Zippykat's page
RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 45 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.
While I love some of the dread feelings this AP inspires, I am pretty frustrated that I thought created a character that would deal well vs madness and aberrations and so far in the campaign absolutely zero of my protections against aberrations and madness has come into play.
Had this come up. A PC was turned to stone by a Medusa and his party brought him back to the city to try and reverse the spell. He DC15 fort save and died. My question is: Do the objects he was wearing (rings, armor, rapier, etc.) survive, or are they also destroyed.
I'm leaning toward survival as it appears that the death is caused by a shock to the system.
What is the difference between an encounter map and a dungeon map?
I like this map, it looks great, clean, interesting design, a large amount of detail that is still easy to read, and I would gladly use it as a "dungeon", but it is designed for multiple ncounters, not one encounter and I'm not sure it qualifies as an encounter map as much as it does a dungeon or module map.
Phillip, yours it not the only one of these I have seen that seems to fall out of the definition of encounter map. But, let me say again, it is a GREAT looking map and I would be happy to use it in my campaign.
I haven't read the RPGSS definition of an encounter map so maybe it does qualify. If it does it goes to the top of my list and I would still vote for it as many other entries are in the same boat as yours.
***Just read the rules and it does allow for a "variety of encounters"
In which case this map gets my whole-hearted support

Jacob W. Michaels wrote: Since you asked...
Zippykat wrote: This was my first RPGSS entry and I'm anxious to figure out what I can improve on.
I can see a few mistakes off the bat, capitalized aura, all caps in format.
AURA: Normal Moderate Abjuration CL: 7th
SLOT: Armor PRICE: 47,320 gp WEIGHT: 20 lbs. when exhausted, Does not weigh anything with spells stored in the armor.
This set of hide armor looks normal aside from the four pearls sewn into the neckline. However, a wearer with arcane spell powers can store one spell per level up to 4th level, transforming this armor into what appears to be a shirt made of many pieces of parchments layered on top of each other. While the wearer has spells stored in the armor, the armor weighs nothing and has no chance of Arcane Spell Failure, though a Max Dex Bonus of +4 still applies.
The wearer may cast the stored spell as a standard action as a scroll which is taken off the armor. The wearer must be able to cast the stored spell and once it is cast, it is gone until replenished as per pearl of power. For each spell used, the armor loses one point of protection. So if you have used two of the four spells, the armor drops to +2 until replenished. Once all four spells are used, the armor reverts back to a masterwork hide shirt with all bonuses and penalties until the spells are replenished.
REQUIREMENTS: Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Mage Armor, Pearls of Power x4 (1st-4th level) COST: 23,820 gp
You've definitely got some template problems, which really put me off right off the bat. You mention the capitalized aura, but you also seem to have made up your own aura with "normal." Also, typically, Paizo magic items don't have other items (or special materials at all) as part of their construction. The spell should be lowercase and italicized.
You both hit and miss with imagery, I thought. I like the idea of the armor transforming,...
Thank you,
I hadn't thought of the item the way you were critiquing it and it does make sense. I'll try again next year and maybe submit items on the blazing 9 thread.
I was hoping somebody could review my item, its on page three. Its my first RPGSS submission and made the first two culls.
Thanks to anybody who can offer a critique.
Husk of Protective Parchment.
(I won't post full description again to save space.

This was my first RPGSS entry and I'm anxious to figure out what I can improve on.
I can see a few mistakes off the bat, capitalized aura, all caps in format.
AURA: Normal Moderate Abjuration CL: 7th
SLOT: Armor PRICE: 47,320 gp WEIGHT: 20 lbs. when exhausted, Does not weigh anything with spells stored in the armor.
This set of hide armor looks normal aside from the four pearls sewn into the neckline. However, a wearer with arcane spell powers can store one spell per level up to 4th level, transforming this armor into what appears to be a shirt made of many pieces of parchments layered on top of each other. While the wearer has spells stored in the armor, the armor weighs nothing and has no chance of Arcane Spell Failure, though a Max Dex Bonus of +4 still applies.
The wearer may cast the stored spell as a standard action as a scroll which is taken off the armor. The wearer must be able to cast the stored spell and once it is cast, it is gone until replenished as per pearl of power. For each spell used, the armor loses one point of protection. So if you have used two of the four spells, the armor drops to +2 until replenished. Once all four spells are used, the armor reverts back to a masterwork hide shirt with all bonuses and penalties until the spells are replenished.
REQUIREMENTS: Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Mage Armor, Pearls of Power x4 (1st-4th level) COST: 23,820 gp
I'm anxious to see where I could improve my item. Will the critique thread be in this forum or elsewhere? Will it not be created until the 2nd round officially begins?
I'm anxious to see where I could improve my item. Will the critique thread be in this forum or elsewhere? Will it not be created until the 2nd round officially begins?

pH unbalanced wrote: Well looks like I'm another one whose item was a victim of the not-so-hypothetical Wednesday cull. I held off posting just to make sure it wasn't a late sighting -- not because I had much hope it would turn up, but because that would have been a lousy way to DQ myself.
Yesterday I was definitely feeling defeated about it -- not because I didn't win, but because I didn't make it into the top half of items. I had believed making it that far was a given. I made the top 100 my first year with an item I believe was not nearly as good as this one. It just made me feel even more distant from what most people like than usual.
Today I'm feeling much more serene. Life goes on. Now I have more time to finish up my villain pitch.
I'm fairly certain I know why voters didn't like my item. I took a chance that I thought would cause a small amount of downvoting, but apparently was much more widely disliked than I expected. So be it. Superstars take chances, and my item turned out exactly the way I wanted it to (minus a few minor errors which will are easily fixed). I asked myself before I submitted if that one choice was a hill I was willing to die on to fully express my vision of thie item, and it was.
I just didn't think it would happen in Cull 4.
Did you name your item "Nickleback, the greatest band of all-time"? That would get my down-vote.
I'm sorry you didn't make it. I was out in the third cull, but this was my first try and I learned a lot and hope to learn more. I hope we never stop learning, not just how to make a better item, but to express that idea in a way that connects.
The Raven Black wrote: SR, I feel that maybe you did not workshop your item. I can attest that workshopping will make your item's quality increase tremendously. It did for my current submission. And all items I had the honor to workshop are still there.
Keep hope, and next season you will go further ;-)
By "workshop ping" do you mean submitting your idea on an eliminated ideas thread and letting the PF community have a whack at it or is there a different way to do it?
This was the first year I have submitted anything and, while I was pleased to make it past the first couple of culls with an item I drew up two days before deadline, this 3rd one got me. I believe I have some good ideas and would like to develop them further.
Rats. Looks like I didn't make it past the second cull. Thought I had a shot as I never once saw my item despite numerous votes and I had heard that the less an item is seen the better, that it was the votes that were voted down that kept showing up. I can think of a couple of things I should have done better. Oh well....next time.
It'll be interesting to see what does advance.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just saw an item that was fairly well-written, but if used as written, will likely result in your death!
Not sure how to take it. Been voting everyday, my item has made it past 2nd cull, but I have yet to see it!
And I'm now a star voter 1. :)
Feros wrote: JPSTOD wrote: I wonder how many people are voting by actually reading and comparing..or waiting for the time to run out to click a button.
See as I keep seeing certain items pop up over and over to get voted on..Maybe I should just click Both Button every time..
I wonder are items that are bad are getting more votes simply because they are showing up more.
Actually, it's the opposite.
The algorithm they use for this tends to show more comparisons between items that get mixed reviews or negative. The mostly up-voted items appear more rarely as the voting goes on.
Thus the culls. Getting rid of the bottom voted items brings the higher ones back down overall. If you keep voting, things will begin to get better. Trust me, I know! :D Thanks for that info. I have yet to see mine though I have voted probably 100 times, hopefully that is good news. No views is good news?
Multiple site crashes. Its hard to vote more than two or three times before site times out.
I have a feeling, with over 200 entries, that this has a lot to do with first day voting than anything else.
What happens once it is submitted? It does not seem to appear on any forums. I did get the "entry submitted message.
How does the population, majority Orc, deal with not being able to function outside on a sunny day due to Orc light sensitivity? If they have five days of sunny weather, do they stay indoors for five days, no travel, no commerce, no hunting or raiding?
I am a 6th level arcanist, my GM allowed anyone in our party to switch once the ACG came out and as long as it was related to your previous class.. I was a summoning focused wizard and have decided to try out an arcanist blaster.
Human Arcanist 6th level
DEX 14
INT 18
CON 12
WIS 12
CHA 14
1 Improved Initiative
Bonus Scribe scroll
3 Spell focus (Evocation)
5 Spell Specialization (Fireball)
Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
Arcanist Exploits
Bloodline Development (Draconic, Gold Dragon)
Potent Magic
School of Understanding
I have most of the fire-based spells in my book and am now ableto cast 3rd level spells, but nnly 1 3rd level per day and haste seems to be too beneficial to the party to not memorize it.
Aside from a +1 Cloak of Resistance, he carries a 1st level Pearl of Power and a Lesser Metamagic wand.
Any suggestions to improve him?
I am a 6th level arcanist, my GM allowed anyone in our party to switch once the ACG came out and as long as it was related to your previous class.. I was a summoning focused wizard and have decided to try out an arcanist blaster.
Human Arcanist 6th level
DEX 14
INT 18
CON 12
WIS 12
CHA 14
1 Improved Initiative
Bonus Scribe scroll
3 Spell focus (Evocation)
5 Spell Specialization (Fireball)
Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
Arcanist Exploits
Bloodline Development (Draconic, Gold Dragon)
Potent Magic
School of Understanding
I have most of the fire-based spells in my book and am now ableto cast 3rd level spells, but nnly 1 3rd level per day and haste seems to be too beneficial to the party to not memorize it.
Any suggestions to improve him?
I think that this really does need an official clarification as it is very easy to interpret incorrectly.. Somebody brought up ICE Storm as an example of a spell covering an area (cylinder (20-ft. radius, 40 ft. high) It, however, also specifically states that the damage is limited to the first round while Glitterdust does not. Glitterdust is also described as a cloud, just like stinking Cloud or Fog cloud(though those both describe the cloud as spreading.
I agree that it is an effect upon casting, but it is written in such a way that it is too easily confused. It is described as cloud, it is not described as a burst effect and while I have seen posts stating that total concealment in the AoE p[protects you from the effects, I have seen nothing in the spell description that would allow that. It is not described as having only the casting round as taking effect and makes no mention of what happens to the AoE after it is cast.
An official clarification would be helpful.
What suggestions do you have for including a realistic passage of time.
Many campaigns are adventure/module based. Campaign starts out in a tavern, you go clear out the haunted abbey, sell the loot and maybe deal with a few encounters before you go clear the local dungeon. This is all wrapped up in a dynamic storyline.
What I am struggling with is trying to incorporate the passage of time. It seems a little silly for the first level, leather armor wearing adventurers to leave the tavern and three months later (accounting for travel time and a few dungeons) come back 12th level.
Ultimate campaign has some good stuff to deal with this and I could enforce a mandatory 3-6 month in game break between adventures with downtime rolls, but there is still the odd player who insists on daily minutiae.
I'd like to see a campaign where players actually aged a year before they became 20th level.
How do others deal with this?
I have seen one thread so far addressing this.
As a witches hex does not contain verbal somatic or material components, is the target aware of the hex being cast on them. To what extent are they aware? Do they know who cast the hex? Are they only aware that "something" tried to affect them?
Witch hexes do not cause AoO, but is there any indication they are casting a hex outside the description of the hex such as cackling madly for the Cackle hex or gesturing and speaking soothingly for a charm hex?
I have not seen any clarification for this and was hoping I could get some official word or more expansive reasoning.

Ravingdork wrote: Welcome to my Crazy Character Emporium, brought to you by popular demand!
I make a lot of characters just for fun in my free time (roughly one a week, over a hundred currently sitting in my personal archive), many of which never get to see the light of day. Therefore, I decided to make this thread as a place where people can see all of my concepts, all of my builds, in one place.
It was originally my intention to sell them all in the form of a "PC Concepts PDF," but I'm afraid I don't have rights to sell much of the art that I use as character portraits, and I cannot afford to hire an artist to recreate them all. Not willing to produce a boring looking product without art, or let them all sit in the dark for eternity, I've decided just to let everyone see my work, as is stands, for free. Lucky you! Having this thread will also allow me to update regularly with new character ideas and corrections, something that I could not easily do with a standalone PDF product. It will also better allow you, the many fans who follow my work, to assist me in finding potential problems, such as typos or rule snafus that may need to be corrected. What's more, you can download only what you want or need, without having to slosh through a huge ungainly PDF.
Please feel free to use the following characters in your home games in whatever manner you wish (but please don't use them elsewhere, such as in your personal novel). All of my creations exclusively use Paizo's Pathfinder and Golarion Campaign Setting rule sets and assume a high fantasy campaign. They thus use the 25-point buy method for determining ability scores and a have 75% of the maximum variable hit points (4 for wizards, 7.5 for fighters, etc.), rounded up to the nearest hit point. They otherwise follow all of the standard rules of the game as I interpret them. None of these characters use any intentional house rules, though as with any complex game, please expect, and allow for, some leeway for interpretive...
Any way you can go over Ruel Whelon and his Eidolon level by level, or how did you build him?
Wow. Just found this. Incredibly useful and should almost have its own forum so that others can post their NPC's.
When I first started out I bought a few pathfinder and reaper minis and then started buying Warhammer, Orcs, guards, goblins and ghouls. They work great. A warning though, buy a white ink pen and number the minis so you can keep track of them in encounters.
Underwater, the cackle spell can still beheard, sound does travel underwater. In the area of effect of a Silence spell there would be no sound from the caster, so no Cackle.
It does bring up the question of "What if they are gagged?"
So far there is one exception clearly spelled out for the witch, the Cackle. Your example foresees a situation that is not part of the rule system (ripping out a voice box). Its like saying the Message spell doesn't work because your out of cell-phone range.
If I am building a magus hexcrafter and I choose prehensile hair as a hex, this gives me an intelligence bonus the same as if it were strength. So say I have 20 INT. I have +5 to hot and +5 damage. This weapon is 10 feet reach
If I take White Haired Witch, I am automatically granted a five foot prehensile hair attack with my INT bonus used for damage.
If I do a prehensile hair attack, am I choosing one prehensile hair attack over the other or are they combined. Can I add my regular bonus of +5 to hit to my white hair prehensile hair attack and use that bonus for grappling or tripping?
One question on the white witch build. I'm assuming you are using the white witch hair for the INT bonus to hit and the witch hex prehensile hair INT bonus to damage. But wouldn't they be two different attacks? I can't find anything that allows you to combine the attacks into one.
A couple of questions:
1. If you already have the white haired witch at 1st level, why take prehesile hair with your 1st hex? Aren't you already getting that or do you need that hex to extend the range to 10 feet?
2. You listed grab as a WHW ability at 6th level, but earlier said it came at 1st level with the WHW prehensile hair?
Thanks again for the guide :)
Thanks for answering my questions. I found the rule that states the hex would level along with my magus level because of the hexcrafter archetype. The example builds you guys have are human and I was hoping to play an elf. What changes would you make without the first level feat? (I am thinking I may have to suck it up and play a human.

cartmanbeck wrote: Mathwei ap Niall wrote: Here's my first pass on the Defiler/Debuffer. It's still a bit rough but I think it's all legal and just needs a bit of Polish.
The Defiler: This debuff build is focused on piling on negative effects and rendering every target as harmless and easy to kill as possible. This is a Melee effective option that is fully developed by 6th level with everything after that making it more destructive.
The with a 20pt buy the best I can think of is Human
STR 13 DEX 14 CON 14 WIS 10 INT 18 CHA 7
Note: A 2 level dip in White Haired Witch is needed to REALLY up the Debuffs and action Economy on this build.
Traits: Magical Lineage (Frostbite), Wayang Spellhunter (Frigid Touch)
1 (Witch 1) (White Haired Witch archetype) Feats: Rime Spell, Scribe Scroll
? (King Crab familiar, Strength or Wisdom Patron)
2 (Magus 1) Spell Combat, Arcane Pool
3 (Magus 2) Spellstrike ? Combat Reflexes
4 (Magus 3) Arcana- Arcane Accuracy
5 (Magus 4) Hex Arcana- Prehensile Hair, Feat: Extra Arcana (Flight)
6 (Witch 2) - Grab
7 (Magus 5) Feat: Cornugan Smash, Bonus Feat: (Power Attack)
8 (Magus 6) Arcana: Sleep Hex
9 (Magus 7) Medium Armor, Knowledge Pool Feat: Lunge
10 (Magus8) Improved spell combat
11 (Magus9) Arcana: Hasted Assault Feat: Elemental Spell (Acid or Cold)
12 (Magus10) Fighter Training
13 (Magus11) Spell Recall Bonus Feat: Sickening Spell
14 (Magus12) Hex Arcana: Ice Tomb
15 (Magus 13) Heavy Armor
Why it's good: At 7th level a prepared Defiler can inflict Grappled, Staggered, Fatigued, Entangled, Prone and Shaken onto a target with a single standard action. If he decides to make a full action he can also add Blind to that target.
The bad: It?s a dedicated melee build with lower HP?s than any other and has delayed getting access to Heavy armor until 15th level.
How it works: This build hinges around using your Hair natural attack for ALL your attack actions. As your only natural attack it is always at Full Bab and does 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus on damage ... Also, for trip and pull, don't you need to add 4 more levels of white witch? Constrict is 2nd level, but trip is 6th and pull is 4th level witch. How would you accomplish that?
An added question, if my GM did not allow the Dragon Empires as a
source book, only hardcover rules books, what would you recommend for the build?
Mathwei ap Niall wrote: This build includes the update from JJacobs. if you'll notice we only use 1 swift action from the magus and that's at the beginning before combat.
The 2nd level of witch is so you can use power attack to trigger the Cornogon Smash off of the free damage from Constrict. The intimidate as a free action is needed to stack on the shaken debuff.
this build is all about getting as many debuffs on as fast as possible.
look again, 5 high end debuffs off of a single standard action.
edit: IF *IF* the hair doesn't stack the only change it makes is the grapple debuff isnt added until the second attack ina full attack action.
Looks like a great build, but I need a clarification.
You had said you were only using one swift action(used prior to combat) to trip, grapple, pull and constrict. Am I reading that right? If so, how is that accomplished with only one swift action per round?
Okay. I think I've found some reference to that. But the vanish part is okay?
I run a campaign with very smart players who have found a way to make a ninja ridiculously overpowered.
Using the vanish ninja trick, they vanish, move somewhere, then on the next round do a full round sneak attack(breaking the vanish) with rapid shot and then vanish again at the end of the round. They are doing 3-4d6 with each shot rendering most encounters a massacre.
Are the rules being used right?
I'm going to have to go with it not disallowing tremor sense. A druid archetype has a 3rd level skill that specifically negates tremor sense. I have to believe that if paizo meant for light step to negate tremorsense, they would have included it in the skill explanation.
And autocracy = Autocorrect :(
Wow. Autocracy went nuts. It was supposed to be a ninjas lightstep ability v a creatures tremorsense
Is there any official word on whether or not the monks lifestyle ability negates a creatures remorseless ability? If anybody could link it I would be grateful.
Thank you.
Running a campaign in which the players are pretty much kicking a--. 2 ninjas, that tend to go invisible at the drop of a hat. A city Ranger and a summoner with ridiculous eidolon.
I'm running this for players that know the rules better than I do and I am hoping to make it more challenging for them without just being ridiculous and automatic TPK.
I'm probably just reading something the wrong way, but I can't find any clear rule on how long the effects of a poison last.
Lets say i fail my save against Wyvern poison, DC 17. I fail for three rounds, doing 6 points of damage to my CON (1d4 per round). I finally make my save and take no further damage.
How long do I lose the 6 points of CON for?

synjon wrote: Hey all, first time posting, so here goes...
Starting my first Pathfinder campaign soon with family. Seven pc's total, all 1st level: human female barbarian, elf male magus, gnome male sorcerer, human male cleric, half-orc male barbarian, half-elf female druid & goblin male rogue.
Found a nice free module online called "Goblin's Tooth" that I think will work very well - essentially, the group has to help prevent another goblin/human war by destroying the creature that is hunting/killing the local goblin tribe (forcing them to raid humans for food to survive). Campaign will start in more sub-tropical climate, similar to South America.
Having difficulty deciding on what to use as the 'main' enemy of the encounter that's been attacking the goblins. Here are my favorite options so far:
amphisbaena, CR4 (BEST II, 25) - young template (CR-1)?
owlbear, CR4 (BEST, 224) - young template?
girallon, CR6 (BEST, 154) - young template for sure
ogre, CR3 (BEST, 220) - maybe a pair?
mite, CR1/4 (BEST, 207) - pair/group? - vermin companions?
I would appreciate any/all thoughts & comments, both on the suggestions above, or if you think of an option I might have overlooked. The girallon is appealing due to the environment, but may be too powerful. The mite(s) could be seeking revenge on the goblins for past mockery (read in the creature description).
Thanks very much, & I look forward to your thoughts!
Quick ogre story
My 5th level Druid had died of my own stupidity and the next gaming session the party was not in a convenient place for me to join (they were a couple levels down in the dungeon) I created a melee based Ranger, 3rd level, adn waited eight hours for the party to emerge from the dungeon and start back towards the city, I joined them the first day out. My stats were done, feats and skills chosen with care and equipment purchased, the sheet was completely and carefully filled out. The second day with the party we encountered three Ogres. I was ready. I was a front-line character and anxious for battle. The melee was joined, my breastplate was strapped tight and my Two-handed sword was ready. I rolled a 4 for initiative, the ogre went first. On the Ogre's first swing he rolled a twenty and did 43 points of damage....I ceremoniously burned the character sheet in the backyard.