Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Purity

3.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Purity
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You don’t have to be a holy warrior to be a true hero. Join in the fight against evil and be a paragon of righteousness as a character of any class with Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Purity. Arm yourself with a host of new options specifically designed for good-aligned characters—like new fighting techniques striking the balance between capture and execution, life-fostering magic, rules for the redemption of evil characters, and morally challenging alignment-changing alchemy. With new insights into what it means to play good-aligned hardliners and how to get paid for being a good guy, deal with evil companions, redeem villains, and handle all those goblin babies, this book will change the way you think about playing honorable characters. Also, learn more about some of the greatest do-gooders and virtuous organizations on Golarion—with a focus on nonreligious groups, since the fight between good and evil doesn’t have to unfold entirely in the arena of faith. Join the ranks of the just with Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Purity! Inside this book, you’ll find:

  • Detailed discussion on what it means to play a character of each of the three good alignments, including ideas for character generation and specific challenges of these alignments.
  • A look into good-aligned races, good-aligned homelands, and good-aligned organizations for your character, as well as some of the challenges of being good and what happens when good characters come from bad places.
  • A method for redeeming evil characters who your adventuring party encounters during the campaign.
  • New good-based feats, magical weapons and gear, rage powers, rogue talents, subdomains, and more!

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-511-2

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

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3.70/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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Shallow Treatment, with a Handful of Good Options


Champions of Purity is a sort of sequel to the earlier [/i]Faiths of Purity[/i]. Whereas the previous book was primarily about the gods and their devotees (clerics and paladins), Champions of Purity has a broader theme: characters of good alignment generally. Since PCs of any class can be on the side of good, a book designed for those characters makes sense. But although there are certainly some useful class options here and there, the book as a whole adopts the scattergun approach of throwing a lot of stuff out there and seeing what sticks. Written mostly by a crop of freelancers, the book is a loose collection of shallow two-page entries on vaguely-related topics. It doesn't really have much in the way of depth, but that seems to be the norm for many of the books in the Player Companion line.

Still, to give credit where it's due, we have to admire the great cover of Seelah cutting through a horde of monsters. The inside front cover is a table of good-aligned deities in Golarion that includes the usual suspects from the Core Rulebook along with some that are lesser-known, including several from the Asian-themed Dragon Empires. The inside back cover does an odd thing and introduces a new feat, "Summon Good Monster," that allows good-aligned spellcasters to substitute a good-aligned creature from the accompanying table in place of what the spell would normally allow, and to give them Diehard to boot. Not too shabby!

The book proper starts with a two-page introduction, "Why Be Good?", that talks about some more specific motivations for PCs, like freedom, honor, justice, mercy, order, and more. It then goes on to give some suggestions as to where characters with those goals might hail from geographically.

Next, each of the three good alignments (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good) are discussed in a separate two-page entry which is divided into Philosophies (Lawful Good PCs might be seen as Crusaders or Guardians, for example, while Neutral Good PCs might be seen as Mediators or Redeemers), Advantages & Challenges (in terms of role-playing), Opportunities & Allies (ways those PCs might fit into Golarion specifically), and finally Traits (three new ones each). One of the criticisms I have of the book is that its treatment of alignment issues only barely skims the surface: there's no mention, for example, of how hard it is to play a truly good character when the lowest common denominator is lazy players with a "kill things and take their stuff" mentality. Characters of good alignment face hard decisions and restrictions that other alignments don't, and this can create problems for groups. These are some of the issues that would be worth discussing.

The remaining two-page sections consist of the following:

"Paragons of Virtue" has a line or two on good-aligned races (Aasimars, Catfolk, Elves, and Samsarans), good-aligned organisations (like knightly orders), and good-aligned homelands (like Andoran), but it's a very cursory treatment and of very little use to those familiar with Golarion. Four new traits are included.

"Good Characters in Bad Situations" raises the classic "what do you do with goblin babies" quandary and then suggests (in a sentence or two each) some "bad places" that good characters could come from. Again, the book has identified an interesting issue but has a shallow and wishy-washy treatment of it. Don't look for any deep insights into alignment and RPGs here. (I do love the artwork of the samurai with the goblin babies!)

"Heavenly Virtues" presents one new feat called "Virtuous Creed" that has different effects depending on which specific virtue the PC identifies with (such as humility, courage, freedom, etc.). In a way, it's like six feats in one, which is interesting, but the different virtues have very different power levels in a mechanical sense.

"Redemption" presents a rules sub-system for tracking an evil creature's progress towards becoming good, along with a variety of penances they can do to help atone. I'm skeptical of these little sub-systems that I know will never be referenced again or expanded upon. This one looks a bit rough, but I guess it does add some content and perhaps guidance to a GM dealing with the issue. I wouldn't follow it too strictly, however.

"Divine Influence" introduces seven new clerical subdomains: Cooperation, Dragon, Imagination, Judgment, Redemption, Revelation, and Revelry. Each subdomain replaces the domain spells and granted power of a specific Core Rulebook domain. It looks like there are some good options.

"Fighting the Good Fight" is a miscellany: a new barbarian rage power (Celestial Totem), two new inquisitor inquisitions (Final Rest and Recovery), six new feats (including one very useful one to keep you from accidentally killing enemies outright and a silly one that adds a single point of damage when you hit with a good-aligned weapon), and a sidebar on subduing and binding opponents (no new rules, but it's useful to have the material all in one place).

"Grace and Guile" has a handful of new alchemist discoveries, a couple of bardic masterpieces, and three new rogue talents. The book really is trying to have something for everyone! The alchemist discoveries seem reasonable, one of the bardic masterpieces seems crazily overpowered (blinding and deafening, or even stunning, all evil creatures that hear the performance and fail a save), and I really like the rogue talent Sacrifice Self that allows a rogue to ignore the effects of their evasion ability to help shield an ally from harm.

"Sublime Spellcraft" has a couple of new summoner evolutions (I wouldn't touch summoners with a ten-foot-pole, so I have no opinion of these), three new witch patrons (which are apparently just bland lists of replacement spells), a few new hexes, and two new wizard arcane discoveries. I mostly liked what I saw here.

"Spells of the Just" includes ten new spells, most of which are for both divine and arcane spellcasters. I really liked the little story in the sidebar about how these spells came to be known, and I wish there were more attempts like this to explain the appearance of new spells and magic items.

"Tools for Good" introduces several new magic items. Although damned expensive, I really liked the Devil's Key (allowing you to follow an outsider to its home plane to kill it for good) and the Equalizer Shield (creating an antimagic field to stymie those pesky spellcasters!).

I think books like this have little enduring value because there's hardly any interesting setting lore or discussion, and readers will just cherry-pick a new spell or class option from an online database. Buy this one if you need to for PFS, but otherwise you can safely give it a pass.

Some interesting parts, but mostly uninspiring


I liked the first half, which explored the different ways to support the cause of Good, but I thought it lacked depth and I would have welcomed more discussion and examples of gameplay or stories in the campaign world for context. e.g. the illustration of Valeros in the Neutral Good section helped me understand what the writers were trying to convey. I found the second half less interesting, but those who enjoy technical details may find it useful.

My main gripe is that I expected a focus on Champions and the stuff that champions do, but I felt like I was reading the guide for Men-at-Arms or Sergeants for Purity.

Useful for many classes, but not necessarily all good characters


Champions of Purity will be useful for some good characters, and I think this depends less on the character’s class and more on the character concept. If you are creating a character that is built around his or her goodness – call it good with a capital “G” – I think there’s a fair amount of useful material here, no matter what class your character is. If not, you will probably pass over most of the character options for ones in other sources that provide more mechanical benefit or highlight other aspects of the character’s personality, talents, and backstory. There’s also a fair amount of space devoted to collecting information found in other sourcebooks (e.g., good-aligned deities, races, organizations, homelands, nonlethal weapons, spells with the good descriptor).

I am giving it 4 stars because if you are picking this up specifically to help you build characters which are "actively" rather than "passively" good, I think it works well.

See my full review at my blog Delver's Diary here.

Worth every penny


Champions of Purity is a good quality product with large collection of rules options for most classes along with a range of role playing advice for anyone interested in a playing a Good character.

Champions of Purity starts with an examination of good, trying to answer the general question of “Why to be good?” and then focusing in each of the three alignments individually. It provides generalized motivations for any sort of good character along with locations where characters with each motivation might originate. This provides a nice connection to Golarion in a book that is relatively light on setting details. The different alignment focuses provide examples of different types of philosophies that characters of a given alignment may fall into, along with some of the pros and cons of playing each good alignment. Golarion specific information about opportunities and allies that each alignment may be involved with round out the sections. The only concerns I have with these sections are the listing of the different philosophies, and with the included traits. I worry that players reading these, especially if they’re new players, may see the philosophy suggestions as more rigid limitations rather than just possible ways for characters of each alignment to be portrayed. The traits in each section are listed as complementing a given alignment, but having them listed in a section devoted to that alignment gives the impression that they’re only for that alignment.

The next section is entitled Paragons of Virtue and covers a range of setting information to make a completely Good character, what race to play, organizations to be a part of, and where to be from. Generally this is presented well though I was surprised that none of the good churches were mentioned under the good aligned organizations. The inclusion of countries in Tian Xia as potential character origins was nice, as Tian Xia is often underrepresented in most products. There’s also a list of potential Prestige Classes for good characters, which I appreciated because it’s often hard for players to know about what classes are out there, as they show up in a variety of products. One minor complaint I did have here was that in one of this sections traits they mention an empyreal lord; it seems like there should have been an explanation somewhere of what an empyreal lord is, as players may not know this.

This is followed by Good Characters in Bad Situations, which examines moral quandaries that good players may find themselves in, and shows how different good characters may react to the same situation in different ways. This is quite well done as it covers situations that may come up during gameplay, though a greater list of actual evil acts would have been nice. The list of how good characters fit within “evil” nations is nice, but all the different lists of where good characters come from makes me think that perhaps they all should have been together. It also seems like it could have been a good place to cover how good characters deal with worshiping neutral (or even evil) deities.

The center spread in Champions of Purity is devoted to Heavenly Virtues, creeds for players to live by that provide benefits when the associated feat is taken. All of the benefits seem to be reasonably balanced, but the creeds will require some DM work to keep track of, as breaking a creed means the character loses the benefit of the feat. Some creeds may not be appropriate in all campaigns as the situations they reference may not be present, making them impossible to violate. The art on these two pages is great, with a stained glass style that really works with the virtue theme. On the topic of virtues, I’m starting to feel like Virtue is becoming a bit of an overloaded term, now it may be because I’m running Rise of the Runelords where they come up a bit, but perhaps a different term should have been used.

Redemption is covered next, with a rules framework for an evil character to be turned from the dark side. It seems like a good system to me, though it will require a large amount of DM tracking; a lot of that could probably be avoided by combining it with in game story events. It does include rules for one or more characters helping a character seeking redemption, but I feel that some examination of how a PC could help an NPC seek redemption in a more role playing sense would have been good (and potentially more frequently useful).

The remaining sections of the book are a collection of character options, firstly separated up into Divine, Combat, Skilled, and Arcane characters, and then followed by new spells and items. The divine portion provides details of all the good deities which complements the inside front cover where all the deity’s Domains, Favored Weapons and the like are listed. A number of new subdomains are presented, with Cooperation and Redemption having the most interesting powers. For combat focused characters there are new rage powers and inquisitions, as well as a handful of new feats. There’s also a sidebar on taking enemies alive, going over the rules and options relating to subdual attacks and binding opponents. Some coverage of how to bind someone during a grapple and maybe a feat to go along with it would have been good fit here. For skill based characters there are new alchemical discoveries, masterpieces, and rogue talents, to go with a sidebar on character types for less straight forward good characters. The most interesting new options here are a couple of discoveries that can forcibly change the alignment of the imbiber. Included in the descriptions are the moralistic questions that arise from forcing an alignment change on someone. In the Sublime Spellcasting section arcane casters are the focus, with summoners getting new evolutions, witches getting new patrons and hexes, and wizards getting new arcane discoveries. The mechanics of the Celestial Appearance evolution are interesting, where it’s one 3-point evolution with an increasing point cost if you want to do more with it, so it can be up to a 7-point evolution if you so desire. Based on its name and effect I can see a devil/demon/etc. version showing up somewhere along the line.

In Spells of the Just there are 10 new spells, all with the good type, and a sidebar detailing a scroll that contains them all. I particularly like the Angelic Aspect chain of spells, and Burst of Radiance. For magic items there are a couple of new weapon special abilities and then 9 new magic items (which are said to be wondrous items, when only 2 of them are wondrous items). Surprisingly most of the items are new magic weapons or armor, with only 2 being not combat related. The neatest one is probably the Mantle of the Protector, a way to share some of a character’s armor bonuses. My only concern with all this new rule content is that a lot of it makes players very good at killing Evil things, which may make it on the high end of the power scale in campaigns with few neutral opponents. For instance I can see this material having a big draw in the upcoming Wrath of the Righteous AP.

The art in Champions of Purity is top notch, with good portraits of most of the iconics and a few others; I especially like the ones of Feiya and Kyra. The cover is also very good; however the two other larger pieces in the product are not really to my liking. On the topic of graphic design the font used on the cover and as the section headers is truly awful, I understand that its look probably matches the content of the book is some fashion but this is a situation where function is more important than form.

Champions of Purity is a great product which adds to the quality of the Player Companion line. There’s lots of interesting material here both for those looking for roleplaying ideas and suggestions and those looking for new mechanical tools to play with. A similar book for the neutral alignments would be good, as I find it harder to player neutral characters than good, though it may be hard to find as much neutral specific rules material as there’s fewer obvious things to build off of and because the core rules are written in a rather neutrally aligned way already.


I agree with almost everything that the previous poster mentioned (except the 3E material). There are areas I wish they had gone more in depth or expanded upon a topic, but over all, a very good book. Unlike many of the other player's guide books, this one does seem to offer options for basically everyone, rather than focus on a handfull of classes. The amount of mechanics in this book is great, and shows that it doesn't detract from the fluff material. Not too much of it is terribly etting specific, either.

The art is pretty good, particularly the cover and the center fold, while most of the other art is generally just various iconics is some sort of pose, but not really relvant to the topics.

The magic items are ok, not great. Nothing really jumps out, with a lot of it at the higher GP end.

The spells mostly look nice. I'm not really sure, (yes I know that Alchemists are their new baby and all) that the Alchemist's materail either needed to be in this book or was really thought out that well. Even at 12th+ level, a single save that can rob some clases of all class features (and can argueably require an Atonement even if it's a temp thing) probably needs to be errata'd a lot or out.

I'm very happy that Roles where not included in this book. Don't care for them. The Virtues look good, though I wish there there where more, or perhaps some of them would be switched out. I'm sad to see that they require a Feat to utilize, as I'm not sure most of them really are worth a Feat, and what's worse the main classes that the flavor really fits are generally the ones that are totally Feat-starved. About the same power level as the Knightly Traits in Knights of the Inner Sea, except in general even more situational, that I'm not really sure they are really worth a Trait. Other than that, they are great and look interesting.

All in all, a great and fun book. I would love to see more books like this, both in the amount of material presented as well as focusing on Good, heroic characters and play. I'd definetly buy a Champions of Purity 2 and 3, or a similar book that is not setting specific, but along the same lines.

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Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Siren's Mask wrote:
It appears that David Bowie moonlights as Damiel, the Alchemist Iconic ;) (pg 24)

That's only when David Bowie isn't playing a rogue (NPC Codex 149). ;)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Oooh, so you got Suishen, Mikaze?

It's been a fun relationship. We click on basic morality and butt heads/try to understand ou cultural differences. We make a pretty good team so far. :D

It's just that we're just as bad at pulling punches as I was when I still using an earthbreaker. :O

Well, I'm still holding out hope for the campaign journal, to see the details. :p

Celestial Pegasus wrote:

I just wanted to thank those who have been posting not-full-detail 'previews' of the book's content. After being burned on my last two purchases not having the material I reasonably expected them to have, being able to see up front that Champions of Purity DOES have what I was after is very nice.

It was enough to get me to make a purchase last night, and so far I am quite pleased with it!

For some reason this comment made it click in my head that my avatar image is oddly appropriate for posting spoiler info. After all black dragons do inherently spoil things yes?

Adam Daigle wrote:
Siren's Mask wrote:
It appears that David Bowie moonlights as Damiel, the Alchemist Iconic ;) (pg 24)
That's only when David Bowie isn't playing a rogue (NPC Codex 149). ;)

We need stats for the Goblin King.

...or at least his pants!

The Exchange

So what is the official "release" date for Champions of Purity? As in, when is it expected to be in stores, or is it already? I ask because I downloaded my copy 04/12 and I usually get the download email almost 2 weeks before they're available in stores which would make the general release date around today/tomorrow. Just wondering...

Webstore Gninja Minion

Retail release date was April 24th (yesterday).

The Exchange

Ok, thanks Liz.

Kajehase wrote:
Adam Daigle wrote:
Siren's Mask wrote:
It appears that David Bowie moonlights as Damiel, the Alchemist Iconic ;) (pg 24)
That's only when David Bowie isn't playing a rogue (NPC Codex 149). ;)

We need stats for the Goblin King.

...or at least his pants!

Or at least his codpiece.

Paizo Employee Developer

Well, now that Mythic Adventures is coming out in August...

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote:
Well, now that Mythic Adventures is coming out in August...

Talk about a stress test!

magnuskn wrote:

And I did remember one of my little criticisms:

The book says that casting spells with the "Evil" descriptor should count as an act of minor evil. While I get that for stuff like Death Knell, I've always found that assumption somewhat odd for the Summon Monster spells. If you are calling up some fiend from the Abyss to beat up Ogres, why is that exactly evil? The demon is staying only for a few seconds, is completely under your control and presumably is only going to do good stuff ( i.e. fighting evil ). It doesn't get any hold of your soul for using the summon spell, just as much as summoning a good outsider isn't turning you into a paragon of virtue.

My own personal "fluff" for Summon Monster spells is that they're essentially a pre-fab bargain with the powers beyond. You put a bit of arcane power out in the ether for anyone who meets the requirements you specify to come out and grab if they'll agree to fight your enemies or do some other minor service. This energy provides either sustenance on their own plane for a few days, or it may function as some form of minor currency among the intelligent summons. So by calling up an Evil outsider, you're giving it something it can use in exchange for making your life easier, even if the cost to you is trivial.

The various summon feats let you 're-write' this bargain to make it a better deal for you and still get answers.

...not sure how close that is to canonical. We may need to wait for WotR (which supposedly has articles on cosmology coming) to find out.

If nothing else, you're letting an evil creature see what's going on in the vicinity, and therefore providing some tiny measure of information to the bad guys. You never know what might set dominoes in motion.

I'd say that bringing something evil into the world adds a little evil to it. Even if your demon spends only a few moments in this plane, that's just a little more weight in the evil pan of the cosmic balance. And you're also showing approval of the methods an evil summon would use to fight your enemies. For good, especially lawful good, the ends usually do not justify the means.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I don't know, all that stuff sounds definitely spurious to me. If there were mechanical consequences, it would make more sense. Hell, if I use Summon Minor Monster to call up some abyssal rabbits, it is just as much an evil act as if I call up a Nalfashnee with Summon Monster IX. Although both can't actually do anything evil unless I command them to.

Liberty's Edge

magnuskn wrote:

And I did remember one of my little criticisms:

The book says that casting spells with the "Evil" descriptor should count as an act of minor evil. While I get that for stuff like Death Knell, I've always found that assumption somewhat odd for the Summon Monster spells. If you are calling up some fiend from the Abyss to beat up Ogres, why is that exactly evil? The demon is staying only for a few seconds, is completely under your control and presumably is only going to do good stuff ( i.e. fighting evil ). It doesn't get any hold of your soul for using the summon spell, just as much as summoning a good outsider isn't turning you into a paragon of virtue.

For the exact same reason that Good gods do not allow their Clerics to do it.

And for that matter, if I cast a bunch of "Good" descriptor spells, that doesn't work in the same way, which seems a bit discriminatory. Casting "Evil" spells makes you a bit evil-er, but casting "Good" spells makes you... the same as always? Eh. I really wish the authors would have addressed that a bit.

Agreed on the principle that Evil gods too do not allow their Clerics to cast "Good" descriptor spells (including summonings).

In some way, summoning creatures of an alignment opposed to the god weakens what the god stands for (or strengthen its opposites, which amounts to the same). Which is a VERY good reason for the god to forbid his Clerics from doing it.

Liberty's Edge

magnuskn wrote:
And for that matter, if I cast a bunch of "Good" descriptor spells, that doesn't work in the same way, which seems a bit discriminatory. Casting "Evil" spells makes you a bit evil-er, but casting "Good" spells makes you... the same as always? Eh. I really wish the authors would have addressed that a bit.

Um, didn't they? Page 19, under the Penances list: "Casting a spell with the good descriptor." The implications are pretty straightforward, I think.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The black raven wrote:
For the exact same reason that Good gods do not allow their Clerics to do it.

Well, that is not really my point of criticism. Of course you should not cast spells with an evil descriptor as a good character. My point of contention was that casting a summoning spell and conjuring up an evil creature is seen as a "minor act of evil".

Why, though? You control the creature, let it fight other evil, it has no hold over you ( as far as RAW mechanics and fluff go ) and it returns to its homeplane unharmed. And also, as I laid out above, calling up good creatures doesn't mean that you are doing an inherent act of good.

Shisumo wrote:
Um, didn't they? Page 19, under the Penances list: "Casting a spell with the good descriptor." The implications are pretty straightforward, I think.

My reading of that was "You are doing something contrary to your alignment", rather than "casting a good spell makes you inherently more good".

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Does anybody know if there is a feat that can add a good descriptor to an arcane spell? Like Consecrate Spell of something?


magnuskn wrote:

My point of contention was that casting a summoning spell and conjuring up an evil creature is seen as a "minor act of evil".

Why, though?

Evil outsiders are pure evil. Allowing embodied evil into the world, however briefly, inspires evil in the world. And it allows the evil powers, normally barred from our world, to spy upon it.

Conjuring evil for goods ends is the same as doing evil for good ends. You have to ask yourself: Do the ends justify the means?

Verdant Wheel

Casting an [Evil] spell is an evil act simple because it has the [Evil] descriptor. And it´s by design. It´s arbitrary ? Yes, but all the game rules are arbitrary.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David Schwartz wrote:

Evil outsiders are pure evil. Allowing embodied evil into the world, however briefly, inspires evil in the world. And it allows the evil powers, normally barred from our world, to spy upon it.

Conjuring evil for goods ends is the same as doing evil for good ends. You have to ask yourself: Do the ends justify the means?

That's a very nice houserule, but it is not substantiated by RAW. Also, even going by what you said, conjuring up good creatures apparently doesn't make the world more good and so doesn't means you are now more good than before. Why is good more impotent than evil?

Draco Bahamut wrote:
Casting an [Evil] spell is an evil act simple because it has the [Evil] descriptor. And it´s by design. It´s arbitrary ? Yes, but all the game rules are arbitrary.

Some rules are more arbitrary than others, though. Most of them can be explained with some correlation to how it works in the real world. This particular mechanic, however, has no real-world equivalent and should have been explained better. And it still doesn't explain anything why casting a good summon monster spell doesn't make your alignment more good.


magnuskn wrote:
David Schwartz wrote:

Evil outsiders are pure evil. Allowing embodied evil into the world, however briefly, inspires evil in the world. And it allows the evil powers, normally barred from our world, to spy upon it.

Conjuring evil for goods ends is the same as doing evil for good ends. You have to ask yourself: Do the ends justify the means?

That's a very nice houserule, but it is not substantiated by RAW.

It's supported by the fact that summoning an evil creature is [evil]. :-)

Also, even going by what you said, conjuring up good creatures apparently doesn't make the world more good and so doesn't means you are now more good than before. Why is good more impotent than evil?

What I said applies to any flavor of outsider. Summoning a good outsider is a good act that inspires goodness. (Unless of course you use it for evil, in which case you've created another moral quandary.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, if that interpretation would be applied across the board and officially substantiated by the developers, I would be totally on your side.

Verdant Wheel

magnuskn wrote:

Some rules are more arbitrary than others, though. Most of them can be explained with some correlation to how it works in the real world. This particular mechanic, however, has no real-world equivalent and should have been explained better. And it still doesn't explain anything why casting a good summon monster spell doesn't make your alignment more good.

I would guess that calling a butterfly created by Satan or casting a spell devised by Lucifer would be considered evil in real life even if magic doesn´t work. Maybe these spells are evil only because it where created by evil itself ?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Still begs the question if casting a Summon Monster with the good descriptor will then inherently turn the caster towards goodness... which so far I have seen zero official support for.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Draco Bahamut wrote:
I would guess that calling a butterfly created by Satan or casting a spell devised by Lucifer would be considered evil in real life even if magic doesn´t work. Maybe these spells are evil only because it where created by evil itself ?

Nobody suspects the butterfly!


magnuskn wrote:
Still begs the question if casting a Summon Monster with the good descriptor will then inherently turn the caster towards goodness... which so far I have seen zero official support for.

Many good people worry about being tempted by evil. Are there any evil people who are worried about being tempted by good?

Shadow Lodge

I see it more as loosing their conviction to go further or do more, risking realizing that they are and have been wrong, or just can't handle the weight of all their murders, than "tempted" to start loving puppies and little babies or whatever.

They probably think that it is a form of weakness, and they must remain strong (evil), not realizing that it's very often the other way around.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
magnuskn wrote:
Still begs the question if casting a Summon Monster with the good descriptor will then inherently turn the caster towards goodness... which so far I have seen zero official support for.

Except the same book we are talking about specifically says in the Redemption portion of the book that casting a spell with the "Good" descriptor counts as a good action for penance. So YES casting a spell with the "Good" descriptor, like summoning a good monster would move you toward goodness.

Silver Crusade

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Also, let's not forget that Good is a steep climb while Evil is a slippery slope.

I just picked up Champions of Purity and am rather impressed by it.

For those of you playing characters who are neither good nor evil -- there is stuff you can use as well, for when you are in an altruistic mood. Not everything in this book requires you to be a full time good guy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Also, let's not forget that Good is a steep climb while Evil is a slippery slope.

Now you see that good will always triumph over evil, because evil is dumb.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cori Marie wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Still begs the question if casting a Summon Monster with the good descriptor will then inherently turn the caster towards goodness... which so far I have seen zero official support for.
Except the same book we are talking about specifically says in the Redemption portion of the book that casting a spell with the "Good" descriptor counts as a good action for penance. So YES casting a spell with the "Good" descriptor, like summoning a good monster would move you toward goodness.

And I maintain that this is only appropiate for evil characters who cast this good spell, as you said, as a form of penance. Which is something a lot of evil casters would be averse to in case of spells which involve acts of goodness.

Summoning creatures has little to do with evil or good deeds. I'm still not hearing anything official on why summoning a Dretch would be a little evil, even if it is only there to fight other evil, returns unharmed to its homeplane and doesn't have the possibility to do things you don't want it to do.

Verdant Wheel

magnuskn wrote:

Summoning creatures has little to do with evil or good deeds. I'm still not hearing anything official on why summoning a Dretch would be a little evil, even if it is only there to fight other evil, returns unharmed to its homeplane and doesn't have the possibility to do things you don't want it to do.

Because the spell was created to steathly corrupt the user by evil ?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Still begs the question if casting a Summon Monster with the good descriptor will then inherently turn the caster towards goodness... which so far I have seen zero official support for.
Except the same book we are talking about specifically says in the Redemption portion of the book that casting a spell with the "Good" descriptor counts as a good action for penance. So YES casting a spell with the "Good" descriptor, like summoning a good monster would move you toward goodness.

And I maintain that this is only appropiate for evil characters who cast this good spell, as you said, as a form of penance. Which is something a lot of evil casters would be averse to in case of spells which involve acts of goodness.

Summoning creatures has little to do with evil or good deeds. I'm still not hearing anything official on why summoning a Dretch would be a little evil, even if it is only there to fight other evil, returns unharmed to its homeplane and doesn't have the possibility to do things you don't want it to do.

One thing you could consider is that the Abyss, in its' twisted sentience, continues to spawn Dretches because there's a continuing demand for them. And you're generating that demand.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Draco Bahamut wrote:
Because the spell was created to steathly corrupt the user by evil ?

Um, Summon Monster? Seriously?

Gorbacz wrote:
One thing you could consider is that the Abyss, in its' twisted sentience, continues to spawn Dretches because there's a continuing demand for them. And you're generating that demand.

That's an interesting interpretation, but still nothing which would really which has any official veracity.

Verdant Wheel

magnuskn wrote:

Um, Summon Monster? Seriously?

The devil best lie was making everyone believe that he doesn't exist.

Paizo Employee Developer

magnuskn wrote:
Summoning creatures has little to do with evil or good deeds. I'm still not hearing anything official on why summoning a Dretch would be a little evil, even if it is only there to fight other evil, returns unharmed to its homeplane and doesn't have the possibility to do things you don't want it to do.

The summon monster spell has this to say regarding alignment and summons:

Summon Monster wrote:
When you use a summoning spell to summon a creature with an alignment or elemental subtype, it is a spell of that type. Creatures on Table 10–1 marked with an “*” are summoned with the celestial template, if you are good, and the fiendish template, if you are evil. If you are neutral, you may choose which template to apply to the creature. Creatures marked with an “*” always have an alignment that matches yours, regardless of their usual alignment. Summoning these creatures makes the summoning spell's type match your alignment.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yes, the spell has the good or evil subtype when cast, I think everybody understands this, thank you. The question remains: Why?

I get that it may be construed as a minor act of evil to call a demon/devil up, although you need to really twist and turn to give any actual reason as to why that is, given the official rule and lore parameters the spell has.

But, conversely, the spell doesn't make you more good when you cast it and call up a celestial being. And, no, I disagree that the redemption setting of the book outright states so, my reading of it is more in the direction of "casting a good spell as an evil creature is an active show that you are fighting against your nature ( or nurture )."

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:

Yes, the spell has the good or evil subtype when cast, I think everybody understands this, thank you. The question remains: Why?

I get that it may be construed as a minor act of evil to call a demon/devil up, although you need to really twist and turn to give any actual reason as to why that is, given the official rule and lore parameters the spell has.

But, conversely, the spell doesn't make you more good when you cast it and call up a celestial being. And, no, I disagree that the redemption setting of the book outright states so, my reading of it is more in the direction of "casting a good spell as an evil creature is an active show that you are fighting against your nature ( or nurture )."


You want The Real Reason why summoning evil monsters is [evil] in D&D? Here it is: back in the 80s, during the anti-D&D craze one of the major arguments for considering the game as work of Devil was, among half-orcs and assassins, existence of spells that allow you to conjure devils and demons. As part of making sure nobody gets this kind of argument out again, WotC slapped the [evil] label on summoning spells so that every instance of summoning bad things is bad. And here we are.

Also, why ask for official explanations when you're going to disagree with them anyway? :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, aside from me not disagreeing with official explanations all that much ( rather more with the frequency we actually get them ^^ ), we haven't gotten one yet. Pointing out that it has the evil descriptor comes just to the level of "Because I said so", not any real type of logical explanation.

If someone official said "casting evil spells is a little bit of an evil act and casting good spells is a little bit of a good act" would that be enough?

I don't really understand how there can be an answer to "why?" that isn't just "because we said so". After all, there's no such thing as alignment in reality so common sense doesn't apply.

Shadow Lodge

You're summoning a creature to do a job for you, but that creature still has free will and as much autonomy as you allow it to have. That means an evil summon will do the job in as evil a way as possible, and a good summon will do it in as good a way as possible (if that makes sense). Example: You need to defeat a goblin, so you summon a monster to do it for you. If you summon a Cacodaemon, it will take pleasure in biting that goblin until it is unconscious, rip out its throat, and then eat its soul, condemning it to Abaddon regardless of actual deeds. If you summon a Lantern Archon, it will lead the goblin away from other people it might hurt and knock it out with beams of holy light.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sesharan, that comes as close to a good explanation as I've heard. Thanks!

Steve, the point I was trying to make was that most spells with the Evil descriptor normally have very unpleasant effects and thus are easily to accept as having said descriptor. Summon spells did not have that visceral effect, but what Sesharan said resonated pretty well with me. I'll consider my complaint rescinded. ^^

Shadow Lodge

Well, thank you very much. I think I'm rather flattered.

Better picture: Imrijka and the Mite, or Hayato and the Goblin babies?

I'm a bit late in getting around to this (wasn't keeping up with the thread over the weekend), but thanks to those who answered my questions about the Witch patrons. :)

Liberty's Edge

Burst of Radiance:

From Champions of Purity, page 29

School evocation [good, light]; Level cleric 2, druid 2, sorcerer/
wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a piece of flint and a pinch of silver dust)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area 10-ft.-radius burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex partial; Spell Resistance yes

This spell fills the area with a brilliant flash of shimmering light.
Creatures in the area are blinded for 1d4 rounds, or dazzled for 1d4 rounds if they succeed at a Reflex save. Evil creatures in the area of the burst take 1d4 points of damage per caster level (max 5d4), whether they succeed at the Reflex save or not.

Dazzled: The creature is unable to see well because of
overstimulation of the eyes. A dazzled creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks.

We where having a discussion in our game if this spell is too powerful for it's level. Specifically if it is too powerful at it's level for a Cleric/Oracle, but in general. So I figured I would ask what others think.

In my opinion, it's good, but not overly broken. It seems flavor wise to be a perfect fit for a divine spell fit for a Cleric type. I do feel that the Long Range should probably drop to Close, if not originating at the Caster, but what is your opinion.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Yanos wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

We where having a discussion in our game if this spell is too powerful for it's level. Specifically if it is too powerful at it's level for a Cleric/Oracle, but in general. So I figured I would ask what others think.

In my opinion, it's good, but not overly broken. It seems flavor wise to be a perfect fit for a divine spell fit for a Cleric type. I do feel that the Long Range should probably drop to Close, if not originating at the Caster, but what is your opinion.

I was just about to post about this spell when you beat me to it!

I don't think it's OVERLY powerful, personally, but it definitely IS powerful. It's also one of the few damage-dealing [good]-descriptor spells that Sorcerers get access to, which makes it the IDEAL spell for an Aasimar Sorcerer. Why, you may ask?

First, Aasimar can take the Heavenborn racial option, which treats them as +1 caster level for [good] and [light] descriptor spells (which this spell is both). On top of that, the Aasimar Sorcerer favored class bonus gives you +1/4 to your caster level for [good] descriptor spells. This means that at 4th level, when you gain access to this spell, you can already be doing 6d4 damage and dazzled with no save and possibly blinded to all evil creatures nearby, as long as you picked up a lesser Rod of Intensify.

I'm definitely going to be building myself a new Aasimar Sorcerer for PFS now! :-D

Grand Lodge

Got a question regarding the alignment changes, atonement, and penances. I see that it's double your HD to go from evil to neutral to good. So for a 7 HD creature, that's 28 penances. Possibly more if you level up on a fairly regular basis.

My question is, what about those alignments that shift the other axis. Like Lawful/Chaotic/Neutral. A monk has been fairly blah about things lately, and almost getting a bit lazy on the whole law aspect. He's LN, but he's been too neutral about something. Or maybe something snapped and he went chaotic for whatever reason. How many penances do you do then? Equal to your HD? I would have liked to have seen a small write up about that somewhere. I mean, I've got a friend who was playing a LG paladin, and because of his attitude towards certain things that didn't really interest him as a player, the GM made him NG instead, and a fallen paladin. So what do you do other than an atonement for gold? He should be allowed penance. However, there's no rulings in here for that.

Might have to bring this to James and his question thread, see if he's got an answer.

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