GameMastery Face Cards: Friends & Foes Deck

4.80/5 (based on 8 ratings)

Our Price: $10.99


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Be it a sinister sneer, a welcoming glance, or a sly wink, first impressions count in any game. This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color Face Cards lets you give a new dimension to your game’s NPCs.

Friends & Foes contains a diverse mix of character types, from helpful merchants to rough mercenaries to crafty spellcasters. A blank writable surface on the back of each card helps to identify the characters and keep notes on them. Appropriate for both player characters and non-player characters alike, the stunning visages of GameMastery Face Cards bring a new visual flair to any fantasy RPG campaign!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-210-4

Sample cards. Click to enlarge.

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4.80/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Great art!


I like this set for the art and the mix of possible NPCs. I think some cards should be full body art but over all god set.

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Vic Wertz wrote:
Several of us believe that if we offered our map and card products in PDF form, a significant number of gamers would choose the PDF edition exclusively over the print edition, which would mean smaller print runs for the print edition, which—since print costs are based largely on volume—would in turn mean higher costs for the print edition, which would lead to even smaller sales for it, which would mean we wouldn't have a profitable line anymore.

I'd like to buy these, but I'm also in the camp that digitial would be far more valuable and without having to keep up with and store physical items.

That said, your reasoning makes total sense. So fair enough there.

However, these have been out quite a while now. Any chance that a pdf or jpg collection release 6 or 12 months lagging the print release could be given a try? I, for one, would pay the same price as for the physical cards.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

BryonD wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Several of us believe that if we offered our map and card products in PDF form, a significant number of gamers would choose the PDF edition exclusively over the print edition, which would mean smaller print runs for the print edition, which—since print costs are based largely on volume—would in turn mean higher costs for the print edition, which would lead to even smaller sales for it, which would mean we wouldn't have a profitable line anymore.

I'd like to buy these, but I'm also in the camp that digitial would be far more valuable and without having to keep up with and store physical items.

That said, your reasoning makes total sense. So fair enough there.

However, these have been out quite a while now. Any chance that a pdf or jpg collection release 6 or 12 months lagging the print release could be given a try? I, for one, would pay the same price as for the physical cards.

For the most part, I don't think there's a lot of "time sensitivity" in the card products (compared to, say, the RPG books), so announcing something like that would still probably have an immediate effect of decreasing subs and sales. The few people who are time-sensitive on the line wouldn't be affected, so it would be *slightly* better for print sales... but I think not very much.


I can't argue with you. Because I'm exactly what you are talking about.

But I'm out here. I'd throw the money at you for an electronic product but this isn't something that appeals to me in a "take up space / needs to be kept up with" format.

If I'm on the wrong side of the market, I get that.

But you could also just give it a test run some time.... :)

Or hold the e-products ransom. Instead of 6 months, release them after Y,XXX physical units sold.

I'm 90% kidding. I want to buy, but I appreciate and grok the explanation. Thanks

While at first glance, this series of npc cards sound -awesome- to me because I love using art for almost every npc I create/use AND the art on these cards is beautiful to say the least. My worry though is: I'm just now starting in on Pathfinder. And if I decide to run an adventure path sometime down the line, I'm obviously going to run across npc portraits I've used before for characters I create in my first campaign, which is just all kinds of problematic.

Me: "And here's Queen Ileosa of Korvosa..."

Player with one raised eyebrow: "Um, wasn't that Baroness Whatshernameia of Magnimar in our last campaign?"

Has anybody else had this problem? Also, will all future decks released (Urban, etc.) recycle portraits from the adventure paths?
And I guess they're not all from adventure paths, but I won't know which ones are unless I buy all the adventure paths and rummage through them, which I quite frankly can't afford to do. Thanks in advance for any comments/answers.

I'm pretty sure one of these faces is Nicolas Cage.

Katelyn Scarlett wrote:
I'm pretty sure one of these faces is Nicolas Cage.

Heh, yeah I made a similar comment when I cracked mine open a while ago :p

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Can someone tell me which book the hag from card #49 is?


IconoclasticScream wrote:
Can someone tell me which book the hag from card #49 is?

according to This post #49 is Malatrothe from PF11 p30

I so wish there were more face decks like this!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Half my kingdom for a face cards classic pack, with the friends & foes and urban npcs cards in it.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Several of us believe that if we offered our map and card products in PDF form, a significant number of gamers would choose the PDF edition exclusively over the print edition, which would mean smaller print runs for the print edition, which—since print costs are based largely on volume—would in turn mean higher costs for the print edition, which would lead to even smaller sales for it, which would mean we wouldn't have a profitable line anymore.

Given recent developments, is this perhaps something you'd reconsider?

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