Here be dragons! Adventurers keep out! (Inactive)

Game Master Davachido

Combat Map
Adventurers are loose on your lands, quick kill them!

Combat maps will be placed in the description when they arise. House rules can always be found here: Here be dragons

Campaign map: World Map

Battlefront and mission system: Rules

Current units: Units

Assignment document: Assignment

Current Battlefronts:
Valley of Blood: Battlefront rating 8 (Your forces: 21)

Kingdom building: Spreadsheet


  • Wizards start with scrolls equal to 8th level consumables. You may buy them as if you had used scribe scroll (making the cheaper), in this case only you do not need to know the spell to have scribed it. You may also trade with friendly wizards for free.
  • You may refluff any ability or spell to be what you like as long as it doesn’t mechanically change it. E.g. Bless could be a spell that makes all allies weapons dripping with ooze. An animal companion may be completely different to what the name is.
  • Inherent enhancement applies to one weapon, a pair (for dual wielders) AND an armour piece.
  • Amulet of Mighty fists counts as a weapon for the Enhancement section.
  • Ka-ching pool is a flat number that is all contributors Ka-ching stats combined. The rarity of the item or service is the amount of d6s rolled. You always try to roll equal to or under your total Ka-ching. You will know that rarity before the roll is made and you may only make each roll once. You may attempt again later but after a major event.
  • Leadership is not banned but the only thing it really allows you to do is build a cohort yourself. All other cohorts or minions are built by me. They are all however still NPCs and will act like NPCs, you won’t have true control over them. You can still do things to make them more loyal though.
  • The game follows 'dramatic' days, where your abilities will instead refresh during major events or milestones instead of each day.
  • Spells with 'target: You' and hours/level duration are instead days/level duration.
  • The central city in which all the BBEGs own some claim of power and is neutral is Diabolicus. Old smoky also resides in this city as well as any combined forces (if ever a two or more people want to make a themed force,) you have unless otherwise stated.