Key monsters and NPCs from the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path come alive on your tabletop with the Wrath of the Righteous Pawn Collection, featuring more than 100 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn represents a beautiful full-color image of a monster or NPC from the Wrath of the Righteous campaign, including demons, cultists, and fiendish monstrosities, and dozens of unique NPCs also suitable for representing player characters. The Wrath of the Righteous Pawn Collection, together with the creatures from the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box collections, provides pawns for nearly every Wrath of the Righteous encounter. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Bestiary Box pawn collections, making the pawns easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With tons of distinct creature images, the Wrath of the Righteous Pawn Collection brings to life the enemies and allies from all six adventures of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path.
· The Worldwound Incursion
· The Sword of Valor
· Demon's Heresy
· The Midnight Isles
· Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth
· City of Locusts
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-582-2
Wrath of the Righteous Pawn Collection Set List
The enemies and allies of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path come to life on your tabletop! Each has its own abbreviation and identification number for easy sorting. The Wrath of the Righteous Pawn Collection includes:
Small (and Smaller)
Demon, Abrikandilu (2)
Demon, Brimorak (4)
Demon, Dretch (2)
Locust Swarm (4)
Lord Stillborn
Nurah Dendiwhar
The Suture
Vescavor Swarm (4)
Anevia Tirabade
Areelu Vorlesh
Aron Kir
Barrid Isen
Blackfire Adept (4)
Cave Viper
Chaleb Sazomal
Cultist of Baphomet (4)
Cultist of Deskari (4)
Demodand, Slimy
Demodand, Stringy
Demodand, Tarry
Demon, Babau (4)
Demon, Coloxus (2)
Demon, Kalavakus (2)
Demon, Katpaskir (4)
Demon, Shachath
Demon, Succubus (5)
Demon, Thoxel (2)
Demon, Vermlek (2)
Demon, Vilsteth
Demoniac of Baphomet (4)
Filleted Man
Fulsome Queen
Horgus Gwerm
Immortal Ichor
Irabeth Tirabade
Joran Vhane
Kestoglyr Mantiel
Queen Galfrey
Rasper (10)
Sister Perversion
Sosiel Vaenic
Staunton Vhane
Templar of the Ivory Labyrinth (6)
Theruk Nul
Tiefling (7)
Xanthir Vang
Apocalypse Locust (4)
The Defiled One
Demon, Derakni (4)
Demon, Gibrileth (3)
Diurgez Broodlord
Drake Rider (2)
Echo of Deskari
Golem, Stone
Half-Fiend Minotaur (2)
Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth
Mistress Anemora
Vescavor Queen
Dragon, Ancient Black (2)
Elemental, Mythic Elder Fire
Half-Fiend Great Cyclops
Khorramzadeh Reborn
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The Wrath of the Righteous pawn set brings you a wide variety of demonic pawns and devilish adversaries. If you're planning to run anything with demons, this gives you all the succubi that you're ever going to need!
The art is gorgeous. The characters are bloody and valiant. The monsters are hideously beautiful. Pick it up today!
This is the latest, biggest and best of the Pawn sets so far. If you are going to run the Campaign you need this, it goes far beyond the "Pathfinder Battles: Wrath of the Righteous" minis (which are excellent but miss a lot of the characters that are included here).
Paizo seems to have heard the people who complained about missing key NPCs.
Personally i have almost all of the minis but i like mixing them with the pawns.
The only one that seems to be missing at first glance is the "Dominion Invader" aka "Neh-Talggu" which can be found as #204 in the Bestiary 2 Box.
Are there many good aligned outsiders in WotR? I'm not playing in or running the AP but if there's more then just demons in it I think I'll have to get it. :)
I agree magnuskn, I'm starting this AP this week, by the time this is out, is it still worthwhile getting?
Must be difficult for Paizo, they don't want spoilers, but they also need to support the monthly released APs too. Perhaps they should do away with these products, and instead have a sheet or two of key npcs/monsters included with each part..........
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Sausageman wrote:
I agree magnuskn, I'm starting this AP this week, by the time this is out, is it still worthwhile getting?
Must be difficult for Paizo, they don't want spoilers, but they also need to support the monthly released APs too. Perhaps they should do away with these products, and instead have a sheet or two of key npcs/monsters included with each part..........
It's less that they don't want spoilers, and more that the art isn't available yet. Books five and six for sure are still being edited, maybe even book four.
I didn't get the RoW pawns until I was halfway through the AP, yet I've still found them unbelievably helpful. It would have been nice to get them earlier, but getting them this far into is hasn't been an issue for me.
Also, I find the AP sets just generally useful, even for unrelated games. I'm constantly pulling pawns for adventures out of my Runelords, Skull and Shackles, and Shattered Star sets. I imagine the WotR set will be a great resource for demon pawns (as the bestiary boxes don't give you too many multiples of demons).
So in answer to Sausageman, yes, I think it's still worthwhile getting.
Part 5 , and I assume 6, will call for so many minis not yet made in plastic that I'll still need this in April I think. Besides its a good way to get a host of demons for any game.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
When is a list of the pawns that are going to be part of this set going to be made available? I'm planning for running this AP and knowing that list would be helpful.
When is a list of the pawns that are going to be part of this set going to be made available? I'm planning for running this AP and knowing that list would be helpful.
A list of pawns will be available closer to the product's release date.
I was about to preorder this, then I noticed the tag that this will be shipped with my next subscription. My Wrath campaign is likely to be basically over at that point. As it stands I am picking this up at the end of the 3rd book.
Can it ship on release, or not?
Sara Marie
Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager
You can always ship things by themselves. There should be an option during checkout that allows you to ship as soon as possible. If not, ping us via email ( or over on the CS messageboards and we can make sure its in an order by itself and not the sidecart.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Gorta wrote:
When is a list of the pawns that are going to be part of this set going to be made available? I'm planning for running this AP and knowing that list would be helpful.
A list of pawns will be available closer to the product's release date.
Is there an estimate of when the list will be available? In a little over two weeks, I will be charged for the product and it would be nice to know what I am getting.
So what are the horned creatures in the cover image? Probably some kind of demon, but what kind? They look like the horde demon i needed, that dretches never could really provide.
According to my demon-fu, they're brimoraks, demons born from the souls of arsonists and other fire-happy sinners. They're featured in Book of the Damned Vol. II: Lords of Chaos.
Now this went from an original release date of April, to May, and now to June?
Oh Pathfinder - routinely advertising pawns six months in advance only to change the release date multiple times, and almost always - a month before the pawns are released - push the date back once again?
Kind of frustrating for those of us who look forward to these pawns for months in advance.
Well so far in all the other AP pawn sets there have been things that haven't been in the mini sets. So my guess would be that the same will hold true for this one.
He's gargantuan and they still haven't worked out a suitable way they wish to do gargantuans. He is available now as a mini for separate purchase - no case needed, I think
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
As soon as your subscription ships normally. I do think they are having a slight hiccup this month though. If you got your shipment notice and don't have your download, you might want to check out the thread in the Customer Service area of the messageboards.
I have a persnickety, technical question for anyone who has this. I run my games using a virtual tabletop, and I've been thinking about picking up the PDF for use as additional art resources. However, before I do, I need to ask: How much of this artwork is new to the pawns? (I know at least some pawns have new art, but not how many.) And unfortunately I don't have any way of checking the contents of the box short of buying it.
I'm sure coming up with an answer to this would be a bit tedious, but I thought I'd ask in case anyone happened to have the numbers handy.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sorry - recounted (on the computer where I actually have that art). Nine new art pieces: Soltengrebbe, The Suture, Stone Golem, Waxberry, Immortal Ichor, Locust Swarm, Lann, The Defiled One, Cave Viper. So much better than my brain was thinking - sorry for the mis-information.
Nice set of pawns as usual... but one minor thing. What happened to abrikandilu demons. They are medium size creatures ( according to book, internet and that paizo plastic miniature ) but they some how turned into small pawns in this set?
Just got the pawn set and now I'm trying to get everything put away but I don't have book 6 of the AP and was wondering if anyone could help me out and just let me know what creature type the Raspers are, they're the only ones that I'm not sure of to get put in the proper place.
Just got the pawn set and now I'm trying to get everything put away but I don't have book 6 of the AP and was wondering if anyone could help me out and just let me know what creature type the Raspers are, they're the only ones that I'm not sure of to get put in the proper place.
They are CE Medium vermin (augmented outsider, native)