mabhatter |
Vic Wertz wrote:Mosaic wrote:Love that you are experimenting with smaller cut outs.Please tell us what you all think about that!My trouble with the smaller cut-outs is that I've played with too many gamers with cats, small children, or a tendency to just bump into the coffee table and scatter all the tiny little pieces just enough that it takes away from game play to get them back where they were.
The worst case of this is the card with the eight sled dogs running abreast down the edge. Obviously they're meant to be cut out and used as eight separate sled dog chits, but if they'd just been rotated 90 degrees, they could have just been used as a team of sled dogs pre-assembled, either by cutting the strip out or just laying another scenery card over the section with the horses and oxen.
There's also a trouble where the dog sled is set up stradling two squares, but the sled dogs are placed in a single square. It makes the grid lines mis-align. A fair bit of this is going on with the horses and carts too.
That said, there are some real gems in this set. I'll be using the card with the rowboat constantly and the two-card set with the small ship almost as often.
I like the chariots a lot. My only trouble is that I wish the three smallest chariots could have had the extra strip of lawn behind them instead of before them. That would have made it easier to just drop them down behind an existing team of mounts, such as from the Caravan pack, and left more room for fighting behind them.
I'm also very pleased to see the Red Carriage from the Varian and Radovan stories making an appearance. Very pretty artwork on that.
I'd agree, with some simple arrangement they could have removed "more" of the cutting. Like the sled dogs not being in "formation" (generally in two rows facing the same way). They should have matched the basic animals to carts so each was already paired up if you wanted to cut less... But still leave the grid line spacing so they stay mix-n-match.
These would almost work better as die-cut, close to the shapes, like the Beastiary tokens on heavier backing, without the background at all. It would make them "stand off" the board more too. Of course, they don't have the "up front" budget of that other company to do that for one-off sets.. Setup would cost Paizo all their margin pretty quickly.