Pathfinder Cards: Rules Reference Flash Cards Double Deck

4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Our Price: $22.99


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Master the Rules

Put the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules at your fingertips! Whether you’re a Game Master who needs a convenient reference for combat maneuvers, a player who wants summaries of how to use your favorite skills, or a newcomer trying to learn the rules, this 110-card deck features concise guides to essential concepts from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide on handy double-sided cards. Stop flipping back and forth through rulebooks—grab the cards you need and keep your game moving!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-668-3

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Pathfinder Cards: Rules Reference Flash Cards Double Deck Pathfinder Cards: Rules Reference Flash Cards Double Deck

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4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Super Useful


These cards are super useful. Granted a big chunk are for noobies, but that’s ok as sometimes we have those mind blank moments where we need a quick reminder without digging out the rule book. That being said some of the CMBs cards are invaluable. At my table for instance “grappling” convo always seems to come up, and these cards make it simple and easy to get to the bottom of “is this ok or not” scenarios.

I didn't have any issues with card quality with scratches or bends as the other reviewer had.

My only real complaint (which I am not going to mark off star quality for) is I wish the card lines in general would come in pdfs since I play online scanning the cards in 1 by 1 is very time consuming. I would be willing to pay the same price as the physical version.

I hope they do more stuff with the reference product line. Hoping for Spells , Feats, etc… to make an appearance.

Great for beginners, useful for veterans. A bit flawed physically.


These are a handy little reference, which provide updated single-source look-ups for generic rules. They are probably of most use to inexperienced players, but I still see them being extremely useful at veteran tables... even (or especially) those filled with rules lawyers.
I went thru the cards and divided the cards by whether or not I would want to use them in a session, and the stacks were pretty even - which is still pretty useful considering I've GM'ed for over 30 years. My "useful deck" includes much of the Combat chapter of the CRB (with cards for every Combat Maneuvre) and all of the skills. Notably absent were cards for conditions (already in the Condition Cards), and cards for magic item activation and creation.
I would probably have rated this 4 stars, but unfortunately about 30% of the cards in my deck are scratched or scraped - nothing illegible or unusable, but definitely noticable. Disappointing.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Announced for July! Product image is a mockup and subject to change.

This looks like a good idea. One of my groups has gotten use to having the buff deck cards with their characters. This deck could prove just as useful.

I would love to see a card for every spell, but that may not ever happen.

Will the subjects of spell resistance, caster level checks, and spell save DC calculation be outlined in these cards? These are often forgotten/confused.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber


We could definitely use these!

Rules which I hope to see: scatter diagrams, improvised weapons, dying/stabilization, all the combat manoeuvres (including the APG ones), different forms of environmental damage (exposure to lava, lost in a blizzard, buried underneath an avalanche/rockslide, sudden exposure to vacuum, etc.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there any way to (eventually) get a preview of some of the cards? I'm specifically thinking about the Grapple card(s?) - I'd love to be able to see the way it's laid out and summarized before forking over the dough. :)

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Heck, I'm going to have to look at these at PaizoCon. I might even like them.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber
Feegle wrote:
Is there any way to (eventually) get a preview of some of the cards? I'm specifically thinking about the Grapple card(s?) - I'd love to be able to see the way it's laid out and summarized before forking over the dough. :)

Same here. I think the grapple card could be a good benchmark. This seems to be one of the more complicated rules.

Color me intrigued. My strategy to this point has been to copy difficult rules bits out of the PRD. I paste 'em into a Word Document and attach it to the back of my character sheet. Eventually, I could probably slap them all together into a Rules Compendium without all the nice art that the Rules Compendium had.

Not sure how I missed the announce of these for so long. Definitely getting a set for me and a set for Pathfinder Society play.


Are these going to be double sided like the Condition Cards for 220 bits of rules info or are they going to be single sided?

PF rules summaries ?

Going to need a bigger deck !!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I just noticed these for the first time. Excellent...

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

And wish they really were for July... October is too far away.

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, I'm not sure how I missed this announcement. This will be very useful I think.

Interesting product. I know the debuff cards are very nice, and popular in the local area. I am very curious to know which rules are going to get a going over as most needing a quick reference.

Will there be multiples of each card, or this this a deck of 110 different rules references?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All of the cards are different... but exactly how many rules references there are depends on how you count them.

Some concepts are short enough that they fit on one side of a card; in those cases, there's a related concept on the other side. Example: "Initiative" and "Flat-Footed" are opposite sides of the same card.

Some concepts are long enough that they fill both sides of a card. Example: "Critical Hits" takes up the front and back of one card.

Some concepts are spread across multiple cards, though when that happens, they are divided into subconcepts. Example: "Attacks of Opportunity" is divided into three double-sided cards: "Threatened Squares", "What Provokes One?", and "Making the Attack".

Thanks, Vic. That sounds like exactly what I was hoping for!

Will the rules for mounted combat be here, perchance?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yep. 3 cards: "Basic," "Advanced," and "Staying in the Saddle" (mounting, dismounting, what happens when your mount falls in battle, etc.).

Is this for the Pathfinder Card Game or the regular Pathfinder RPG game?

Freewolf wrote:
Is this for the Pathfinder Card Game or the regular Pathfinder RPG game?

It's for the RPG.

Frankly this may be more useful than the strategy guide. I'm buying four.

I'm not usually one to fret about editing, but I really really really hope these got a very solid review, since they may be setting precedents at tables/society.

If (just if!) any Errata is issued on these, any chance of sending replacement cards?

Rules from which books are on these cards? Only CRB? I really would like to have the universal monster rules included.

Daehsquinn wrote:
Rules from which books are on these cards? Only CRB? I really would like to have the universal monster rules included.

I hope not. Cards are less useful for me as a GM because I'll have notes and books at hand. Cards free up my books so that I don't have several people using one core rulebook.

I too would love to have the universal monster rules included, but I suspect that they won't be. For one thing, they continue to evolve as monsters with new abilities are added to the Bestiary line - which would make the cards hard to keep up to date.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Product image and description updated.

product description wrote:
...concepts from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide on handy double-sided cards.


Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Added some sample card images.

Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

*looks at flash card for threatened squares*

Huh. Official confirmation that reach weapons threaten the second diagonal. Nifty.

Dark Archive

That second diagonal really perked my eyebrow also but the text is too blurry to read the details. Surfice it to say I will be keeping a close eye on this.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Raymond Lambert wrote:
That second diagonal really perked my eyebrow also but the text is too blurry to read the details. Surfice it to say I will be keeping a close eye on this.

You can click on it to see a bigger image....

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

That reach change makes me happy. Makes life easier.

Bellona wrote:
I too would love to have the universal monster rules included, but I suspect that they won't be.

I'd not heard about this announcement until just now, so hey, cool.

This thought about universal monster rules... I might buy such a deck. I often have a bunch of bookmarks in whatever module I'm running, and/or a bestiary or two, to mark where a given monster is at. Having a different deck for GMs might be an interesting idea. I know there have been a bunch of times when "oh, crap... ooze traits... I wonder if that applies to what Mr. PC just did?" comes up. So a single deck aimed at DMs might not be a horrible idea.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Raymond Lambert wrote:
That second diagonal really perked my eyebrow also but the text is too blurry to read the details. Surfice it to say I will be keeping a close eye on this.
You can click on it to see a bigger image....

I hope medium isn't the only size shown...?

November? I thought this was shipping in October....

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Probably delayed by the summer release crunch schedule.

I have a couple thoughts/questions based upon the images.

-I noticed that the cards are numbered.

--Looks like the bottom center info is giving the page number in the corresponding rulebook, but I don't have my CRB handy to check that.

--There is a smaller number in the sort of bottom left corner. Is this the number referred to in the text of the initiative card? If so, it might be useful to have that number near the top of the card so that if we store the cards in a card box, we can see the number as we flip through.

I'm still cogitating on this one. Do I buy it or not? I'll figure it out by November. That budget is still a full month away!

I'll be very interested to see if that "attacks of opportunity" card is final, as it doesn't jibe with SKR's clarifications. At all.

The rules deck was printed after Sean left the company. And his clarifications were never an official FAQ, just his opinion.

Given Vic's above response to people's reaction to the AoO card, I'm guessing this is official. But I guess we'll see next month. :)

Joana wrote:

The rules deck was printed after Sean left the company. And his clarifications were never an official FAQ, just his opinion.

Given Vic's above response to people's reaction to the AoO card, I'm guessing this is official. But I guess we'll see next month. :)

I sincerely hope that's the case. I'd love to put that ambiguity (and some others) to rest for good.

Has this one shipped for anyone else? For some reason, it says mine isn't shipping until February....

Dustin Ashe wrote:
Has this one shipped for anyone else? For some reason, it says mine isn't shipping until February....

Did you order from Amazon?

They've toggled this page from pre-order to just place an order, so they have them in stock here at least.

Sniggevert wrote:
Dustin Ashe wrote:
Has this one shipped for anyone else? For some reason, it says mine isn't shipping until February....

Did you order from Amazon?

They've toggled this page from pre-order to just place an order, so they have them in stock here at least.

No, I preordered it right here at back in June.

Dustin Ashe wrote:
Sniggevert wrote:
Dustin Ashe wrote:
Has this one shipped for anyone else? For some reason, it says mine isn't shipping until February....

Did you order from Amazon?

They've toggled this page from pre-order to just place an order, so they have them in stock here at least.

No, I preordered it right here at back in June.

Then probably a glitch. You may wish to post in the Customer Service forum, but I would assume (if it's not being held for another product) it should ship this month with the subscription orders...

Umm, did you by any chance order the RPG Ultimate Strategy Guide on the same pre-order? I ask as that recently got bumped to February and if they're still stuck together that could cause it as well.

Sniggevert wrote:
Umm, did you by any chance order the RPG Ultimate Strategy Guide on the same pre-order? I ask as that recently got bumped to February and if they're still stuck together that could cause it as well.

Yup, I did. That must be it. When do subscription orders ship this month?

Dustin Ashe wrote:
Sniggevert wrote:
Umm, did you by any chance order the RPG Ultimate Strategy Guide on the same pre-order? I ask as that recently got bumped to February and if they're still stuck together that could cause it as well.
Yup, I did. That must be it. When do subscription orders ship this month?

They were supposed to start the queue this past Monday IIRC. I know they did the authorization run last Thursday, and it's usually the following Monday for start date. The whole queue has been taking about two weeks for shipping to get through.

If you don't have an option on your account page to ship the cards immediately, you can post in Customer Service to have them split the order up since that's the delay. It'll cause 2 shipping charges, but it'll also keep you from waiting 4 months for the cards...

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is the sample card for Attacks of Opportunity the same as the actual printed card? My reach cleric is very interested in knowing this.

BretI wrote:
Is the sample card for Attacks of Opportunity the same as the actual printed card? My reach cleric is very interested in knowing this.

I certainly hope so...

*crosses fingers*

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

That diagram goes directly against the second diagonal threatening rule as was propagated on the forum by both Sean K Reynolds and James Jacobs. Hm.

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