GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles

3.00/5 (based on 8 ratings)
GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles

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Climb on, come aboard, find your seat, or mount up on your path to adventure. Deeds worthy of legend rarely happen on a hero’s doorstep, so head out on the road to greatness. Whether your heroes are traveling cross-country or just around the corner, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing steeds and wagon beds. Fortunately, with Paizo Publishing’s latest GameMastery Map Pack, you don’t have to! This line of gaming accessories provides simple and elegant tools for the busy Game Master.

    Inside, you’ll find 18 captivating 5"×8" map tiles that can be combined into a variety of vehicles or cut apart to provide flat tokens for a whole host of mounts, war machines, and more, including:
  • Carts
  • Carriage
  • Common Mounts
  • Chariots
  • Caravan Wagon
  • Ice Sleds
  • Gliders
  • Monstrous Mounts
  • Keelboat
  • Steam Giant

Game Masters shouldn’t waste their time sketching maps every time their players mount up or hop a caravan. With GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles, you’ll always be ready wherever adventure takes you!

Wet, dry, and permanent markers erase from the tiles!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-471-9

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Maps Subscription.

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GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles
GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles
GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles
GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles
GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles GameMastery Map Pack: Vehicles

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3.00/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Surprisingly Useful


Vehicles is a very different map pack than the norm. Instead of tiles that fit together to create a landscape suitable for an encounter, the 18 sheets in this pack are designed to be cut apart and placed on top of other flip-mats or map packs. Everything from beasts of burden to boats to various carts are included.

Two of the sheets are full of mounts: common mounts like horses and ponies, quite unusual mounts like rhinos and giant geckos, and even a full pack of sled dogs. Four full sheets are of different chariots, so I guess you'd be all set if you need a classic Ben Hur scene. One sheet has a couple of sleds for the aforementioned sled dogs, another is a couple of hang gliders (!), and three are devoted to a top down view of what the back describes as a "steam giant" (a gearwork construct of some kind?--it's hard to tell with a top-down interior view). Of much more mundane origin (but surely more common use) are a rowboat and then two sheets that can be taped together to make a keelboat/river barge. Last, and best, are three sheets each containing two different types of wagons, carts, and carriages.

It feels really weird cutting up a product like this, but the results look a lot nicer than I could draw or find on the Internet. Importantly, they're sized appropriately for a 5" grid so character minis match up. Things like the carts and mounts are perfect for PCs, but they also serve well as added background colour to urban or road encounters. As a GM, I used the keelboat for several consecutive sessions when the PCs were making a long river voyage and it was great.

If I had complaints, it's that this was one of the map packs that was released before the line started appearing in boxed-form, so once the pieces are cut out, they're harder to store. A second criticism is that too many sheets are devoted to weird or off-beat things like the "steam giant", hang gliders, etc.

On the whole though, I was surprised by how useful this product was--it's definitely something I've gotten a lot of use out of in the few months I've owned it, and it's made my encounters clearer and more "professional" looking. I'd grab one before it goes out of print!

Vehicles + Caravan Pack = Perfect Set for Modern Mobile GM!


Ignore the whiney reviewers below. If you need vehicles for your campaign, here they are! You get a wide selection of mounts from horses to dogs to lizards to chariots, carts and even a steam giant to put on the board!

Yes, you have to cut the pieces apart, but it takes very little time to get them in the shape you need. Some may cut the mounts completely away from the ground included in the pawn/token, but I didn't have a problem with leaving the setting there as a base. The smaller mounts such as the lizards, dogs and spiders would no doubt get damaged or lost if cut away completely from the ground.

Use in conjunction with the Caravans map pack and you'll have everything you need to transport your characters from one side of Golarion to the other.

Overall good, but not as good as I expected


I would have liked it much more if at least half of the mounts came without cart harnesses. It may seem like a little detail but that was what bothered me most of it all (appart from the cutting).

Also, what TheMetal1 says in his review.

Good stuff


I don't subscribe and will just pick up what interests me or to support the game I'm running. I really liked the caravan pack and have used that to great effect and options presented for various vehicles and steads seemed like a good match.

1. Cut-outs. I've never had to cut anything with the map-packs before so this was a first, but knew it going in. I used a model cutting board and exact-o knife for the most part, and a pair of scissors on the smaller pieces like the dogs.

2. I personnel like the flat mounts. The game I'm running (Castles & Crusades A-Series Assault on Blacktooth Ridge) has the players moving in caravan as guards. Some use mounts and I've mixed it up with Pawn mounts and WOTC token mounts. It's easier to use the flat tokens with the characters together. So this gives me more options for Calvary in the future.

3. The various animals are good variety. Gives me some options to throw weirdness into the game with a spider pulled chariot in battle, perhaps a caravan in the Darklands (Underdark or Cyclopean deeps for you WOTC and FGG gamers)pulled by lizards, or an Ogre riding a rhino.

4. Lots of wagon and chariot options. From fortune tellers, to farmers it's all there. Smaller versions of carts and the oxen give you some additional options for the game.

5. The boats are ok, but it looks like Paizo could have fit 2 rowboats on the single sheet. Not sure why they didn't as this was the product to add in cut lines and having more that one rowboat would come in handy for sea adventures and the abandon ship moment.

6. Snow/sled/sail stuff and Hang-gliders. Interesting stuff, along with the sled dogs, might have use later.

7. The steam/clockwork thing seems very specific, and of little use to me, but YMMV.

Overall: Good-stuff, and well worth it if you don't mind about 10 to 15 minutes of cutting. Recommend a few baggies for the mounts and animals. 4 Stars.

Medieval Roadkill


Enough with the ridiculous lines to denote one inch squares! The artwork for large beasts in this set is centered on a two inch square tile. That means a dark line runs STRAIGHT DOWN the back of the animal, ruining the art and the effect. It's like a medieval road worker didn't bother to remove the carcass before painting a line. And we're not finished yet; that's just the vertical line! A horizontal line comes right in the middle to slice the animal in quarters! Abysmal failure.

Imagine how many pages of text, illustrations, and even errata would have been saved if WotC and later Paizo would have just trusted us to measure distances with a measuring tape and not ridiculous squares. We've all see the tortured explanations for what is cover, and what isn't. We've all see the nonsensical templates for cones, etc. Imagine all these wonderful map and tile products without those ubiquitous lines running all through the beautiful artwork.

Let's buck the past: if this product is ever reprinted, ditch the lines!

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Announced for October. The cover image is a mockup, and will change prior to publication.

Grand Lodge

I can hardly wait!! :)

Oooh! Please, please, please could we have some mine carts for Map Pack: Mines.

Liberty's Edge

Any news yet on what sort of vehicles will be included?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I can not think of a better format to release vehicle tangibles. I am immediately sold and can't wait.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It seems like every year, Paizo knows exactly what to get me for my birthday :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I've updated the image and description. Sample tiles will be added soon.

Sample images added!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Love that you are experimenting with smaller cut outs.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mosaic wrote:
Love that you are experimenting with smaller cut outs.

Please tell us what you all think about that!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm not a fan of smaller tiles than the map packs, personally (they're already smaller than my ideal size). The reason I've stopped getting the Dungeon tiles from WoTC is the impracticality of storing them once the collection becomes reasonably large. I think it's a useful format for this set specifically and if it's a rare thing, my issue isnt much of a concern.

However, if you started to release 'dungeon dressings' with one tile doors, thrones, tables, bookshelves and so forth, then I'd be disappointed. I like the concept of being able to customise flipmats and map packs, but the reality doesnt live up to the idea, in my view - too many fiddly bits and pieces on the table adds more hassle than enhancement.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

If a 2nd pack like this is ever done, Magic Carpet tiles would be useful/good.

The Exchange

Steve Geddes wrote:

I'm not a fan of smaller tiles than the map packs, personally (they're already smaller than my ideal size). The reason I've stopped getting the Dungeon tiles from WoTC is the impracticality of storing them once the collection becomes reasonably large. I think it's a useful format for this set specifically and if it's a rare thing, my issue isnt much of a concern.

However, if you started to release 'dungeon dressings' with one tile doors, thrones, tables, bookshelves and so forth, then I'd be disappointed. I like the concept of being able to customise flipmats and map packs, but the reality doesnt live up to the idea, in my view - too many fiddly bits and pieces on the table adds more hassle than enhancement.

agreed, all points.

Liberty's Edge

Since there are so many cuts to make on these... I'm going to say that this is the first time that the PDF of the product is probably the over all better product.

I love the art, and the idea, and will definitely be getting these. Mostly using the PDF, though, as the collector in me refuses to slice up the printed product. :)

Liberty's Edge

Steve Geddes wrote:
However, if you started to release 'dungeon dressings' with one tile doors, thrones, tables, bookshelves and so forth, then I'd be disappointed.

Yes, I wouldn't want Paizo to go this route either, but more because I collect all WotC Dungeon Tiles for that, Paizo map packs and flip maps give me something different.

Want I do want to see more is designing map packs that are more modular and can be rearranged in more than one set up, and also can be combined into a full scene. So basically ensure no furniture etc goes over the cut in map pack sheets, and have doors and walls line up in common configurations. Stuff like Haunted Mansion isn't so useful because the rooms whilst interesting in themselves don't form a complete whole, ditto for Palace for example.

yeah, sweet looking though they are....not sure i want to be cutting them up?.....especially down to 2x2 and 1x1 sizes

Perram wrote:

Since there are so many cuts to make on these... I'm going to say that this is the first time that the PDF of the product is probably the over all better product.

I love the art, and the idea, and will definitely be getting these. Mostly using the PDF, though, as the collector in me refuses to slice up the printed product. :)

Agreed. Definitely think the PDF is the way to go with this one. Print out just the items you need onto cardstock and then also use the images for MapTool or whatnot.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Considering the cut it up and use it nature of this set, a friend brought up a good idea that you should consider: Bridges. That item has to be the number one thing I need that I can't accomplish in many games. A batch of customized bridges of different width, length and type would be awesome.

Also, I like this set, though I'm on the fence on how often I'll actually use it. I tend to be more interested in actual 3D things if they are meant to be moved around and made part of a fight.


Vic Wertz wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
Love that you are experimenting with smaller cut outs.
Please tell us what you all think about that!

My trouble with the smaller cut-outs is that I've played with too many gamers with cats, small children, or a tendency to just bump into the coffee table and scatter all the tiny little pieces just enough that it takes away from game play to get them back where they were.

The worst case of this is the card with the eight sled dogs running abreast down the edge. Obviously they're meant to be cut out and used as eight separate sled dog chits, but if they'd just been rotated 90 degrees, they could have just been used as a team of sled dogs pre-assembled, either by cutting the strip out or just laying another scenery card over the section with the horses and oxen.

There's also a trouble where the dog sled is set up stradling two squares, but the sled dogs are placed in a single square. It makes the grid lines mis-align. A fair bit of this is going on with the horses and carts too.

That said, there are some real gems in this set. I'll be using the card with the rowboat constantly and the two-card set with the small ship almost as often.

I like the chariots a lot. My only trouble is that I wish the three smallest chariots could have had the extra strip of lawn behind them instead of before them. That would have made it easier to just drop them down behind an existing team of mounts, such as from the Caravan pack, and left more room for fighting behind them.

I'm also very pleased to see the Red Carriage from the Varian and Radovan stories making an appearance. Very pretty artwork on that.

I hope this doesnt come across as unreasonable, but my disappointment with this set made me revisit the Swallowed Whole thread (another disappointment for me, although not as bad as this set). One comment from Erik stuck out to me:


Guys, please don't misunderstand. We will continue to innovate and do interesting Map Packs. But I think it's important that they remain, you know, MAPS.

This one didn't really turn out that way. Future Map Packs will be MAPS.

For example, we won't do a Map Pack Conditions, with the word "Helpless" on one card and a bunch of spaces you can put you helpless miniatures off to the side of the battle area.

We won't do that because it would be a bad idea, and people would be right to be frustrated by it.

So don't worry that we're just going to do dungeon corridors and stuff. I mean, extradimensional spaces was an oddball idea, and very few people complained because, at the end of the day, it was still a MAP.

In my view this is kind of similar. I think I would have been less disappointed if these were a standalone Gamemastery product rather than a defacto map pack (the longboat and rowboat being the exceptions, I suppose).

Having said that - I knew they were coming and still kept my double subscription despite my misgivings (I'm really glad you guys are taking risks and strangely that includes producing things I expect I'm going to dislike), so I dont see it as a disastrous choice.

I just feel like this one may also have wandered a little far from the core product.

Are these made of the same material as the other map packs? They may be a bit hard to cut. Perhaps stenciled for easy removal would be a good idea. For myself, I think the boat and ship ones are useful but I am loathe to cut my map pack up. Not sure whether to get this one or not. (Maybe I'll just get two, one to cut apart and one to save.)

Webstore Gninja Minion

Lawdog wrote:
Are these made of the same material as the other map packs? They may be a bit hard to cut.

Yes, but a nice sharp blade or pair of scissors should be able to handle it with ease.

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Mosaic wrote:
Love that you are experimenting with smaller cut outs.
Please tell us what you all think about that!

My trouble with the smaller cut-outs is that I've played with too many gamers with cats, small children, or a tendency to just bump into the coffee table and scatter all the tiny little pieces just enough that it takes away from game play to get them back where they were.

The worst case of this is the card with the eight sled dogs running abreast down the edge. Obviously they're meant to be cut out and used as eight separate sled dog chits, but if they'd just been rotated 90 degrees, they could have just been used as a team of sled dogs pre-assembled, either by cutting the strip out or just laying another scenery card over the section with the horses and oxen.

There's also a trouble where the dog sled is set up stradling two squares, but the sled dogs are placed in a single square. It makes the grid lines mis-align. A fair bit of this is going on with the horses and carts too.

That said, there are some real gems in this set. I'll be using the card with the rowboat constantly and the two-card set with the small ship almost as often.

I like the chariots a lot. My only trouble is that I wish the three smallest chariots could have had the extra strip of lawn behind them instead of before them. That would have made it easier to just drop them down behind an existing team of mounts, such as from the Caravan pack, and left more room for fighting behind them.

I'm also very pleased to see the Red Carriage from the Varian and Radovan stories making an appearance. Very pretty artwork on that.

I'd agree, with some simple arrangement they could have removed "more" of the cutting. Like the sled dogs not being in "formation" (generally in two rows facing the same way). They should have matched the basic animals to carts so each was already paired up if you wanted to cut less... But still leave the grid line spacing so they stay mix-n-match.

These would almost work better as die-cut, close to the shapes, like the Beastiary tokens on heavier backing, without the background at all. It would make them "stand off" the board more too. Of course, they don't have the "up front" budget of that other company to do that for one-off sets.. Setup would cost Paizo all their margin pretty quickly.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I have a big paper cutter at school that I used to chop the pieces out. Worker well. I actually cut inside the outer lines of each vehicle so the outer squares are a little small - that way they'll fit inside the squares of any maps I lay them onto. Office supply stores like Staples usually have a paper cutter out for public use.

On the little bits, I like the big vehicles a lot - wagons, boats, even gliders. I'm not as thrilled with the creatures and mounts (too small, I tend to use minis for living things, etc.). I probably won't use them very often and agree that teams of animals with rigging would have been better. But in the end, I'm okay with the occasional experimental map pack. I actually pulled out Swallowed Whole recently for an encounter. Innovation is not a guarantee of success, but they've got to take risks and try new things once in a while.

One last thing - to me, the real catch with this set for me is the backgrounds on each card. What if my chariot is in the desert? Grass. If is want to sled through the forest like Radigast? Snow. I'd love to see a Traps pack or some larger dungeon dressings (fountains, labs, etc), but not unless they're on a clear background so I can lay them onto any background map without the ring of grass and snow.

Shadow Lodge

So far I'm a fan of this set (just picked it up on a christmas sale) but I really wish that the vehicles would have had perforated lines to make them easier to pop out and use rather then having to try and cut them out myself and potentially ruin them.

What is a steam giant? I can't see too many details from the image, but it looks like a tiny three level tower.


Shaun wrote:
What is a steam giant? I can't see too many details from the image, but it looks like a tiny three level tower.

A steam giant is one of the alchemically-powered vehicles detailed in Ultimate Combat.

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