Marooned on an alien planet with few friends, your heroes discover a ray of hope—a possible way home! While wary of the corrupt denizens of Argosa, they must investigate such a promising lead, even if it takes convincing an inhuman crime boss to use his interplanetary gate to reach the desolate world of Rythes. Once there, the PCs face a harrowing journey across the wasteland peninsula of the Broken Baronies to locate the pieces of the Opus Aeterna. With mutant barbarians, misguided zealots, and savage predators challenging every step of the way, the PCs must use every ounce of luck, strength, skill, and guile to survive and in the process begin to unravel the mystery of the ancient Patrons and the nature of the Weave between worlds. With treachery on every hand, can they survive long enough to reclaim the wisdom of the ancients and their only hope of returning home lies in the pages of "The Scavenged Codex?"
"The Scavenged Codex" is an adventure for 5th to 8th level characters using using the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The latest chapter in the amazing Legendary Planet Adventure Path, a spectacular sword-and-planet saga from Legendary Games blending sci-fi and fantasy, magic and machine with an exciting pulp sensibility and style. "The Scavenged Codex" includes not only a massive interplanetary adventure but also brand-new monsters, magic, technology, including new rules for vehicles, races, and chases, a full gazetteer of the planet of Rythes, and an ongoing fiction series. Here you will find amazing adventures that span the stars and plunder the planets in a campaign that takes your heroes to 20th level and beyond! Grab this exotic epic today and Make Your Game Legendary!
This 116-page product contains the following:
"The Scavenged Codex," a Pathfinder adventure for 5th to 8th-level characters by Mike Shel and Mike Welham
A "Planetary Bestiary" by Mike Shel and Mike Welham, featuring the psychic sarlu worms, the ravenous sand glutton and chag beetle, the insidious beghedhi, and the the mercenary krang, oulbaene, and syaandi warriors.
A collection of "Alien Treasures" by Mike Shel and Mike Welham, including mundane and magical items from the Bellianic crown and energy leech to the whisper stone and chrome scorpion.
A gazetteer of the planet Rythes, "The One-Way World," by Mike Shel and Jonathan H. Keith.
"Legendary Vehicles," an article detailing vehicular combat; alien vehicles like the warwagon, sand skiff, deadcrawler, and drogue chute; and running vehicular races and chases, by Tim Hitchcock and Jason Nelson.
A downloadable PDF art and map folio, featuring unkeyed player-friendly maps and more.
And last but not least, "Fixer," the second chapter in a 7-part short story by award-winning author Chris A. Jackson
The second part of the Legendary Planet AP (if you don’t count the optional prologue “The Assimilation Strain“) clocks in at 118 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page inside of front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page SRD, 1 page ToC, 2 pages of introduction, 3 pages of advertisement, 1 page back cover, leaving us with 107 pages of content, so let’s take a look!
I was a backer of the Legendary Planet AP, but I had no hand in the creation of this adventure. While the AP exists in versions for multiple systems, this review is based on the PFRPG-version, since that was the game the AP was originally designed for. Formula-wise, this behaves very much like Paizo’s AP, with the main meat of the supplement being taken up by the module, and supplemental content in the back. Structurally, the module assumes the medium advancement track, and has 3 parts, assuming one level-gain at the end of each part, thus taking the PCs from level 5 to 8, as well as providing the second mythic tier during part 3.
Chris A. Jackson returns with a brief piece of fiction, and we once more have a very detailed gazetteer, this time focusing on the world Rythes and a specific section of it – the once-proud world was almost torn asunder when its interplanetary gates (the Tears of Eternity) were turned against it – now, the gates have finally begun attempting to heal the planet, and a dark age seems about to end, as new people finally emerge from them (there’s a catch, though…), to find a quasi-feudal patchwork of the Broken Baronies – interesting yarn woven by Mike Shel and Jonathan H. Keith here. I *STRONGLY* suggest reading this prior to running the adventure; much like in To Worlds Unknown, the gazetteers really help the GM drive home the wonder that is so crucial to the sword-and-planet genre.
Tim Hitchcock’s and Jason Nelson’s pretty massive Legendary Vehicles article also deserves mentioning, providing the rules for vehicles, chases and 5 vehicles in one handy article; while e.g. the light sand chariot is essentially identical to the light chariot, this article also includes aquariums on wheels and sand skiffs, essentially, we have an expansion of Ultimate Combat’s vehicle rules here, with vehicular accidents catching on fire, etc. pp. all covered – how well are the new and old content combined? If you don’t explicitly try to look up which component is from where, you will NOT see a difference. Kudos.
Which brings me to an important aspect: Like all Legendary Planet supplements, this comes with something that should be industry standard: A massive Art- and Map-folio pdf. This time around, this massive handout booklet is 28 (!!) pages long, and guess what? Player-friendly key-less versions of the maps? All provided, and there is enough detail on each map to make out tech, cables, etc.! One very minor nitpick is that the overview map does not come with a version sans locations of interest noted, but for once, I didn’t mind too much, considering how many great maps are in here. While two of the artworks are quality-wise not as awesome as the rest (slightly low-res), this is very much me being a spoiled bastard – the booklet is chock-full with amazing, first tier quality artwork, certainly more than you can see in many comparable offerings. So yeah, once more – this should be industry standard!!
All right, this is as far as I can go without diving into SPOILERS: Potential players should jump ahead to the conclusion.
Okay, only GMs around? Great
Mike Shel and Mike Welham also provide a total of 8 new magic items, with two (the chrome scorpion mechanized assassin being the first, and the tech-refueling or acid + cold-damage dealing liquid charge being the second one) of the magic items getting their own full-color artworks. Low-cost helmets that protect against gazes, light blindness (if caused by light-based effects), etc., a glove that lets you first short-ranged bludgeoning jolts, a magical flare – the items manage to capture the elusive theme of blending archaic fantasy and tech VERY well. Kudos.
The bestiary this time around features a monster that really creeped me out – a deadly plant monster that is presented in three distinct builds for different stages of its life-cycle (two of them with their own artwork;the third one is a parasite stage, and has a full-blown battle-scene artwork in the module!), ranged from humble CR ½ to CR 10/MR 4, and boy…the thing…it’s twisted. Love it! Horned, massive beetles (CR 4) scouring the lands, the CR 2 horned simian krang are neat – but I really liked the grey squid-people with the spider-like multiple eyes. There also is a sand-themed ambush predator (CR 6) with suitable Achilles’ heel, and remember the sarlu aquarium I mentioned above? These guys are actually CR 8 telepathic sentient lamprey-like critters that can excrete chilled, caustic mucus. The lizard-like Syaandi, who become more dangerous when cornered, complete an overall cool bestiary, with the sarlu and the plant-thing easily my favorites.
Okay, I have delayed this long enough – let’s talk about the adventure: We left the PCs as they had escaped their jailors, seeing them stranded on the gate hub world Argosa, with no way home. Thankfully, the PCs will have saved an elali named Relstanna during their bid for revenge versus the jagladine, and said ally contacts them with information on a mysterious world called Rythes, which may well hold the means to return home. Unfortunately, a gang-boss called Mr. Sarlu (yep, that lamprey-thing – but the PCs don’t know that yet!) controls the only gate leading to Rythes.
On the way to Sarlu’s compound, the PCs will be accosted by agents of competing crimelords, before meeting the mastermind and his squid-like butler: Sarlu requires three tasks (and yes, the PCs can also attempt to kill everything, but that’s not a smart move, considering Mr. Sarlu’s power. The three tasks are pretty straight-forward – remove a giant moray eel from a pool (Mr. Sarlu’s pool, but the PCs don’t know that yet…), open a quarantined puzzle box…and the final task is more complex: Some disgruntled employees absconded with “something precious” and hold it for ransom. They are hiring – and Sarlu wants the PCs to let themselves be hired, only to betray the ex-lieutenant when he’ll try to collect his ransom from Sarlu. SO, provided they are not killed by the puzzle box or the moray, they’ll be off to a seedy dive (krang bouncer) that also features a supplement tattoo parlor- but basher has already hired muscle…so the PCs might first have to get their competition to “step down” – by whatever means necessary, though a peaceful solution is possible.
Once they’ve been hired, the PCs have a few hours before the meeting – just long enough to be reminded that the Jagladine and their Klaven still hunt them! The final confrontation here, obviously, will be quite a tense affair, and the true level of depravity of Mr. Sarlu will be revealed. Let’s just say that my players vowed internally to kill that bastard. As a whole, I think a bit of troubleshooting regarding Mr. Sarlu would have been helpful; many players will balk having to d the mysterious entities’ bidding for obviously morally problematic deeds.
Anyways, the module then proceeds to take them through the Red Gate, which temporarily disrupts their mythic abilities, save those of the Morphic Nature feat and hard to kill – since mythic power in Legendary Planet was granted by the stargates, this makes sense internally. Until a certain point in the story, mythic powers on Rythes might cause them to be sickened, which fits with the themes of the desolations of the Barony of Dust, their arrival destination – beyond locals, the PCs can witness vast chag beetle bulls battling – and here, a kind of weird frontier theme is going into full force, making the adventure feel almost like a kind of sword-and-planet “winning the West”-equivalent, with feudal themes and tech-monasteries thrown in for good measure.
Let me illustrate: You see, chag bulls are valuable and rare – and there’s a solid chance that the PCs might need to make amends. They thus learn about a creature called “Shakes”, who is hunting them down – indeed, this section is pretty free-form if you want to, and you can easily trim it or cut it down, or play it more sandboxy than depicted here – Rythes, ultimately, is an exploration of ramshackle camps of those stranded here, multi-generation survivors of this harsh planet. The PCs are searching for the fragments of the legendary Opus Aeterna, the pieces of the eponymous codex – the module is essentially from here on out a scavenger hunt. This section is one of the instances where you can easily expand the material provided, should you choose to.
During their travels, the PCs will cross causeways, explore relatively detailed settlements, visit moss farms – and find the source of a mysterious fertility in these strange lands – the PCs will btw. actually determine the fate of said fertile land as they explore the lands. Did I mention the dry river? All the strange persons and creatures you can encounter here? The atmosphere created here is impressive and feels very much like a blend of John Carter and the first book of the Dark Tower-saga; did I mention that breaking hypnotic control over an entire order is part of the parcel here? En route, the PCs will have plenty of chances to influence fates big and small, and make friends with a Krang brawler named Khedri. All those locations, btw? All of them come with full-color maps.
Once the PCs arrive at True Velate, they might well run afoul of the super-restrictive (and one might say, criminal) law, as the place seeks to confiscate arcane magic items, something that few groups will let stand for long. While swiftly exiled, the exile will allow the PCs to encounter the ghost of a half-breed member of the Patron progenitor species – this entity can help point the PCs to the other components of the codex, and also once more delimits their mythic powers. Successful in their quest in exile, and reunited with Khedri, the PCs have to still deal with the True Velate issue – the module does not prescribe how this is handled…and it doesn’t have to. With all locations detailed and statted, the PCs have all the choices.
The final part of this module, then, has the PCs venture towards the Barony of Bloom – and the trek there is bound to become even more dangerous than the previous treks! Thus, the PCs are advised by their NPC-friends to go the caravan route – and if you want, you can use the caravan rules here, but the module does not require that you do, instead presenting once more a pretty massive array of encounters that you can mix and match, including one highlight: A chase with the fearful Parched Plains Riders, essentially an epic running fight with no less than three timed encounters – and yes, that’s what you can see on the cover.
The final section deals with the monastery of St. Ioh, where the flowery, seemingly peaceful monks carry a dark secret – they are controlled by the horrible plant monster I mentioned before. The monastery can become a truly horrific place indeed – and if the PCs both their extermination of these plant monsters, they will inevitably take over Rythes! Now how’s that for stakes?
With the defeat of the parasite-infested monks and horrid plant monsters, the PCs get to assemble their scavenged codex (title drop), and use it to return to Argosa – where revenge is best served cold. Mr. Sarlu attempts to kill them all off, providing a climax that should have PCs smiling once the disgusting entity has been vanquished – after all, they are much stronger now, than when they left…
Editing and formatting are very good on a formal and rules-language level. Layout adheres to the series’ two-column full-color standard, with a vast amount of decadent full-color artworks throughout. The art and map folio is excellent, and the quality of the maps is also impressive. The pdf is fully bookmarked with nested bookmarks for your convenience.
Mike Shel and Mike Welham, with additional content by Tim Hitchcock, Jonathan H. Keith, Jason Nelson and Chris A. Jackson have created an incredibly dense adventure here. The Scavenged Codex is all about exploring the wondrous and strange, reveling in the fantastic and themes of sword-and-planet. It is a module that familiarizes the group with the strange realities of the vast universe they have been thrust into, with the dangers, but also with allies. It foreshadows main themes, has a great comeuppance scene, a high-octane chase – and you could probably play this module for months. If your party consists of completionists and people interested in cultural tidbits etc., then this module delivers more than you’d expect, and if you want heavily-scripted modules, you could potentially consider this to be a bit meandering. However, you always have a plot-line to drive, if you want to. I’d urge you, however, to take your time. There is a reason for this module’s review being so much longer than the one for “To Worlds Unknown.” There is SO MUCH GOING ON. I haven’t even come close to mentioning everything herein!
One could call it out for its slower pace, but after the gauntlet of “To Worlds Unknown”, this change of pace is not only welcome, it is super helpful – PARTICULARLY if you used Assimilation Strain and also duped your players (not that I’d ever do or condone that *winkwink*) into expecting a standard campaign! In a way, this is a module that familiarizes with themes via a compelling, versatile quest. It hands the reins more to the players after the heavily-scripted first adventure. And that’s a good thing. While the adventure is not as unified in its theme, it instead presents its own strengths and playstyle.
If you’re an experienced GM, you could conceivably run the entire adventure as one gigantic sandbox. While the first part will require an experienced GM, the finale of the module will remedy the adventure for players that balk at the shady dealings they’re forced to engage in during part 1, but some sort of troubleshooting there would have been helpful. The vastness of the scope, the genuine consequences of the PC’s actions – those are huge plusses!
That being said, this is me nitpicking at a very high level – as far as I’m concerned, the Legendary Planet AP so far has delivered not only 3 outstanding modules, but 3 modules that are great in very different ways. My final verdict will clock in at 5 stars + seal of approval; no here’s to hoping that Dead Vault Descent can maintain this level of quality, see you in the review of that one!
Endzeitgeist out.
Railroading into working with unsavory types does not work for some groups
My group has completely destroyed the first section of this module.
They hated Mr. Sarlu so badly that they absolutely refused to work with him. The module provides no hints as to how to deal with this eventuality (and given the circumstances, it's not an unlikely thing for players to have reservations about), leaving the blindsided GM with little to do but insist, "But you have to!" And to scramble to come up with *something* to make continuing the adventure possible. While I've got some ideas, I'm not sure my players are going to want to continue at this point, given they might have to encounter this kind of situation again in the future--and I'm not sure I want to have to *run* something like this again in the future.
Perhaps the rest of it will be good if we push through and get to it, but if the intro section throws you off, that's not much good.
The Scavenged Codex - After the Apocalypse Never Tasted So Sweet
The Scavenged Codex is Volume 2 of the Legendary Planet AP, intended for PCs of level 5 to 8. There are also optional Mythic Tiers that can be provided to the PCs as well.
The Scavenged Codex is a wonderful Sword and Planet romp by veteran authors Mike Shel and RPG Superstar 2012 winner Mike Welham. Volume 2 picks up more or less where Volume 1 left off, with the PCs still “marooned” on the Gate-hub planet of Argose with no way back “home” – wherever “home” is.
Relstanna, the NPC rescued at the end of Volume 1 in the AP provides the setup for Volume 2. There is no gate on Argose which can reach the homeworld of the PCs, but Relstanna believes that a recently revived gate on Argose can provide access to a world where the Opus Aeterna, an ancient manual for gate recalibration and operation can be found. Just do a deal with the gangster who has sole access to the recently revived gate to pass through it, locate and recover the Opus Aeterna on the other side, and come on back to Argose with the gate manual. Relstanna and her allies should be able to handle the rest. How hard can it be?
Actually, on that front, the answer is that it probably can be a lot harder in many instances. The problem with CR balance in The Scavenged Codex is not huge, but it can be a real issue which arises because of the adventure’s spread out design. Like many APs which take places in a large and diverse number of areas with plenty of wilderness travel between zones, The Scavenged Codex features lots of small encounter maps (about 25 of them in total). The problem is, the vast majority of these maps feature only one or two hostile encounters on each battlemap and notionally, the region maps are separated by days of travel.
Accordingly, the maps are mini dungeons or encounter areas (a “vignette”, hereafter) which present a small selection of foes, environmental hazards and traps. So there is no need for the PCs to husband their resources carefully with such “vignette” encounter zones. If the PCs spam their spell and healing resources on the small number of foes presented in each these vignette encounter zones, they will blow most of these encounters with ease as there is no need for the PCs to reserve resources.
We have seen this problem in many Paizo APs before (Kingmaker was famous for it, but it is an issue which has become common to many Volume 2 AP installments in Paizo’s many published APs. ) There are a number of potential fixes for it – but the greatest underlying mischief is to recognize the problem for what it is before it causes issues.
The Scavenged Codex, like To Worlds Unknown, makes use of a large number of stat blocks available in other Paizo products to provide added depth to NPCs while keeping space requirements in the adventure to a minimum. Whether the resource to be consulted is the GameMastery Guide, NPC Codex, or Monster Codex, this is an excellent approach and should be used again. Big Thumbs Up.
There are, of course, custom NPC, race and monster stat blocks in The Scavenged Codex. This volume of the AP also uses monsters which appear in Green Ronin’s Advanced Bestiary as well as the Southlands Campaign Guide by Kobold Press, which was a nice departure from just falling back to the Tome of Horrors to change things up. If you do not have these books, the stat block are on d20PFSRD (hotlinked from within the PDF), and of course the stat blocks themselves are reproduced in full in the text of The Scavenged Codex.
The overall length of the adventure is in the “very long” category, with the adventure text proper ending on p. 71 of the book – instead of at about page 50 or so as with most Paizo AP products. This is one of the things I love most about the Legendary Planet AP. You get your money’s worth and then some.
One particularly noteworthy encounter involved a timed event with waves of Gnoll attackers pursuing a trade caravan at speed across the desert. The encounter sets the scene for the art on the front cover of The Scavenged Codex. Eleven pages of additional rules for running a vehicle combat/chase appear in the back matter of the AP to supplement the rules provided for in Ultimate Combat. This is a welcomed development. This encounter is sure to be the exciting centrepiece of Volume 2 of the LP AP, so taking the time to get this complicated fight / chase right is well worth your time.
The AP finishes off with some custom monsters, races, equipment as well as a brief Gazeteer on the Broken Baronies – the planet the PCs will be visiting in The Scavenged Codex, which channels 2 parts of Post –Apocalyptic Mel Gibsonesque Road Warrior mixed with 1 part of the monasteries featured in “The Name of the Rose”. It’s a cool vibe.
In terms of artwork and map art, this volume of the LP AP delivers in a manner similar to that of To Worlds Unknown. It’s not at the polished level of a Paizo product, but it is in full color and gets the job done.
Overall, The Scavenged Codex is a hella-fun interplanetary romp which should provide many sessions of entertaining play during the sweetest spot of Pathfinder’s level progression. Being able to show off the Broken Baronies to your players is one of the best reasons to run the Legendary Planet AP. Mike Shel and Mike Welham deliver a caravan full of goods here. You really do need to run or play this adventure. Recommended.
Disclaimer: I backed the Kickstarter campaign for Legendary Planet and received a copy of this PDF as one of my rewards.
So, are you ready to continue your exploration of the universe? I sure hope so, because The Scavenged Codex isn't staying put on Argosa for long... but before the players head out to their next destination, there's something they're going to have to take care of... and it's here that the adventure really starts to shine. Unlike some of the previous parts of the adventure, violence may not always be the best option, and I appreciate seeing times where the players are pushed to roleplay through problems instead of just smacking them upside the head.
From here, however, the adventure truly continues - and the PCs are thrust into a situation that I'm not going to spoil here. Suffice to say that I encourage GMs to have a lot of fun with it. I really can't say anything else about the plot without spoilers, but suffice to say that I'm personally quite happy with the way things are going. One more thing to note - The Scavenged Codex is 20 pages longer than To Worlds Unknown, and basically all of that extra space goes to the adventure. That's a lot of extra content.
Past the adventure itself is, of course, the rest of the material in the book. This particular tome features nine new monsters the PCs will encounter, ten new items, a gazetteer of the new world, rules for vehicles (and using them in fun ways!), and the next chapter of the included fiction, "Fixer". To Worlds Unknown was a fun, fresh experience, and with The Scavenged Codex, Legendary Games has managed to stick the landing. If you're looking for an experience your players won't see coming, this is the adventure path you want to get (starting, of course, with the earlier parts!).
When I am not too busy running my Legendary Planet games, I'll try and get a review up... suffice to say, this adventure keeps up the high standard set by 'The Assimilation Strain' and 'To Worlds Unknown'... the adventure itself is great - sterling work by Mike Shel and Mike Welham - whilst the associated articles are fantastic. And, for going ahead and publishing at 116 pages rather than stripping back the content, thanks... we get the Director's Cut rather than the studio edit :)
I'd also like to say I'm really pleased to see how the bestiaries of the Legendary Planet AP are doing a lot to make this campaign feel properly alien (rather than simply reskinning a load of existing PF races)... the high quality of the bestiaries is a common theme in all of the adventures so far...
And, final point, I cannot wait for my groups to meet Mr Sarlu...
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
On p. 81, in the Sarlu monster description, several SLAs for some reason got printed in white. You can just barely see them in the printed version, and you should be able to mouse over and highlight the paragraph to see them in the PDF. But, to save you the trouble, the missing SLAs are:
At will - seek thoughts (DC 16), sow thought (DC 14)
3/day - babble (DC 15)
1/day - mass daze (DC 17)
Potential errata: the first paragraph on page 43 should probably say "he also repacked the eastern wall, using a wand of stone shape..."
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
Zesdead wrote:
When I am not too busy running my Legendary Planet games, I'll try and get a review up... suffice to say, this adventure keeps up the high standard set by 'The Assimilation Strain' and 'To Worlds Unknown'... the adventure itself is great - sterling work by Mike Shel and Mike Welham - whilst the associated articles are fantastic. And, for going ahead and publishing at 116 pages rather than stripping back the content, thanks... we get the Director's Cut rather than the studio edit :)
I'd also like to say I'm really pleased to see how the bestiaries of the Legendary Planet AP are doing a lot to make this campaign feel properly alien (rather than simply reskinning a load of existing PF races)... the high quality of the bestiaries is a common theme in all of the adventures so far...
And, final point, I cannot wait for my groups to meet Mr Sarlu...
I hope your group enjoyed their encounter with him! Mine may be meeting him again soon!
Also, if you have time to write up your review (and copy-paste it over to Amazon and/or other sites), we would be most appreciative!
Do we know if this will be getting made into a StarFinder conversion like the first book did? and if so, When?
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
Kelvorn wrote:
Do we know if this will be getting made into a StarFinder conversion like the first book did? and if so, When?
The Starfinder version is out and available right here at!
Jason Nelson
Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games
PS - Thanks to Almonihah for their review. There are a few opportunities later on in the AP where PCs have the offer to work with creepy or unsavory characters, but in each of them there are options presented. Dealing with Mr. Sarlu in this adventure is a single-point bottleneck, so regrets for your PCs not wanting to press on in dealing with him. I hope you were able to find a good idea for a work-around for your crew to continue with the adventure!