Vespoya is continuing to view the situation as normal conversation as you are letting him. The tone of this interrogation will likely shift if you pry for information using other means. For the moment Vespoya is talking in a general sense and not giving much of a picture of what is happening in the forest.
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
I think that Min's reputation is just about completely speculative. He usually works though intermediaries. Most people who wood have observed the battle we just had might have come to the conclusion that Min didn't do anything. Min is one of the pioneers of science and advancement. Most importunately he is a knowledge broker. He sells and buys information
"These trees are great trees all my life I have search for trees such as these.
The touch of there tuffs are much softer then silk
And the have the sweet smell
of fresh butterfly milk "
Min thinks of the amazing things he could do with these trees.
"You might not realize this, but I am the formost expert on nature on this landmass and very likely this planet and possibly this plane. This forest has some of the greatest bio-diversity that I have ever seen"
I have a +21 knowledge nature and if I use other powers I could boost that to +59
"I'm going to offer you a very favorable deal. If you have heard anything about me then you must know that I always honor a deal."
literally I have the legalistic curse. If I breach a deal it sickness me
"Lets play a game of question and answers. One question One truthful answer. I'll go first."
"What can you tell me about the Pugwhampi? They seem to be under the impression that you are enslaving them. I came to liberate them."
Old Smoky Bill |
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Vespoya looks at Min cautiously. "Just because you feel that you are an expert on something does not mean you will protect it. You could be using that vast knowledge to equally find ways to destroy it"
Vespoya shakes his head at Min when he asks about truthful exchange.
"So am I to trust your word that you will answer truthfully? Considering that I will only gain the knowledge for my own peace of mind before I die here. You would reap all the benefits of that deal. I may be in shackles but I'm not stupid."
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
"Destruction is wasteful. I was thinking of conquering the forrest, but really under the circumstances I don't think I could do that with out destroying it or waging a long war against guerillas. What I want is for the Pugwhampi to join me and freedom to explore the forrest and collect samples. In fact I am thinking of letting you go seeing as you are not much of a threat and quite frankly I am having doubts about the value of your soul. However if I promise to let you go you have no reason to answer my questions and if I don't you figure I will kill you and that you have no reason to tell me anything. I don't think you have any information worth torturing out of you and I don't have that sort of time. Hmm quite the conundrum. I guess I could send you with a message, but I doubt the leader of your clan are any more open minded then you. How about this, are you a man of honor?"
I take out two d20 dice.
"How about we make a gamble. If you roll higher I let you go right now. If not then you answer my questions truthfully for 10 minutes and then I decide to let you go or not. You can pick which dice to use."
Old Smoky Bill |
Vespoya laughs "Wait so you want me to play a game of chance when you say you are allying yourself with the Pugwhampi? Do you take me for a fool? You'll just unluck the dice I pick."
Just so we don't go in circles here, if you are trying to coax information out of him you need to give him at least something to trust or give him something enticing. So far no-one has so he is a little hesitant to divulge information to people he views as nothing but crazed evil people.
There is information to be gleaned here so don't give up. Also does anyone else which to ask the Eladrin anything? So far it's only Min, Leonard and The shard that have contributed.
The Shard |
![Diseased Rat](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_DiseasedRat.png)
"Well Vespoya, I can offer you and your kin the same option I gave my last enemies. Work together with me to battle the kingdom of Varien or provide us with some support or another, or I.. we... will be forced to take other measures. We can't have hostile troops at two fronts.
If you are familiar with the dragonborn that probably came through here, you should know of our new arrangement with them."
The Shard says to him as he leans on his katana.
"I am curious though as what they tell about us, what stories do they tell of the seven(?) rulers of Here be Dragons? At least indulge me that small piece of information."
Old Smoky Bill |
Sorry for late posting, work has been heavy
Vespoya sits up cross-legged on the ground. "What do you have against Varien or is this just warmongers being warmongers at this point?"
Vespoya then scratches his chin "The stories of you all involve the destruction and rolling fire that claims the land, sweeping up and leaving the rest of earth in ruins. There isn't much specifics unto what you are all like individually more that as a group you are bringing the world to ruin similar to the Demons of 400 years ago. Thankfully their grip left due to the heroes of old but many amongst the houses of the Feywild believe you will bring the same amount of wanton destruction on the lands." He sighs
"You are far more reasonable then I had predicted but it doesn't stop the fact that you will probably leave this world nothing but a husk of its former self."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 0 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 0 + 4 = 5
Vespoya seems to have something on the tip of his tongue that he wants to say but he looks worried about actually saying it.
The Shard |
![Diseased Rat](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_DiseasedRat.png)
"Hehe you give me, a druid, no credit for keeping nature in tact as much as possible? Surely you must have heard that piece of information."
Shard chuckles a moment then continues
"At least I myself, wage war to prevent any unjust judgements passed unto me, also to get my revenge on those would-be do-gooders of Varien. You know they are as determined as a starving wolf to pass judgement on anyone that feels evil to them? In that department those Varien lawmakers and rulers are as bad as us. I need my subordinates to follow orders and my rules but I've never hunted down someone just for their moralities."
The Shard sits down in front of Vespoya.
"Some of us are more destructive than others yes, though others might have simple dreams they wish to fulfill, in order to make achieve those dreams and for our own protection against Varien troops we helped each other out. Some of these dreams might involve changing the landscape a litle, but I wouldn't go as far to obliterate the land and leave it in ruin. Just a few places for a dojo or two or meditation spots inside a tranquil place. Not everything we do is inherently evil or destructive you know."
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
"We don't really have anything against the Varien, but you know how it is. There are waring tribes and it seems like such a waste, but the only way to stop it is to take them over and unite them under your rule. Then all the other tribes get nervous about their powerful neighbors and declare war on you so you have to take them over. That keeps happening and after a while it becomes something of a habit. And before you know it you have an entire empire. I'm a much better researcher then a ruler. In fact and this ruling a conquest is really cutting into my research time, but once you take over you have to take responsibility. I came to the forest because I heard that about the pugwhampi here. I figured that they would be a great assest to our empire, but more importantly I really want to study them. Their very presence bends the laws of probability. You realize how big that is? Anyway their price for joining our empire was that we liberate them from there oppresser so here's us liberating. I wish we could do it more cleanly, but your people go all kill everyone that we send into the forest so we have to work on very little information. Also the on one ever comes out gives a strong impression of hostility"
Vaklam |
Vaklam has stayed quiet, but speaks up at the mention of being destructive "Undeath is perfection. Yes, it violates the natural order of things, but so too does any seeking and achieving the same goal through other means. Think of a society where noone gets sick, or old, or Hells even injured really. Think of a life long enough to master anything you could ever desire, to do whatever you want, because time is not longer a factor. THAT is what I seek to bring about"
Leonard the Black |
Vaklam has stayed quiet, but speaks up at the mention of being destructive "Undeath is perfection. Yes, it violates the natural order of things, but so too does any seeking and achieving the same goal through other means. Think of a society where noone gets sick, or old, or Hells even injured really. Think of a life long enough to master anything you could ever desire, to do whatever you want, because time is not longer a factor. THAT is what I seek to bring about"
"Probably not the best selling point for a fey." Leonard says sardonically to Vaklam, though all can hear.
Then to the fey
"Clearly we're a diverse group with varied interests. His interest (motioning to the vampire) is not with the woods. Frankly, neither is mine. We all have our individual scopes of interest and we respect each other enough to keep them that way. Logically speaking your forest would be far safer under the watchful protection of one of our druids than as it is now. I am very legalistic as is my nature. I'd even write up a contract offering my protection to the forest, provided it is under the rule of one of us. I would not be able to break such a promise. It would violate my faith. The choice is collectively yours, but your options are limited."
"If we're being very honest you've already lost, you just don't know it yet."
Leonard says very dryly and matter-of fact as he examines his own fingernails.
Rolls as might be appropriate.
Diplomacy 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Intimidate 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
"It is an interesting idea don't you think better living though undeath. I know it can be hard to get by the prejudices. I am personally working on ways to improve the process to be less in-convent and with less loss of the person involved. I was surprised by how little research has been done on the subject. It's not my specialty field Prohibited school I personally don't plan on undergoing the procedure until I manage to iron out all the bugs.Also being a Samsaran I reincarnate when I die so it's not pressing I think that I might be able to make an undead that is indistinguishable form a living person except for the lack of aging or other downsides of mortality. Litchs are under achievers"
"Yes I doubt our undead branch would have much intrest in this forrest. I don't believe fey can even become undead. It is mostly the nature branch that has a intrest in this forrest"
Old Smoky Bill |
Vespoya looks at the group, you can tell in his eyes that he almost thinks this a trick. Finally when Leonard speaks up he starts to seem convinced of the groups sincerity.
Vespoya eyes Min first "We do not kill anyone who comes here, those that don't leave that aren't killed by the forest usually end up wanting to help us defend it. All these people over time have become the Rangers of Kemanwati and are our scouts. There are only 5 Eladrin here at any one time, me being one of them. As much as you think we are harsh against intruders we only are against ones that mean this place harm."
Vespoya then gets up and looks at Leonard. "Elisedd the current guardian would not hand over rule to you as he doesn't rule this place either, but if you are offering protection with such a contract I'm sure he would be willing at least to let you use the resources of the forest without anyone hampering you."
Vespoya finally turns to Shard.
Vespoya is talking to Shard with a really curious look on his face expecting an answer from the Ratfolk to surprise him.
The Shard |
![Diseased Rat](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_DiseasedRat.png)
Or at least I was the last one studying there, that dojo and its teachers have been gone for a long time now."
Vespoya can see a hint or glimmer of remorse and delight in Shard's eyes, something seems odd about it and the Shard himself.
Old Smoky Bill |
Vespoya smiles at The shard
Vespoya presents his shackles to Leonard "If you let me go I can show you to him. I can't cast my magic in such a position. You can all catch me within a heartbeat so I'm not going to run anywhere."
Leonard the Black |
Vespoya smiles at The shard
** spoiler omitted **
Vespoya presents his shackles to Leonard "If you let me go I can show you to him. I can't cast my magic in such a position. You can all catch me within a heartbeat so I'm not going to run anywhere."
Pausing a moment and leaning down to look him in the eye, Leonard speaks with a completely flat tone of voice. His words convey a promise.
"Just know that there are contingencies in place should you try anything. It won't end well for you."
Any sense motive reveals that Leonard speaks the truth. Just a reminder OOC that the imps are invisibly flanking him and poised should they need to react.
"As a sign of good faith, remove his shackles if you please." Leonard says to whomever put them on him in the first place.
Old Smoky Bill |
I'll assume someone takes off the shackles so we move the scene along.
Vespoya rubs his wrists thankful for his freedom. He picks up his rapier and sheathes it. Next he takes his spellbook off of his belt and turns the pages swiftly. One of the pages has a red page encompassing it, he deftly removes the page scrunching it up in his hand. He closes the spellbook returning it to his belt. When he opens his hand again you see if is folded into the shape of a life.
"Accord-Vespoya un laissez passer" He says as he releases the leaf from his hand, a rush of wind passes over the group. The colours of the trees cease. The forest grows calm and it feels normal, very normal in fact.
Vespoya bows and shows his hand towards a direction seemingly out of the forest again. You follow him possibly dubious of his choice in direction but eventually you find yourselves in a clearing with a small creak and pond in it. An Owlbear is drinking from the waters, it looks at the group curiously then goes back to its drink.
Leiara: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (6) + 25 = 31
Aurelie: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Leonard: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
The Shard: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
Min: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Vaklam: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
The moment the whole group has entered the small glade Leiara's head suddenly shoots round to stare at someone in the center of their posse. Another Eladrin is standing there holding a bow, he has a spear on his back and he is purple armour. The armour looks segmented in the joints to allow him more movement and he doesn't have any over his feet, just cloth. The Eladrin has no helmet to cover his face however, has a decent length of platinum blond hair that he has tied into a pony tail behind him.
The Eladrin then speaks once Leiara has spotted him. "Ah so you aren't so blind after all? Vespoya seems to have brought you here and I do not see there is any enhancements on him save for a pair of imps threatening him with daggers. Now, I doubt Vespoya would have led you here even if you did threaten him so that must mean we have something to talk about. What would that be pray tell?" He begins pacing out of the group and walking in a circle around them, despite what he is wearing and how he is moving the group can't even here the rustle of grass or leaves at his feet.
Leonard the Black |
Leonard shrugs
"One can never be too careful. "
He then snaps his fingers and points at the ground to his immediate right. The same way one would call a dog. The imps appear flanking both sides of Vespoya. They both grin at him wickedly and lower their tail spikes. With a mocking little salute they flap their wings and fly over to land flanking Leonard.
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
Min takes back the shackles of cooperation. Maybe they work even better then the description implies
Min watches the spell casting with intrest.
I take 10 on my spell craft check that makes 33
Was it a whispering winds to spend a message to Eladrin and then he teleport here? I wish there was a discrete way to cast arcane sight. I want to know it's an illusion, he's flying or has traceless step
Old Smoky Bill |
The Eladrin nods at Leonard "I do agree, being cautious is how I have survived this long in such a treacherous place. This does not answer why you are here though, is there something you wish to discuss?" He finishes saying impatiently.
Min realises the spell Vespoya originally cast is quite a unique spell, it is granting Vespoya and those around him safe passage by suppressing a giant illusion that surrounds all of them. This is likely what makes the forest have its pretty colours.
After casting Arcane sight there is an orb-like hole around the group and the Eladrins. The rest off the area is hugely rife with illusion magic, it is hard to pin point or study a single effect in the area. However it is easy to pin point the things within the orb. Vespoya has a few faint spells on him, both are transmutation school. He is capable of arcane casting.
As for the other Eladrin he has a divination spell on him also with a faint aura. Although he is not capable of casting magic or spell-like abilities.
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
Min is somewhat surprised, by the new spell, but memorizes it to recreate later.
Min looks around the sphere. how big is it?
"This is some very nice illusion magic. Your work?"
The illusion magic around the sphere is very interesting. Is it all one big illusionary effect like Hallucinatory Terrain . Or is it allot of different illusions put together like Permanent Image. Can I see though them? I have proof it's not real the others that can't see magic might need a saving throw, but have a +4 for being told
Leonard the Black |
The Eladrin nods at Leonard "I do agree, being cautious is how I have survived this long in such a treacherous place. This does not answer why you are here though, is there something you wish to discuss?" He finishes saying impatiently.
Min realises the spell Vespoya originally cast is quite a unique spell, it is granting Vespoya and those around him safe passage by suppressing a giant illusion that surrounds all of them. This is likely what makes the forest have its pretty colours.
After casting Arcane sight there is an orb-like hole around the group and the Eladrins. The rest off the area is hugely rife with illusion magic, it is hard to pin point or study a single effect in the area. However it is easy to pin point the things within the orb. Vespoya has a few faint spells on him, both are transmutation school. He is capable of arcane casting.
As for the other Eladrin he has a divination spell on him also with a faint aura. Although he is not capable of casting magic or spell-like abilities.
"In short we seek parlay. We had initially come here seeking to take the forest by force. No doubt you've heard of such prior successful expeditions we've had. However, upon talking to your man here we've come to realize that such a waste of resources may be unnecessary. Weather or not you realize it we have mutual goals. You seek to preserve the forest. We have two druids in our party who seek to do the same and if they are allowed to do so the rest of us will similarly protect this land as our own. Min wishes to study this place, as he wishes to study everything. The rest of us really have no interest in the forest beyond perhaps occasionally passing through on our way elsewhere. We can iron out any details, but essentially you give us access to the forest as needed and we won't take it by force. The latter would most likely result in a large portion of it being damaged, and naturally all of your deaths. I do so hope we can some to some sort of mutually beneficial arrangement." Leonard speaks very dryly. Nothing is spoken with malice. Merely a statement of fact.
Almost as an afterthought,
"Oh, and something about Pugwampi's." Looking to the group, "What was the plan for them? Recruit them for the army or something?"
Rolls as may be appropriate
Diplomacy 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Intimidate 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Old Smoky Bill |
"The simple option to attaining both our wishes would be that you never enter here again and I provide aid of the forest is it not? Your druids can protect the forest simply by not taking action toward it. If you wish just to pass over here under a peace treaty to fly over here I don't see that as much of a problem. I must ask what you plan to do with the Pugwampi? If it is just to use them in your war then consider that a down payment of a sort." The Eladrin retorts, somewhat aggressively defending his position.
The Eladrin nods at Min's question "Yes it is, it only comes at the cost of your ability to cast magic, care to give it a go?"
It is a multitude of effects, you can hazard a guess at some of them but it is majority of many illusionry terrains overlapping each other. It is hard to pin point what else there is as it is nothing but a sea of magic. (Imagine trying to stare at the sun with nightvision goggles on)
The Shard |
![Diseased Rat](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PPM_DiseasedRat.png)
"Hmm how would you feel of having sometimes some of my students over to train and meditate in relatively silent areas? I want to teach my students the reasons why to stay quick on their feet and the capacity to use all their senses not just their eyes to be aware of things.
My students wouldn't be here for destruction, you can be assured of that."
The Shard asks with an intriguing look on his face.
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
"I would still like to see your notes on the subject. I also want to take samples of the various lifeforms in this forrest. You have quite a bit of bio-diversity. I'll even share my findings with you. As for the Pugwampi what is your relationship with them?"
Leonard the Black |
"The simple option to attaining both our wishes would be that you never enter here again and I provide aid of the forest is it not? Your druids can protect the forest simply by not taking action toward it. If you wish just to pass over here under a peace treaty to fly over here I don't see that as much of a problem. I must ask what you plan to do with the Pugwampi? If it is just to use them in your war then consider that a down payment of a sort." The Eladrin retorts, somewhat aggressively defending his position.
The Eladrin nods at Min's question "Yes it is, it only comes at the cost of your ability to cast magic, care to give it a go?"
It is a multitude of effects, you can hazard a guess at some of them but it is majority of many illusionry terrains overlapping each other. It is hard to pin point what else there is as it is nothing but a sea of magic. (Imagine trying to stare at the sun with nightvision goggles on)
"Come now. I was lead to believe that you would be reasonable. It's clear you don't trust us. You strike me as a cautious man by nature, so it's understandable how you feel about outsiders. How about the establishment of a small embassy so that we might come to know each other? Just a small outbuilding that Min can work out of and perhaps serve as a communications point. "
Diplomacy 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Old Smoky Bill |
The Eladrin paces a small smile appears on his face. "I am somewhat doubtful of your claims of peace though your idea of an embassy intrigues me. I will accept that term on condition you let me pick the location of the embassy within the forest and that I install one of my own in a city of my choosing."
The Eladrin turns to Min "Notes? What notes? If we continue the devil's idea here some of my rangers will bring you the samples you need instead of you moving in yourself. Is that agreeable to you?"
The Eladrin shrugs "The Pugwampi are troublemakers they no doubt convinced you here yes? That has been their goal for sometime, they do not like the secrecy of the forest as they wish to bait more potential targets in here to get killed. Maybe they were even hoping I'd put an arrow between your eyes who knows? Their goals are somewhat chaotic but letting them leave this forest would only draw unwanted attention. If it is surrounded by those going to impede visitors I see no reason for them me to keep them here any longer."
Lastly the Eladrin looks at The shard "Your students may study at this embassy. If you wish to train their other senses you have oddly enough come to the right place. Your eyes are your last refuge in this forest."
The Eladrin returns to Leonard "Is this a tangible option to you?"
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
"Your proposal is fair and a very good start in for future contact, I trust that your rangers know how to do proper sample collection and how to describe the area they came from. I plan on doing quite a bit of research on this forrest. Are there any questions about this forrest or nature in general you would like answered? I plan on learning everything I can but I am willing to see about answering some of your questions first."
to tell the truth is this will work rather nicely sense I don't that any survival
Leonard the Black |
"Your proposal is acceptable. I think we can handle the rest by messenger. Have someone keep an eye on the area we came in at. I'll send the messenger there with with an standard contract containing what we've discussed."
"I believe our business is complete here. We'll just be on our way. "
Old Smoky Bill |
The Eladrin turns to Min "I do not need anything answered about the forest, my knowledge of it is all I'll ever need. The Rangers know the actual forest like the back of their hands so you need not worry."
"Good, I am glad we can come to such a quick agreement. Vespoya will lead you out of here. He shall be your main contact and messenger, as a show of good faith Vespoya might you teach some of the forest spells to those in the group." The Eladrin says as you turn to leave.
Vespoya silently nods in agreement with the other Eladrin before guiding you out.
The Eladrin didn't seem like he was pressing his defense too hard he might have just wanted a reasonable proposal.
The Eladrin thought the final proposal was good as he looks like he cares about the forest greatly despite his anger towards the group. He would rather this than it put to torch.
The group returns home ready to tackle their next task.
The group can decide what to do next or if they wish to let a week pass.
I will put Vespoya's spell list up later so the wizards can learn some spells.
Min Classified |
![The Sand Sage](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/02-sandsage.jpg)
Sense motive 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
When Min gets back to his city he unloads the wood Golem parts from his floating disk. He brings them into his laboratory and sets about studying them. Could he make more like these?
He casts Ancestral Communion to help with his studies. Also would the others in the party care to do some aid another rolls to help me with this.
He also takes a peck into the future to see about the best course of study.
He also studies with some of the best books on nature that money can buy.
Prescience: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Min takes the prescience dice 21base+20focused Transe+6Ancestral Communion+2masterwork tools=47+11=60
Does a 60+ get anything interesting?