Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand (PFRPG)

4.20/5 (based on 23 ratings)
Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand (PFRPG)
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Founded by a famous dragonslayer, the small town of Belhaim has become a sleepy rural community just off the beaten path, a settlement where everyone knows everyone and strangers are the talk of the town. But when Belhaim’s peace and quiet is shattered by the sudden collapse of the last standing tower of its founder’s castle, things quickly bloom out of control. Why were there bodies of kobolds amid the rubble? What’s the sinister secret behind the strange sounds of flapping wings in the night? And what’s happened to local wizard Balthus Hunclay, who’s not answering knocks on his door? The collapsed tower had long been an eyesore to the cantankerous old man—could he have had something to do with its destruction? And what of the rumors of strange stirrings in nearby Dragonfen? Has Belhaim’s ancient draconic nemesis returned?

"The Dragon’s Demand" is a deluxe super-adventure for 1st-level characters, and includes 64 action-packed pages of adventure and new monsters, plus a beautiful double-sided, full-color poster map of the town of Belhaim and an important miniatures-scale battleground! Players can expect to reach 7th level by the time they complete this epic adventure—if they manage to survive the wrath of a dragon when his demands aren’t met!

Written by Mike Shel.
Cover Art by Lars Grant-West.

Pathfinder Modules are 64-page, high-quality, full-color, adventures using the Open Game License to work with both the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set. This Pathfinder Module includes new monsters, treasure, a double-sided poster map, and a fully detailed bonus location that can be used as part of the adventure or in any other game!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-527-3

Bring your campaign to life!
The Dragon's Demand SoundPack from Syrinscape is a complete audio solution when playing The Dragon's Demand adventure.

The Dragon's Demand is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download (356 KB zip/PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Subscription.

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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Average product rating:

4.20/5 (based on 23 ratings)

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Needs adjustment for more than 4 players


While I liked the new format, this module is a cake-walk for larger player groups. My group of 5-7 players ran rough-shod through 95% of the encounters. The end encounter was over in less than 5 rounds.

I knew that the module was intended for 4 players, so I adjusted the encounters accordingly, but it still wasn't enough of a challenge.


I doubled and even tripled the number of 'mook' creatures, which helped somewhat.

Changing the Neh-Thalggu to a living version instead of a zombie was the most challenging fight the players had throughout the entire module.

If I ran this again, I would bump the dragon to the next age category to ensure the players face a dragon worthy of the name.

The module provides so much help in the way of NPCs and magic treasure as to almost be overwhelming. If you have a large group of players, you may want to have the potential NPC allies go their separate ways. My group didn't need the extra help.

Love the new format


I've generally avoided buying individual modules, preferring to either do it myself or go with something more comprehensive, like an Adventure Path. I tried this one out on a whim, and I'm really glad that I did.

I think the complaints about the module being too single-minded are way off base; the module includes a lot of information about the town itself, the history of its founder, the people who live there, and the political divisions that lurk behind the smiling (or frowning) faces. And it's not just background info for the GM - there are numerous sub-quests (with xp rewards!) to encourage the players to get invested in the town and get to know people. If you're looking for a good introductory module for a new group, and don't want to commit to an entire Adventure Path, this is a great place to start.

I'm deducting one star becomes the reversible map, while showing a wonderful guide to the town, has perhaps the dullest possible miniatures map on the back. The module contains a lot of really interesting maps (that are often a lot of work to draw), and they chose to illustrate the simplest map possible. I would have appreciated a map of the Kobold warren much more than the auction house.

Good, but it could have been so much more


I bought Dragon’s Demand last week and read through it by now. And I must say that my expectations were really not met. But why is that so? You get a full description of what happens and what will happen in every chapter, at the start of each chapter. As a GM you always know what’s going on and what to tell and not to tell the Players. The new format is truly at its best here. The story itself is above standard, but not by far. The Dungeons are well written and described very detailed. And the PCs will have enough to do to get to level 7 at the end of this module.
The real problem I have with this book is the description of the town of Belhaim. You get a very nice poster map and a listing of every little house that is shown there. So you totally know that there is the Chance Smithy and that there are 6 humans working for a guy named Marcus Chance who is a NE male Expert 1 / Warrior 3 and is an unfriendly brutish guy. But what does that help me as a GM? The only NPC that gets a proper description is the town’s baroness and the main supporting evildoers. And the rest is up to the GM. The whole description of Belhaim is only 4 pages long. Only 3 of its denizens have a portrait and more than a list entry as a description. For some GMs this might be enough. But for me, I can come up with names for places and NPCs anytime. But what I expect from a module is that it gives me interesting NPCs to work with and fascinating backstories for them. And that is lacking, even with the main NPCs be they friend or foe.
The second big problem I have is that the PCs will not get to know their enemy. The Dragon is a well written character. His lieutenants also have interesting backstories, but are each reduced to one simple encounter. There is so much potential for more here. I would imagine sending my PCs on errands for the dragon so that he does not destroy Belhaim. Think about it like “Simon Sais” in Die Hard. While doing the dragons bidding the PCs get to know his secrets and his fellow lieutenants and slowly work out a plan to destroy the fiend. While you can do something like this with this adventure, there is nothing of it in this book. It is just straight forward go in and kill the dragon. And that is why I think it falls short on the account of what it could have been.
The last problem is but a small one. Don’t buy this module if you don’t own the Bestiary, Bestiary 2 and Ultimate Equipment (maybe also Bestiary 3). Every second monster is only described with “Bestiary 2 page xy” with no further info whatsoever. It’s the same with magic items. The Pathfinder reference document surely helps, but if you don't use a PC at the gaming table you have to print out all the entries and still don't have pictures of the monsters.
Closing thoughts: I will recommend this book to any GM that “only” needs a set of interesting and not too combat heavy dungeons that are well written and easy to GM. If you have all the pathfinder rulebooks you won’t run into any problems here whatsoever. While there is only little info on the different lieutenants and the dragon itself, this might be ok for some GMs. If you need a little more handholding as a GM when it comes to NPCs, this might not be the module for you. You need the PCs to get to know Belhaim and run some errands there and the book really doesn’t help you with that in any way. So if that is a problem to you or you don’t have all the rulebooks, don’t buy this one.
I rate this module with 3.5 stars because it only falls short on the basis of my expectations. It’s definitely a good module and with some GM work it can be a very exciting adventure. If done properly you could run a whole campaign flashing out the denizens of Belhaim as you go and inventing your own Belhaim while doing so.

Not a great first foray


This is a difficult adventure to review. I just finished running this, over the course of around 8 sessions. I had a lot of fun, but mainly because the group I was running it for really meshed well together and because I had the leeway to, as a PFS GM, modify encounters. (We were running it in Campaign mode.)

I would say that we had fun despite the printed adventure, however. There are so many good ideas in here that are so woefully underdeveloped.

First, let's talk about the storyline itself. The storyline is your basic "Kill the Dragon" plot. There's not much new there. There IS an interesting RP session midway through the adventure, but due to the heavy gold costs involved, most characters will choose not to take part in it. There are 50-odd locations listed in the book that the PCs can visit, along with little blurbs about each. There are also quests which encourage the PCs to go to these locations and chat the villagers up.

The problem is that it's nearly impossible for even a moderately-experienced GM like myself to come up with that many unique personalities on the fly, especially when the PCs do not have a hook to initiate conversation. I tried to improvise where I could, but most of the time when the PCs would visit these locations, it would feel very stilted. Also, given the length of everything else here, it's just not feasible to spend that much time in town.

So, let's talk about the combat. There's a lot of it. A LOT of it. Six dungeons worth. These were largely thrown in, it seems, to make the accounting come out right to get the characters to 7th level before the showdown. The frustrating part is that most of the combats are not that interesting. The adventure reuses weak, low-level mobs that really don't challenge the party in the slightest. Conversely, though, there are extremely difficult fights at odd intervals throughout the adventure.

I guess that, in the end, even at 8 sessions of it, it still felt rushed. There was a lot more that felt like it deserved exploring, but there was no detail about it in the book. Therefore, while my experience was good, I just can't rate the adventure that highly. A fantastic effort, but please, don't try to squeeze that many levels into a single 64-page module ever again. I look forward to seeing how this format works with the upcoming adventure, which will only include 4 levels.

GM in the making


I'm pretty new to Pathfinder and have been reading up on a bunch of modules for the campaign I'm developing and this one by far is the best one I've read yet. I can easily deploy this one into my campaign with minimal or no tweaks at all. Can’t wait to run it! Great maps, encounters, story and art work. Good job Paizo!!!

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Silver Crusade

Dragon78 wrote:
This new format sounds awesome to me, now I might start getting the modules again. Also this opens doors to modules on Castrovel, Akiton, Numeria, The First Worls, etc. and it will do them justice that a 32 page one couldn't do.

Exactly my thoughts on this change up in format, and hopefully focus.

Bring on the bad guys!


Is the poster map in line with the map folio poster maps or more like a two sided flip mat? Please be a two sided flip mat from the adventure. That would be so much nicer. I love your campaign maps (I've got many of them) but I want an adventure that comes with the maps. The modules line would be great for this!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

At this point, the plan is to have the poster map be a map of the city and the region that the adventure focuses partially on, NOT a battle map.


James Jacobs wrote:
At this point, the plan is to have the poster map be a map of the city and the region that the adventure focuses partially on, NOT a battle map.

So is this to say it's not entirely out of the question? I'll even take a high res pdf of the battle map printed in the book that I can print out on 11x8.5 (I think this is standard paper size) paper and tape together. Anything to alleviate the time consumption of drawing the darn map with markers and my players not being able to appreciate the true scope of the map that is in my book. This has been my biggest hang up on purchasing adventures (and I'm an AP Subscriber). The maps in the books are fantastic and I just want my players to have the real appreciation and feel like they are really in the place I describe to them.

Rant over. Looking forward to this. Will be switching over to a module sub instead of the AP sub soon. Modules will be easier to run and require less time commitment from players. Pretty stoked to see quarterly and bigger. More time to play them, less feeling like I'm being overwhelmed by a bunch of books that I'm not ready for (my general feeling with the AP line).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Icaste Fyrbawl wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
At this point, the plan is to have the poster map be a map of the city and the region that the adventure focuses partially on, NOT a battle map.

So is this to say it's not entirely out of the question? I'll even take a high res pdf of the battle map printed in the book that I can print out on 11x8.5 (I think this is standard paper size) paper and tape together. Anything to alleviate the time consumption of drawing the darn map with markers and my players not being able to appreciate the true scope of the map that is in my book. This has been my biggest hang up on purchasing adventures (and I'm an AP Subscriber). The maps in the books are fantastic and I just want my players to have the real appreciation and feel like they are really in the place I describe to them.

Rant over. Looking forward to this. Will be switching over to a module sub instead of the AP sub soon. Modules will be easier to run and require less time commitment from players. Pretty stoked to see quarterly and bigger. More time to play them, less feeling like I'm being overwhelmed by a bunch of books that I'm not ready for (my general feeling with the AP line).

It's not entirely out of the question, but it's highly highly highly unlikely.


James Jacobs wrote:
Icaste Fyrbawl wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
At this point, the plan is to have the poster map be a map of the city and the region that the adventure focuses partially on, NOT a battle map.

So is this to say it's not entirely out of the question? I'll even take a high res pdf of the battle map printed in the book that I can print out on 11x8.5 (I think this is standard paper size) paper and tape together. Anything to alleviate the time consumption of drawing the darn map with markers and my players not being able to appreciate the true scope of the map that is in my book. This has been my biggest hang up on purchasing adventures (and I'm an AP Subscriber). The maps in the books are fantastic and I just want my players to have the real appreciation and feel like they are really in the place I describe to them.

Rant over. Looking forward to this. Will be switching over to a module sub instead of the AP sub soon. Modules will be easier to run and require less time commitment from players. Pretty stoked to see quarterly and bigger. More time to play them, less feeling like I'm being overwhelmed by a bunch of books that I'm not ready for (my general feeling with the AP line).

It's not entirely out of the question, but it's highly highly highly unlikely.

So, after spending like ten minutes making a shoddy ancii picture of a Sad Panda, I previewed it and realized the font in type and the final fonts aren't exactly the same. So, suffice to say, I will not be blessing you with that atrocity to haunt your dreams. But this information makes me one sad panda, sir.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
At this point, the plan is to have the poster map be a map of the city and the region that the adventure focuses partially on, NOT a battle map.

How will the poster be attached to the module? With gum glue, perforated tears... or shrink wrap?

I vote for Gum Glue...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.

UPDATE: One side of the poster map will indeed have a battle map of a key encounter location.

I suspect the poster map will be attached with gum glue.

James Jacobs wrote:

UPDATE: One side of the poster map will indeed have a battle map of a key encounter location.

I suspect the poster map will be attached with gum glue.

That's an excellent development. Thanks for trying it out.

I'll be keen to see how it's received (I've been hoping you'd start to experiment with the occasional battlemat in the map folios for the odd iconic location/climactic battle. This is probably a better place to see how people like it).

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

UPDATE: One side of the poster map will indeed have a battle map of a key encounter location.

I suspect the poster map will be attached with gum glue.

Great news!

I really like the kind of versatility this map design offers!


Silver Crusade

This format is a most welcome change in my opinion. I am really looking forward to this! Good thinking fellows.

Liberty's Edge

What do you recommend for where the characters and/or adventure start? Reading the Taldor companion book, Wispil offers many races or will the village of Belhaim better suited? Will we see traits for Belhaim or just Taldor ones?


Aromaz Esoj wrote:
What do you recommend for where the characters and/or adventure start? Reading the Taldor companion book, Wispil offers many races or will the village of Belhaim better suited? Will we see traits for Belhaim or just Taldor ones?

Unless James makes some major changes during development, we're strongly discouraging any PCs being from Belhaim--hard to "discover" a new town if you grew up there.

For the rest of it, I think James will be handling those aspects.

Shadow Lodge





End result: less non-AP adventures. Once again: Boo! I'd far rather the already stretching for ideas Player Companion line be cut back to quarterly (or even bi-annually) than the module line.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Kthulhu, your math is off:

Quarterly 64-page modules: total of 256 pages/year
Bi-Monthly 32-page modules: total of 192 pages/year

End result: more non-AP adventure!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:

Kthulhu, your math is off:

Quarterly 64-page modules: total of 256 pages/year
Bi-Monthly 32-page modules: total of 192 pages/year

End result: more non-AP adventure!

But less different adventures.

That's what makes me a little less enthusiastic about this change.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I already have more Paizo adventures I could ever hope to run, even with three separate groups, so I don't mind the decreasing number of new modules. And I like longer, more involved adventures.

Shadow Lodge

thejeff wrote:

But less different adventures.

That's what makes me a little less enthusiastic about this change.


Shadow Lodge

Winter_Born wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
This new format sounds awesome to me, now I might start getting the modules again. Also this opens doors to modules on Castrovel, Akiton, Numeria, The First Worls, etc. and it will do them justice that a 32 page one couldn't do.

Exactly my thoughts on this change up in format, and hopefully focus.

Bring on the bad guys!

Of course, with the reduced number of modules, it would take a full year to do just the examples you listed, and that is if all other possible topics were ignored.

I am stoked for this change, planning to sub as soon as it goes in to effect.

The Exchange

Kthulhu wrote:
Winter_Born wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
This new format sounds awesome to me, now I might start getting the modules again. Also this opens doors to modules on Castrovel, Akiton, Numeria, The First Worls, etc. and it will do them justice that a 32 page one couldn't do.

Exactly my thoughts on this change up in format, and hopefully focus.

Bring on the bad guys!

Of course, with the reduced number of modules, it would take a full year to do just the examples you listed, and that is if all other possible topics were ignored.

Would you rather see them not handled at all? or handled in a really thin, lacking way? because Iv'e seen some modules with COOL concepts that were just "meh" becuase there really wasn't room enough to breathe. I hope some of those concepts (for example: plane hopping module, MOON module, high level adventure, etc.) will be revisited in the new format.

Liberty's Edge

I think an overlooked point here is that if this line really takes off (considering this a relaunch) then they can always add more to the pipeline. (Assuming it doesn't cannibalize AP sales.)

Going to this format makes me want to start a Module Subscription with this.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, I'm planning to restart mine when this becomes available.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aromaz Esoj wrote:
What do you recommend for where the characters and/or adventure start? Reading the Taldor companion book, Wispil offers many races or will the village of Belhaim better suited? Will we see traits for Belhaim or just Taldor ones?

We have no plans to do traits for this book. We only do campaign traits for Adventure Paths.

Dark Archive

How many players is this module for? did I miss this detail?

I'm fairly certain the standard assumption for any Pathfinder module is 4-5 players.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

We assume 4 players for all modules and adventure paths. But going up to 5 players is generally no big deal and doesn't require much adjustment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:

UPDATE: One side of the poster map will indeed have a battle map of a key encounter location.

I suspect the poster map will be attached with gum glue.

YES!!! Excellent result.

I'd be happy to take both sides of the poster map as a key encounter location. The reasoning is as follows: a nice picture of the town or region that is in the module itself I can easily show and have the players appreciate it suitably - I don't need that in a larger format on a poster. If the town/region features so prominently that we want to use it and flag it - then a poster-size version is nice, but a once-off use only; so the likely course would be to print out just that town/region and work of that.

But key encounters in battlemap posters are just... great! They see definite intended use, increase atmosphere, and accelerate story-to-action time.

I freely admit that I am subscribed to the Pathfinder Comics line purely on the grounds that it has a little battle map included.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The idea with not putting a battlemat on both sides is twofold—

1) Lots of GMs enjoy putting poster maps of towns or areas that feature prominently in the adventure up on a wall so the players can not only reference it as the game continues, but also so that it's a visual reminder/decoration of the area in question.

2) By making the map of the town be a poster map, it's a LOT easier to get details in there and allow the PCs to visualize things better than having to hold open the book every time someone wants to know where the trading post is.

I know you're doing a lot of work on Dragon's Demand this week, James, after the long weekend at the office. I was curious to know, since you're neck-deep in this adventure, what are you most excited about to showcase to players with this adventure?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lucent wrote:
I know you're doing a lot of work on Dragon's Demand this week, James, after the long weekend at the office. I was curious to know, since you're neck-deep in this adventure, what are you most excited about to showcase to players with this adventure?

A couple of things—

1) How Paizo handles a dragonslaying adventure. We've not done many of these yet—there's been plenty of dragons before, but most of them aren't the focus of the whole adventure plot.

2) Revealing a little bit more info about the Dominion of the Black. We touch on them a little in "Doom Comes to Dustpawn," but this adventure MIGHT be the point at which we let folks know what they are. MIGHT be.

3) There's an auction!!!

1) I'm really excited to see a dragon-centric storyline. I had anticipated dragons focusing heavily in Jade Regent because of eastern-fantasy tropes, so this is a welcome development.

2) :O

3) Ooh! My players had so much fun with the auction at the beginning of Pact Stone Pyramid when I ran it. I'm really glad to see that sort of event coming up again.

The Exchange

So looking at the dates when modules will become avilable, it seems like 3 (!) modules will cone out at may 2013 (Fangwood Keep, Dustpawn and thiss one). Busy month!

When will the next couple of modules be announced? seems like after may, there will be only the Alkenstar module in the "preorder" product list...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Lord Snow wrote:

So looking at the dates when modules will become avilable, it seems like 3 (!) modules will cone out at may 2013 (Fangwood Keep, Dustpawn and thiss one). Busy month!

When will the next couple of modules be announced? seems like after may, there will be only the Alkenstar module in the "preorder" product list...

Modules have moved to a quarterly schedule, and Paizo have only announced books until August.

The rules for Round five of RPG superstar also imply that he next module in this line will be the winner's module, so they don't actually know it's title or detail yet.

The Exchange

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
Lord Snow wrote:

So looking at the dates when modules will become avilable, it seems like 3 (!) modules will cone out at may 2013 (Fangwood Keep, Dustpawn and thiss one). Busy month!

When will the next couple of modules be announced? seems like after may, there will be only the Alkenstar module in the "preorder" product list...

Modules have moved to a quarterly schedule, and Paizo have only announced books until August.

The rules for Round five of RPG superstar also imply that he next module in this line will be the winner's module, so they don't actually know it's title or detail yet.

Ha, interesting. Would the winner of the RPG Superstar write a 64 page module? or maybe co-write such a module with an established designer? or will his module just be the old 32 page format ("old" in the sense taht by the time his adventure is published, the 64 page format will be the new standard...)

Already addressed in the Round 5 rules:

Paizo’s Pathfinder Modules are now 64 pages. The winning adventure will be approximately 32–40 pages in length. The remaining material for the book will be filled with additional content appropriate for the adventure and its location, such as monsters and magic items. (Paizo will provide this additional content. Some of this additional content may come from earlier rounds of RPG Superstar 2013; if so, the authors of that content will be paid for their work and credited in the module!)

Product Description wrote:

The Dragon’s Demand is deluxe super-adventure for 1st-level characters, and kicks off a relaunch of Paizo’s popular Pathfinder Modules line, which now includes 64 action-packed pages of adventure and a beautiful two-sided full-color poster map with each quarterly release! Players can expect to reach 6th level by the time they complete this epic adventure—if they manage to survive!

Pathfinder Modules are 64-page, high-quality, full-color, adventures using the Open Game License to work with both the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the standard 3.5 fantasy RPG rules set. This Pathfinder Module includes new monsters, treasure, a double-sided poster map, and a fully detailed bonus location that can be used as part of the adventure or in any other game!

Fantastic. Good to see super adventures with some bite and length to explore idea, side treks, "plotz" etc. And to take us from 1st - 6th level!!!!

Grand Lodge

This is great! Personally, I love super-adventures and mini-campaigns. Couldn't be better timing either! Have a few friends eager to learn my arcane hobby in the near future. By the time I wrap up the Beginner's Box introduction I have planned they should be ready to roll up their own PCs and tackle this thing!

Also, it really makes me smile that they are kicking off the new format with a dragon themed module. Very traditional and I know the guys are going to love it.

LoreKeeper wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

UPDATE: One side of the poster map will indeed have a battle map of a key encounter location.

I suspect the poster map will be attached with gum glue.

YES!!! Excellent result.

I'd be happy to take both sides of the poster map as a key encounter location. The reasoning is as follows: a nice picture of the town or region that is in the module itself I can easily show and have the players appreciate it suitably - I don't need that in a larger format on a poster. If the town/region features so prominently that we want to use it and flag it - then a poster-size version is nice, but a once-off use only; so the likely course would be to print out just that town/region and work of that.

But key encounters in battlemap posters are just... great! They see definite intended use, increase atmosphere, and accelerate story-to-action time.

I freely admit that I am subscribed to the Pathfinder Comics line purely on the grounds that it has a little battle map included.

Completely agree here. Regional maps are mostly useless to me, hence the reason i stopped buying the AP folios. Battle maps of the locations in the adventures however are way more useful. Have said it other places and will say it again, please make more battle maps, and less regional maps.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Could i make a request that Paizo makes available pdf maps to subscribers in a similar way to what currently happens with adventure paths. I play most of my pathfinder online with Fantasy Grounds so maps without traps, secret doors and room numbers are greatly appreciated. If Paizo can do this I will take a module subscription otherwise I buying cheap off Amazon or ebay and will scan them and edit the images myself but I would prefer to pay for the convenience of having it done for me.

Overall this seems like a good move to me, especially if the adventures are more or less broken into 3-4 parts that one can expect to reasonably complete in a 6-8 hour session. That way for groups that play monthly, they can finish one after three months in time for the next module's release. Or maybe if you have a multi-day marathon session you could complete it in a long weekend or the like.

I like the idea of fewer more comprehensive products that can serve as mini campaigns. If I want something longer I have the APs.

As great as most of the Paizo adventures are, I can't see personally subscribing to this line because I might only have interest in one or two every year or so given how infrequently I get to play.

Now I just wish there was some sort of PDF Bundle subscription. I really like having the physical product for adventures I plan to run but there is also great value in having a PDF. Can Paizo come up with some way where I pay a flat annual fee to Paizo that let's me offset the money I lose on shipping and higher physical product costs (compared to other retailers) by letting me cherry pick books from different lines and throwing in the PDF for free or at a greatly reduced price (maybe scaled on the size of the book)?

Liberty's Edge

I still don't see how this will work with PFS credit. How many sheets is a module now worth? Will your character level all 6 levels with six PFS sheets to show credit? Or do you now have to play from start to finish before receiving any credit? And if that is the case how can a level 1 player beat the end game designed for level 6? Just looking for clarification, I'm excited about the product immensely, I just host many home games of modules for PFS and would like to know how things will work now.

Grand Lodge

Ellestil, I've wondered the same thing. It might be like their inclusion of adventure paths, only a section applies toward PFS.

That would be the easiest way, but also kinda lame. I would much prefer the Modules broken into level sections so that we could easily play them with PFS characters.

And for the love of pete, grant 4.5 PP per level!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance of a Pathfinder Battles Encounter pack to accompany this set?

I would like to see how this module stand up since a dragon would normally be a major threat and would be a difficult task for starting 1st level players to handle.

Dark Archive

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John Doe 207 357 wrote:
I would like to see how this module stand up since a dragon would normally be a major threat and would be a difficult task for starting 1st level players to handle.

They'll be 6-7th level by the end, which would make a CR 9-10 Dragon a good end encounter

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John Doe 207 357 wrote:
I would like to see how this module stand up since a dragon would normally be a major threat and would be a difficult task for starting 1st level players to handle.

Dragons can met at any age category. Wyrmlings can be fun for 1st level groups.

I've often wanted to run a campaign in which they get to fight dragons at each age category. Not just the city devouring monster, but all the other stages.

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