Generic Villain |
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Noticed something in the Sellen River article that is either a mistake, or a pretty interesting conceit towards the progression of Golarion's timeline:
At the least, Mendev appears to have begun their final desperate push. This would be a slightly less big deal, but considering that the Fifth Crusade has one of two dramatic outcomes, still big news.

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captain yesterday wrote:I love what you did with the campaign traits. :-)Thanks! I debated back and forth about whether I should do that, but in the end I went ahead and did it (including that it's optional).
Oh wow, that's awesome!
I hope you do similar stuff in future AP, really nice when it ties in really well with the AP instead of just being am opener.

Nate Z |

doc the grey wrote:We're closed for the weekend, so no more shipping until Monday morning. Sorry!*Checks page and still doesn't have books*
T-TAnyone know if they are shipping throughout the weekend or am I doomed to waiting till Monday for my stuff?
worst fear: confirmed. :(

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Adam Daigle wrote:captain yesterday wrote:I love what you did with the campaign traits. :-)Thanks! I debated back and forth about whether I should do that, but in the end I went ahead and did it (including that it's optional).Oh wow, that's awesome!
I hope you do similar stuff in future AP, really nice when it ties in really well with the AP instead of just being am opener.
I'll certainly try with Ruins of Azlant, but no guarantees. This story in particular really called for something like this, I feel.

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Rysky wrote:Adam Daigle wrote:captain yesterday wrote:I love what you did with the campaign traits. :-)Thanks! I debated back and forth about whether I should do that, but in the end I went ahead and did it (including that it's optional).Oh wow, that's awesome!
I hope you do similar stuff in future AP, really nice when it ties in really well with the AP instead of just being am opener.
I'll certainly try with Ruins of Azlant, but no guarantees. This story in particular really called for something like this, I feel.
Thankies, and definitely.

Generic Villain |
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By a wide margin, my favorite adventure event was...
Part I, the Viscount's Gala. Just hilariously absurd, yet perfectly in keeping with the themes of the adventure. I could really envision thousands of attendees just ignoring the occasional abductions of their fellows up into the rafters. And the reveal as to who (or rather, what) the Viscount's beloved was? Probably one of the more memorable moments in Pathfinder for me to date. I can imagine a few players will be left slack-jawed by that one. I know I was.

Todd Stewart Contributor |
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Generic Villain wrote:That would be Mark Moreland who develops the back matter of the Adventure Path. Things like bestiary introductions fall to the developer in charge of that.Rysky wrote:Dammit, who do I have to thank around here?!?!I reckon James Jacobs and/or Todd Stewart - they're credited for the Bestiary section where the even occurs.
As flattered as I am to be mentioned, as Adam mentioned, Mark Moreland wrote that. The only material that I worked on was the thrushmoore angler (which I had far too much fun working on, and for which I'm quite grateful to Amanda Hamon Kunz for letting me write!)

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Woot! Finally got my copy!
Now, is anyone else not super thrilled with the art for Tsathoggua? Like the art is good but it kind of makes him look more like a very big, very fat goblin or maybe Papa Nurgal rather than this frog man bat that is described in the writeup.
Do NOT feed him after midnight.

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Woot! Finally got my copy!
Now, is anyone else not super thrilled with the art for Tsathoggua? Like the art is good but it kind of makes him look more like a very big, very fat goblin or maybe Papa Nurgal rather than this frog man bat that is described in the writeup.
I'm quite thrilled with the art; Tsathoggua has always been depicted in that way, since that's what Clark Ashton Smith originally described him as when he invented him; as a fat frog/bat/humanoid creature with tired/droopy eyes. He's actually one of the TRICKIEST of the Great Old Ones to illustrate, because you want to make him menacing but also loyal to the original creator's intent. But yeah, I think he turned out great.
It's art though, so your mileage may vary, obviously.

Douglas Muir 406 |
Idle thought: is there anything to stop a reckless PC from using the Vorpal Sword against one of the very high level creatures that you're not supposed to fight? Against the Mad Poet, or even Bokrug?
Sure, you'd get just a single chance to hit, and then you'd be curb-stomped good and hard. But getting killed in the Dreamlands is just an inconvenience! And if you *did* roll that 20, you'd gain so much xp that you'd level up on the spot... not to mention the story you'd have to tell.
Doug M.

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Depends. Bokrug has the Great Old One subtype, which includes immunity to death effects, so you could rule as a GM that even though you scored that 1/400 chance to cut off a baddie's head, Bokrug is immune to it. Since the vorpal quality requires circle of death to create, there's even some precedent, should the players require it.
Or you could let the players kill Bokrug or the Mad Poet. Personally, I wouldn't award full XP for either. Bokrug is immortal, and simply chopping his head off means he dissolves into sea foam and the encounter to get the Ib Idol is simpler. While that initially sounds good, the character is now free to be targeted by his Vengeful Dreams ability. That's effectively a DC 38 Will save followed by a DC 33. Failing both of these ends up netting the poor soul 3d6 points of Wisdom drain and possibly netting an insanity.
Killing the Mad Poet is also problematic. Congrats, you've killed him! This isn't the first time he's died in the Dreamlands, though, and while you might loot his body, he'll be waiting for you to sleep again, and he will reclaim his items. You can bet that the 20th level wizard will not be kind to you for daring to strike him down.

AmbassadoroftheDominion |
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Stars fading, but I linger on Dear
Still Craving Your Kiss
I'm Longing to Linger till Dawn Dear
Just Saying This
Sweet Dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet Dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Just Curious, will the Great Old Ones be making any more Folksy Music References?