The peoples of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting have raised empires, mastered the greatest secrets of magic, and explored their world and beyond. Now delve into their histories, cultures, and powers with Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races! Inside this book, you'll find details on all the major races that shape the Inner Sea region, from elves and dwarves to celestial-touched aasimars and subterranean drow, along with new details on a variety of rare and mysterious populations. Dive into this tome of secrets and discover:
In-depth discussions of the natures, histories, and cultures of all seven core races—including 12 different human ethnicities—plus races like the maniacal goblins, crow-headed tengu, fiend-blooded tieflings, and more!
New feats, spells, magic items, armor, and weapons for characters of all the races commonly found in the Inner Sea region.
A summary of the rules for building a character of any featured race, as well as alternate heritages for races with diverse origins.
Character traits to help you get the most out of your character's cultural history, beliefs, and backstory.
Glimpses of rare races hardly ever seen in the
Inner Sea region!
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-722-2
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
Overall, Inner Sea Races is a very good and useful book. The first three chapters contain a wealth of information about the various races inhabiting the Inner Sea region, and although some of this information comes from previously published books, much of it has been updated and expanded upon. Importantly, it compiles all this information into one easy-to-reference book. The fourth chapter is the weakest part of the book, but there is still much in the chapter that is useful to people creating characters for the setting. The book is already a frequently referenced source for my own games and is likely to be for many other people’s games as well.
Filler, teamwork feats, repeated material, and teamwork feats.
I'm kind of iffy on buying fluff. I really don't like material I've seen before. This book is fluff that we've seen before.
The fluff isn't even that good. It's kind of bland, generic, stuff that's repeated elsewhere. There's no depth to it.
When it comes to the crunch it's teamwork feats, teamwork feats, teamwork feats... Almost NINETY PERCENT of the feats are teamwork feats. Teamwork feats start as problematic because you need someone else to take them, they get worse because they've been balanced for class features that are going to take them for free.
They're even WORSE for a race book, because you need a veritable celestial alignment of someone else with the feat AND the right positioning AND with the same build AND the same race as you.
With all the untapped potential for race related feats THATS what gets added in as crunch? You couldn't even think of one non teamwork feat per race?
For people that don´t have the partly sold out Player Companions "xxx of Golarion", this book offers a brief overview of the different races that populate the "Inner Sea" and their history.
This book does a very poor job of compiling all the great information from the 32 pages Player Companions into one source.
Humans get by far the most pages, with some other races barely getting mentioned. Also there is 90% flavor and 10% rules in here, of which most are unusable.
This book is not worth $45 or $32 for the pdf.
If you´ll buy the "Elves of Golarion" pdf for $6.99,
"Dwarves of Golarion" pdf for $7.99,
"Gnomes of Golarion" pdf for $7.99,
"Halflings of Golarion" pdf for $7.99 and
"Humans of Golarion" pdf for $7.99, you will get much more flavor and crunch.
The Players Companion: "Humans of Golarion" alone covers about a third of this Hardcover in it´s 32 pages.
I thought this volume would compile the most important parts of the 10 Players Companions (Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Orcs, Halflings, Humans, Goblins, Blood of Fiends, Blood of Angels & Kobolds) into one volume, but it doesn´t.
and thus not worth buying. If you want the crunch, you can find it for free on PF crunch websites.
In other respects, all the changed in descriptive flavor (the things upon which role-playing is based) are actually steps backwards from previous products, such as Humans of Golarion.
Which is to say: this product is actually counter-productive. It actively makes the game worse. It indeed contributes to lack of RPing in the hobby, because the focus of the changes became what was fashionable in the current year. But nobody really needs a guide that caters to their own ideology; people who are going to play their own opinions out rather than immerse themselves in a fantasy mindeset can do it without a guide.
They will probably still buy it for confirming their views. I do concede there is some entertainment value in that sense. But for people interested in RPing in a fantasy sense, you are much, much better off simply buying the earlier race guides, which are still available, and giving this one a pass.
Great background and really glad it's not full of crunch
I had cut down on my Pathfinder purchases a lot because the volume of crunch is, to my mind, becoming pointless. Pathfinder Campaign Setting material is often the main exception to that and this is a great hardback, full of considerable detail on a great many races.
As others have pointed out, humans get a lot of coverage, but it doesn't feel like a bad idea, to me; they make up the substantial majority of playable individuals in Golarion, and have the most variety (on account of being so dominant over the Inner Sea), and as this isn't a bumper book of crunch--which I'd absolutely not have bought, anyway--then to my mind it makes a lot of sense.
Stuff like this is, in my opinion, where Paizo really excels. I get that the crunch-monster needs to be fed, but for many of me that obscures what I really liked about Paizo in the first place, which is that they make really engaging campaign material.
Don't know if this has already been addressed previously, but are there going to be more "racially focused" class options. The ARG has sorcerer bloodlines, archetypes, and the like. Are we going to see any new ethnic based archetypes or player options, especially for some of the hybrid classes, like the Bloodrager and the Shaman?
I know that there's a lot of talk about how much emphasis is put on this race or that race. When I run, I love having as many races as possible to include in the game, but my real joy comes with class options. Oracle Mysteries, Bloodlines, Arcane Schools, Monk "schools" (archetypes), all these kind of things bring me a lot of happiness.
So, now I'm pretty sure you guys are just trolling. <wry>
We're fixing the Blood of... heritages that got errated. That's pretty much the extent of what's changing, as far as old rules elements.
Maybe? It seems like that a little bit.
That said, Hayato is referencing a skinwalker feat (tiger heritage, specifically) from Blood of the Moon that was informally errata'd by Patrick Renie a few months after Blood of the Moon's release, so I don't think that's a trolling attempt.
I´m afraid trolling from me looks a bit different.
I liked that original feat very much, but the errata made it pretty much useless. In my eyes, the original feat was only really interesting if played by a rogue bandit. And since my rogues tend to be halflings, i think it´s far away from being too strong. More like a lot of fun since it was a really interesting mechanic that also required some investment to make it work and it still wouldn´t always have worked.
It´s little things like that making the game very interesting for me. Things that let you play something a bit out of the norm, but still being able to make a point in the game. Translated onto other topics, that should sound familar to some people.
To keep it on product, i´m still looking forward to this one, might get it as a book instead a PDF.
I looked around, but couldn't find an answer to this question. What is the price range of the PDF going to be? If it was already answered, my apologies.
Four pages for each human ethnicity? A considerable chuck of this book has lost its value to my group and I. Darn, I was really excited for this one. :/
Four pages for each human ethnicity? A considerable chuck of this book has lost its value to my group and I. Darn, I was really excited for this one. :/
Did you read the whole thread? It was re-established a few pages back that Golarion is humano-centric. Humans are the most established, widespread and influential race in this fantasy setting. "That's just the way it is, something's will never change..."
This is not the book for introducing new races. This is the book for expanding on the ones that we've already established are a part of the Inner Sea Region.
I kinda wonder if this book will be triumphant return of gnome flickmace and switchscythe :D
...Yeah, I guess that is unlikely, but if Paizo would bring back two cut out items(well, more accurately, Flickmace had description cut out while leaving stats in and switchscythe had stats cut out while leaving description in... So technically half and half was cut instead of whole item) this would be good opportunity. Still, I suppose its unlikely since this is supposed to be mostly reprinting information from different player books and not adding new one unless I understood wrong?
(To be honest, I just find idea of swordcane-ish scythe cool, though flickmace did have cool gimmick too)
Four pages for each human ethnicity? A considerable chuck of this book has lost its value to my group and I. Darn, I was really excited for this one. :/
Well like I said it's just best to take the ethnicity stuff and apply to other races as well. IMHO. I don't see a good argument against a Varisian Dwarf/Catfolk/Half-Orc/Kitsune, etc. If that's the culture around them.
Anyways, any idea when the book will be on store shelves in September?
I tried to keep up in this thread but might have missed it - is there going to be a pawn collection made from this?
I don't think this is going to include a lot of npc stats/new monsters (and probably none), so I really doubt.
I think the question of whether or not it'll be made into a pawn collection has more to do with the art therein than the stats. And the Monster Codex had no *new* monsters but that didn't stop them from making a pawn box from it.
Will this book talk about the races from Blood of the Elements and update/address their elemental bloodlines in regards to Advanced Class Guide and the Kinetist?
Will this book talk about the races from Blood of the Elements and update/address their elemental bloodlines in regards to Advanced Class Guide and the Kinetist?
The various genikin races are well-represented in Inner Sea Races, but as stated before, this book is far more concerned with presenting their in-world lore and not so much additional player options. There IS a chapter at the end of the book that collects new items and feats and spells and traits and magic items, but that's about it as far as rules elements go.
We may, at some point in the future, explore more kinetist options in a Player's Companion, but that's not one of the goals of Inner Sea Races at all.
I will probably buy this book but I want to add my voice to those asking for more info on more interesting races. I have been DMing pathfinder for just a year now so its not like I have all of the older softcover race books or anything but I find there is already more than enough info about the core races. I want more traits etc for tengus, kitsune and other cool races. I really hope that the next exploration of races focuses on less boring and overdone races. Every RPG ever practically has published mounds of info about humans and dwarves and elves. I would love to see pathfinder go a little more off the beaten path.
It also would just make the game more balanced. You shouldn't be punished for playing a tengu - but the lack of racial traits and feats and favoured class options means you are almost guaranteed to be a weaker character if you choose an interesting race vs a core race (or assimar etc - which are super overpowered, I would not even let a player play them and PFS has banned them too...)
I will probably buy this book but I want to add my voice to those asking for more info on more interesting races. I have been DMing pathfinder for just a year now so its not like I have all of the older softcover race books or anything but I find there is already more than enough info about the core races. I want more traits etc for tengus, kitsune and other cool races. I really hope that the next exploration of races focuses on less boring and overdone races. Every RPG ever practically has published mounds of info about humans and dwarves and elves. I would love to see pathfinder go a little more off the beaten path.
It also would just make the game more balanced. You shouldn't be punished for playing a tengu - but the lack of racial traits and feats and favoured class options means you are almost guaranteed to be a weaker character if you choose an interesting race vs a core race (or assimar etc - which are super overpowered, I would not even let a player play them and PFS has banned them too...)
Keep in mind that "interesting", "boring", and "overdone" are in the eye of the beholder. For some, having feathers or fur doesn't make the race any more (or less!) interesting than a human or elf or whatever.
Overdone- Human! Though the other core races are debatable.
In a humanocentric campaign setting (which, according to Paizo, is very much the case with Golarion), a book like Inner Sea Races and its relative focus on humans is hardly overdoing it. It fits with the themes and ideas Paizo have in mind for the setting.
So, as I see it, it really goes like this:
Interesting - varies by person.
Boring - varies by person.
Overdone - varies by person/it's a humanocentric setting.
Now, you may very well think humans is overdone, but, as someone who prefers to play humans, I don't, nor does Paizo, it seems. So it very much varies by person.
If anything, the humans are underdone. What makes a Kellid a Kellid is still a mystery to me, for instance, as is the difference between Taldane and Chelish humans.
If anything, the humans are underdone. What makes a Kellid a Kellid is still a mystery to me, for instance, as is the difference between Taldane and Chelish humans.
I've learned these things only by reading many disparate sources.
Curse of the Crimson Throne. Inner Sea World Guide. Humans of Golarion. People of the North.
I can see why they might want to consolidate things a bit...